Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

Karl Marx was about as wrong as he could be, the only person as wrong on the economy is Paul Krugman
Karl Marx believed that competitive markets would eventually devolve into monopolies whereby the market winners would capture the political machinery and hold non property owners captive to rising prices and diminishing services... until you had a whole underclass of alienated slaves working only for subsistence. But because the wealthy had so much money they would buy media and convince stupid people that their concentrated power must be defended on the grounds of freedom

yes the poor liberal communist fool had no idea that the opposite would happen and we'd have millions of corporations all around the world competing for survival to have the lowest prices and highest quality in the world to make their customers rich beyond anyone's dreams.
The reason the Bush depression was relatively painless was 3-4 TRILLION in stimulus, including assistance for victims. And it's worldwide...

Marx was proved wrong because the working class was saved by the union movement and enlightened management (the greatest generation), "the embourgeoisement of the working class". Idiot selfish greedy ignorant Reaganists seem to want to undo that. Now we don't have healthy demand...see sig pp1...
Yup- Krugman the Nobel prize winner is a loon...only in the ignorant Pub dupe alternate universe...
The reason the Bush depression was relatively painless was 3-4 TRILLION in stimulus,

dear, government spending depresses the economy because it shrinks the private economy which is responsible for growth. If you tax venture capital, for example, you have fewer new ventures like Apple, Google etc etc.

Is that really over your head??
Thanks for the dumbazz Pub dupe debt cult talking points. Krugman agrees lol.

as a liberal you lack the IQ for more than school yard name calling. Why not try college first??

Please explain where to logical error is or admit you lack the IQ to do so.
The reason the Bush depression was relatively painless was 3-4 TRILLION in stimulus,

dear, government spending depresses the economy because it shrinks the private economy which is responsible for growth. If you tax venture capital, for example, you have fewer new ventures like Apple, Google etc etc.

Is that really over your head??

So why did Reagan and Bush spend all those borrowed government trillions if government spending shrinks and depresses the private economy? That wasn't very nice.
Yup- and a socialist these days IS a social democrat, and Hitler had no bomb, or he would have used it, Prof. Beck. Link to anything? Change the channel, you are sorely misled.

Do you think Hitler was a socialist? That's where this idiocy begins.

And while we're at it, the Holocaust never happened, either. It was all just a frame-up job by those dirty Jews to make Hitler and the National Socialist Party look bad. :cuckoo: :tinfoil:
Communism is a theory of government and Keynesian a theory of Economics. Both have always failed. I don't want to hear the bull shit that did not work because they were not implemented properly.

When you apply the "Structural Functional Model" to evaluate these theories, their failures become quite apparent

As they say a little knowledge can be dangerous.
Well whatever Hitler called his philosophy has got to be the truth, because Hitler never lied, never used phrases to mislead people, never used propaganda. If we followed that track soon people would begin to question what Hitler said and compare it to what he did, and that's pure liberalism, also socialism and communism. If Hitler said he was a socialist and even better called his party the national socialist who are we to question?
There is no way I'm going to read that giant wall of text that the OP posted. Seriously, use paragraphs and maybe I'll read it.

What Communism is is everyone works towards the betterment of the collective, or something like that. It does sound really good until the collective cant use you any more, then it's a bullet in the head or off to Siberia.

If you want to be a mechanic, you might not get to be one because the collective don't need any mechanics, but they do need street sweepers and that will be your job.

Say you meet that special someone and you're in love. You ask the planners if you can get married, but hold on, you aren't right for each other so no, you can't get married. Don't make or cause a problem either or you'll get a bullet in the head or it's off to prison for a bit for re-education.

Um, you can't live there, you have to live here. It's closer to the place you work and we aren't going to let you get a car, so live here and walk to work.

Communism tells people what, how, when, where and who they can be. You don't have a choice, you do what you're told. There is no ambition, no imagination, no advancement and no incentive to be the best you can be.
When I was visiting Prague a few years ago and sitting in an Irish bar on the main drag there, some guy from Ireland wanted to chat since I'm an American and he was Irish going to college there. I saw his "Che" lighter on the table and knew he was a moron, especially when he claimed to be a Communist studing in Prague.

I have an Economics degree and MBA, so this was like dinner time for me ripping into his beliefs.

After beating him over the head about Bush, Iraq, capitalism, etc he finally he admitted "Communism only works when EVERYONE is under it." In order for communists to get their way, they can't have competition of ideas.

He claimed the USSR failed because the Americans and British wouldn't help them with capitalists isolated them economicallly and it's our fault they failed, not the communist model.

His demented mind and comments showed the naive level of communist followers, especially young morons like him.
see how far we have come????? The stupid youth now is wondering if communism that has murdered millions by mass starvation would be better then liberty.... The fact that the OP even has to ask the question shows how our schools fail.
When I was visiting Prague a few years ago and sitting in an Irish bar on the main drag there, some guy from Ireland wanted to chat since I'm an American and he was Irish going to college there. I saw his "Che" lighter on the table and knew he was a moron, especially when he claimed to be a Communist studing in Prague.

I have an Economics degree and MBA, so this was like dinner time for me ripping into his beliefs.

After beating him over the head about Bush, Iraq, capitalism, etc he finally he admitted "Communism only works when EVERYONE is under it." In order for communists to get their way, they can't have competition of ideas.

He claimed the USSR failed because the Americans and British wouldn't help them with capitalists isolated them economicallly and it's our fault they failed, not the communist model.

His demented mind and comments showed the naive level of communist followers, especially young morons like him.

If you do indeed have degree or two in economics it sounds like the Irishman completely destroyed you, not with his arguments but yours. Your arguments do not sound at all like the arguments of someone with a background in that subject.
Sure nutjob.

The "boy" said COMMUNISIM ONLY WORKS ONCE IT IS THE LONE OPTION, you stupid fuck. When people in the USSR saw something better on the other side of the wall then communism was doomed...

Also, claiming the US and UK are at fault for not helping the USSR is laughable.

So dumbfuck....are you pro-communism? You and that boy are lovers that never met.

When I was visiting Prague a few years ago and sitting in an Irish bar on the main drag there, some guy from Ireland wanted to chat since I'm an American and he was Irish going to college there. I saw his "Che" lighter on the table and knew he was a moron, especially when he claimed to be a Communist studing in Prague.

I have an Economics degree and MBA, so this was like dinner time for me ripping into his beliefs.

After beating him over the head about Bush, Iraq, capitalism, etc he finally he admitted "Communism only works when EVERYONE is under it." In order for communists to get their way, they can't have competition of ideas.

He claimed the USSR failed because the Americans and British wouldn't help them with capitalists isolated them economicallly and it's our fault they failed, not the communist model.

His demented mind and comments showed the naive level of communist followers, especially young morons like him.

If you do indeed have degree or two in economics it sounds like the Irishman completely destroyed you, not with his arguments but yours. Your arguments do not sound at all like the arguments of someone with a background in that subject.

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