Capitalism Saved The Miners


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
At the risk of offending the moonbats who think All Good Flows From The Government, here is a contrasting, and accurate, point of view regarding what value system rescued the miners.

Here's a clue: It was neither centralized planning nor class warfare against people who make $250K.

It needs to be said. The rescue of the Chilean miners is a smashing victory for free-market capitalism.

Amid the boundless human joy of the miners' liberation, it may seem churlish to make such a claim. It is churlish. These are churlish times, and the stakes are high.

In the United States, with 9.6% unemployment, a notably angry electorate will go to the polls shortly and dump one political party in favor of the other, on which no love is lost. The president of the U.S. is campaigning across the country making this statement at nearly every stop:

"The basic idea is that if we put our blind faith in the market and we let corporations do whatever they want and we leave everybody else to fend for themselves, then America somehow automatically is going to grow and prosper."

Uh, yeah. That's a caricature of the basic idea, but basically that's right. Ask the miners.

If those miners had been trapped a half-mile down like this 25 years ago anywhere on earth, they would be dead. What happened over the past 25 years that meant the difference between life and death for those men?

Short answer: the Center Rock drill bit. ...

Daniel Henninger: Capitalism Saved the Miners -
It's a beautiful thing.

Specifically, it was a small business in Pa. that developed the percussion drill bit that poked through to the miners and approached Chile, offering the bit. The same kind of small business that the late-great U.S. Govt. continues to stifle with increasing reg.'s and U.S. banks are reluctant to loan to.
capitalism didn't save the miners, society, human spirit and technology did.

Of the four, capitalism probably contributed the least.

Somebody is grasping at straws to redeem an ideology that crashed our economy.
NASA saved the miners

Oxygen saved the miners

Food, water, psychiatric counseling, all saved the miners.

The mine saved the miners!

The miners saved each other!

GOD!!!!! saved the miners!
capitalism didn't save the miners, society, human spirit and technology did.

Of the four, capitalism probably contributed the least.

Somebody is grasping at straws to redeem an ideology that crashed our economy.


The best technology is the product of Capitalist Entrepreneurs, as is the case with the Drill Bit.

Statism kills the human spirit, btw.

And society watches.
capitalism didn't save the miners, society, human spirit and technology did.

Of the four, capitalism probably contributed the least.

Somebody is grasping at straws to redeem an ideology that crashed our economy.


The best technology is the product of Capitalist Entrepreneurs, as is the case with the Drill Bit.

Statism kills the human spirit, btw.

And society watches.

society does far more to encourage innovation than does capitalism. In fact there was innovation for gazzillions of years before capitalism was spawned.

Without society capitalism is just another disposable ideology. Without capitalism society prospered for 100,000 years.

You just need to redeem an ideology that crashed the economy.
capitalism didn't save the miners, society, human spirit and technology did.

Of the four, capitalism probably contributed the least.

Somebody is grasping at straws to redeem an ideology that crashed our economy.


It's not grasping at straws. Without capitalism those miners would be dead.

As for crashing our economy, well I guess that's possible. If by capitalism you mean the non-capitalistic economy we've had since 1913.
capitalism didn't save the miners, society, human spirit and technology did.

Of the four, capitalism probably contributed the least.

Somebody is grasping at straws to redeem an ideology that crashed our economy.


The best technology is the product of Capitalist Entrepreneurs, as is the case with the Drill Bit.

Statism kills the human spirit, btw.

And society watches.

society does far more to encourage innovation than does capitalism. In fact there was innovation for gazzillions of years before capitalism was spawned.

Without society capitalism is just another disposable ideology. Without capitalism society prospered for 100,000 years.

You just need to redeem an ideology that crashed the economy.

Society is somehow not a part of a capitalistic system?
It's not grasping at straws. Without capitalism those miners would be dead.

Without oxygen capitalism would be dead.

As for crashing our economy, well I guess that's possible. If by capitalism you mean the non-capitalistic economy we've had since 1913.

Yeah exactly, the same non- capitalistic system that saved the miners!

You should consider graspaholics anonymous!
NASA saved the miners Capitalism

Oxygen saved the miners A capitalist invention got it to them

Food, water, psychiatric counseling, all saved the miners. A capitalist invention got it to them

The mine saved the miners! A capitalist venture - which Obama hates!

The miners saved each other! They didnt dig themselves out - a bunch of capitalists did

GOD!!!!! saved the miners! OK... I'll give you this one.... but he used CAPITALISTS to do it.


It's not grasping at straws. Without capitalism those miners would be dead.

Without oxygen capitalism would be dead.

As for crashing our economy, well I guess that's possible. If by capitalism you mean the non-capitalistic economy we've had since 1913.

Yeah exactly, the same non- capitalistic system that saved the miners!

You should consider graspaholics anonymous!

Yes, if no people existed then neither would capitalism. Great argument.

As you know, our system is mixed. The Federal Reserve is not capitalistic, and they're the cause of our recession. However, without the gains made by capitalism, despite government intervention, those miners would have died. We wouldn't have had the resources or the technology to help them.
NASA saved the miners Capitalism

Oxygen saved the miners A capitalist invention got it to them

Food, water, psychiatric counseling, all saved the miners. A capitalist invention got it to them

The mine saved the miners! A capitalist venture - which Obama hates!

The miners saved each other! They didnt dig themselves out - a bunch of capitalists did

GOD!!!!! saved the miners! OK... I'll give you this one.... but he used CAPITALISTS to do it.



Nasa wasn't a capitalist venture, God is a socialist, The miners did save each other, capitalism didn't invent the drill, people did, the miners survived 15 days with no access to the outside world. How did capitalism deliver them oxygen for those 15 days?

Capitalism did absolutely nothing to save the miners, in fact it got them trapped in the first place!
NASA saved the miners Capitalism

Oxygen saved the miners A capitalist invention got it to them

Food, water, psychiatric counseling, all saved the miners. A capitalist invention got it to them

The mine saved the miners! A capitalist venture - which Obama hates!

The miners saved each other! They didnt dig themselves out - a bunch of capitalists did

GOD!!!!! saved the miners! OK... I'll give you this one.... but he used CAPITALISTS to do it.



NASA is a government creation, not capitalism.
If you want to go down the road the Bod is going down, then you can argue that capitalism caused the accident in the first place (unless it is a govt-owned mine, in which case I stand corrected!)...

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