Capitalism: Tower of Babel [Ethics Books?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-evaluation conducted between Professor X/Xavier (fictional comic book super-intellectual with strong views on democracy and human rights) and Magneto (his rival and childhood-friend who espouses radical terrorism as a means to create governance imagination). As we might see, this Xavier-Magneto exchange about the ergonomics of democracy/capitalism reveals the 'strange sanitarium' of TrumpUSA.

What do you think?

Should capitalism itself come with special 'ethics manuals'?



XAVIER: The Tower of Babel could be anything...
MAGNETO: Capitalism is challenging to coordinate with democracy!
XAVIER: Democracy is trust, while capitalism is competition.
MAGNETO: And never the twain shall meet...except for TV game-shows.
XAVIER: Sure; TV game-shows (e.g., Wheel of Fortune) are capitalism 'gazettes.'
MAGNETO: Many immigrants daydream about appearing on such game-shows!
XAVIER: A U.S. news-story about an ethnic minority winning the lottery is thrilling.
MAGNETO: Leaping from capitalism 'contests' to trust-based commerce-pacts is tough.

Xavier, professor of mutant-powers and telekinesis at Harvard, concluded his stirring discussion with Magneto, his childhood-friend who was now a consultant for the IRA (Irish Republican Army) about the ergonomics of capitalism/democracy. Xavier had always been 'moderate' about his stances regarding promoting capitalism through democracy, constantly conceding the humbling fact that the two seemed forever incompatible. However, Xavier's childhood-friend and philosophical 'rival' Magneto always favored a more avant-garde/radical approach to capitalism-democracy evaluations, sometimes espousing governance revolutions or even terrorism (which is why Xavier did not endorse his friend's views at Harvard!).

XAVIER: On 9/11, the world realized not everyone 'admired' capitalism.
MAGNETO: The destruction of the World Trade Center was shocking/televised.
XAVIER: When terrorism leads to the devastation of traffic-monuments, no one benefits.
MAGNETO: Sometimes calamity/violence seem necessary (e.g., American Civil War).
XAVIER: The Civil War was fought over Abolition and is considered a 'wise decision.'
MAGNETO: Perhaps man's nature is to invent governments and then reinvent them!
XAVIER: We have to be careful not to 'indulge' out intellectual vanities with politics.
MAGNETO: How do we delineate ethics in the realm of capitalism/liberty?
XAVIER: We have to differentiate between profiteers and investors.

After this second discussion between Xavier and Magneto regarding the ergonomics of democracy/capitalism, the two childhood-friends decided that the progress of civilization could never be simple/straightforward. They theorized that the modern-day 'Tower of Babel' (Biblical/Christian vanity-architecture symbol of pride/ambition/futility) might very well be Trump Tower in NYC or perhaps the Seattle Space Needle on the West Coast, architectural symbols of 'lifestyle frivolity.' However, they also decided that the finery between capitalism and democracy was so based on free-choice that it would always be challenging to outline ethical guidelines for Wall Street and the World Bank; this meant that capitalism itself was a system of negotiation and navigation.


{Xavier & Magneto}


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