Capitalism vs Socialism

Country dynamics of tomato production. Pay attention to the moment of arrival of "effective managers" from russian capitalism. Absolute disaster

the dems trying to bring almost total socialism to our shores. The govt controlling most means of production and distribution.

Socialism aka communism aka progressivism aka liberalism aka satanism etc. is guilty of brutally murder of more as 300m in different countries, don't let him to be resurrected again. All countries run by lefts have been completely rampaged, pilalged and devastated

Here is the true face of socialism


“In the future, the rich will be able to travel, and the rest will be able to travel virtually, from their couch.”
But especially gifted idiots stubbornly continue to call Davos communists, although the WEF makes it clear that property castes are being formed

the dems trying to bring almost total socialism to our shores. The govt controlling most means of production and distribution.
Putting aside your unsubstantiated claim about Democrats advocating socialism, your definition of socialism is completely out of date.

Capitalism requires the private ownership of the means of production; that means 1%-3% of society decides what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce it, and, most importantly, how to distribute any surplus.

Socialism (but not Democrats) offers a more democratic, cooperative alternative:

About Co-ops

"A co-op is a business that is owned and self-managed by its members with the principle of 'one person, one vote.'

"There is no boss, CEO, or Board of Directors who can make decisions by themselves and for their own personal benefit.

"Co-ops are people-centered, and are driven to create sustainable enterprises and long-term stability for all involved in them.

"The values that form the base of any cooperative are self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.

"The management structures and day-to-day operations are designed according to the needs and desires of the co-op members and can vary greatly."
A society organized on the principles of profit and enrichment, a society in which from infancy man is cultivated as a competitor and rival to another man, will produce monsters, mourn the victims with crocodile tears, and produce new ones.
A society organized on the principles of profit and enrichment, a society in which from infancy man is cultivated as a competitor and rival to another man, will produce monsters, mourn the victims with crocodile tears, and produce new ones.
Capitalism is the latest example of an economic system that allows investors to profit from the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent human beings since 1945.

Over the past five hundred years billions of humans have been killed, maimed, enslaved, and displaced by capitalism.

How British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years
For every $100 billion spent on armaments in the United States, it would be possible to erect:

  • 300 thermal power plants with a capacity of 120,000 kilowatts each;
  • 300 oil refineries designed to process 3,250,000 tons of oil a year.
  • 1000 chemical fertilizer plants;
  • 200 synthetic rubber plants with a capacity of 25,000 tons each;
  • 1600 sugar factories, which would produce annually as much sugar as the whole world produced in 1958.

But all this is not profitable for the capitalists.
People love not capitalism, but their fantasies and wet dreams about it.
They also hate not communism, but the mix of stories and fears about it, which are firmly planted in their heads.
They use words, whose meaning they don't know or understand at all (P. 24/378)

"The free market doesn’t exist.

"Every market has some rules and boundaries that restrict freedom of choice.

"A market looks free only because we so unconditionally accept itsunder lying restrictions that we fail to see them.

"How ‘free’ a market is cannot be objectively defined.

"It is a political definition."
I understand and agree with most of your points. Your post reminds me of what Adam Smith noted in Wealth Of Nations, that open market capitalism can function only with a moral and ethical society.

That implies that the leaders of capitalism, the capitalists themselves, must be moral and ethical. That is where we have failed. Of course there have always been homeless people, hobos and such after the Great Depression (another example of capitalism/banking failures), but it seems that after the debacle in 2008 they are now everywhere. I live in Florida where the weather suits their clothes, to borrow from the song and movie.

If capitalist leaders and bankers do not care at all about their fellow citizens, can those leaders be described as moral and ethical? I say no.
Thanks, some balance of power
and a commitment to demand a hint of honesty.
This 3 year stance of telling any lie you can think of, All IN THE INTEREST OF WINNING political power,
zero interest in what works best for the many.
Self serving, my way or the highway.
IS killing us.
Zuckerberg finishes building a $100 million bunker in Hawaii. The bunker is surrounded by flammable moats."
Good-hearted psychopaths. They always knew, unlike the moron elves, that their gangster capitalist system would die when they'd finished looting everything.
The point in the bigger picture argument is that actual capitalism does not exist.
This is such a tedious and empty argument. It's like saying "freedom does not exist". What point are you trying to make? Why do you think this is a meaningful statement??
The propagandists of capitalism say that talented people, inventors, organizers succeed because of capitalism. O.K. They do. And you know what these people immediately start doing? They start to fight with their competitors, to the point of banditry and murder. A normal phenomenon for the animal world of nature and shameful for a reasonable man. Only socialism and the construction of communist society will make people out of predators.
Before the Marxists/Demofascists took over in academia and government, a handshake was all it needed to deal between businesses and other people. But those damn pesky Marxists/Demofascists had to start allowing the criminal element into business (CRONIE CAPITALISM) where they picked winners and losers, instead of the free market that allowed competition, in prices and labor.
I have been and still am a capitalist, but the question must be asked, "If capitalism works so well, why then are there so many homeless resulting from capitalism run amok?" Why are our cities such a mess if capitalism works so well?

Part of the answer to those questions is the fact that we have capitalism run amok, crony capitalism, whatever you want to call it. Our corporations are run by "leaders" who do not know right from wrong.
Because the Marxists/Demofascists love it when people are in poverty and misery, because then everyone is equal.

Look at the two pictures.


This is such a tedious and empty argument. It's like saying "freedom does not exist". What point are you trying to make? Why do you think this is a meaningful statement??

It's simply a factual statement. Nothing more.
In a word, capitalism is exploitation:
Always has been, always will be. (P.25/378)

"In 1819 new legislation to regulate child labour, the Cotton Factories Regulation Act, was tabled in the British Parliament.

"The proposed regulation was incredibly ‘light touch’ by modern standards.

"It would ban the employment of young children – that is, those under the age of nine.

"Older children (aged between ten and sixteen) would still be allowed to work, but with their working hours restricted to twelve per day (yes, they were really going soft on those kids).

"The new rules applied only to cotton factories, which were recognized to be exceptionally hazardous to workers’ health."
In a word, capitalism is exploitation:
Always has been, always will be. (P.25/378)

"In 1819 new legislation to regulate child labour, the Cotton Factories Regulation Act, was tabled in the British Parliament.

"The proposed regulation was incredibly ‘light touch’ by modern standards.

"It would ban the employment of young children – that is, those under the age of nine.

"Older children (aged between ten and sixteen) would still be allowed to work, but with their working hours restricted to twelve per day (yes, they were really going soft on those kids).

"The new rules applied only to cotton factories, which were recognized to be exceptionally hazardous to workers’ health."
Capitalism is contracts between the employee and the company, Communism is the forced labor of workers at the point of the gun...

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