Capitalism vs Socialism

Capitalism running amok causes homelessness?

Come on, really? :laughing0301:

On that point I am conflating capitalism with banking. Glass-Steagall successfully brought bankers under control for about 60+ years, but it was repealed by Clinton & Co. Since then we've had numerous banking/housing scandals, and I'm sure you're aware of that.
On that point I am conflating capitalism with banking. Glass-Steagall successfully brought bankers under control for about 60+ years, but it was repealed by Clinton & Co. Since then we've had numerous banking/housing scandals, and I'm sure you're aware of that.

What "banking"? Capitalism is the free exchange of money of goods and services.
What "banking"? Capitalism is the free exchange of money of goods and services.
True, that is why I noted that I have conflated the two. Not confused, but conflated. No they are not the same thing, but in this country our banking system is an essential part of our capitalist system. Again, Glass-Steagall provided decades of stability and growth, and its repeal has caused crony capitalism to once again infest the banking industry. A very large factor in our homeless situation in this country is the fraud in the savings & loans and other banking problems brought by the repeal of GS.
True, that is why I noted that I have conflated the two. Not confused, but conflated. No they are not the same thing, but in this country our banking system is an essential part of our capitalist system. Again, Glass-Steagall provided decades of stability and growth, and its repeal has caused crony capitalism to once again infest the banking industry. A very large factor in our homeless situation in this country is the fraud in the savings & loans and other banking problems brought by the repeal of GS.

What? Homeless is tied to savings and loan? Lol that's a far reach
What? Homeless is tied to savings and loan? Lol that's a far reach
It's tied to many poor policies besides banking. Our pitiful Global War Of Terror veterans make up a portion of the homeless population.

Read up on Silverado in the Savings & Loan scandals around. Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia

I'm not suggesting fraud did not exist prior to the repeal of GS, but that repeal certainly facilitated much of the crises.
True, that is why I noted that I have conflated the two. Not confused, but conflated. No they are not the same thing, but in this country our banking system is an essential part of our capitalist system. Again, Glass-Steagall provided decades of stability and growth, and its repeal has caused crony capitalism to once again infest the banking industry. A very large factor in our homeless situation in this country is the fraud in the savings & loans and other banking problems brought by the repeal of GS.

So you're trying to tell me that homelessness is caused by banking and savings & loan companies fraudulently offering loans to people they knew would never be able to pay them back?

Whose fault would that be? The banks for loaning them the money, or the deadbeats who didn't make their mortgage payments?

Actually, the mortgage crisis that brought on the recession under GW, was caused by a Democrat Congress who mandated laws that loans should be handed out like candy. And GW stupidly went along with them, which is why we Republicans no longer support RINO bastards like GW.
"Socialism" is a European invention based upon philosophical and moral intellectual speculation. It is an attempt to put politics and economics together to serve a concept of humanism. The results have been very mixed, but include some grievous catastrophes.
"Capitalism" is a system that evolved mostly from Renaissance Italian banking. It freed capital from the limits of fixed resources of "precious" metals and made credit and debt tools for economic expansion. It has no moral underpinnings. The results have been very mixed, but include some grievous catastrophes.
It's tied to many poor policies besides banking. Our pitiful Global War Of Terror veterans make up a portion of the homeless population.

Read up on Silverado in the Savings & Loan scandals around. Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia

I'm not suggesting fraud did not exist prior to the repeal of GS, but that repeal certainly facilitated much of the crises.

You are absolutely clueless as to the homeless problem
So you're trying to tell me that homelessness is caused by banking and savings & loan companies fraudulently offering loans to people they knew would never be able to pay them back?

Whose fault would that be? The banks for loaning them the money, or the deadbeats who didn't make their mortgage payments?

Who got billions from the taxpayers? The banks or the homeowners?

How would either of these fit into capitalism?
So you're trying to tell me that homelessness is caused by banking and savings & loan companies fraudulently offering loans to people they knew would never be able to pay them back?

Whose fault would that be? The banks for loaning them the money, or the deadbeats who didn't make their mortgage payments?

Actually, the mortgage crisis that brought on the recession under GW, was caused by a Democrat Congress who mandated laws that loans should be handed out like candy. And GW stupidly went along with them, which is why we Republicans no longer support RINO bastards like GW.
I'm saying it is a factor. Not the sole cause, no, but a significant factor. About 10-15 years ago my God Daughter and her husband were caught up in it. They survived and thrived, but it was touch and go for many months. They were misled by banks.
It's a ridiculous question. You don't understand homelessness either

Just another left turd trying to blame everything on anything you don't like

Answer the question. We both understand why you avoid it. You can't defend what you pretend to support.
Answer the question. We both understand why you avoid it. You can't defend what you pretend to support.

It's a dumb question and I'm not playing your infantile blame game. You're trying to equate something that has little to do with the other, egghead

You're not nearly as clever as you think you are
It's a dumb question and I'm not playing your infantile blame game. You're trying to equate something that has little to do with the other, egghead

You're not nearly as clever as you think you are

I'll take your reply as a concession as that is what it is.

We pumped trillion and trillions into the banks and the markets because of the mess they caused (none of which is capitalism). In capitalism when you screw up you file for bankruptcy or simply fail.

This massive pumping is what caused the inflation (simple economics 101).

This inflation resulted in many not to be able to afford housing and other basic staples.

Yes, mental health issues and drugs also play a role but I'm sure you are willing to place blame there.
I'll take your reply as a concession as that is what it is.

We pumped trillion and trillions into the banks and the markets because of the mess they caused (none of which is capitalism). In capitalism when you screw up you file for bankruptcy or simply fail.

This massive pumping is what caused the inflation (simple economics 101).

This inflation resulted in many not to be able to afford housing and other basic staples.

Yes, mental health issues and drugs also play a role but I'm sure you are willing to place blame there.

Do whatever you want. I don't care. You're just another leftist loon
Do whatever you want. I don't care. You're just another leftist loon

I'm the one supporting actual capitalism. You know, the idea that when you screw up you go out of business.

You support taxpayers bailing out failure and you call me a leftist?

That's you.
I'm the one supporting actual capitalism. You know, the idea that when you screw up you go out of business.

You support taxpayers bailing out failure and you call me a leftist?

That's you.

Whatever, I won't play your Left loon word salad and you're doing whatever you limps do

Go bother someone else

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