Capitalism without competition is not capitalism

In the 80s, I was stationed at Ellsworth, SD. We hadn't had a raise in military pay for 3 years. So to make it up to us, we got a whopping 12% pay raise that year. We were elated. That's the good news.

Now for the bad news. Food went up 12%, utilities went up 12%, Gasoline went up 12% and so on. And I found myself 3 tax levels higher paying higher taxes. In the end, I lost money. They could have kept that raise and I would have been better off. And the Civilians didn't get that 12% raise but they got nailed for that 12%.

Just raising the Min Wage doesn't accomplish a thing. What happens is, the greed factor kicks in and the Rich want that increase for themselves. If you get a min raise from 10 to 15 bucks, the cost of living will go up about 30% and you are now in a higher tax bracket and actually lose money. And what about that poor fool that is making 16 bucks an hour already that doesn't get any raises? He is now paying 30% more for his cost of living as well. Everyone just got poorer while the Rich just got richer.

Unless you do something about the Greed Factor, just raising the Min Wage just doesn't work. And that's another discussion entirely.
There is no explanation for a twelve percent increase across the board. Labor is seperate from goods and services for the military. Maybe you simply, miscalculated. It seems to be a common right wing misunderstanding of economics.

No miscalculation involved. The question for the 12% increase in cost of living happening exactly at the same time as we received our 12% increase was asked. Their answer was, they had planned on it all along. They assumed that their answer would be accepted and they were right. Everyone in power just blindly accepted it since they also got their cut. The Working class was sent deeper into the abyss. If you think this was a coincidence then you are either in on it or dumber than a box of rocks.
Production for the military has to do with command economics not market economics.

There is no explanation for a twelve percent across the board price increase. It would not happen in any free market.

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
The video in the OP is one giant Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. The driver isn't the relaxing of laws related to mergers and acquisitions. It is because of IRA's, 401K's have added immense pressure on publicly traded companies to force growth by any means possible.
I’ve heard when republicans lowered taxes on the rich it took away the way we regulated corporate greed. We taxed anyone’s income above a certain amount so much they didn’t bother. So they invested all that money back into the business. Gave employees raises and insurance.

So today CEOs pay themselves like baseball players. They and all their generals get all the money. The shareholders get some and they don’t complain because the coward of directors of your company is a bunch of CEOs of other companies. They are doing it too.

CEO pay is largely stock related. We saw companies during earnngs seasons recently see their stocks drop after they beat expectations simply because it was done on less revenue. Amazon shares aren't $1600+ a share because they pay dividends.
What is your opinion of solving for simple poverty via unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; or, tying the minimum wage to CEO maximum wages.
Not many people want to pay people for not working. Bad idea and I’m a liberal

We can learn from the CCC and WPA projects. Don't pay them not to work. Pay them to do public works. I hit a pot hole that almost put my truck sideways today. A person with a pickup, a wheel barrow and a shovel could fill that. Instead, we wait until some high paid contractor gets enough potholes to fill that it's worth their while. There are plenty of simple jobs that can be done in public works like that.
The video in the OP is one giant Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. The driver isn't the relaxing of laws related to mergers and acquisitions. It is because of IRA's, 401K's have added immense pressure on publicly traded companies to force growth by any means possible.
I’ve heard when republicans lowered taxes on the rich it took away the way we regulated corporate greed. We taxed anyone’s income above a certain amount so much they didn’t bother. So they invested all that money back into the business. Gave employees raises and insurance.

So today CEOs pay themselves like baseball players. They and all their generals get all the money. The shareholders get some and they don’t complain because the coward of directors of your company is a bunch of CEOs of other companies. They are doing it too.

CEO pay is largely stock related. We saw companies during earnngs seasons recently see their stocks drop after they beat expectations simply because it was done on less revenue. Amazon shares aren't $1600+ a share because they pay dividends.
The way I understand it is that when taxes were lowered on top earners, it caused greed.

And CEOs stopped worrying about the long term. They only worry about the next 5 years so they can make a fortune. Employees don’t get a cut.

Union employees would have got profit sharing. Today the ceo gets it all.

You are correct. The way things are done today, the MBAs think short term only. The old days of Henry Ford the First are gone. In fact, when Henry Ford raised his workers pay to 5 bucks a day and allowed them to buy the Model T on payments, the other Leaders all called him a Traitor to his Class. What Henry did was siphon good workers from other manufacturers giving him the best of the best and the highest production where he could produce the best product the cheapest and the fastest. He broke all the rules for his "Class" and made Ford come from a failed company to the #1 Auto Manufacturer of the World at the time. He was a long range thinker. His lessons have long since been forgotten.

They called Roosevelt a traitor to his class for the new deal.

This is why they bash obama, Clinton or carter. They too are the party for the people. Middle class and poor Americans need to stop voting for the party of the rich because of wedge issues like god, guns and racism.

Every time we try to make things right they cry class warfare but that’s been going on since the day this country was formed. All those liberal programs means us winning. Republicans cutting programs and giving themselves tax breaks is class warfare
There is no explanation for a twelve percent increase across the board. Labor is seperate from goods and services for the military. Maybe you simply, miscalculated. It seems to be a common right wing misunderstanding of economics.

No miscalculation involved. The question for the 12% increase in cost of living happening exactly at the same time as we received our 12% increase was asked. Their answer was, they had planned on it all along. They assumed that their answer would be accepted and they were right. Everyone in power just blindly accepted it since they also got their cut. The Working class was sent deeper into the abyss. If you think this was a coincidence then you are either in on it or dumber than a box of rocks.
Production for the military has to do with command economics not market economics.

There is no explanation for a twelve percent across the board price increase. It would not happen in any free market.

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
There should be a cap on corporate greed.

We need a National Union. Online, anyone can join and we boycott or pester any companies who don’t do the right thing.

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x. Why don’t we say a company should never pay the ceo more than 150x the average worker?

And companies can break the rule. They just won’t get corporate tax breaks.

The other day New Yorkers were crying that amazon left. They blame the politicians for not giving amazon the tax break they wanted. They said it cost 15,000 jobs and that’s true but we can’t give amazon a tax break or we’ll have to give them all that tax break.

If corporations don’t pay taxes who’s taxes will go up?

Anyways, amazon wanted ny city because of the ports, schools, location, etc. well? That costs. If they want to go to Kansas we are very happy Kansas is willing to drop their pants. Maybe more companies will flock to Kansas. If you build it they will come.

Become the next Seattle Kansas
The video in the OP is one giant Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. The driver isn't the relaxing of laws related to mergers and acquisitions. It is because of IRA's, 401K's have added immense pressure on publicly traded companies to force growth by any means possible.
I’ve heard when republicans lowered taxes on the rich it took away the way we regulated corporate greed. We taxed anyone’s income above a certain amount so much they didn’t bother. So they invested all that money back into the business. Gave employees raises and insurance.

So today CEOs pay themselves like baseball players. They and all their generals get all the money. The shareholders get some and they don’t complain because the coward of directors of your company is a bunch of CEOs of other companies. They are doing it too.

CEO pay is largely stock related. We saw companies during earnngs seasons recently see their stocks drop after they beat expectations simply because it was done on less revenue. Amazon shares aren't $1600+ a share because they pay dividends.
What is your opinion of solving for simple poverty via unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; or, tying the minimum wage to CEO maximum wages.
Not many people want to pay people for not working. Bad idea and I’m a liberal
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment. Why blame the Poor instead of Capitalists.
The video in the OP is one giant Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. The driver isn't the relaxing of laws related to mergers and acquisitions. It is because of IRA's, 401K's have added immense pressure on publicly traded companies to force growth by any means possible.
I’ve heard when republicans lowered taxes on the rich it took away the way we regulated corporate greed. We taxed anyone’s income above a certain amount so much they didn’t bother. So they invested all that money back into the business. Gave employees raises and insurance.

So today CEOs pay themselves like baseball players. They and all their generals get all the money. The shareholders get some and they don’t complain because the coward of directors of your company is a bunch of CEOs of other companies. They are doing it too.

CEO pay is largely stock related. We saw companies during earnngs seasons recently see their stocks drop after they beat expectations simply because it was done on less revenue. Amazon shares aren't $1600+ a share because they pay dividends.
The way I understand it is that when taxes were lowered on top earners, it caused greed.

And CEOs stopped worrying about the long term. They only worry about the next 5 years so they can make a fortune. Employees don’t get a cut.

Union employees would have got profit sharing. Today the ceo gets it all.

You are correct. The way things are done today, the MBAs think short term only. The old days of Henry Ford the First are gone. In fact, when Henry Ford raised his workers pay to 5 bucks a day and allowed them to buy the Model T on payments, the other Leaders all called him a Traitor to his Class. What Henry did was siphon good workers from other manufacturers giving him the best of the best and the highest production where he could produce the best product the cheapest and the fastest. He broke all the rules for his "Class" and made Ford come from a failed company to the #1 Auto Manufacturer of the World at the time. He was a long range thinker. His lessons have long since been forgotten.

They called Roosevelt a traitor to his class for the new deal.

This is why they bash obama, Clinton or carter. They too are the party for the people. Middle class and poor Americans need to stop voting for the party of the rich because of wedge issues like god, guns and racism.

Every time we try to make things right they cry class warfare but that’s been going on since the day this country was formed. All those liberal programs means us winning. Republicans cutting programs and giving themselves tax breaks is class warfare

The New Deal had nothing to do with Politics. It had everything to do with the saving of a Nation. Think of this, you have 3 1/2 million WWI and Spanish American armed Veterans out there that have families that are literally living in tents, culverts, caves, cardboard boxes and cars. They are cold and hungry. This had been going on for 4 years before FDR took over as President. In those days, the American People could stomach something for no longer than 4 years. America was right on the verge of an armed revolution. Something had to be done fast. The New Deal wasn't the best idea at all but it was the best idea that could be done the quickest. It put food in peoples bellies, coal in stoves, got the trucks moving again and put men to work instead of fondling their guns. I could go on about how the depression was brought on by the complete breakdown of Capitalism and was bandaided by a wide scale socialist program but that would just start another fight which is another story left to another thread. But the Nation was so close to being destroyed, something drastic had to be done.

It wasn't Politics. It was National Survival.
No miscalculation involved. The question for the 12% increase in cost of living happening exactly at the same time as we received our 12% increase was asked. Their answer was, they had planned on it all along. They assumed that their answer would be accepted and they were right. Everyone in power just blindly accepted it since they also got their cut. The Working class was sent deeper into the abyss. If you think this was a coincidence then you are either in on it or dumber than a box of rocks.
Production for the military has to do with command economics not market economics.

There is no explanation for a twelve percent across the board price increase. It would not happen in any free market.

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
There should be a cap on corporate greed.

We need a National Union. Online, anyone can join and we boycott or pester any companies who don’t do the right thing.

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x. Why don’t we say a company should never pay the ceo more than 150x the average worker?

And companies can break the rule. They just won’t get corporate tax breaks.

The other day New Yorkers were crying that amazon left. They blame the politicians for not giving amazon the tax break they wanted. They said it cost 15,000 jobs and that’s true but we can’t give amazon a tax break or we’ll have to give them all that tax break.

If corporations don’t pay taxes who’s taxes will go up?

Anyways, amazon wanted ny city because of the ports, schools, location, etc. well? That costs. If they want to go to Kansas we are very happy Kansas is willing to drop their pants. Maybe more companies will flock to Kansas. If you build it they will come.

Become the next Seattle Kansas

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
The video in the OP is one giant Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. The driver isn't the relaxing of laws related to mergers and acquisitions. It is because of IRA's, 401K's have added immense pressure on publicly traded companies to force growth by any means possible.
I’ve heard when republicans lowered taxes on the rich it took away the way we regulated corporate greed. We taxed anyone’s income above a certain amount so much they didn’t bother. So they invested all that money back into the business. Gave employees raises and insurance.

So today CEOs pay themselves like baseball players. They and all their generals get all the money. The shareholders get some and they don’t complain because the coward of directors of your company is a bunch of CEOs of other companies. They are doing it too.

CEO pay is largely stock related. We saw companies during earnngs seasons recently see their stocks drop after they beat expectations simply because it was done on less revenue. Amazon shares aren't $1600+ a share because they pay dividends.
What is your opinion of solving for simple poverty via unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; or, tying the minimum wage to CEO maximum wages.
Not many people want to pay people for not working. Bad idea and I’m a liberal

We can learn from the CCC and WPA projects. Don't pay them not to work. Pay them to do public works. I hit a pot hole that almost put my truck sideways today. A person with a pickup, a wheel barrow and a shovel could fill that. Instead, we wait until some high paid contractor gets enough potholes to fill that it's worth their while. There are plenty of simple jobs that can be done in public works like that.
I wish employers were as interested in hiring the unemployed as we are.
There is no explanation for a twelve percent increase across the board. Labor is seperate from goods and services for the military. Maybe you simply, miscalculated. It seems to be a common right wing misunderstanding of economics.

No miscalculation involved. The question for the 12% increase in cost of living happening exactly at the same time as we received our 12% increase was asked. Their answer was, they had planned on it all along. They assumed that their answer would be accepted and they were right. Everyone in power just blindly accepted it since they also got their cut. The Working class was sent deeper into the abyss. If you think this was a coincidence then you are either in on it or dumber than a box of rocks.
Production for the military has to do with command economics not market economics.

There is no explanation for a twelve percent across the board price increase. It would not happen in any free market.

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
Blame the Poor instead of Capitalists?

In any case, wages must beat inflation.
Production for the military has to do with command economics not market economics.

There is no explanation for a twelve percent across the board price increase. It would not happen in any free market.

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
There should be a cap on corporate greed.

We need a National Union. Online, anyone can join and we boycott or pester any companies who don’t do the right thing.

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x. Why don’t we say a company should never pay the ceo more than 150x the average worker?

And companies can break the rule. They just won’t get corporate tax breaks.

The other day New Yorkers were crying that amazon left. They blame the politicians for not giving amazon the tax break they wanted. They said it cost 15,000 jobs and that’s true but we can’t give amazon a tax break or we’ll have to give them all that tax break.

If corporations don’t pay taxes who’s taxes will go up?

Anyways, amazon wanted ny city because of the ports, schools, location, etc. well? That costs. If they want to go to Kansas we are very happy Kansas is willing to drop their pants. Maybe more companies will flock to Kansas. If you build it they will come.

Become the next Seattle Kansas

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
Stock prices have much less to do with productivity than Labor.
Production for the military has to do with command economics not market economics.

There is no explanation for a twelve percent across the board price increase. It would not happen in any free market.

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
There should be a cap on corporate greed.

We need a National Union. Online, anyone can join and we boycott or pester any companies who don’t do the right thing.

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x. Why don’t we say a company should never pay the ceo more than 150x the average worker?

And companies can break the rule. They just won’t get corporate tax breaks.

The other day New Yorkers were crying that amazon left. They blame the politicians for not giving amazon the tax break they wanted. They said it cost 15,000 jobs and that’s true but we can’t give amazon a tax break or we’ll have to give them all that tax break.

If corporations don’t pay taxes who’s taxes will go up?

Anyways, amazon wanted ny city because of the ports, schools, location, etc. well? That costs. If they want to go to Kansas we are very happy Kansas is willing to drop their pants. Maybe more companies will flock to Kansas. If you build it they will come.

Become the next Seattle Kansas

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
I just threw out 2 random numbers. If you look from 1950 to today you’d be shocked how much more they make today.

Google and tell us how much the gap has grown. Don’t just call bullshit prove me wrong. Show me it’s not that big. Hell it might even be 600x. I was going to say 600 and changed that to 300. What is it?
I’ve heard when republicans lowered taxes on the rich it took away the way we regulated corporate greed. We taxed anyone’s income above a certain amount so much they didn’t bother. So they invested all that money back into the business. Gave employees raises and insurance.

So today CEOs pay themselves like baseball players. They and all their generals get all the money. The shareholders get some and they don’t complain because the coward of directors of your company is a bunch of CEOs of other companies. They are doing it too.

CEO pay is largely stock related. We saw companies during earnngs seasons recently see their stocks drop after they beat expectations simply because it was done on less revenue. Amazon shares aren't $1600+ a share because they pay dividends.
What is your opinion of solving for simple poverty via unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; or, tying the minimum wage to CEO maximum wages.
Not many people want to pay people for not working. Bad idea and I’m a liberal

We can learn from the CCC and WPA projects. Don't pay them not to work. Pay them to do public works. I hit a pot hole that almost put my truck sideways today. A person with a pickup, a wheel barrow and a shovel could fill that. Instead, we wait until some high paid contractor gets enough potholes to fill that it's worth their while. There are plenty of simple jobs that can be done in public works like that.
I wish employers were as interested in hiring the unemployed as we are.
A right to work in alleged Right to Work States?

the right wing prefers to complain and blame the Poor.
Production for the military has to do with command economics not market economics.

There is no explanation for a twelve percent across the board price increase. It would not happen in any free market.

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
There should be a cap on corporate greed.

We need a National Union. Online, anyone can join and we boycott or pester any companies who don’t do the right thing.

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x. Why don’t we say a company should never pay the ceo more than 150x the average worker?

And companies can break the rule. They just won’t get corporate tax breaks.

The other day New Yorkers were crying that amazon left. They blame the politicians for not giving amazon the tax break they wanted. They said it cost 15,000 jobs and that’s true but we can’t give amazon a tax break or we’ll have to give them all that tax break.

If corporations don’t pay taxes who’s taxes will go up?

Anyways, amazon wanted ny city because of the ports, schools, location, etc. well? That costs. If they want to go to Kansas we are very happy Kansas is willing to drop their pants. Maybe more companies will flock to Kansas. If you build it they will come.

Become the next Seattle Kansas

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
Ha ha you stupid mother fer. It’s 271 x.

I was pretty fucking close
I’ve heard when republicans lowered taxes on the rich it took away the way we regulated corporate greed. We taxed anyone’s income above a certain amount so much they didn’t bother. So they invested all that money back into the business. Gave employees raises and insurance.

So today CEOs pay themselves like baseball players. They and all their generals get all the money. The shareholders get some and they don’t complain because the coward of directors of your company is a bunch of CEOs of other companies. They are doing it too.

CEO pay is largely stock related. We saw companies during earnngs seasons recently see their stocks drop after they beat expectations simply because it was done on less revenue. Amazon shares aren't $1600+ a share because they pay dividends.
What is your opinion of solving for simple poverty via unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; or, tying the minimum wage to CEO maximum wages.
Not many people want to pay people for not working. Bad idea and I’m a liberal

We can learn from the CCC and WPA projects. Don't pay them not to work. Pay them to do public works. I hit a pot hole that almost put my truck sideways today. A person with a pickup, a wheel barrow and a shovel could fill that. Instead, we wait until some high paid contractor gets enough potholes to fill that it's worth their while. There are plenty of simple jobs that can be done in public works like that.
I wish employers were as interested in hiring the unemployed as we are.

I think you missed the point. If you want your Unemployment money or you want your Welfare money, you have to do some kind of public works while you are waiting to get off that program.
$58,000 average worker. $15,718,000 the average ceo.

What if in 20 years of inflation ceo pay goes up 400x the average worker pay stays $58,000. Will that be ok too?

Then we are back to the Charles dickens tiny Tim era of a small rich and merchant class and the masses are the rabble or working poor.

Thank God we can vote to regulate free market capitalism and there isn’t anything the rich can do about it other than lie to use through the media they control.
No miscalculation involved. The question for the 12% increase in cost of living happening exactly at the same time as we received our 12% increase was asked. Their answer was, they had planned on it all along. They assumed that their answer would be accepted and they were right. Everyone in power just blindly accepted it since they also got their cut. The Working class was sent deeper into the abyss. If you think this was a coincidence then you are either in on it or dumber than a box of rocks.
Production for the military has to do with command economics not market economics.

There is no explanation for a twelve percent across the board price increase. It would not happen in any free market.

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
Blame the Poor instead of Capitalists?

In any case, wages must beat inflation.

They don't anymore. One of the problems is, mandantory raising of the minimum wage to make up for the lagging behind of cost of living only causes the cost of living to go up either exactly the same increase or more each time. The wage gets further and further behind each time. And it affects everyone on an hourly wage, not just the minimum wage earners.
$58,000 average worker. $15,718,000 the average ceo.

What if in 20 years of inflation ceo pay goes up 400x the average worker pay stays $58,000. Will that be ok too?

Then we are back to the Charles dickens tiny Tim era of a small rich and merchant class and the masses are the rabble or working poor.

Thank God we can vote to regulate free market capitalism and there isn’t anything the rich can do about it other than lie to use through the media they control.

You keep using the term "Free Market". Free Market is a myth. It's what a greedy MOF says to dupe you into thinking he's giving you a fair deal. I suggest you start looking at the term "Fair Market" and how to achieve that.
For all you self proclaimed Capitalists, there is something to think about.

Capitalism without competition is still capitalism. Monopolies are the natural result of late stage capitalism. This was made clear to you over a century ago.
For all you self proclaimed Capitalists, there is something to think about.

Capitalism without competition is still capitalism. Monopolies are the natural result of late stage capitalism. This was made clear to you over a century ago.

Capitalism, if left unchecked, becomes total greed. It will consume itself and all around it sooner or later. Good intentions will only work for so long until the greed factor takes over. And it only takes one Greedy CEO or Board to do that. Capitalism needs Social Programs to run checks and balances when it gets to a national level. So you can scream and spit all you want but Capitalism and Socialism need each other to exist in a healthy environment in order to last for a very long time.

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