Capitalism without competition is not capitalism

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
There should be a cap on corporate greed.

We need a National Union. Online, anyone can join and we boycott or pester any companies who don’t do the right thing.

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x. Why don’t we say a company should never pay the ceo more than 150x the average worker?

And companies can break the rule. They just won’t get corporate tax breaks.

The other day New Yorkers were crying that amazon left. They blame the politicians for not giving amazon the tax break they wanted. They said it cost 15,000 jobs and that’s true but we can’t give amazon a tax break or we’ll have to give them all that tax break.

If corporations don’t pay taxes who’s taxes will go up?

Anyways, amazon wanted ny city because of the ports, schools, location, etc. well? That costs. If they want to go to Kansas we are very happy Kansas is willing to drop their pants. Maybe more companies will flock to Kansas. If you build it they will come.

Become the next Seattle Kansas

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
Ha ha you stupid mother fer. It’s 271 x.

I was pretty fucking close

You're a moron. It's not even close to that.
$58,000 average worker. $15,718,000 the average ceo.

What if in 20 years of inflation ceo pay goes up 400x the average worker pay stays $58,000. Will that be ok too?

Then we are back to the Charles dickens tiny Tim era of a small rich and merchant class and the masses are the rabble or working poor.

Thank God we can vote to regulate free market capitalism and there isn’t anything the rich can do about it other than lie to use through the media they control.

You keep using the term "Free Market". Free Market is a myth. It's what a greedy MOF says to dupe you into thinking he's giving you a fair deal. I suggest you start looking at the term "Fair Market" and how to achieve that.
My bad. I know there is no such thing as a free market. Markets are regulated by our government who is supposed to have our best interests in mind. But today corporations are people and citizens united pretty much allowed the rich to own our politicians.

Even if we take back the White House and senate they have the Supreme Court for at least the next generation. Our way will never be accomplished. Especially when our people only vote every two years.
$58,000 average worker. $15,718,000 the average ceo.

What if in 20 years of inflation ceo pay goes up 400x the average worker pay stays $58,000. Will that be ok too?

Then we are back to the Charles dickens tiny Tim era of a small rich and merchant class and the masses are the rabble or working poor.

Thank God we can vote to regulate free market capitalism and there isn’t anything the rich can do about it other than lie to use through the media they control.

$15,718,000 the average ceo.

Wow! You're stupid. How many CEOs are there in the US?
CEO pay is largely stock related. We saw companies during earnngs seasons recently see their stocks drop after they beat expectations simply because it was done on less revenue. Amazon shares aren't $1600+ a share because they pay dividends.
What is your opinion of solving for simple poverty via unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; or, tying the minimum wage to CEO maximum wages.
Not many people want to pay people for not working. Bad idea and I’m a liberal

We can learn from the CCC and WPA projects. Don't pay them not to work. Pay them to do public works. I hit a pot hole that almost put my truck sideways today. A person with a pickup, a wheel barrow and a shovel could fill that. Instead, we wait until some high paid contractor gets enough potholes to fill that it's worth their while. There are plenty of simple jobs that can be done in public works like that.
I wish employers were as interested in hiring the unemployed as we are.

I think you missed the point. If you want your Unemployment money or you want your Welfare money, you have to do some kind of public works while you are waiting to get off that program.
employment is at-will; don't believe in Individual Liberty enough to pay taxes for it, right wingers?

why allege to not be true national socialists.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
There should be a cap on corporate greed.

We need a National Union. Online, anyone can join and we boycott or pester any companies who don’t do the right thing.

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x. Why don’t we say a company should never pay the ceo more than 150x the average worker?

And companies can break the rule. They just won’t get corporate tax breaks.

The other day New Yorkers were crying that amazon left. They blame the politicians for not giving amazon the tax break they wanted. They said it cost 15,000 jobs and that’s true but we can’t give amazon a tax break or we’ll have to give them all that tax break.

If corporations don’t pay taxes who’s taxes will go up?

Anyways, amazon wanted ny city because of the ports, schools, location, etc. well? That costs. If they want to go to Kansas we are very happy Kansas is willing to drop their pants. Maybe more companies will flock to Kansas. If you build it they will come.

Become the next Seattle Kansas

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
Ha ha you stupid mother fer. It’s 271 x.

I was pretty fucking close

You're a moron. It's not even close to that.
I just looked it up idiot
$58,000 average worker. $15,718,000 the average ceo.

What if in 20 years of inflation ceo pay goes up 400x the average worker pay stays $58,000. Will that be ok too?

Then we are back to the Charles dickens tiny Tim era of a small rich and merchant class and the masses are the rabble or working poor.

Thank God we can vote to regulate free market capitalism and there isn’t anything the rich can do about it other than lie to use through the media they control.

$15,718,000 the average ceo.

Wow! You're stupid. How many CEOs are there in the US?
What does that have to do with I was right? Can you first admit I was right before you start moving on to something else?
Production for the military has to do with command economics not market economics.

There is no explanation for a twelve percent across the board price increase. It would not happen in any free market.

In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
Blame the Poor instead of Capitalists?

In any case, wages must beat inflation.

They don't anymore. One of the problems is, mandantory raising of the minimum wage to make up for the lagging behind of cost of living only causes the cost of living to go up either exactly the same increase or more each time. The wage gets further and further behind each time. And it affects everyone on an hourly wage, not just the minimum wage earners.
No, it doesn't; not in any mixed market economy. Price inflation for fuel is more pervasive than price inflation for minimum wage labor.
If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
There should be a cap on corporate greed.

We need a National Union. Online, anyone can join and we boycott or pester any companies who don’t do the right thing.

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x. Why don’t we say a company should never pay the ceo more than 150x the average worker?

And companies can break the rule. They just won’t get corporate tax breaks.

The other day New Yorkers were crying that amazon left. They blame the politicians for not giving amazon the tax break they wanted. They said it cost 15,000 jobs and that’s true but we can’t give amazon a tax break or we’ll have to give them all that tax break.

If corporations don’t pay taxes who’s taxes will go up?

Anyways, amazon wanted ny city because of the ports, schools, location, etc. well? That costs. If they want to go to Kansas we are very happy Kansas is willing to drop their pants. Maybe more companies will flock to Kansas. If you build it they will come.

Become the next Seattle Kansas

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
Ha ha you stupid mother fer. It’s 271 x.

I was pretty fucking close

You're a moron. It's not even close to that.
I just looked it up idiot

You should post your source.
That way I can highlight your idiocy.
$58,000 average worker. $15,718,000 the average ceo.

What if in 20 years of inflation ceo pay goes up 400x the average worker pay stays $58,000. Will that be ok too?

Then we are back to the Charles dickens tiny Tim era of a small rich and merchant class and the masses are the rabble or working poor.

Thank God we can vote to regulate free market capitalism and there isn’t anything the rich can do about it other than lie to use through the media they control.

$15,718,000 the average ceo.

Wow! You're stupid. How many CEOs are there in the US?
What does that have to do with I was right? Can you first admit I was right before you start moving on to something else?

What does that have to do with I was right?

There are hundreds of thousands of CEOs.
You think they make an average of $15.7 million? DURR.
For all you self proclaimed Capitalists, there is something to think about.

Capitalism without competition is still capitalism. Monopolies are the natural result of late stage capitalism. This was made clear to you over a century ago.

Capitalism, if left unchecked, becomes total greed. It will consume itself and all around it sooner or later. Good intentions will only work for so long until the greed factor takes over. And it only takes one Greedy CEO or Board to do that. Capitalism needs Social Programs to run checks and balances when it gets to a national level. So you can scream and spit all you want but Capitalism and Socialism need each other to exist in a healthy environment in order to last for a very long time.

You can't fix capitalism with government. It's over. Time to start thinking about a new system.
In any Free or Fair Market there would not have been a sudden 12% pay increase on the average. The largest employer was the Military in that area who got that raise due to not getting any raises for the last 3 years. The Civilians didn't get anything more than the normal 2 to 3% inflationary raises if any at all. By raising the cost of living to match the militaries 12% pay increase, they just threw the civilian workers under the bus and didn't care. Greed.
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
Blame the Poor instead of Capitalists?

In any case, wages must beat inflation.

They don't anymore. One of the problems is, mandantory raising of the minimum wage to make up for the lagging behind of cost of living only causes the cost of living to go up either exactly the same increase or more each time. The wage gets further and further behind each time. And it affects everyone on an hourly wage, not just the minimum wage earners.
No, it doesn't; not in any mixed market economy. Price inflation for fuel is more pervasive than price inflation for minimum wage labor.
We only allowed corporations to tap into our oil. We decided they could do it better than the government.

But what if the oil companies decided to raise gas prices to $10 a gallon? And we saw they were only doing it to make huge profits.

The last resort would be to socialize oil.

Same with healthcare. We don’t want to but healthcare giants are pushing us to our limits.

We even had to force them to cover people with pre existing conditions. In a free market they wouldn’t. That’s why we regulate them.
There should be a cap on corporate greed.

We need a National Union. Online, anyone can join and we boycott or pester any companies who don’t do the right thing.

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x. Why don’t we say a company should never pay the ceo more than 150x the average worker?

And companies can break the rule. They just won’t get corporate tax breaks.

The other day New Yorkers were crying that amazon left. They blame the politicians for not giving amazon the tax break they wanted. They said it cost 15,000 jobs and that’s true but we can’t give amazon a tax break or we’ll have to give them all that tax break.

If corporations don’t pay taxes who’s taxes will go up?

Anyways, amazon wanted ny city because of the ports, schools, location, etc. well? That costs. If they want to go to Kansas we are very happy Kansas is willing to drop their pants. Maybe more companies will flock to Kansas. If you build it they will come.

Become the next Seattle Kansas

In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
Ha ha you stupid mother fer. It’s 271 x.

I was pretty fucking close

You're a moron. It's not even close to that.
I just looked it up idiot

You should post your source.
That way I can highlight your idiocy.
Just google ceo pay 271 times and I’m sure it’ll pop up
$58,000 average worker. $15,718,000 the average ceo.

What if in 20 years of inflation ceo pay goes up 400x the average worker pay stays $58,000. Will that be ok too?

Then we are back to the Charles dickens tiny Tim era of a small rich and merchant class and the masses are the rabble or working poor.

Thank God we can vote to regulate free market capitalism and there isn’t anything the rich can do about it other than lie to use through the media they control.

$15,718,000 the average ceo.

Wow! You're stupid. How many CEOs are there in the US?
What does that have to do with I was right? Can you first admit I was right before you start moving on to something else?

What does that have to do with I was right?

There are hundreds of thousands of CEOs.
You think they make an average of $15.7 million? DURR.
Yes why not? Does that surprise you? That doesn’t surprise me you being a house slave on a republican plantation.
In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
Ha ha you stupid mother fer. It’s 271 x.

I was pretty fucking close

You're a moron. It's not even close to that.
I just looked it up idiot

You should post your source.
That way I can highlight your idiocy.
Just google ceo pay 271 times and I’m sure it’ll pop up

Chief Executives


Not millions.
Ha ha you stupid mother fer. It’s 271 x.

I was pretty fucking close

You're a moron. It's not even close to that.
I just looked it up idiot

You should post your source.
That way I can highlight your idiocy.
Just google ceo pay 271 times and I’m sure it’ll pop up

View attachment 248670Chief Executives


Not millions.
I said CEOs
$58,000 average worker. $15,718,000 the average ceo.

What if in 20 years of inflation ceo pay goes up 400x the average worker pay stays $58,000. Will that be ok too?

Then we are back to the Charles dickens tiny Tim era of a small rich and merchant class and the masses are the rabble or working poor.

Thank God we can vote to regulate free market capitalism and there isn’t anything the rich can do about it other than lie to use through the media they control.

$15,718,000 the average ceo.

Wow! You're stupid. How many CEOs are there in the US?
What does that have to do with I was right? Can you first admit I was right before you start moving on to something else?

What does that have to do with I was right?

There are hundreds of thousands of CEOs.
You think they make an average of $15.7 million? DURR.
Yes why not? Does that surprise you? That doesn’t surprise me you being a house slave on a republican plantation.

Yes why not?


Does that surprise you?

No, your ignorance does not surprise me.
You're a moron. It's not even close to that.
I just looked it up idiot

You should post your source.
That way I can highlight your idiocy.
Just google ceo pay 271 times and I’m sure it’ll pop up

View attachment 248670Chief Executives


Not millions.
I said CEOs

CEO Chief Executive Officer. Duh
it is one reason for the movement for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

If you raise the 15 buck an hour min wage, you are going to have to figure out a way to prevent the greed factor that raises the cost of living the same amount or more. In the end, the workers lose on the deal. Now, address that before you do the min wage raise.
Blame the Poor instead of Capitalists?

In any case, wages must beat inflation.

They don't anymore. One of the problems is, mandantory raising of the minimum wage to make up for the lagging behind of cost of living only causes the cost of living to go up either exactly the same increase or more each time. The wage gets further and further behind each time. And it affects everyone on an hourly wage, not just the minimum wage earners.
No, it doesn't; not in any mixed market economy. Price inflation for fuel is more pervasive than price inflation for minimum wage labor.
We only allowed corporations to tap into our oil. We decided they could do it better than the government.

But what if the oil companies decided to raise gas prices to $10 a gallon? And we saw they were only doing it to make huge profits.

The last resort would be to socialize oil.

Same with healthcare. We don’t want to but healthcare giants are pushing us to our limits.

We even had to force them to cover people with pre existing conditions. In a free market they wouldn’t. That’s why we regulate them.
we know market based capital metrics are informative.

We could simply raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue and create more demand.
In the past CEOs make 60 x the average worker. Today it’s 300x.

You're lying.
Ha ha you stupid mother fer. It’s 271 x.

I was pretty fucking close

You're a moron. It's not even close to that.
I just looked it up idiot

You should post your source.
That way I can highlight your idiocy.
Just google ceo pay 271 times and I’m sure it’ll pop up

You think the CEOs of 350 of the largest companies in the world are typical CEOs?
350, out of over 200,000.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, liberals are really bad at math.
Ha ha you stupid mother fer. It’s 271 x.

I was pretty fucking close

You're a moron. It's not even close to that.
I just looked it up idiot

You should post your source.
That way I can highlight your idiocy.
Just google ceo pay 271 times and I’m sure it’ll pop up

View attachment 248670Chief Executives


Not millions.
I’m sorry, of a large corporation. That was in small print.

Of the 350 biggest companies they make $15.6 million on average or 271 x the average worker.

Please don’t count goober who owns goobers garage. We don’t regulate goober like we do oil and insurance giants. Goober can charge and make whatever he wants more than his one employee. We aren’t worried about small business’ like that in fact they should get the tax breaks.

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