
They don’t protect us. That’s propaganda. Get smarter. Stop believing happy horse shit.

MIC is going to destroy the nation, to say nothing of the millions of lives they’ve destroyed around the world. History screams at you, but you aren’t listening.
They don't? I beg to differ. What history? What is it screaming. Do tell.
Means nothing. After decades of unending war benefiting only the oligarchy, one would think all Americans would want to put an end to imperialism and a massive dangerous military industrial complex.
If you are an anarchopacifist or a hippie, don't mislead people about your supposed anarchism. To resist imperialism, we must have weapons and warriors.
Eastern Europe, Austro-Hungarian Holy Union Established anarchism in Europe after the defeat of the imperialist Napoleon


It is the form of the freest state ever to exist: corporate federalism.
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Otherwise, why in the United States is the 2nd amendment, which distinguishes a free state from totalitarian regimes?
Means nothing. After decades of unending war benefiting only the oligarchy, one would think all Americans would want to put an end to imperialism and a massive dangerous military industrial complex.
Left-wing Prussian capital-communism, the most aggressive form of imperialism, British imperialism, is always trying to instill destructive pacifism and hippie corruption in people so that it would be easier to enslave them. Special control over the east coast is needed, to prevent the support this imperialist fraud in favor of Britain or Germany. Have you forgotten what the American flag looked like, and what did it possible to place the stars on it instead of british flag? Did the freakin' hippies do that?

Left-wing Prussian capital-communism, the most aggressive form of imperialism, British imperialism, is always trying to instill destructive pacifism and hippie corruption in people so that it would be easier to enslave them. Special control over the east coast is needed, to prevent the support this imperialist fraud in favor of Britain or Germany. Have you forgotten what the American flag looked like, and what did it possible to place the stars on it instead of british flag? Did the freakin' hippies do that?

Nothing is more aggressive than US imperialism. When you have a nuclear arsenal that can destroy any nation on the planet in seconds, that’s a game changer.
If you are an anarchopacifist or a hippie, don't mislead people about your supposed anarchism. To resist imperialism, we must have weapons and warriors.
Eastern Europe, Austro-Hungarian Holy Union Established anarchism in Europe after the defeat of the imperialist Napoleon


It is the form of the freest state ever to exist: corporate federalism.
The US has made up enemies. Why you ask? Because it’s required to make sure to scare the American people to fund a massive imperialist war machine. The MIC demands lots of profits.

It’s all about the money, as always.
So much truth here that your overlords don't want you to understand. And for most Americans, they don't. The dumbing down of America is deliberate and targeted. All Republicans need is a small majority to keep it this way.

View attachment 564867
Than why are you still here if it is so much better elsewhere?
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out
Nothing is more aggressive than US imperialism
Reagan-style imperialism of the United States is not imperialism. This is control over the observance of justice in the world.
The left always manipulates by terms. Empire is the politics and structure of the state, not a sphere of influence
Now the left has achieved the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, where there was no war, there was just control so that the Taliban did not rage. They not only pissed away the money invested in Afghanistan for 40 years, they also betrayed the heroes of the US army who died for freedom and the Afghan people occupied by the Pashtun regime.
And now, when they will finish dealt with Central Asia, they will go to the US, because they know that the left will betray the American people. Throw it at the feet of the terrorists.
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Reagan-style imperialism of the United States is not imperialism. This is control over the observance of justice in the world.
The left always manipulates by terms. Empire is the politics and structure of the state, not a sphere of influence
Reagan? He hasn’t been president for a long time.

After decades of constant failed wars that has killed millions you’d think Americans would see the scam, but no.
Now the left has achieved the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, where there was no war, there was just control so that the Taliban did not rage. They not only pissed away the money invested in Afghanistan for 40 years, they also betrayed the heroes of the US army who died for freedom and the Afghan people occupied by the Pashtun regime.
And now, when they finish dealt with Central Asia, they will go to the US, because they know that the left will betray the American people. Throw it at the feet of the terrorists.
Did you forget that Trump tried to get the troops out of Afghanistan?
Reagan? He hasn’t been president for a long time.

After decades of constant failed wars that has killed millions you’d think Americans would see the scam, but no.
What are the failures? He made America Great again and destroyed all totalitarian regimes in the world, won the Cold War. You are delusional.
Than why are you still here if it is so much better elsewhere?
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out
Yes! No one should be allowed to criticize the crony capitalist Fascist system we have.

Sieg Heil!!!!

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