
Can't even come up with your own retort, so you steal mine. :badgrin:
Leftist, your retort was “Derp”. What in the blue hell are you talking about? It was you who could not argue against any of my talking points. Thank you for playing.
We dont even know how capitalism is. We havent been capitalist since when? Think about it..
You also compare us to other countries. Too many differences. But hey, knee jerking is more important than critical thinking.
Thats why you are a federal supremacist. You want other people to do it for you.
A poor person in America often will have:

A wide screen TV
PS4, Switch, XBox
Air conditioning
Smart phone
Indoor plumbing
A car

About half of poor people own their own homes in America.

Our system has been very good for poor people.

Our system is very good for the very poor and the very rich.
-- Healthcare is much better here than anywhere in the world. Hence many from Europe, Asia and Canada come here for treatment

and yet retirees in the US gather in Az and go to Mexico for medial work and dental work and such. I watched it happen when I lived in Yuma.
Capitalism is Prussian Junker Socialism. The difference is purely formal: capital does not officially recognize that it works for the state. Communism is almost the same thing, only the proletariat becomes completely dependent on capital. The alternative to capitalism is not communism but Austrian corporate federalism.
And freedom is preserved in the United States not because they have capitalism, but because federalism is still preserved and they are close to the Austrian model, at least more than others.
In China now there is also capitalism, but there is totalitarianism and Uyghurs in concentration camps
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Private ownership of capital is also a lie. 99% of capital in a capitalist country is in various types of social capital, which is controlled by the owners of controlling stakes and management, some of these enterprises are directly controlled by the state, some are indirectly controlled by the state, and only small businesses have private property.
And the nominal owners of large capital from among the minority shareholders do not have any control over the capital.
So do doctors but they also save innocent people
Means nothing. After decades of unending war benefiting only the oligarchy, one would think all Americans would want to put an end to imperialism and a massive dangerous military industrial complex.
Means nothing. After decades of unending war benefiting only the oligarchy, one would think all Americans would want to put an end to imperialism and a massive dangerous military industrial complex.
Military also keeps us safe, employs millions in the public and private sector and provides career pathing for many and innovation.
Unbridled capitalism is bad.

You don't want two hotdog vendors trying to shoot each other to eliminate the competition. But a little healthy competition is good for everyone.
I am 100% serious. Raytheon, MITRE, Lockheed are just some examples and all have 100s of subs they work with. You are amusing but you are very uninformed.
They don’t protect us. That’s propaganda. Get smarter. Stop believing happy horse shit.

MIC is going to destroy the nation, to say nothing of the millions of lives they’ve destroyed around the world. History screams at you, but you aren’t listening.

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