
Under capitalism, you improve yourself to work to keep what you earn. If it goes well, you move up the ladder, if it doesn't go well, you move down the ladder. Sounds like you're displaying sour grapes being at the bottom. But, the incentive to do well under capitalism is that you get to keep the rewards that you reep.

Under socialism, there's no incentive. The harder you work, the more you pay over in tax etc.. Socialists want everyone in society to improve for their benefit, but obviously at no cost to themselves. Why work if you lose a third? So you all end up sharing the misery.

And the up shot is, all the socialists are using the likes of iPhones that came about due to capitalism because the incentive was there for Apple to invent and sell them.

Steve Jobs may have been a genius  —  he certainly had an eye for design  —  but his most successful product would not exist if it weren’t for the billions of dollars that the US government spends every year on research and development. The best accounting of this has been done by Mariana Mazzucato, author of "The Entrepreneurial State," who skillfully explains that touch-screen displays, GPS, the Internet and even Siri were the product of public research funding  —  features the iPhone wouldn’t be very compelling without.
Norway GDP per capita: $63,600
Iceland GDP per capita: $52,300
Switzerland GDP per capita: $68,400
Denmark GDP per capita: $55,900
Australia GDP per capita: $48,700

United States GDP per capita: $60,200
It's a matter of what you can buy with that amount of money.
Does the government get a decent return on that spending?
Even counting Solyndra, roughly 2% of companies who receive government grants and government paid for research go bankrupt. We would have a much better return if those companies didn't enjoy all the loopholes that allow multi million dollar companies to avoid taxes. I still can't understand why we are still subsidizing oil companies. We paid for all the first several attempts at fracking, until they got the bugs worked out.
Even counting Solyndra, roughly 2% of companies who receive government grants and government paid for research go bankrupt. We would have a much better return if those companies didn't enjoy all the loopholes that allow multi million dollar companies to avoid taxes. I still can't understand why we are still subsidizing oil companies. We paid for all the first several attempts at fracking, until they got the bugs worked out.

Even counting Solyndra, roughly 2% of companies who receive government grants and government paid for research go bankrupt.

The government paid Solyndra for R&D?

We would have a much better return if those companies didn't enjoy all the loopholes that allow multi million dollar companies to avoid taxes.

Any specific loophole you're talking about?

I still can't understand why we are still subsidizing oil companies.

Any specific subsidy you're talking about?
Even counting Solyndra, roughly 2% of companies who receive government grants and government paid for research go bankrupt.

The government paid Solyndra for R&D?

We would have a much better return if those companies didn't enjoy all the loopholes that allow multi million dollar companies to avoid taxes.

Any specific loophole you're talking about?

I still can't understand why we are still subsidizing oil companies.

Any specific subsidy you're talking about?
Solyndra was given free access to government funded R and D worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
We pay 2.1 billion per year in subsidies to oil companies for over seas fossil fuel projects.
So much truth here that your overlords don't want you to understand. And for most Americans, they don't. The dumbing down of America is deliberate and targeted. All Republicans need is a small majority to keep it this way.

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Why do these nations need our money?
Why do they come to the US for health Care?
Solyndra was given free access to government funded R and D worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
We pay 2.1 billion per year in subsidies to oil companies for over seas fossil fuel projects.

Solyndra was given free access to government funded R and D worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

They got the same access as everyone else?

We pay 2.1 billion per year in subsidies to oil companies for over seas fossil fuel projects.

What do you mean?
Solyndra was given free access to government funded R and D worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

They got the same access as everyone else?

We pay 2.1 billion per year in subsidies to oil companies for over seas fossil fuel projects.

What do you mean?
What do you think I mean? We give 2.1 billion per year to multi national companies to develop over seas fossil fuel projects. Doesn't sound that complicated to me.
What do you think I mean? We give 2.1 billion per year to multi national companies to develop over seas fossil fuel projects. Doesn't sound that complicated to me.

What do you think I mean?

I think you're confused.

We give 2.1 billion per year to multi national companies to develop over seas fossil fuel projects.

We write them a check? Link?
What do you think I mean?

I think you're confused.

We give 2.1 billion per year to multi national companies to develop over seas fossil fuel projects.

We write them a check? Link?
In another move to help the US, Biden is taking steps to reduce or eliminate public financing for foreign fossil fuel projects.

This include representation from countries where the US government is already financing or planning to finance fossil fuel projects. US public finance for overseas fossil fuel projects averaged more than $4 billion annually over the past decade, according to Oil Change International, at times exceeding $10 billion in a single year (primarily through the US Export-Import Bank and the US Development Finance Corporation, formerly the Overseas Private Investment Corporation).
In another move to help the US, Biden is taking steps to reduce or eliminate public financing for foreign fossil fuel projects.

This include representation from countries where the US government is already financing or planning to finance fossil fuel projects. US public finance for overseas fossil fuel projects averaged more than $4 billion annually over the past decade, according to Oil Change International, at times exceeding $10 billion in a single year (primarily through the US Export-Import Bank and the US Development Finance Corporation, formerly the Overseas Private Investment Corporation).

Thanks for the link.

I didn't see any gift to multi national companies. Did you?
So much truth here that your overlords don't want you to understand. And for most Americans, they don't. The dumbing down of America is deliberate and targeted. All Republicans need is a small majority to keep it this way.

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The problem with many Americans is they’ve been duped by the establishment to think they live in the best country in the known universe. They desperately want to believe this is true, even though their eyes tell them it isn’t.

The establishment loves them.

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