Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.

Do you think the regulations are in place to protect the company or the consumer?

The regs need to protect the inventor AND the consumer. That's who I think US Patent Law ought to protect, but if one looks into the law there are hundreds of regulations and rules amended and repealed. There is no way to research who benefits and who loses; in the current case the answer is clear.

I think Hillary will solve the problem. Mylan’s contribution to the Clinton Foundation should give her some leverage. LOL

"Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton jumped into the fray over rapid price increases for the EpiPen, a life-saving injection for people who are having severe allergic reactions.

Mrs. Clinton called the recent price hikes of the EpiPen “outrageous, and just the latest example of a company taking advantage of its consumers.” The EpiPen, made by Mylan NV, contains an injectable form of epinephrine that can be jabbed into the thigh to open airways of people who are having what is called anaphylactic shock.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has had no comment on the price increase. But a spokesman for his campaign says Mrs. Clinton isn’t doing enough to show her opposition. He noted that Mylan has donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation and said that “if Hillary Clinton is as outraged as she claims” then she should direct the foundation to return “every penny” it has received."

Hillary Clinton Calls for Mylan to Lower EpiPen Price Amid Outcry
So Hillary speaks out against it... Trump doesn't say a word... And trumps campaigns only comment is that Hillary isn't doing enough?? Anybody see the irony in that?

Oh, you don't know that Mylan, while under the current CEO Heather Dresch, donated a large sum of money to the Clinton Foundation?
Her dad is Senator Joe Minchin Democrat and former governor of West Virginia...
Again the pious Democrats phonies!

I knew that. However, they're two individuals. While he is her father, she is her own person. I was addressing the direct connection that involved her and the actions of the company Hillary chastised.
So Hillary speaks out against it... Trump doesn't say a word... And trumps campaigns only comment is that Hillary isn't doing enough?? Anybody see the irony in that?

Hillary is taking fucking bribes from them, Moron.

You can't be this stupid, it isn't possible...
I'm the moron? Ok genius please explain how Mylan's donation to the Clinton foundation resulted in anything that Clinton did or didn't do to work in their favor. Describe what you propose Clinton do about this situation other than what she has already done (voice her objection). Be specific... I'll save you some time... You can't because you are full of shit.
Of course the CEO could and do you think after a few deaths and gigantic lawsuits, the CEO would still have a job?
You and many capitalist haters that decry the "HUGE" CEO salaries, "millions" seem to always forget when doing that inane comparison
between the "20,000 employees making the same as the ONE CEO" i.e. bitching about salaries of CEOs,etc., don't seem to realize
the employees won't go to jail, lose their job, not have any stock! All because the CEO decision to "unknowingly put a drug on the market"?
That's why they few CEOs get the big bucks but idiots that hate those big buck CEOs... when it comes to making the decisions...uh.. I don't get paid enough" RIGHT!!!
So YES the CEO could but if wrong... he's gone! The workers? Hey they can always get another floor sweeping job... but can that CEO??
Well before a careless CEO kills thousands of people i'm going to vote for a better safeguard system than the threat of getting fired or possible going to jail.

Lets not forget about Thalidomide and other similar drugs: Thalidomide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thalidomide became an over-the-counter drug in West Germany on October 1, 1957. Shortly after the drug was sold in West Germany, between 5,000 and 7,000 infants were born with phocomelia (malformation of the limbs). Only 40% of these children survived.[4]Throughout the world, about 10,000 cases were reported of infants with phocomelia due to thalidomide; only 50% of the 10,000 survived. Those subjected to thalidomide while in the womb experienced limb deficiencies in a way that the long limbs either were not developed or presented themselves as stumps. Other effects included deformed eyes and hearts, deformed alimentary and urinary tracts, blindness and deafness.[5] The negative effects of thalidomide led to the development of more structured drug regulations and control over drug use and development.[6]

If someone that needs an EpiPen can't get one, it isn't the CEO's fault. It's yours. What you're voting for is government regulation on an issue where you said it shouldn't happen.
What regulation did I say should be done on this issue? Please quote me

"Well before a careless CEO kills thousands of people i'm going to vote for a better
There was plenty of rallying and support to change it. The principal's decision to ignore it was much like that of most Liberals. The wants of the very few outweigh those of the vast majority.

When it's government overreach, what should you address, the color of the paint in the room?
Like with any business where is a CEO a decision maker. For the school you had the principle. With either situation you aren't always going to get your way. With government we at least have the ability to elect new representatives if we do not like the decisions of the leader. Why do you make it a liberal thing? That has nothing to do with it.

I didn't make a Liberal thing. The principal was a Liberal. She made it that way by being one.

It's not about getting my way. It's about doing what's right in that situation. When, in a school of 500, 5 are the cause of such a drastic decision, it's not right to punish the other 495.
Well now you are being a hypocrite and deciding what is right and wrong... didn't you just try and insult me for doing just that? If a principal who is responsible for the safety of the students in a school knows that 5 children have peanut allergy and they do not want to risk a dead student, then they can do what they want about the policy as long as it is within their power. I imagine there are more parents than just the 5 that understand and support this safety measure. If not and if there is enough opposition then that principal will be replaced with somebody that better serves the will of that community.

I didn't decide. The numbers did. Are you going to say that 495 should do without because of 5? Just in case you can't do the math, that's 1%. What they did was take the easy way out and punish 99%.

You imagine? You'd be wrong. That would be just another example of you making a determination thinking you know more about what went on than those of us addressing the dumb bitch.

The school board isn't going to replace a principal over this issue. They don't replace the bad ones over inability to do the job.
You are talking about a non essential commodity that has the potential to kill children in an environment that they are mandated to attend for 5 days a week... Airlines don't stock or serve peanuts on flights when 1 person aboard has a peanut allergy... just just serve other items. Thats fine with me... Do you bitch and moan about that too?

I wouldn't be surprised if that person doesn't understand why peanuts aren't on planes.

People think that the epipen is the cure to the reaction. It's not. It's a bandaid. All it does is buy a person enough time to get to a hospital without dying. If the person doesn't get to medical help immediately to get the proper medication, the reaction will return and kill them. It can last up to one hour or as little as 40 minutes. After that, the anaphylaxis returns and the person can die.

There is no place to go in an airplane. You're thousands of feet in the air without the proper medical facilities or doctor to help. Even with the epipen the person will die, especially if they're on an airplane that's in the middle of crossing an ocean.

People like the one you're trying to reason with are unreasonable. You're wasting your time.
"Well before a careless CEO kills thousands of people i'm going to vote for a better
I didn't decide. The numbers did. Are you going to say that 495 should do without because of 5? Just in case you can't do the math, that's 1%. What they did was take the easy way out and punish 99%.

You imagine? You'd be wrong. That would be just another example of you making a determination thinking you know more about what went on than those of us addressing the dumb bitch.

The school board isn't going to replace a principal over this issue. They don't replace the bad ones over inability to do the job.
You are talking about a non essential commodity that has the potential to kill children in an environment that they are mandated to attend for 5 days a week... Airlines don't stock or serve peanuts on flights when 1 person aboard has a peanut allergy... just just serve other items. Thats fine with me... Do you bitch and moan about that too?

I'm talking about more Liberal bullshit taking the easy way out by punishing 495 in favor of 5 rather than finding ways to deal with it and still stay safe.

Why should 99 passengers have to do without because 1 random person could be affected.

It's the Liberal way. If we don't like something, we'll ban it .
You just sound stupid and phony now. Conservatives would say that an airline has every right to do what they want with the food service on their planes. If they don't want to risk a passenger dying in flight do to a peanut allergy then they can not serve peanuts. Who are you to say otherwise? Protest if you want, take another airline, that's fine, but most common sense people understand the reasoning.

So now you're defining common sense? Common sense says 99 shouldn't do without because 1 MIGHT be affected.
You're an idiot man, i'm just about done with your BS

I'm not the one defining things and expecting others to follow along because I said it. That's you. You've tried to apply your view of greedy, common sense, and no telling how many more things for which you have no place doing on someone else's behalf.
So Hillary speaks out against it... Trump doesn't say a word... And trumps campaigns only comment is that Hillary isn't doing enough?? Anybody see the irony in that?

Hillary is taking fucking bribes from them, Moron.

You can't be this stupid, it isn't possible...
I'm the moron? Ok genius please explain how Mylan's donation to the Clinton foundation resulted in anything that Clinton did or didn't do to work in their favor. Describe what you propose Clinton do about this situation other than what she has already done (voice her objection). Be specific... I'll save you some time... You can't because you are full of shit.

Give back the money. If Clinton doesn't like what the company did, prove it by returning the donation in full.
Well before a careless CEO kills thousands of people i'm going to vote for a better safeguard system than the threat of getting fired or possible going to jail.

Lets not forget about Thalidomide and other similar drugs: Thalidomide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thalidomide became an over-the-counter drug in West Germany on October 1, 1957. Shortly after the drug was sold in West Germany, between 5,000 and 7,000 infants were born with phocomelia (malformation of the limbs). Only 40% of these children survived.[4]Throughout the world, about 10,000 cases were reported of infants with phocomelia due to thalidomide; only 50% of the 10,000 survived. Those subjected to thalidomide while in the womb experienced limb deficiencies in a way that the long limbs either were not developed or presented themselves as stumps. Other effects included deformed eyes and hearts, deformed alimentary and urinary tracts, blindness and deafness.[5] The negative effects of thalidomide led to the development of more structured drug regulations and control over drug use and development.[6]

If someone that needs an EpiPen can't get one, it isn't the CEO's fault. It's yours. What you're voting for is government regulation on an issue where you said it shouldn't happen.
What regulation did I say should be done on this issue? Please quote me

"Well before a careless CEO kills thousands of people i'm going to vote for a better
Like with any business where is a CEO a decision maker. For the school you had the principle. With either situation you aren't always going to get your way. With government we at least have the ability to elect new representatives if we do not like the decisions of the leader. Why do you make it a liberal thing? That has nothing to do with it.

I didn't make a Liberal thing. The principal was a Liberal. She made it that way by being one.

It's not about getting my way. It's about doing what's right in that situation. When, in a school of 500, 5 are the cause of such a drastic decision, it's not right to punish the other 495.
Well now you are being a hypocrite and deciding what is right and wrong... didn't you just try and insult me for doing just that? If a principal who is responsible for the safety of the students in a school knows that 5 children have peanut allergy and they do not want to risk a dead student, then they can do what they want about the policy as long as it is within their power. I imagine there are more parents than just the 5 that understand and support this safety measure. If not and if there is enough opposition then that principal will be replaced with somebody that better serves the will of that community.

I didn't decide. The numbers did. Are you going to say that 495 should do without because of 5? Just in case you can't do the math, that's 1%. What they did was take the easy way out and punish 99%.

You imagine? You'd be wrong. That would be just another example of you making a determination thinking you know more about what went on than those of us addressing the dumb bitch.

The school board isn't going to replace a principal over this issue. They don't replace the bad ones over inability to do the job.
You are talking about a non essential commodity that has the potential to kill children in an environment that they are mandated to attend for 5 days a week... Airlines don't stock or serve peanuts on flights when 1 person aboard has a peanut allergy... just just serve other items. Thats fine with me... Do you bitch and moan about that too?

I wouldn't be surprised if that person doesn't understand why peanuts aren't on planes.

People think that the epipen is the cure to the reaction. It's not. It's a bandaid. All it does is buy a person enough time to get to a hospital without dying. If the person doesn't get to medical help immediately to get the proper medication, the reaction will return and kill them. It can last up to one hour or as little as 40 minutes. After that, the anaphylaxis returns and the person can die.

There is no place to go in an airplane. You're thousands of feet in the air without the proper medical facilities or doctor to help. Even with the epipen the person will die, especially if they're on an airplane that's in the middle of crossing an ocean.

People like the one you're trying to reason with are unreasonable. You're wasting your time.

I'm not the one thinking what potentially affects ONE person should dictate what 99 do.
The government is the worst form of oversight. It is biased, and it only enforces selectively biased opinions.

You cannot fix what is inherently wrong with the system. Corruption was inevitable. It has plagued government since the foundation of governments.
The only part that makes it such is the campaign finance system which needs a complete overhaul. Take money out of politics and we will head in the right direction. The element that serves as a counter balance to your corruption is the fact that our officials are elected by the people... gives a sliver of hope

You mean by the small percentage that actually vote and even much smaller percentage that have a clue as to why they vote for a certain person?

Recent primary elections where I live, some for offices on the national level, specifically the House of Representatives and Senate, had a 15% voter turnout. Runoffs occurred in some statewide and local offices two week later with a whopping 5 - 6% turnout. That's really being elected by the people.
100% should have the ability to vote if they don't do it then that's their call.

When such a low percentage of people vote, it definitely refutes your claim that "our officials are elected by the people".
You're right, the monkeys elect them... you win

It damn sure isn't a representative portion of THE PEOPLE.
True,but it is our machine so we gotta do the best we can with it

That is a lame argument.

Pretty complacent too.
What are you talking about? This is our reality. It is our country and the system that governs it. It is an evolving process and with each election we have the opportunity to institute change, so we voice the changes that we want made.

What's your plan? Anarchy?

Follow the Constitution not what people want added to it for which the government has no authority to do.
You are talking about a non essential commodity that has the potential to kill children in an environment that they are mandated to attend for 5 days a week... Airlines don't stock or serve peanuts on flights when 1 person aboard has a peanut allergy... just just serve other items. Thats fine with me... Do you bitch and moan about that too?

I'm talking about more Liberal bullshit taking the easy way out by punishing 495 in favor of 5 rather than finding ways to deal with it and still stay safe.

Why should 99 passengers have to do without because 1 random person could be affected.

It's the Liberal way. If we don't like something, we'll ban it .
You just sound stupid and phony now. Conservatives would say that an airline has every right to do what they want with the food service on their planes. If they don't want to risk a passenger dying in flight do to a peanut allergy then they can not serve peanuts. Who are you to say otherwise? Protest if you want, take another airline, that's fine, but most common sense people understand the reasoning.

So now you're defining common sense? Common sense says 99 shouldn't do without because 1 MIGHT be affected.
You're an idiot man, i'm just about done with your BS

I'm not the one defining things and expecting others to follow along because I said it. That's you. You've tried to apply your view of greedy, common sense, and no telling how many more things for which you have no place doing on someone else's behalf.
That was discussions and debates are dude... people expressing their opinions... don't be a hypocrite
There was plenty of rallying and support to change it. The principal's decision to ignore it was much like that of most Liberals. The wants of the very few outweigh those of the vast majority.

When it's government overreach, what should you address, the color of the paint in the room?
Like with any business where is a CEO a decision maker. For the school you had the principle. With either situation you aren't always going to get your way. With government we at least have the ability to elect new representatives if we do not like the decisions of the leader. Why do you make it a liberal thing? That has nothing to do with it.

I didn't make a Liberal thing. The principal was a Liberal. She made it that way by being one.

It's not about getting my way. It's about doing what's right in that situation. When, in a school of 500, 5 are the cause of such a drastic decision, it's not right to punish the other 495.
Well now you are being a hypocrite and deciding what is right and wrong... didn't you just try and insult me for doing just that? If a principal who is responsible for the safety of the students in a school knows that 5 children have peanut allergy and they do not want to risk a dead student, then they can do what they want about the policy as long as it is within their power. I imagine there are more parents than just the 5 that understand and support this safety measure. If not and if there is enough opposition then that principal will be replaced with somebody that better serves the will of that community.

I'm sorry but maybe I'm prejudice.

I completely understand the need to not allow peanuts or any peanut product in a public school. Some children are so sensitive to it that even the dust from peanuts in the air will send them into anaphylaxis which will kill them without an epipen. That child didn't ask for the allergy. They were born that way. They don't deserve to be ostracized or discriminated because of an allergy. No child should ever fear going to school because they might die from peanuts or peanut products.

Children can bring any sort of sandwich to school they want. PB&J isn't the only type of sandwich a child can eat. I know when I sent a lunch to school with my child I never put any sort of peanut product in it. Ever. My child doesn't have those allergies but I know we are all different and others do. I don't want to find out that a child died because of a sandwich I made.

I have the same problem only with penicillin and any mold that has certain components of penicillin. Which molds with those components are naturally in nature so I can just be walking down the street in the fall or winter and go into anaphylaxis because there's mold in the air. The anaphylaxis is nearly immediate and will kill me without an epipen.

I have to ask certain questions before I go into someone's home or car. If they kept there car outside in our rain, I'm not getting in that car. If they have carpet in their home and it's more than a couple years old, I'm not going in that house.

I didn't ask for this allergy. One of my cousins has the same allergy only not as severe as I have it.

You're arguing with someone who either doesn't understand how lethal peanuts can be to others or they're just too selfish and self centered to care.

So now you dictate what my child should and shouldn't eat because of something they didn't do and weren't born with? While PB&J isn't the only kind of sandwich, it's the one my child like but was told she couldn't eat due to nothing she did.

You're a very good example of what I was talking about.

You don't have to send your child to school with a sandwich. My child wasn't a fan of sandwiches. Even PB&J which I thought was strange. But she just didn't like sandwiches. So I sent her to school with yogurt, veggies, fruit and other things that were healthy and she liked. There are tons of single serve foods you can buy that are spaghetti or ravioli or mac & cheese etc. The school will put them in a microwave for your young child or older children are allowed to use the microwave in the cafeteria. Which is exactly what I did with my child.

Even if she did like PB&J I would never have sent one of those sandwiches to school with her. I know that some kids are allergic to the peanut butter.

I'm a decent human being and the last thing I want to do is accidentally kill someone's child because of a sandwich I made. Or in your case just too lazy to send your child to school with something other than a sandwich.

All your post says is that you don't care about anyone else's child and have no problem with killing a child with a sandwich you made.

Shame on you.
So Hillary speaks out against it... Trump doesn't say a word... And trumps campaigns only comment is that Hillary isn't doing enough?? Anybody see the irony in that?

Hillary is taking fucking bribes from them, Moron.

You can't be this stupid, it isn't possible...
I'm the moron? Ok genius please explain how Mylan's donation to the Clinton foundation resulted in anything that Clinton did or didn't do to work in their favor. Describe what you propose Clinton do about this situation other than what she has already done (voice her objection). Be specific... I'll save you some time... You can't because you are full of shit.

Give back the money. If Clinton doesn't like what the company did, prove it by returning the donation in full.
Is that what charities do? Vet the donors and return the money if they have differences with the donor? Who else does this? I've never heard of it before
The only part that makes it such is the campaign finance system which needs a complete overhaul. Take money out of politics and we will head in the right direction. The element that serves as a counter balance to your corruption is the fact that our officials are elected by the people... gives a sliver of hope

You mean by the small percentage that actually vote and even much smaller percentage that have a clue as to why they vote for a certain person?

Recent primary elections where I live, some for offices on the national level, specifically the House of Representatives and Senate, had a 15% voter turnout. Runoffs occurred in some statewide and local offices two week later with a whopping 5 - 6% turnout. That's really being elected by the people.
100% should have the ability to vote if they don't do it then that's their call.

When such a low percentage of people vote, it definitely refutes your claim that "our officials are elected by the people".
You're right, the monkeys elect them... you win

It damn sure isn't a representative portion of THE PEOPLE.
Oh, now you add the word "representative" I see... Nice try
True,but it is our machine so we gotta do the best we can with it

That is a lame argument.

Pretty complacent too.
What are you talking about? This is our reality. It is our country and the system that governs it. It is an evolving process and with each election we have the opportunity to institute change, so we voice the changes that we want made.

What's your plan? Anarchy?

Follow the Constitution not what people want added to it for which the government has no authority to do.
Then fight to tweak the machine in that favor... Thats my point
True,but it is our machine so we gotta do the best we can with it

That is a lame argument.

Pretty complacent too.

Slade seems to think that less than 1 in 5 voting means a candidate was elected by "the people".

His argument is definitely complacent. It's on the level of pissing into the wind then thinking you were rained on.

I go a step above this.

If 100% of people did not vote for one candidate, then one candidate cannot claim to represent the collective people.
True,but it is our machine so we gotta do the best we can with it

That is a lame argument.

Pretty complacent too.

Slade seems to think that less than 1 in 5 voting means a candidate was elected by "the people".

His argument is definitely complacent. It's on the level of pissing into the wind then thinking you were rained on.

I go a step above this.

If 100% of people did not vote for one candidate, then one candidate cannot claim to represent the collective people.
Which realistic step do you take?
What are you talking about? This is our reality. It is our country and the system that governs it.

The political reality is shit. The system is shit.

The country is redeemable, when politics are not destroying it.

It is an evolving process and with each election we have the opportunity to institute change, so we voice the changes that we want made.

You only have the illusion of power within the system.

Let's analyze what that "change" actually constitutes.

Conforming and controlling the actions of your brother man, when your brother man is just as capable of self sufficiency as you are.
What are you talking about? This is our reality. It is our country and the system that governs it.

The political reality is shit. The system is shit.

The country is redeemable, when politics are not destroying it.

It is an evolving process and with each election we have the opportunity to institute change, so we voice the changes that we want made.

You only have the illusion of power within the system.

Let's analyze what that "change" actually constitutes.

Conforming and controlling the actions of your brother man, when your brother man is just as capable of self sufficiency as you are.
So now that you have all the complaining out of the way, what are your proposed solutions... Realistic solutions
So now that you have all the complaining out of the way, what are your proposed solutions... Realistic solutions

Realism is going to be a matter of perspective.

The solution is obvious. States are the problem.
Do you think the regulations are in place to protect the company or the consumer?

The regs need to protect the inventor AND the consumer. That's who I think US Patent Law ought to protect, but if one looks into the law there are hundreds of regulations and rules amended and repealed. There is no way to research who benefits and who loses; in the current case the answer is clear.

I think Hillary will solve the problem. Mylan’s contribution to the Clinton Foundation should give her some leverage. LOL

"Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton jumped into the fray over rapid price increases for the EpiPen, a life-saving injection for people who are having severe allergic reactions.

Mrs. Clinton called the recent price hikes of the EpiPen “outrageous, and just the latest example of a company taking advantage of its consumers.” The EpiPen, made by Mylan NV, contains an injectable form of epinephrine that can be jabbed into the thigh to open airways of people who are having what is called anaphylactic shock.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has had no comment on the price increase. But a spokesman for his campaign says Mrs. Clinton isn’t doing enough to show her opposition. He noted that Mylan has donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation and said that “if Hillary Clinton is as outraged as she claims” then she should direct the foundation to return “every penny” it has received."

Hillary Clinton Calls for Mylan to Lower EpiPen Price Amid Outcry
So Hillary speaks out against it... Trump doesn't say a word... And trumps campaigns only comment is that Hillary isn't doing enough?? Anybody see the irony in that?

Oh, you don't know that Mylan, while under the current CEO Heather Dresch, donated a large sum of money to the Clinton Foundation?
Her dad is Senator Joe Minchin Democrat and former governor of West Virginia...
Again the pious Democrats phonies!

yep, she sure tossed dad under the bus.
So now that you have all the complaining out of the way, what are your proposed solutions... Realistic solutions

Realism is going to be a matter of perspective.

The solution is obvious. States are the problem.
"The solution is obvious. satiates are the problem" how in the world is that presenting a solution? All you did is state another problem

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