Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.


What are you talking about? This is our reality. It is our country and the system that governs it. It is an evolving process and with each election we have the opportunity to institute change, so we voice the changes that we want made.

What's your plan? Anarchy?

I have a plan you democrats never thought of; follow the Constitution.

I know, that's the LAST thing your party is going to do.
What forces CAUSE the waste and fraud?

Ask Hillary. She knows all too well. Greed, selfishness, entitlement mentality, feeling that because you are left wing, you are "entitled" to make the taxpayer money disappear... Democrat Party "values..."

When government people steal, they get rewarded.

When corporations steal, they go out of business.

THAT's why government greed is worse, it keeps on going and going...

When corporations steel they go out of business?
True,but it is our machine so we gotta do the best we can with it

That is a lame argument.

Pretty complacent too.
What are you talking about? This is our reality. It is our country and the system that governs it. It is an evolving process and with each election we have the opportunity to institute change, so we voice the changes that we want made.

What's your plan? Anarchy?

Follow the Constitution not what people want added to it for which the government has no authority to do.
Then fight to tweak the machine in that favor... Thats my point

So you do support the government doing things for which the Constitution gives them no power? Typical piece of shit Liberal. No wonder the Constitution is being destroyed. People like you hate it.
You are hopeless. The constitution is a wonderful thing and lays the foundation for how we govern...
So Hillary speaks out against it... Trump doesn't say a word... And trumps campaigns only comment is that Hillary isn't doing enough?? Anybody see the irony in that?

Hillary is taking fucking bribes from them, Moron.

You can't be this stupid, it isn't possible...
I'm the moron? Ok genius please explain how Mylan's donation to the Clinton foundation resulted in anything that Clinton did or didn't do to work in their favor. Describe what you propose Clinton do about this situation other than what she has already done (voice her objection). Be specific... I'll save you some time... You can't because you are full of shit.

Give back the money. If Clinton doesn't like what the company did, prove it by returning the donation in full.
Is that what charities do? Vet the donors and return the money if they have differences with the donor? Who else does this? I've never heard of it before

Giuliani rejects $10 million from Saudi prince
October 12, 2001 Posted: 3:14 AM EDT (0714 GMT)
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Thursday the city would not accept a $10 million donation for disaster relief from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal after the prince suggested U.S. policies in the Middle East contributed to the September 11 attacks.
Good for him!
I wouldn't be surprised if that person doesn't understand why peanuts aren't on planes.

Izatrite Comrade?


People think that the epipen is the cure to the reaction. It's not. It's a bandaid. All it does is buy a person enough time to get to a hospital without dying. If the person doesn't get to medical help immediately to get the proper medication, the reaction will return and kill them. It can last up to one hour or as little as 40 minutes. After that, the anaphylaxis returns and the person can die.

So why is your fellow greedy-assed democrat-socialist gouging people?

Because she can.

The GOOD news is the MARKET is fixing the issue, through competition. No need for your thugs to stomp in and dictate prices.

There is no place to go in an airplane. You're thousands of feet in the air without the proper medical facilities or doctor to help. Even with the epipen the person will die, especially if they're on an airplane that's in the middle of crossing an ocean.

People like the one you're trying to reason with are unreasonable. You're wasting your time.

You're an idiot - I mean, you're a Communist, obviously you're an idiot. The idea that peanut allergies are airborn is a level of ignorance that only retarded leftists can come up with. If you're allergic to peanuts;

  1. You're also allergic to other legumes such as lentils and the GLORIOUS peoples soy beans
  2. You can NOT react to others eating peanuts
  3. You can NOT react to fumes in the air
  4. You can NOT react to oils touching your skin
Food Allergies: Facts, Myths, and Pseudoscience « Science-Based Medicine

Peanut allergies are extremely rare - though leftist hypochondria is common. About 1 in a million people have any sort of reaction to them.

Oh, and airlines serve peanuts every single day, Comrade shitferbrains.
I didn't make a Liberal thing. The principal was a Liberal. She made it that way by being one.

It's not about getting my way. It's about doing what's right in that situation. When, in a school of 500, 5 are the cause of such a drastic decision, it's not right to punish the other 495.
Well now you are being a hypocrite and deciding what is right and wrong... didn't you just try and insult me for doing just that? If a principal who is responsible for the safety of the students in a school knows that 5 children have peanut allergy and they do not want to risk a dead student, then they can do what they want about the policy as long as it is within their power. I imagine there are more parents than just the 5 that understand and support this safety measure. If not and if there is enough opposition then that principal will be replaced with somebody that better serves the will of that community.

I'm sorry but maybe I'm prejudice.

I completely understand the need to not allow peanuts or any peanut product in a public school. Some children are so sensitive to it that even the dust from peanuts in the air will send them into anaphylaxis which will kill them without an epipen. That child didn't ask for the allergy. They were born that way. They don't deserve to be ostracized or discriminated because of an allergy. No child should ever fear going to school because they might die from peanuts or peanut products.

Children can bring any sort of sandwich to school they want. PB&J isn't the only type of sandwich a child can eat. I know when I sent a lunch to school with my child I never put any sort of peanut product in it. Ever. My child doesn't have those allergies but I know we are all different and others do. I don't want to find out that a child died because of a sandwich I made.

I have the same problem only with penicillin and any mold that has certain components of penicillin. Which molds with those components are naturally in nature so I can just be walking down the street in the fall or winter and go into anaphylaxis because there's mold in the air. The anaphylaxis is nearly immediate and will kill me without an epipen.

I have to ask certain questions before I go into someone's home or car. If they kept there car outside in our rain, I'm not getting in that car. If they have carpet in their home and it's more than a couple years old, I'm not going in that house.

I didn't ask for this allergy. One of my cousins has the same allergy only not as severe as I have it.

You're arguing with someone who either doesn't understand how lethal peanuts can be to others or they're just too selfish and self centered to care.

So now you dictate what my child should and shouldn't eat because of something they didn't do and weren't born with? While PB&J isn't the only kind of sandwich, it's the one my child like but was told she couldn't eat due to nothing she did.

You're a very good example of what I was talking about.

You don't have to send your child to school with a sandwich. My child wasn't a fan of sandwiches. Even PB&J which I thought was strange. But she just didn't like sandwiches. So I sent her to school with yogurt, veggies, fruit and other things that were healthy and she liked. There are tons of single serve foods you can buy that are spaghetti or ravioli or mac & cheese etc. The school will put them in a microwave for your young child or older children are allowed to use the microwave in the cafeteria. Which is exactly what I did with my child.

Even if she did like PB&J I would never have sent one of those sandwiches to school with her. I know that some kids are allergic to the peanut butter.

I'm a decent human being and the last thing I want to do is accidentally kill someone's child because of a sandwich I made. Or in your case just too lazy to send your child to school with something other than a sandwich.

All your post says is that you don't care about anyone else's child and have no problem with killing a child with a sandwich you made.

Shame on you.

Because you child wasn't a fan of sandwiches, others shouldn't send sandwiches? Typical Liberal thinking it's OK to dictate what another person's child should eat. You learned well from Wookie Michelle.

When you dictate what someone else's child should eat, it makes you an asshole. It's not a matter of lazy, it's a matter of it isn't your fucking business to be the food police.

It's not my responsibility to look after your child. It's yours just like it's none of your business what my child eats. It sounds as if you're the lazy that wants to take the easy way out instead of actually doing something other than what YOU want.

I made the mistake of trying to read your reply. I couldn't get past the lie in the first line so I stopped reading.

No where in my post did I say that because my child doesn't like sandwiches no one else should eat them. What you said was so stupid there aren't words to describe it.

It also shows you have no grasp of truth or honesty, no sense of how to debate anyone and absolutely no concept of what is right or wrong.

Don't bother to reply to me. I won't read or reply to it.
What about Socialist greed? Is that bad too? Personal greed?

To those that support socialist programs, they don't consider someone getting what they didn't earn while someone else earning is forced to pay for it as greedy. They're completely satisfied that the non-productive person is handed what the productive person has to do something to get.
Agreed. Hence the inherent hypocrisy of their position.

Exactly what I say.

"I have never understood why is it greed to want to keep the money you have earned and not greed to want to take somebody's else's money" - T. Sowell
Both are greed... Keeping what you earn within the bounds of reason this is great, it is commerce, capitalism... but when you leverage a product or service to squeeze people that need it in a way that abuses the power that the company has it turns to greed.

Wanting to keep what you earned can never be greedy. Greedy doesn't involve someone not doing with what they have or what they've earned in a manner you don't like.

Once again, you say something then want to be the one to define it for someone else. You say "within the bounds of reason". That's not for you to decide for anyone but yourself yet you try to do it where you have no place doing it.
There will come a time when you stand before God, and he will tell you that you never earned anything, and that everything you ever had was given to you by him.
It's so convenient for republicans to claim to be Trump.
What are you talking about? This is our reality. It is our country and the system that governs it.

The political reality is shit. The system is shit.

The country is redeemable, when politics are not destroying it.

It is an evolving process and with each election we have the opportunity to institute change, so we voice the changes that we want made.

You only have the illusion of power within the system.

Let's analyze what that "change" actually constitutes.

Conforming and controlling the actions of your brother man, when your brother man is just as capable of self sufficiency as you are.
So now that you have all the complaining out of the way, what are your proposed solutions... Realistic solutions

Are you the one that wants to define "realisitc"?
We all have our own realities
Its nice that you have such faith in companies and consumers but your scenario is just not reality. Look at history and look at other countries that have no regulations. You use electronics as an example? How about you review something that is an actual risk or threat to life and health... Medicine, Food, Transportation, Energy etc.

We aren't talking about protecting people from a malfunctioning iPhone, we are talking about human lives.

Look at examples, like:

Contaminated Medicine that has resulted in many deaths around the world:
List of medicine contamination incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That can't be! You have your beloved government to protect you.

Polluted food and water sources causing Typhoid fever and other illnesses resulting in death and illness:
The 10 Deadliest Outbreaks in U.S. History -- Revisited | Food Safety News

The effect that the seatbelt law has had on save human life in auto accidents:
Policy Impact: Seat Belts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

The nuclear weapons plant in Colorado that illegally dumped and polluted the surrounding land with radio active waste:
Rocky Flats Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But GOVERNMENT is that answer to all questions, how is it possible that adulterated food and drugs exist with our crack FDA on the case?

Oh and moron, U/L deals with electric stoves, pool pumps, electric heaters, etc. Stuff that will kill you dead in an instant if it malfunctions.

Unlike your beloved government - U/L has a sterling record. As does the IEEE who designed the grid that carries 480 volt power to you apartment and the government agency you're employed with.
Another cop out answer... I've said multiple times that the government owns a big part of the problem. But you keep painting me with that ignorant partisan brush... I'm about done with you

Since gov is supposed to control capitalism so the free market greed style of capitalism doesnt take over the world...the gov is 100% of the problem. Capitalism is just doing what unchecked unregulated free market capitalism does...ruins economies, lives and countries.
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.

The problem with our economy is that 'free market' means 'free for all market'. It's an economic environment that is ideal for thieves and extortionists.

The health care industry and the legal industry can charge whatever they'd like because their customers have no real choice. Either pay whatever is charged or go to prison or die.

At the heart of the problem is the huge disparity between employee incomes and ownership profits. Doctors and Lawyers have an awful lot of education and training. Especially doctors. In the case of doctors their services are tremendously valuable - in the case of lawyers they benefit from a legal environment that makes their clients hostages to the legal system.

In the case of doctors, most people would agree that they deserve to make enough money to live according to the best standards society offers - to have summer home, nice cars and to have country club memberships etc...

The problem with this is that the market value of these luxuries is set by the 'ownership class', driving the costs of these items up to tremendous prices.

But doctors are not (when acting in the capacity of a doctor), owners. They are workers.

To a doctor, charging $20,000 for an operation is a reasonable price. It IS reasonable for people who are in the ownership class. It is consistent with the standard of living which they believe they are entitled. However, for working people $20,000 is an incredible fortune - it will drive most into bankruptcy and even homelessness.

If the income disparity between working people and ownership were reduced, the cost of luxury items would go down and doctors could charge prices that are reasonably scaled to the incomes of working people while still maintaining the high standard of living that they deserve.

As far as lawyers go, since the legal industry is an out growth of the Judicial branch of government which exist only to insure justice in our society, the legal industry should be socialized. We should have true justice, not a system that the outcome of all litigation is based on what the customer pays.
Last edited:

What are you talking about? This is our reality. It is our country and the system that governs it. It is an evolving process and with each election we have the opportunity to institute change, so we voice the changes that we want made.

What's your plan? Anarchy?

I have a plan you democrats never thought of; follow the Constitution.

I know, that's the LAST thing your party is going to do.
Yawn, the drone is back. We get the talking point, give yourself a cookie
Do you think the regulations are in place to protect the company or the consumer?

The regs need to protect the inventor AND the consumer. That's who I think US Patent Law ought to protect, but if one looks into the law there are hundreds of regulations and rules amended and repealed. There is no way to research who benefits and who loses; in the current case the answer is clear.
Now that the FDA requires pharmaceutical companies to fund their own testing process that takes years, they are out billions of dollars by the time the product hits the shelves. How do they make that up except to charge high prices? These companies are not charities and charities don't make life saving drugs.

Spoken like a true fascist, corporations are people too, but do they pay taxes as do you and I, not hardly.
I don't pay taxes either. I'm a truck driver who deducts per diam and I got 4 little tax credits at home. (3 boys, 1 girl ages 2-13) Sorry to undermine your argument.

Are you an O/O of a 18 wheeler semi tractor? My son drives for UPS, he is in the Teamsters Union and has great benefits and is home every night. He has a double major, Math and compurter tech, but both jobs he had before had no benefits, he was an independent contractor. He left, went to work for UPS and enjoys the work, no longer needs to pay for a gym membership and has no need to worry about job security.
Jesus Christ is so good. His kindness and mercy towards you should be leading you to repentance rather than launching a personal signature campaign against His people, Wry. Don't you think?
Its nice that you have such faith in companies and consumers but your scenario is just not reality. Look at history and look at other countries that have no regulations. You use electronics as an example? How about you review something that is an actual risk or threat to life and health... Medicine, Food, Transportation, Energy etc.

We aren't talking about protecting people from a malfunctioning iPhone, we are talking about human lives.

Look at examples, like:

Contaminated Medicine that has resulted in many deaths around the world:
List of medicine contamination incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That can't be! You have your beloved government to protect you.

Polluted food and water sources causing Typhoid fever and other illnesses resulting in death and illness:
The 10 Deadliest Outbreaks in U.S. History -- Revisited | Food Safety News

The effect that the seatbelt law has had on save human life in auto accidents:
Policy Impact: Seat Belts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

The nuclear weapons plant in Colorado that illegally dumped and polluted the surrounding land with radio active waste:
Rocky Flats Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But GOVERNMENT is that answer to all questions, how is it possible that adulterated food and drugs exist with our crack FDA on the case?

Oh and moron, U/L deals with electric stoves, pool pumps, electric heaters, etc. Stuff that will kill you dead in an instant if it malfunctions.

Unlike your beloved government - U/L has a sterling record. As does the IEEE who designed the grid that carries 480 volt power to you apartment and the government agency you're employed with.
Another cop out answer... I've said multiple times that the government owns a big part of the problem. But you keep painting me with that ignorant partisan brush... I'm about done with you

Since gov is supposed to control capitalism so the free market greed style of capitalism doesnt take over the world...the gov is 100% of the problem. Capitalism is just doing what unchecked unregulated free market capitalism does...ruins economies, lives and countries.
You can't pass 100% of the responsibility to the government. We all have individual responsibilities and as citizens and business owners to follow the law and promote a healthy society. The better we do the less the government will need to intervene.
Its nice that you have such faith in companies and consumers but your scenario is just not reality. Look at history and look at other countries that have no regulations. You use electronics as an example? How about you review something that is an actual risk or threat to life and health... Medicine, Food, Transportation, Energy etc.

We aren't talking about protecting people from a malfunctioning iPhone, we are talking about human lives.

Look at examples, like:

Contaminated Medicine that has resulted in many deaths around the world:
List of medicine contamination incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That can't be! You have your beloved government to protect you.

Polluted food and water sources causing Typhoid fever and other illnesses resulting in death and illness:
The 10 Deadliest Outbreaks in U.S. History -- Revisited | Food Safety News

The effect that the seatbelt law has had on save human life in auto accidents:
Policy Impact: Seat Belts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

The nuclear weapons plant in Colorado that illegally dumped and polluted the surrounding land with radio active waste:
Rocky Flats Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But GOVERNMENT is that answer to all questions, how is it possible that adulterated food and drugs exist with our crack FDA on the case?

Oh and moron, U/L deals with electric stoves, pool pumps, electric heaters, etc. Stuff that will kill you dead in an instant if it malfunctions.

Unlike your beloved government - U/L has a sterling record. As does the IEEE who designed the grid that carries 480 volt power to you apartment and the government agency you're employed with.
Another cop out answer... I've said multiple times that the government owns a big part of the problem. But you keep painting me with that ignorant partisan brush... I'm about done with you

Since gov is supposed to control capitalism so the free market greed style of capitalism doesnt take over the world...the gov is 100% of the problem. Capitalism is just doing what unchecked unregulated free market capitalism does...ruins economies, lives and countries.
You vote for the same stupid representatives as everyone else. That makes you just as much the problem as anyone. You ARE the government.
The regs need to protect the inventor AND the consumer. That's who I think US Patent Law ought to protect, but if one looks into the law there are hundreds of regulations and rules amended and repealed. There is no way to research who benefits and who loses; in the current case the answer is clear.
Now that the FDA requires pharmaceutical companies to fund their own testing process that takes years, they are out billions of dollars by the time the product hits the shelves. How do they make that up except to charge high prices? These companies are not charities and charities don't make life saving drugs.

Spoken like a true fascist, corporations are people too, but do they pay taxes as do you and I, not hardly.
I don't pay taxes either. I'm a truck driver who deducts per diam and I got 4 little tax credits at home. (3 boys, 1 girl ages 2-13) Sorry to undermine your argument.

Are you an O/O of a 18 wheeler semi tractor? My son drives for UPS, he is in the Teamsters Union and has great benefits and is home every night. He has a double major, Math and compurter tech, but both jobs he had before had no benefits, he was an independent contractor. He left, went to work for UPS and enjoys the work, no longer needs to pay for a gym membership and has no need to worry about job security.
Jesus Christ is so good. His kindness and mercy towards you should be leading you to repentance rather than launching a personal signature campaign against His people, Wry. Don't you think?
11 million Native Americans were slaughtered in the name of Jesus.
I made the mistake of trying to read your reply.

Illiteracy must be a terrible burden for you.

I couldn't get past the lie in the first line so I stopped reading.

No where in my post did I say that because my child doesn't like sandwiches no one else should eat them. What you said was so stupid there aren't words to describe it.

It also shows you have no grasp of truth or honesty, no sense of how to debate anyone and absolutely no concept of what is right or wrong.

Don't bother to reply to me. I won't read or reply to it.

What would you know of truth and honesty? You have not a hint or shred of integrity.
You vote for the same stupid representatives as everyone else. That makes you just as much the problem as anyone. You ARE the government.

And you'll vote for an open crook who has been declared above the law.

You'll do this because you lack any hint of ethics. The demagogue - sociopath party you belong to is a sewer filled with scum like you.

This nation cannot reach the heights of honor and achievement when led by those like you who seek the lowest in debasement and corruption.
The regs need to protect the inventor AND the consumer. That's who I think US Patent Law ought to protect, but if one looks into the law there are hundreds of regulations and rules amended and repealed. There is no way to research who benefits and who loses; in the current case the answer is clear.
Now that the FDA requires pharmaceutical companies to fund their own testing process that takes years, they are out billions of dollars by the time the product hits the shelves. How do they make that up except to charge high prices? These companies are not charities and charities don't make life saving drugs.

Spoken like a true fascist, corporations are people too, but do they pay taxes as do you and I, not hardly.
I don't pay taxes either. I'm a truck driver who deducts per diam and I got 4 little tax credits at home. (3 boys, 1 girl ages 2-13) Sorry to undermine your argument.

Are you an O/O of a 18 wheeler semi tractor? My son drives for UPS, he is in the Teamsters Union and has great benefits and is home every night. He has a double major, Math and compurter tech, but both jobs he had before had no benefits, he was an independent contractor. He left, went to work for UPS and enjoys the work, no longer needs to pay for a gym membership and has no need to worry about job security.
Jesus Christ is so good. His kindness and mercy towards you should be leading you to repentance rather than launching a personal signature campaign against His people, Wry. Don't you think?

I do think, I think my signature line aptly describes the Antichrist.
Since gov is supposed to control capitalism so the free market greed style of capitalism doesnt take over the world...

According to whom, Karl Marx?

We have long established that you have not a hint of a clue as to how economies operate. You are a greedy, ignorant socialist convinced that your envy is equivalent to achievement.

the gov is 100% of the problem. Capitalism is just doing what unchecked unregulated free market capitalism does...ruins economies, lives and countries.

Capitalism ruins economies?

Since gov is supposed to control capitalism so the free market greed style of capitalism doesnt take over the world...

According to whom, Karl Marx?

We have long established that you have not a hint of a clue as to how economies operate. You are a greedy, ignorant socialist convinced that your envy is equivalent to achievement.

the gov is 100% of the problem. Capitalism is just doing what unchecked unregulated free market capitalism does...ruins economies, lives and countries.

Capitalism ruins economies?


Did you sleep through 2008 and its impact during the dark days of winter 2009?

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