Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.

The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.

How are doctors and hospitals greedy?

How is big oil greedy?

Spending more than we bring in is how debt occurs.

While I'm not a big fan of lawyers, I thought whether or not you committed a crime determined guilt.

As for career politicians, that goes totally against what the founding fathers intended.

greed noun [ U ]
US /ɡrid/
strong desire to continually get more of something, esp. money:

He was motivated by pure greed.

Its sad how ppl dont know how things work and spew at the mouth and just support more of the same...greed, greed and more greed. Then blame it all on the working and poor for "living beyond their means". How ignorant.
Why are the oil co's greedy?? For taking billions and billions of dollars of welfare from taxpayers, for paying off politicians to start a bs war for oil where over a million muslems have been killed and god knows how many maimed and 5,000+ Americans dead and rising with over 30,000 maimed. Trillions of dollars in tax payers money gone to KBR, halliburton and about 75 other companies American and other country s too getting richer off our blood and their lies.
Ilk like you see where the country is going and just want more. More, more...more.

Then the low income people are the greediest of all.

Where in the definition does it say greedy involves one person not doing with what they have in a manner a person that doesn't have it thinks they should?

Money is power and rape is not about sex...its about power. The greedy capitalists are raping our country at a criminal rate. The wealthy have the money and the power but you go ahead and blame the victim you free market no regulations greedy pos. When the working ppl here and around the world have had enough and revolt, we'll be looking for you.
Oh here we go again with the liberal lying and spin. It costs ungodly sums of money to develop a new drug, win government approvals and bring it to market before Pharma makes a dime on it. Many never make it so its a total loss. This is the cost of doing business, Pharma can't then just give the shit away for $1 and hope to recoup their investment let alone make a profit. This is the simpleton world liberals live in.
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.

How are doctors and hospitals greedy?

How is big oil greedy?

Spending more than we bring in is how debt occurs.

While I'm not a big fan of lawyers, I thought whether or not you committed a crime determined guilt.

As for career politicians, that goes totally against what the founding fathers intended.

greed noun [ U ]
US /ɡrid/
strong desire to continually get more of something, esp. money:

He was motivated by pure greed.

Its sad how ppl dont know how things work and spew at the mouth and just support more of the same...greed, greed and more greed. Then blame it all on the working and poor for "living beyond their means". How ignorant.
Why are the oil co's greedy?? For taking billions and billions of dollars of welfare from taxpayers, for paying off politicians to start a bs war for oil where over a million muslems have been killed and god knows how many maimed and 5,000+ Americans dead and rising with over 30,000 maimed. Trillions of dollars in tax payers money gone to KBR, halliburton and about 75 other companies American and other country s too getting richer off our blood and their lies.
Ilk like you see where the country is going and just want more. More, more...more.

Then the low income people are the greediest of all.

Where in the definition does it say greedy involves one person not doing with what they have in a manner a person that doesn't have it thinks they should?

Money is power and rape is not about sex...its about power. The greedy capitalists are raping our country at a criminal rate. The wealthy have the money and the power but you go ahead and blame the victim you free market no regulations greedy pos. When the working ppl here and around the world have had enough and revolt, we'll be looking for you.

Yet nothing showing what I asked you to show in the definition. What it amounts to is jealousy by the gimme crowd. They don't have what someone else has so that someone else is bad because that someone else won't give it to the freeloader.

Come looking. I'm not hard to find. Don't be surprised if you don't get what you beg for but do get what you don't want.
But you will allow yourself and your family to get burned by the greed of these companies because it supports your conservative ideology

How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
But you will allow yourself and your family to get burned by the greed of these companies because it supports your conservative ideology

How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
OK, if you aren't hospitable enough to let me crash at your place then I'll provide an example of how you might be getting burned. Your wages are too low, your health care sucks, you pay too much for Internet, cable and phone, you are no longer middle class, your environment is polluted, your banking and brokerage fees are outrageous and big, unregulated money has put Hillary Clinton on top. And God help you if someone in your family needs an EpiPen injection
How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
OK, if you aren't hospitable enough to let me crash at your place then I'll provide an example of how you might be getting burned. Your wages are too low, your health care sucks, you pay too much for Internet, cable and phone, you are no longer middle class, your environment is polluted, your banking and brokerage fees are outrageous and big, unregulated money has put Hillary Clinton on top. And God help you if someone in your family needs an EpiPen injection

I don't take in freeloaders.

Secondly, your statement was I AM getting burned. Now you change it to MIGHT be. Hard to give validity to someone making a claim, wanting information that needed to be available before making the claim, then backing off the claim when shown the idiocy of having made it in the first place.
Oh here we go again with the liberal lying and spin. It costs ungodly sums of money to develop a new drug, win government approvals and bring it to market before Pharma makes a dime on it. Many never make it so its a total loss. This is the cost of doing business, Pharma can't then just give the shit away for $1 and hope to recoup their investment let alone make a profit. This is the simpleton world liberals live in.

Big pharma's got all sorts of tricks to keep drugs high, such as buying out the generics.
I would bet everything i own that the laborers took a pay cut while the lazy ceo got the increase. Thats a plutocracy.
I have to agree somewhat. We have become everything Jesus preached against. If it all boils down to profit, evil will consume a society. The Corporate Pharmaceuticals are a prime example of that. They're perfectly willing to allow sick people to die. If they don't have the money to pay for their drugs, 'Oh well, too bad for them.' Can't get anymore evil than that, no?
We need to regulate the hell out of these companies and threaten them with nationalization if they don't comply. Libertarians and small government people can go stuff it.

Sounds like the typical Democrat mentality. You'll do it our way or else.
But you will allow yourself and your family to get burned by the greed of these companies because it supports your conservative ideology

How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything? remarkably ignorant. I see other righties distancing themselves from
Oh here we go again with the liberal lying and spin. It costs ungodly sums of money to develop a new drug, win government approvals and bring it to market before Pharma makes a dime on it. Many never make it so its a total loss. This is the cost of doing business, Pharma can't then just give the shit away for $1 and hope to recoup their investment let alone make a profit. This is the simpleton world liberals live in.

Big pharma's got all sorts of tricks to keep drugs high, such as buying out the generics.

Pharma is not the boogieman.
Sounds like the typical Democrat mentality. You'll do it our way or else.
But you will allow yourself and your family to get burned by the greed of these companies because it supports your conservative ideology

How am I getting burned?
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything? remarkably ignorant. I see other righties distancing themselves from

What I didn't see is the idiot you support providing any evidence of a claim that could only be made based on evidence. Peabody said I AM getting burned. The only way peabody could make that statement was to have objective proof of it. When I called out peabody on that very thing, peabody said you MIGHT be getting burned.
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
Unless you're different than a standard, run of the mill conservative, you are getting burned because you oppose regulations on companies who take advantage of that by jacking up prices beyond your reach, sending jobs overseas, dodge paying their fair share of taxes, pay the lowest wages possible, ignore safety concerns, pollute the environment with impunity and generally do everything they can to make a profit at your expense. But because you are blinded by your conservative ideology, you refuse to support any regulations on these companies thus allowing yourself to get burned.

Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
OK, if you aren't hospitable enough to let me crash at your place then I'll provide an example of how you might be getting burned. Your wages are too low, your health care sucks, you pay too much for Internet, cable and phone, you are no longer middle class, your environment is polluted, your banking and brokerage fees are outrageous and big, unregulated money has put Hillary Clinton on top. And God help you if someone in your family needs an EpiPen injection

I don't take in freeloaders.

Secondly, your statement was I AM getting burned. Now you change it to MIGHT be. Hard to give validity to someone making a claim, wanting information that needed to be available before making the claim, then backing off the claim when shown the idiocy of having made it in the first place.
Most of you are getting burned but how am I supposed to know if you specifically are getting burned when you won't even allow me to take a closer look at your life situation? I'm only asking that you cover my expenses. I believe my offer is very generous and I will ask you at this point to re-consider. If you want, you can just send me the documents. Check your pm for my address.
Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
Yet you can't say specifically how I'm getting burned. Anything?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
OK, if you aren't hospitable enough to let me crash at your place then I'll provide an example of how you might be getting burned. Your wages are too low, your health care sucks, you pay too much for Internet, cable and phone, you are no longer middle class, your environment is polluted, your banking and brokerage fees are outrageous and big, unregulated money has put Hillary Clinton on top. And God help you if someone in your family needs an EpiPen injection

I don't take in freeloaders.

Secondly, your statement was I AM getting burned. Now you change it to MIGHT be. Hard to give validity to someone making a claim, wanting information that needed to be available before making the claim, then backing off the claim when shown the idiocy of having made it in the first place.
Most of you are getting burned but how am I supposed to know if you specifically are getting burned when you won't even allow me to take a closer look at your life situation? I'm only asking that you cover my expenses. I believe my offer is very generous and I will ask you at this point to re-consider. If you want, you can just send me the documents. Check your pm for my address.

When you indicated you knew I AM getting burned, the only way you could have done it is to already have such evidence. You made that claim. Then, when told you're an idiot for making such a claim without evidence, you change it to MIGHT be losing all credibility.

Hate to break it to you but I've done the checking and the response to your claim that I am getting burned is it's a false claim.
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.

wrong....government interference in the market causes the problem.....more companies making the pen means the price comes down and you even get a better pen....
We need to regulate the hell out of these companies and threaten them with nationalization if they don't comply. Libertarians and small government people can go stuff it.

yeah, that's working GREAT in Venezuela.

and considering Mylan is a foreign company, how do you propose nationalizing it?
Nice cheat job cherry picking and using Venezuela as a fake example. There are many failed right wing nations. How about Nigeria? That's a right wing government in shambles even worse than Venezuela.

Mylan is an American company that moved their headquarters the the Netherlands so they could avoid paying any taxes. They want to be treated as an American company and they can still be regulated.

After Tax Inversion, Mylan Asks Not to Be Treated as Foreigner

You were the one who brought up nationalizing things, and Venezuela is a zen master at that crap.

And it doesn't matter that they used to be an american company. What is the government gonna do, ban their imports?
Do you think the regulations are in place to protect the company or the consumer?

Something made for one purpose can be used for something else. Look at that Shkreli mess, that because he bought the one maker of an old old drug, and because of the cost of getting a generic through the FDA, he was able to corner the market.

One does want to protect the public, but processes like the FDA drug approval process have gone beyond protecting people, and into the bureaucratic quagmire that comes with all processes that endure for too long.

The solution in both cases is to figure out a way to simplify (and thus cost reduce) the process of generic approvals in these cases, thus getting other manufacturers involved, and breaking the monopoly.
Agreed, regulations need to be improved and amended but not simply cut or corporations will run wild and the public will suffer

Who said about removing all regulation? Why does everyone just jump to that when someone complains about over-regulation?
Because the common arguement from the right is to cut regulations. I'm all for some cuts and many modifications but I also understand their purpose which is to protect the pubic. Their effectiveness to do so should absolutely be examined and tweaked

Yes, cut regulations, not eliminate them.

And while the purpose of regulations was originally to protect the public, they have been co-opted to push agendas and protect certain industries, like the fact that in some cities and states it takes more hours to learn how to weave hair than it does to be certified as an architect.
What you have here is an opportunity for Capitalism to create a solution...there is money to be made by actually coming up with a solution......and the government taking over is not a will cost even more then...
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.
Greed is but one of the major drivers of capitalism and is good and held in check by competition...

Greed is the sole driver of crony capitalism, fed and nurtured by corrupt democrats....

Crony capitalism....
Which 29 cent dictionary are you using?
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
I'd need to visit your home for a few days and see how you live. We need to sit down at your kitchen table and discuss your tax returns and go over your medical records. I would also need to get details on your employment situation, yearly income, expenses and any investments you might have. I have some time next week. I can fly out there but you'll need to cover my airfare. Do you have a spare bedroom?

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
OK, if you aren't hospitable enough to let me crash at your place then I'll provide an example of how you might be getting burned. Your wages are too low, your health care sucks, you pay too much for Internet, cable and phone, you are no longer middle class, your environment is polluted, your banking and brokerage fees are outrageous and big, unregulated money has put Hillary Clinton on top. And God help you if someone in your family needs an EpiPen injection

I don't take in freeloaders.

Secondly, your statement was I AM getting burned. Now you change it to MIGHT be. Hard to give validity to someone making a claim, wanting information that needed to be available before making the claim, then backing off the claim when shown the idiocy of having made it in the first place.
Most of you are getting burned but how am I supposed to know if you specifically are getting burned when you won't even allow me to take a closer look at your life situation? I'm only asking that you cover my expenses. I believe my offer is very generous and I will ask you at this point to re-consider. If you want, you can just send me the documents. Check your pm for my address.

When you indicated you knew I AM getting burned, the only way you could have done it is to already have such evidence. You made that claim. Then, when told you're an idiot for making such a claim without evidence, you change it to MIGHT be losing all credibility.

Hate to break it to you but I've done the checking and the response to your claim that I am getting burned is it's a false claim.
Either way, my poor attempt at humor does not negate the fact that de-regulation allows capitalistic greed, like the EpiPen situation, to flourish. You may claim that unregulated markets have absolutely zero effect on you or anyone else but you would be full of shit.

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