Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.

First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
OK, if you aren't hospitable enough to let me crash at your place then I'll provide an example of how you might be getting burned. Your wages are too low, your health care sucks, you pay too much for Internet, cable and phone, you are no longer middle class, your environment is polluted, your banking and brokerage fees are outrageous and big, unregulated money has put Hillary Clinton on top. And God help you if someone in your family needs an EpiPen injection

I don't take in freeloaders.

Secondly, your statement was I AM getting burned. Now you change it to MIGHT be. Hard to give validity to someone making a claim, wanting information that needed to be available before making the claim, then backing off the claim when shown the idiocy of having made it in the first place.
Most of you are getting burned but how am I supposed to know if you specifically are getting burned when you won't even allow me to take a closer look at your life situation? I'm only asking that you cover my expenses. I believe my offer is very generous and I will ask you at this point to re-consider. If you want, you can just send me the documents. Check your pm for my address.

When you indicated you knew I AM getting burned, the only way you could have done it is to already have such evidence. You made that claim. Then, when told you're an idiot for making such a claim without evidence, you change it to MIGHT be losing all credibility.

Hate to break it to you but I've done the checking and the response to your claim that I am getting burned is it's a false claim.
Either way, my poor attempt at humor does not negate the fact that de-regulation allows capitalistic greed, like the EpiPen situation, to flourish. You may claim that unregulated markets have absolutely zero effect on you or anyone else but you would be full of shit.

How is the Epi-pen situation an example of DE-regulation, as opposed to over-regulation, as I have pointed out?
First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
First, typical freeloader asking for funding for something you want to do.

Secondly, typical freeloader asking for a free place to stay for a choice you make.

Finally, typical Liberal claiming that I AM getting burned without one bit of evidence to back it up. In case you didn't know, having the evidence comes first before making the claim. You did just the opposite, thereby, invalidating your claim.
OK, if you aren't hospitable enough to let me crash at your place then I'll provide an example of how you might be getting burned. Your wages are too low, your health care sucks, you pay too much for Internet, cable and phone, you are no longer middle class, your environment is polluted, your banking and brokerage fees are outrageous and big, unregulated money has put Hillary Clinton on top. And God help you if someone in your family needs an EpiPen injection

I don't take in freeloaders.

Secondly, your statement was I AM getting burned. Now you change it to MIGHT be. Hard to give validity to someone making a claim, wanting information that needed to be available before making the claim, then backing off the claim when shown the idiocy of having made it in the first place.
Most of you are getting burned but how am I supposed to know if you specifically are getting burned when you won't even allow me to take a closer look at your life situation? I'm only asking that you cover my expenses. I believe my offer is very generous and I will ask you at this point to re-consider. If you want, you can just send me the documents. Check your pm for my address.

When you indicated you knew I AM getting burned, the only way you could have done it is to already have such evidence. You made that claim. Then, when told you're an idiot for making such a claim without evidence, you change it to MIGHT be losing all credibility.

Hate to break it to you but I've done the checking and the response to your claim that I am getting burned is it's a false claim.
Either way, my poor attempt at humor does not negate the fact that de-regulation allows capitalistic greed, like the EpiPen situation, to flourish. You may claim that unregulated markets have absolutely zero effect on you or anyone else but you would be full of shit.

Wrong....capitalism will give us a solution....a monopoly is not a capitalistic situation...that is pure socialism....
Oh here we go again with the liberal lying and spin. It costs ungodly sums of money to develop a new drug, win government approvals and bring it to market before Pharma makes a dime on it. Many never make it so its a total loss. This is the cost of doing business, Pharma can't then just give the shit away for $1 and hope to recoup their investment let alone make a profit. This is the simpleton world liberals live in.

Big pharma's got all sorts of tricks to keep drugs high, such as buying out the generics.

Pharma is not the boogieman.

Link?...yes it is. Look:
The 8 Biggest Corporate Welfare Recipients in America

  • May 07, 2015

Photo by Stan Honday/AFP/Getty Images

In the U.S., it is rather commonplace to see welfare recipients demonized, people on food stamps ostracized, and anyone on any form of public assistance is often made to feel guilty that they need help. They are called lazy and incompetent, with little regard for circumstance or economic hardship. Sure, there are some people that take advantage of the system. But there are millions that desperately need help, and social welfare programs are the only thing standing between them and poverty.

That demonization seems to shift, however, when it comes to giving assistance to big business. According to The Cato Institute, corporate welfare handouts shot all the way up to $92 billion as of 2002. Most of those subsidies were secured by companies in industries like energy — which are some of the most profitable entities in the history of the world. As one writer at Forbes points out, cutting these huge subsidies would be a great way to help balance the national budget, but it is never put into action, and much less even considered.

More recently, subsidy tracking group Good Jobs First released a 2014 report detailing where exactly taxpayer dollars are being funneled, and which states are the most likely to divvy up handouts. There are some surprises in the report, but many details won’t come as much of a shock at all. New York and Washington were the top two states for handing out corporate subsidies, with New York alone topping more than $20 billion across nearly 69,000 individual handouts. The data also shows that roughly 75% of disclosed subsidy dollars have gone to 965 big companies. The total known value of subsidies across the country came out at an estimated $110 billion, although its likely more.

From its data, Good Jobs First was able to identify the top 100 recipients of corporate subsidies, dominated by transportation and natural resource companies. Here are the top eight companies from that list, and the total known amount in subsidies they are receiving.

Source: Getty Images

8. Nike — $2.03 Billion
Nike, based in the Portland suburb of Beaverton, Oregon, has taken in more than $2 billion in government appropriations, spanning 75 individual subsidies. Spanning the globe in terms of scope and reach, Nike isn’t exactly strapped for cash, so making the case that the company is in need of government assistance can be difficult.

Nike has been doing a good job of cleaning up its act over the past several years, cracking down on harsh factory conditions in its many plants across the world and giving plenty of money to schools across the country — most notably, the University of Oregon. While far from the top, Nike is getting a substantial boost to its revenue from the taxpayers, and it’s something the public and their representatives should keep an eye on.

Source: Leon Neal/Getty Images

7. Royal Dutch Shell — $2.04 Billion
As a petroleum company, Shell has been reaping profits like the world has never seen before, along with industry cohorts like Exxon Mobil. Many consumers have had to find ways to adjust as gas prices continue to rise, along with production costs of plastics and other materials. All the while, major oil companies have been sitting back and watching profits pile up.

Shell received $2.04 billion across 79 subsidies — enough to make it the top oil company in Good Jobs First‘s findings. For politicians looking to actually make headway towards balancing the budget, handouts to companies like Shell might be a good place to start reviewing. As The New York Times writes, these handoutsonly add on to the billions oil companies are already bringing in. In the words of Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, “there is no reason for these corporations to shortchange the American taxpayer.”

Source: Fiat

6. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles — $2.06 Billion
Fiat, now the owner of Chrysler, has been receiving a considerable chunk of taxpayer cash to help with its vehicle production worldwide. The government has ponied over more than $2 billion to the Italian-based auto maker, which it has used to help prop up brands like Dodge, Ram, and Chrysler here in the states. The company has come out to say that the survival and performance of its American brands are crucial to success, as it hopes revamps to its Jeep and Alfa Romeo lineups help on the bottom line.

Fiat has received 96 subsidies to bring their total up to $2.06 billion, and it’s obvious that the government sees the importance of helping the company prop up its American businesses. With several production plants and dealerships operating across the U.S., hopefully it turns out to be a worthwhile investment.

Source: Ford

5. Ford — $2.52 Billion
It doesn’t get much more ‘American’ than the Ford Motor Company, which itself has allocated $2.52 billion in government funding as of late. Spread across 193 separate appropriations, the subsidies have been able to help Ford recover from the financial crisis and adapt to a world that looks more and more like it have less cars on the road in coming years. Ford has been able to avoid, by and large, some of the other issues other American manufactures have had to deal with, but it still faces an uncertain future.

Ford has seen revenues surge as new technology, features, and models have been added to its lineup. It’s still the maker of the best selling car in America, the F-150, and its Fusion sedan has been winning over many in the sedan segment. However, for a company that is pulling in $7.2 billion in profits, as reported by The Guardian, it does bring up questions as to why the company is getting so much from the taxpayers when it is more than profitable.

Source: General Motors

4. General Motors — $3.58 Billion
Detroit’s own General Motors was found to be getting $3.58 billion in subsidies, coming in from 320 individual appropriations. Having survived bankruptcy on the backs of the taxpayers in 2009, GM took drastic measures to return itself to profitability. Several brands were cut from under the GM umbrella, leaving just four still in production. GM looked to be on a path towards stability until recent happenings have quickly returned the company to the public’s ire.

GM was found to have allowed vehicles with severe issues to go to market, resulting in customer deaths and the recall of millions of cars, trucks, and SUVs. With most of the recalls having occurred over the past year, the realization of how much the company is receiving in subsidies has been more of an afterthought than anything. Though GM is getting things turned around, it’s still likely to be on the receiving end of public money for quite some time.

Source: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

3. Intel — $3.87 Billion
The pride of Santa Clara, California, Intel is a maker of semiconductor microchips used in computers all across the world. The company was one of the big drivers behind the computing revolution of the 1980s and 1990s, and its founding dates all the way back to 1968. Intel is also on the receiving end of large amounts of government cash, with totals most recently reaching $3.87 billion from 59 individual subsidies.

It’s not a total stretch to understand why Intel might be getting so much money from the government, as there is a whole lot of interest in investing in the development of computing’s evolution. From defense to space exploration and everything in between, there’s no doubt that Intel’s chips will be used to power a huge amount of projects in coming years, with the private sector also a close watch.

Source: Mario Laporta/Getty Images

2. Alcoa — $5.64 Billion
You may not know Alcoa by name, but there’s probably at least one product with Alcoa aluminum in it somewhere in your home. As the world’s third largest producer of aluminum, Alcoa has an extensive history dating back to 1886 when it was first founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company has received $5.64 billion across 99 subsidies according to Find Good Jobs‘ report, which have helped the company go on to secure lucrative contracts for projects, like building jet engine parts.

As of the past few years, Alcoa has really been picking up steam. Production has increased at its numerous plants and stock prices have jumped as investors have taken notice. As the company continues to ramp things up, look for subsidy levels to remain high in coming years.

Source: Thinkstock

1. Boeing — $13.18 Billion
The top welfare recipient of them all is aerospace giant Boeing, which has operations spread all across the country building aircraft and working on numerous Department of Defense projects. The amount of work Boeing does for the federal government no doubt plays a part in the amount of subsidies the company has been able to secure, but Boeing has also played hardball with local jurisdictions to get enormous tax breaks. With more than $13 billion coming in from 148 handouts, Boeing has thoroughly entrenched itself in the interest of the government and taxpayers.

Despite the immense amount of money the company is receiving, it has still gone on to hold cities hostage in tax negotiations, threatening to remove jobs and open up shop in friendlier climates. This past year, Boeing secured the highest ever tax break at the state level when it cornered the Washington legislature into ceding to its demands, lest it move its production plants to another part of the country. The legislature granted Boeing its wish, but Boeing went on to announce drastic layoffs anyway, angering many locals.

Boeing has become the king of corporate handouts, and other corporations have a long way to go to catch up.

Follow Sam on Twitter @Sliceofginger

5 Of The Most Successful Corporate Turnarounds
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Wrong....capitalism will give us a solution....a monopoly is not a capitalistic situation...that is pure socialism....[/QUOTE]

Oh the Pequod sinks...

Wrong....capitalism will give us a solution....a monopoly is not a capitalistic situation...that is pure socialism....[/QUOTE]

No,...a monopoly now days is called unfettered capitalism which does what it naturally does. It consumes worlds.
Oh here we go again with the liberal lying and spin. It costs ungodly sums of money to develop a new drug, win government approvals and bring it to market before Pharma makes a dime on it. Many never make it so its a total loss. This is the cost of doing business, Pharma can't then just give the shit away for $1 and hope to recoup their investment let alone make a profit. This is the simpleton world liberals live in.

Big pharma's got all sorts of tricks to keep drugs high, such as buying out the generics.

Pharma is not the boogieman.

Link?...yes it is. Look:
The 8 Biggest Corporate Welfare Recipients in America

  • May 07, 2015

Photo by Stan Honday/AFP/Getty Images

In the U.S., it is rather commonplace to see welfare recipients demonized, people on food stamps ostracized, and anyone on any form of public assistance is often made to feel guilty that they need help. They are called lazy and incompetent, with little regard for circumstance or economic hardship. Sure, there are some people that take advantage of the system. But there are millions that desperately need help, and social welfare programs are the only thing standing between them and poverty.

That demonization seems to shift, however, when it comes to giving assistance to big business. According to The Cato Institute, corporate welfare handouts shot all the way up to $92 billion as of 2002. Most of those subsidies were secured by companies in industries like energy — which are some of the most profitable entities in the history of the world. As one writer at Forbes points out, cutting these huge subsidies would be a great way to help balance the national budget, but it is never put into action, and much less even considered.

More recently, subsidy tracking group Good Jobs First released a 2014 report detailing where exactly taxpayer dollars are being funneled, and which states are the most likely to divvy up handouts. There are some surprises in the report, but many details won’t come as much of a shock at all. New York and Washington were the top two states for handing out corporate subsidies, with New York alone topping more than $20 billion across nearly 69,000 individual handouts. The data also shows that roughly 75% of disclosed subsidy dollars have gone to 965 big companies. The total known value of subsidies across the country came out at an estimated $110 billion, although its likely more.

From its data, Good Jobs First was able to identify the top 100 recipients of corporate subsidies, dominated by transportation and natural resource companies. Here are the top eight companies from that list, and the total known amount in subsidies they are receiving.

Source: Getty Images

8. Nike — $2.03 Billion
Nike, based in the Portland suburb of Beaverton, Oregon, has taken in more than $2 billion in government appropriations, spanning 75 individual subsidies. Spanning the globe in terms of scope and reach, Nike isn’t exactly strapped for cash, so making the case that the company is in need of government assistance can be difficult.

Nike has been doing a good job of cleaning up its act over the past several years, cracking down on harsh factory conditions in its many plants across the world and giving plenty of money to schools across the country — most notably, the University of Oregon. While far from the top, Nike is getting a substantial boost to its revenue from the taxpayers, and it’s something the public and their representatives should keep an eye on.

Source: Leon Neal/Getty Images

7. Royal Dutch Shell — $2.04 Billion
As a petroleum company, Shell has been reaping profits like the world has never seen before, along with industry cohorts like Exxon Mobil. Many consumers have had to find ways to adjust as gas prices continue to rise, along with production costs of plastics and other materials. All the while, major oil companies have been sitting back and watching profits pile up.

Shell received $2.04 billion across 79 subsidies — enough to make it the top oil company in Good Jobs First‘s findings. For politicians looking to actually make headway towards balancing the budget, handouts to companies like Shell might be a good place to start reviewing. As The New York Times writes, these handoutsonly add on to the billions oil companies are already bringing in. In the words of Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, “there is no reason for these corporations to shortchange the American taxpayer.”

Source: Fiat

6. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles — $2.06 Billion
Fiat, now the owner of Chrysler, has been receiving a considerable chunk of taxpayer cash to help with its vehicle production worldwide. The government has ponied over more than $2 billion to the Italian-based auto maker, which it has used to help prop up brands like Dodge, Ram, and Chrysler here in the states. The company has come out to say that the survival and performance of its American brands are crucial to success, as it hopes revamps to its Jeep and Alfa Romeo lineups help on the bottom line.

Fiat has received 96 subsidies to bring their total up to $2.06 billion, and it’s obvious that the government sees the importance of helping the company prop up its American businesses. With several production plants and dealerships operating across the U.S., hopefully it turns out to be a worthwhile investment.

Source: Ford

5. Ford — $2.52 Billion
It doesn’t get much more ‘American’ than the Ford Motor Company, which itself has allocated $2.52 billion in government funding as of late. Spread across 193 separate appropriations, the subsidies have been able to help Ford recover from the financial crisis and adapt to a world that looks more and more like it have less cars on the road in coming years. Ford has been able to avoid, by and large, some of the other issues other American manufactures have had to deal with, but it still faces an uncertain future.

Ford has seen revenues surge as new technology, features, and models have been added to its lineup. It’s still the maker of the best selling car in America, the F-150, and its Fusion sedan has been winning over many in the sedan segment. However, for a company that is pulling in $7.2 billion in profits, as reported by The Guardian, it does bring up questions as to why the company is getting so much from the taxpayers when it is more than profitable.

Source: General Motors

4. General Motors — $3.58 Billion
Detroit’s own General Motors was found to be getting $3.58 billion in subsidies, coming in from 320 individual appropriations. Having survived bankruptcy on the backs of the taxpayers in 2009, GM took drastic measures to return itself to profitability. Several brands were cut from under the GM umbrella, leaving just four still in production. GM looked to be on a path towards stability until recent happenings have quickly returned the company to the public’s ire.

GM was found to have allowed vehicles with severe issues to go to market, resulting in customer deaths and the recall of millions of cars, trucks, and SUVs. With most of the recalls having occurred over the past year, the realization of how much the company is receiving in subsidies has been more of an afterthought than anything. Though GM is getting things turned around, it’s still likely to be on the receiving end of public money for quite some time.

Source: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

3. Intel — $3.87 Billion
The pride of Santa Clara, California, Intel is a maker of semiconductor microchips used in computers all across the world. The company was one of the big drivers behind the computing revolution of the 1980s and 1990s, and its founding dates all the way back to 1968. Intel is also on the receiving end of large amounts of government cash, with totals most recently reaching $3.87 billion from 59 individual subsidies.

It’s not a total stretch to understand why Intel might be getting so much money from the government, as there is a whole lot of interest in investing in the development of computing’s evolution. From defense to space exploration and everything in between, there’s no doubt that Intel’s chips will be used to power a huge amount of projects in coming years, with the private sector also a close watch.

Source: Mario Laporta/Getty Images

2. Alcoa — $5.64 Billion
You may not know Alcoa by name, but there’s probably at least one product with Alcoa aluminum in it somewhere in your home. As the world’s third largest producer of aluminum, Alcoa has an extensive history dating back to 1886 when it was first founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company has received $5.64 billion across 99 subsidies according to Find Good Jobs‘ report, which have helped the company go on to secure lucrative contracts for projects, like building jet engine parts.

As of the past few years, Alcoa has really been picking up steam. Production has increased at its numerous plants and stock prices have jumped as investors have taken notice. As the company continues to ramp things up, look for subsidy levels to remain high in coming years.

Source: Thinkstock

1. Boeing — $13.18 Billion
The top welfare recipient of them all is aerospace giant Boeing, which has operations spread all across the country building aircraft and working on numerous Department of Defense projects. The amount of work Boeing does for the federal government no doubt plays a part in the amount of subsidies the company has been able to secure, but Boeing has also played hardball with local jurisdictions to get enormous tax breaks. With more than $13 billion coming in from 148 handouts, Boeing has thoroughly entrenched itself in the interest of the government and taxpayers.

Despite the immense amount of money the company is receiving, it has still gone on to hold cities hostage in tax negotiations, threatening to remove jobs and open up shop in friendlier climates. This past year, Boeing secured the highest ever tax break at the state level when it cornered the Washington legislature into ceding to its demands, lest it move its production plants to another part of the country. The legislature granted Boeing its wish, but Boeing went on to announce drastic layoffs anyway, angering many locals.

Boeing has become the king of corporate handouts, and other corporations have a long way to go to catch up.

Follow Sam on Twitter @Sliceofginger

5 Of The Most Successful Corporate Turnarounds
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More Articles About: Alcoa, American taxpayer, Boeing, business, Business news, Cato Institute, corporations, Economy & Policy, federal subsidies, Fiat, Forbes, Ford, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, income tax, Intel, New York, Nike, royal dutch shell, Shell, Taxes, welfare

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wrong....government interference in the market causes the problem.....more companies making the pen means the price comes down and you even get a better pen....[/QUOTE]

Omg!...that is such a crock of shit! Lol. Do you agree that when regulations go down, profits go up? Regulations get removed and the consumer gets fucked in every way. Simple as that. Prices, profits and continuing loss of quality of products prove that.
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.

wrong....government interference in the market causes the problem.....more companies making the pen means the price comes down and you even get a better pen....
What specifically is the government doing to prevent that from happening?
Omg!...that is such a crock of shit! Lol. Do you agree that when regulations go down, profits go up? Regulations get removed and the consumer gets fucked in every way. Simple as that. Prices, profits and continuing loss of quality of products prove that.

1. learn to use the quote function properly. It allows us to better see the drivel you call posting.

2. Right now the consumer is getting fucked BY regulations, that make it very difficult to bring a competing product into the market. This is a regulation created shortage. They would not have 85% market share if there were more companies able to go through the FDA hoops to get an established drug/delivery combination through the generic approval process.
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The cost of all drugs in the U.S. are ten times more than any other country.

Health insurance is high because of greed. Doctors and hospitals are some of the greediest.

And it's not just big pharma, it's big oil too. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas cost $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is three times less at $47.00 a barrel, and we still pay over $2,20 a gallon.

But the real big greed is the military industrial contractors. $600.00 for toilet seats.....$500.00 for coffee makers....and that's just the cheap stuff.

Greed is why we have a $17 trillion national debt.

Greed is why most crimes are committed. Most in prison are there because of greed.

Lawyers are greedy. NO money, you're guilty.

Politicians work less than six months a year for over $200,000.00 plus healthcare, paid vacations, free transportation, and full retirement after four years.

Remember all you 20, 30 & 40 somethings, you're gonna be old in the blink of an eye....and you're gonna pay through the wazoo. Promise.
Do you think the regulations are in place to protect the company or the consumer?

Something made for one purpose can be used for something else. Look at that Shkreli mess, that because he bought the one maker of an old old drug, and because of the cost of getting a generic through the FDA, he was able to corner the market.

One does want to protect the public, but processes like the FDA drug approval process have gone beyond protecting people, and into the bureaucratic quagmire that comes with all processes that endure for too long.

The solution in both cases is to figure out a way to simplify (and thus cost reduce) the process of generic approvals in these cases, thus getting other manufacturers involved, and breaking the monopoly.
Agreed, regulations need to be improved and amended but not simply cut or corporations will run wild and the public will suffer

Who said about removing all regulation? Why does everyone just jump to that when someone complains about over-regulation?
Because the common arguement from the right is to cut regulations. I'm all for some cuts and many modifications but I also understand their purpose which is to protect the pubic. Their effectiveness to do so should absolutely be examined and tweaked

Yes, cut regulations, not eliminate them.

And while the purpose of regulations was originally to protect the public, they have been co-opted to push agendas and protect certain industries, like the fact that in some cities and states it takes more hours to learn how to weave hair than it does to be certified as an architect.
I'm all for cutting the fat... Problem I see is nobody talks about specifics, the most of the conversation that I hear is very partisan generalities, blaming "regulations" or liberals for inflated prices and lack of jobs... It's a cop out unless we can move into specifics, especially in our media, legislature and national conversations
In FY 2016 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is “guesstimated” to be $1,084 billion, including $610 billion for Medicaid, and $474 billion in other welfare.

Now these figures to that of corporate welfare. And my otherpost is just 8 of the welfare corporation....just 8!
Something made for one purpose can be used for something else. Look at that Shkreli mess, that because he bought the one maker of an old old drug, and because of the cost of getting a generic through the FDA, he was able to corner the market.

One does want to protect the public, but processes like the FDA drug approval process have gone beyond protecting people, and into the bureaucratic quagmire that comes with all processes that endure for too long.

The solution in both cases is to figure out a way to simplify (and thus cost reduce) the process of generic approvals in these cases, thus getting other manufacturers involved, and breaking the monopoly.
Agreed, regulations need to be improved and amended but not simply cut or corporations will run wild and the public will suffer

Who said about removing all regulation? Why does everyone just jump to that when someone complains about over-regulation?
Because the common arguement from the right is to cut regulations. I'm all for some cuts and many modifications but I also understand their purpose which is to protect the pubic. Their effectiveness to do so should absolutely be examined and tweaked

Yes, cut regulations, not eliminate them.

And while the purpose of regulations was originally to protect the public, they have been co-opted to push agendas and protect certain industries, like the fact that in some cities and states it takes more hours to learn how to weave hair than it does to be certified as an architect.
I'm all for cutting the fat... Problem I see is nobody talks about specifics, the most of the conversation that I hear is very partisan generalities, blaming "regulations" or liberals for inflated prices and lack of jobs... It's a cop out unless we can move into specifics, especially in our media, legislature and national conversations

If these idiots can come up with pages and pages of regulations, they can figure out a way to streamline the process in this situation, and other situations where generics are involved.
Agreed, regulations need to be improved and amended but not simply cut or corporations will run wild and the public will suffer

Who said about removing all regulation? Why does everyone just jump to that when someone complains about over-regulation?
Because the common arguement from the right is to cut regulations. I'm all for some cuts and many modifications but I also understand their purpose which is to protect the pubic. Their effectiveness to do so should absolutely be examined and tweaked

Yes, cut regulations, not eliminate them.

And while the purpose of regulations was originally to protect the public, they have been co-opted to push agendas and protect certain industries, like the fact that in some cities and states it takes more hours to learn how to weave hair than it does to be certified as an architect.
I'm all for cutting the fat... Problem I see is nobody talks about specifics, the most of the conversation that I hear is very partisan generalities, blaming "regulations" or liberals for inflated prices and lack of jobs... It's a cop out unless we can move into specifics, especially in our media, legislature and national conversations

If these idiots can come up with pages and pages of regulations, they can figure out a way to streamline the process in this situation, and other situations where generics are involved.
What are the regulations that prevent generics? Are you talking about patent rights?
The final totals are $59 billion, 3 percent of the total federal budget, for regular welfare and $92 billion, 5 percent of the total federal budget, for corporations. So, the government spends roughly 50% more on corporate welfare than it does on these particular public assistance programs.
CEO got a 671% pay raise during the price hike. Says it all, no? The Corporate Pharmaceuticals have no problem with you dying because you can't afford their drugs. Greed is an awful thing. Are we a 'Good' Nation anymore?
Agreed, regulations need to be improved and amended but not simply cut or corporations will run wild and the public will suffer

Who said about removing all regulation? Why does everyone just jump to that when someone complains about over-regulation?
Because the common arguement from the right is to cut regulations. I'm all for some cuts and many modifications but I also understand their purpose which is to protect the pubic. Their effectiveness to do so should absolutely be examined and tweaked

Yes, cut regulations, not eliminate them.

And while the purpose of regulations was originally to protect the public, they have been co-opted to push agendas and protect certain industries, like the fact that in some cities and states it takes more hours to learn how to weave hair than it does to be certified as an architect.
I'm all for cutting the fat... Problem I see is nobody talks about specifics, the most of the conversation that I hear is very partisan generalities, blaming "regulations" or liberals for inflated prices and lack of jobs... It's a cop out unless we can move into specifics, especially in our media, legislature and national conversations

If these idiots can come up with pages and pages of regulations, they can figure out a way to streamline the process in this situation, and other situations where generics are involved.

You know what? We wouldnt even NEED any regulations if you ppl didnt try to fuck everyone every chance you get to make another dollar. Lets not forget why we needed them in the first place
CEO got a 671% pay raise during the price hike. Says it all, no? The Corporate Pharmaceuticals have no problem with you dying because you can't afford their drugs. Greed is an awful thing. Are we a 'Good' Nation anymore?

Lol, no. We're not even a functioning democracy anymore.
EpiPen can go to hell. My friend has a shellfish allergy that leads to an anaphylactic reaction... Her throat closes up. She can't afford to buy an EpiPen and her insurance doesn't cover it. Further more they expire after a year so she would have to drop $600 for a pen that expires and needs to get tossed after only a year. Instead she doesn't have one and takes a risk every time she eats out. In the mean time the EpiPen execs and laughing their way to the bank

Mylan executives gave themselves raises as they hiked EpiPen prices

The patent on the drug in an epi pen and the mechanism itself should have run out a long time ago. All the FDA has to do is promise fast track approval for anyone who wants to make an equivalent product, and the manufacturer's hold on the market would wither away.

Yes, the company is greedy, but government regulations that make it next to impossible to field an equal product shares part of the blame. It's what creates the bottleneck in the first place.
The patent on the drug has run out. The mechanism that delivers the drug is fairly new. Are you against patents? The price of the product needs to regulated by the government. Stop screwing yourself with misguided conservative ideology and support more government regulations
Here's your form of neocapitaism: goldman sacks buys up wheat and other staples and waits for the price to dbl or trpl and in the meantime grain is so expensive millions of children starve. There's you neo-unfettered capitalism.

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