Capitol Building Architect Removes Disgraceful and Disgusting Pig Cop Painting


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And the ass hat Lacy Clay is so proud of free speech and hanging up a painting that insults all of our nations officers, while he denounces historic monuments to the Confederacy as offensive and should be torn down.

Capitol building to remove controversial pigs as police painting

Rep. Clay asks Mayor Slay to remove Confederate memorial from Forest Park

This is the Dimocratic Party of Today; hypocrital, anti-Cop, "Hate America First", wanting to purge our history of opposing views, full of arrogance, incompetence and just plain old Stupidity.

At this rate Trump is a lock for a second Term and I hope Cory Booker typifies their candidate selection if they wont honestly reform their goals and message.

Look at this picture of Jeff Session celebrating, alongside Lewis, the 50th anniversary of the march on Selma. And yet Lewis essentially claimed that Sessions was a racist since he was a Republican from Alabama during that time, despite the fact that the GOP was in favor of defending black Civil Rights from its inception, to include the anti-Jim Crow demonstrations of the 1950s and 1960s.

These leftwing ideologues will kill the Democratic Party with their lies, their hypocrisy and their evil.

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The idiotic piece does reflect the left very well though, I gotta give it that. But they don't understand that the right of speech isn't the right to be heard.
The idiotic piece does reflect the left very well though, I gotta give it that. But they don't understand that the right of speech isn't the right to be heard.

The kid that painted it had a right to paint it without being punished, but that does not give him the right to have it hung in our nations capitol building.
The idiotic piece does reflect the left very well though, I gotta give it that. But they don't understand that the right of speech isn't the right to be heard.

The kid that painted it had a right to paint it without being punished, but that does not give him the right to have it hung in our nations capitol building.
Yep. Publicly owned means not everyone wants to see your shit.
Maybe he can hang it in the democrats colored only restroom exhibit in the Smithsonian.....
I think what happened is that the Contest rules got sent to all the schools and the folks in charge of the contest were not willing to point out that the painting was inappropriate for the contest due to the political uproar that would ensue. Or maybe they just said F- it, let's send it anyway. But it wasn't too late. The people hanging the exhibit must have known. Maybe they were afraid to comment, as well.
This contest had guidelines.
Instead, after six months hanging in the Capitol, someone finally noticed it and Fox put it on the national news and the Republicans did their bounden patriotic duty by taking it down (sarc) and Lacey kept putting it back up and the kid who painted it? He's probably lovin' it.
Political correctness, in this case, prevented the guidelines from being followed, I think, and it ended quite badly for all.
And the ass hat Lacy Clay is so proud of free speech and hanging up a painting that insults all of our nations officers, while he denounces historic monuments to the Confederacy as offensive and should be torn down.

Capitol building to remove controversial pigs as police painting

Rep. Clay asks Mayor Slay to remove Confederate memorial from Forest Park

This is the Dimocratic Party of Today; hypocrital, anti-Cop, "Hate America First", wanting to purge our history of opposing views, full of arrogance, incompetence and just plain old Stupidity.

At this rate Trump is a lock for a second Term and I hope Cory Booker typifies their candidate selection if they wont honestly reform their goals and message.

Look at this picture of Jeff Session celebrating, alongside Lewis, the 50th anniversary of the march on Selma. And yet Lewis essentially claimed that Sessions was a racist since he was a Republican from Alabama during that time, despite the fact that the GOP was in favor of defending black Civil Rights from its inception, to include the anti-Jim Crow demonstrations of the 1950s and 1960s.

These leftwing ideologues will kill the Democratic Party with their lies, their hypocrisy and their evil.


Hypocrites are the worst kind of people. Lewis is one of them.

You actually drew/embrace the notion of there being a verisimilitude between artistic depictions of cops and Confederates? Really? I'm not sure whether police forces should be thrilled that their actions have been elevated to that level of importance as goes the continuity of the union of states, or whether they should me incensed over being liked to Confederates.

You actually drew/embrace the notion of there being a verisimilitude between artistic depictions of cops and Confederates? Really? I'm not sure whether police forces should be thrilled that their actions have been elevated to that level of importance as goes the continuity of the union of states, or whether they should me incensed over being liked to Confederates.
Clay wanted the Confederate memorial taken down, as disrespecting blacks. He has no such compunction about a painting hung in our Capital that disrespects every law enforcement officer in our country. I don't see where your confusion comes from. Free speech via symbols is free speech if we like or not, isn't it?
You actually drew/embrace the notion of there being a verisimilitude between artistic depictions of cops and Confederates? Really? I'm not sure whether police forces should be thrilled that their actions have been elevated to that level of importance as goes the continuity of the union of states, or whether they should me incensed over being liked to Confederates.

The Confederates fought to defend their homes and villages from the ravages of Union armies, just as cops today defend peoples homes form criminals.

You actually drew/embrace the notion of there being a verisimilitude between artistic depictions of cops and Confederates? Really? I'm not sure whether police forces should be thrilled that their actions have been elevated to that level of importance as goes the continuity of the union of states, or whether they should me incensed over being liked to Confederates.

How many innocent people did sherman kill?
That painting should not have been put on public display because of the obvious misrepresentation.

Of course a painting demeaning the police should not be displayed in a government building. It has nothing to do with free speech.

You actually drew/embrace the notion of there being a verisimilitude between artistic depictions of cops and Confederates? Really? I'm not sure whether police forces should be thrilled that their actions have been elevated to that level of importance as goes the continuity of the union of states, or whether they should me incensed over being liked to Confederates.
Clay wanted the Confederate memorial taken down, as disrespecting blacks. He has no such compunction about a painting hung in our Capital that disrespects every law enforcement officer in our country. I don't see where your confusion comes from. Free speech via symbols is free speech if we like or not, isn't it?

Well, here's the painting.


Boars in artistic imagery are associated with masculinity in its extreme manifestations such as: aggression, courage, struggle, blood lust, intemperance, gluttony, immorality and debauchery. With that in mind, I certainly understand why a painter, especially a black painter, might anthropomorphise boars as cops.

As for the painting making a blanket statement about all law enforcement officers, well...What I see is "boar cops" holding guns and a non "boar cop" not holding a gun, but seemingly upholding the law all the same. Accordingly, I'm not convinced the painting depicts every law enforcement officer as a boar.

I also see the image of death -- the crow/raven -- headed into the scene as hope -- the dove -- heads out. The two "birds" are on the "porcine side" of the image, which suggests the painter aims to correlate the visiting of death and departure of hope with the "boars." That seems to reinforce the notion that it's not all cops who deserve to be vilified as boars.

On the other side of the picture, I see the stylized "personage of justice," which appears to be crucified on a green cross of sorts. I can also fathom interpreting that piece as being symbolic of black men being crucified by or in the name of a putrid (vomit green cross shape) justice (system?). The man's greater physical size -- bigger than any single individual -- relative to the other characters in the image suggests he and his cross do indeed represent the system and the extent to which it has become jaded.

The cop on the right side of the picture looks somewhat askance from what his colleagues are up to. He can obviously see what's going on, but he's not concerning himself with it either. One might say his body stance suggests he's shying away and just doesn't want to be involved, perhaps in part because he lacks the personal or institutional power -- as portrayed by his diminutive stature in comparison to his colleagues who occupy roughly the same foreground space in the frame -- to justify his taking a more prominent role.

Lastly, one sees a clear contrast between the "right hand" cop who interacts with another human being and the porcine cops suspect whom is depicted as being treated like a dog. That distinction too suggests to me that the painter did not at all intend to say that all cops are pigs. The painter's message is, among other things, that some cops are boars. (I suspect the homonym connection with boor is also in play.)

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