Capitol Insurrectionist Suspect Flees to Kenya, Is Deported Back to America to Face Justice

This is funny.

The guy flies all the way to Kenya to avoid being arrested. Kenya deported him.

The FBI was waiting for him at JFK airport and arrested him.

He won't be let out on bail. He is clearly a flight risk.

The trump people have not been known for their intelligence. LOL.

Love it... damned funny stuff... phukk 'em... let 'em rot in jail now.

Yes I thought it was hilarious.

I'm sure that trump person isn't laughing now.

Didn't read it.

You comment on stuff you know nothing about and refuse to educate yourself on?

Oh wait. It's not shocking at all. It's what Trump Humpers do.

I knew all I needed to know. He left for Kenya and was sent back.

All the others arrested were charged with trespassing. Seems this guy will be charged with that as well.

That "insurrection" you keep harping on was far from a real insurrection.
From a trespassing charge?? Excuse me while I stand over her and LMFAO at your stupidity.........
That's what the rest of them will be charged with. Stands to reason that's what this person will be charged with.

Yup, it happens that way.
Nail their foot to the floor with a minor charge....and then develop the serious doses.
Smart charging tactic.

There was no insurrection by the protestors on January 6th. Therefore, the headline of the article in the OP is false. It's fake news.
Well, if not an "insurrection"....... could it have been a "lovefest", as Don Trump described it?

That "insurrection" you keep harping on was far from a real insurrection

Ah, I don't mean to pick on you Claudette. I find your contributions here, ummm, notable.
But......but if that didn't look like an insurrection to you, what did it look like?

I mean ---
  • WAS the Capitol of the United States of America, the seat of our government, and the People's House.
  • .....Those were legally authorized guardians ---police---charged with protecting the Capitol, and they were savagely beaten by, umm, rallygoers?.
  • .........And those 'rallygoers' who broke through doors and windows (watch the videos) get in were expressly claiming they were there to "hang Mike Pence", the 2nd in line to be the President. And to 'shoot her in the friggin' head'.....the 3rd in line to the President.
  • ........walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ..........

But sure, I can see how some may think that was a 'lovefest' (Don Trump's words, not mine.)
Are you one of those, poster Claudette? A lovefest?

I love this bar.
I knew all I needed to know. He left for Kenya and was sent back.
All the others arrested were charged with trespassing. Seems this guy will be charged with that as well.
You "know" only what you WANT to know being a MAGArat

He's being charged with much more serious crimes than trespassing but're a fucking idiot so..

Hey if he's charged and found guilty then good. If he's found innocent then that's just as good.

Unlike your stupid ass all I see is trespassers, not insurrectionists.
Maybe he believed y'all that everyone in shithole Africa lives in a mud floored grass hut with an IQ of 70.


Not everybody in shithole Africa lives in as good conditions as Obama's brother! Most live in far worse conditions.
This is funny.

The guy flies all the way to Kenya to avoid being arrested. Kenya deported him.

The FBI was waiting for him at JFK airport and arrested him.

He won't be let out on bail. He is clearly a flight risk.

The trump people have not been known for their intelligence. LOL.

They went all the way to Kenya to get a guy who "pushed a barrier"? :cuckoo:
LOL, now the protesters were “white supremacists”? LOL and White supremacists like going to Kenya?

LMAO. You BlueAnon kooks never cease to entertain.
The guy tried to hide the best he could.
Just like Jefferson Davis putting on a womans dress to escape.

Jefferson Davis in women's clothing] | International Center of Photography
This is funny.

The guy flies all the way to Kenya to avoid being arrested. Kenya deported him.

The FBI was waiting for him at JFK airport and arrested him.

He won't be let out on bail. He is clearly a flight risk.

The trump people have not been known for their intelligence. LOL.

They went all the way to Kenya to get a guy who "pushed a barrier"? :cuckoo:

Yeah seems kinda stupid but they are riding the crest of that day and don't want to let it go. Hell everyone has been charged with trespassing.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO.
This said, doesn't it strike you as odd that the FBI is out to get these people who have done far far less than BLM and Antifa and their riots. OVERKILL comes to mind.
The FBI isn't in charge of prosecuting state crimes.

If you attack a federal building. The FBI went after those protesters who damaged federal court houses.
This is funny.

The guy flies all the way to Kenya to avoid being arrested. Kenya deported him.

The FBI was waiting for him at JFK airport and arrested him.

He won't be let out on bail. He is clearly a flight risk.

The trump people have not been known for their intelligence. LOL.

LOLOL.. Trump trash is not that bright.


Sturgeon is accused of picking up a metal barricade at the U.S. Capitol and using it to shove back police officers who were guarding the building. He then tried to crawl under barriers to get into the Capitol , according to a federal investigators.

After that fun flirtation with domestic terrorism, Sturgeon hopped on a plane to Kenya on Jan. 24, with plans to stay there until April.

Unfortunately for him, Kenyan authorities kicked him out of their country. Sturgeon was deported from the nation over the weekend and promptly arrested by the FBI, who greeted him at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City on Saturday.

Sturgeon, who is a business owner from Montana, is now facing charges of obstruction of justice, civil disorder, engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds and assaulting or resisting officers.

Prosecutors are expected to ask a federal judge to detain him without bond pending trial.
This is funny.

The guy flies all the way to Kenya to avoid being arrested. Kenya deported him.

The FBI was waiting for him at JFK airport and arrested him.

He won't be let out on bail. He is clearly a flight risk.

The trump people have not been known for their intelligence. LOL.

...says the idiots who spent 4 years backing traitors and criminals while declaring over and over, 'We've got him THIS time'...says the same people Jonathon Gruber said about. "They are stupid...and Democrats count on their stupidity to get away with what they do.'

That "insurrection" you keep harping on was far from a real insurrection.

noun: insurrection; plural noun: insurrections
  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.

That "insurrection" you keep harping on was far from a real insurrection.

noun: insurrection; plural noun: insurrections
  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.

And just who did this violence?? Hell there were people in those buildings while Trump was giving his speech.

They weren't Trump protesters. Any idea who those people were??
That "insurrection" you keep harping on was far from a real insurrection.

If they tried that with Area 51, they would have been shot on sight.

Area 51: What's really going on at the secret US base, and why people think  it's aliens | Newshub's really going on at the secret US base, and why people think  it's aliens | Newshub

If looters, or arsonists tried it my state they would be shot on site.

As I said. There were people in those buildings long before Trump finished his speech. Any idea who those people were because they weren't Trump supporters.
And just who did this violence?? Hell there were people in those buildings while Trump was giving his speech.

They weren't Trump protesters. Any idea who those people were??
They wore Trump hats, carried Trump banners, and applauded when Trump said he was marching to the capitol with them.

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