Capitol Police Deny David Bailey is Killer of Ashli Babbitt. What Goes On?

Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by law enforcement defending the members of the House, while she was committing a felonious assault on the Capitol Building. That's not murder.
Simply put, you are full of shit and don't know what you are talking about.
Trespassing is not a felony! And we don't shoot people in cold blood for trespassing in any event.
Babbitt was unarmed and not even inside the Capitol when murdered! Who did she threaten?

Jesus Christ! You're a babbling simpleton. Get professional help.
It is a felony when you interfere with Congress executing the law.
Is there such a crime on the books, NAZI?
Of course there is. You'd know that if you weren't such a fucking moron.
Post it, asshole.

BTW, you dumb asshole, Congress doesn't execute laws.
Of course they do, ya fucking moron. Exactly how retarded are you?? :cuckoo:

Certifying a presidential election is a law and Congress is obligated to execute it. Dayum, you are one flaming ignorant imbecile.

As far as the laws about interfering with Congress....

(1) knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so;
(2) knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions;
(3) knowingly, and with the intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, obstructs or impedes ingress or egress to or from any restricted building or grounds; or [1]
(4) knowingly engages in any act of physical violence against any person or property in any restricted building or grounds; [2]

... and then there's this ...

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Nope. Congress creates laws. It doesn't execute them. Apparently you don't understand what the three branches of government do.

According to the USMB fucking moron, this is not a law...

Article II, Section 1
The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President;

... and apparently, this is also not a law ...

3 U.S. Code § 15 - Counting electoral votes in Congress
Congress shall be in session on the sixth day of January succeeding every meeting of the electors. The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of 1 o’clock in the afternoon on that day, and the President of the Senate shall be their presiding officer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by the President of the Senate, all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes, which certificates and papers shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A;

Those aren't laws, right, fucking moron? And Congress isn't executing them?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Let me know when you see a member of Congress arrest someone, moron.

Fucking moron, now you're talking about enforcing the law.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


So? Which is it? Are those not laws? Or are they being executed by some body other than Congress?

Enforcing the law is executing the law, NAZI. What do you consider "executing" the law?
Executing a law is performing it whereas enforcing the law is making sure laws are obeyed. The words are not interchangeable, ya fucking moron. We don't call police "law execution officers." :eusa_doh:

Now stop avoiding the questions...

Which is it? Are those not laws? Or are they being executed by some body other than Congress?
What the fuck does "performing a law" mean?
You're brain-dead, fucking moron. It means to carry out.

Now stop avoiding the questions...

Which is it? Are those not laws? Or are they being executed by some body other than Congress?

Did you have anything even more trivial that you wanted to argue about?
Sure, fucking moron... it took you a month to not answer that question??

I'm the one who asked the questions, jackass.

It still took you a month, fucking moron. :lmao:
I'm the one who asked the questions, jackass.
Ashli Babbit was less of a threat than Floyd, a known criminal.
Floyd ignores police commands and directives and dies as a result of ingesting massive amounts
of fentanyl. Floyd's death causes national trauma and police officer goes to jail for life.

Unarmed, Ashley Babbit ignores police and enters the Capitol building through a door that had it's window
broken out and is assassinated by a Capitol police officer, shot without warning at close range, that authorities still refuse to identify.
News coverage has been noticeably silent about the matter.

Why the disparity in justice?
US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant — HE REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS!
Looks like he got one of those traitors.
It looks like you are a special kind of asshole who delights in the killing of Americans.
What Patriot doesn't celebrate the death of a traitor?
Then I will delight when someone kills you.
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.
Ashli Babbit was less of a threat than Floyd, a known criminal.
Floyd ignores police commands and directives and dies as a result of ingesting massive amounts
of fentanyl. Floyd's death causes national trauma and police officer goes to jail for life.

Unarmed, Ashley Babbit ignores police and enters the Capitol building through a door that had it's window
broken out and is assassinated by a Capitol police officer, shot without warning at close range, that authorities still refuse to identify.
News coverage has been noticeably silent about the matter.

Why the disparity in justice?
US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant — HE REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS!
Looks like he got one of those traitors.
It looks like you are a special kind of asshole who delights in the killing of Americans.
What Patriot doesn't celebrate the death of a traitor?
Then I will delight when someone kills you.
Whatever gets you off, fucking moron.
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Wrong, she could have been stopped with and outstretched arm. She was small and unarmed. The officer on the other side of the door would have leverage on his side. The officer should be charge with 1st degree murder and reckless endangerment
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Wrong, she could have been stopped with and outstretched arm. She was small and unarmed. The officer on the other side of the door would have leverage on his side. The officer should be charge with 1st degree murder and reckless endangerment
The officer didn't know she was unarmed and the police were grossly outnumbered. There was no other way to keep that mob out. He's a hero and won't be charged.

What do you suppose would have happened to this insurgent looking through the window had he started to climb through...

Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Wrong, she could have been stopped with and outstretched arm. She was small and unarmed. The officer on the other side of the door would have leverage on his side. The officer should be charge with 1st degree murder and reckless endangerment
The officer didn't know she was unarmed and the police were grossly outnumbered. There was no other way to keep that mob out. He's a hero and won't be charged.

What do you suppose would have happened to this insurgent looking through the window had he started to climb through...


"The officer didn't know she was unarmed"

No one in the entire capitol was armed, dumbass.
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Wrong, she could have been stopped with and outstretched arm. She was small and unarmed. The officer on the other side of the door would have leverage on his side. The officer should be charge with 1st degree murder and reckless endangerment
The officer didn't know she was unarmed and the police were grossly outnumbered. There was no other way to keep that mob out. He's a hero and won't be charged.

What do you suppose would have happened to this insurgent looking through the window had he started to climb through...

We know what happens when Democrats are running the show.

The same people who claim Kyle Rittenhouse was not entitled to use deadly force to protect himself from an armed mob are now saying that the police are able to shoot down unarmed people because they climbed through a window.
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Of course, you claim Kyle Rittenhouse was entitled to do the same.

Just admit that you're an enormous hypocrite.
No one in the entire capitol was armed, dumbass.

From the Washington Post, May 13th:

"More than 2,000 criminal charges have been filed against 411 suspects, including hundreds of felonies such as assaulting officers and trespassing with a weapon."

I hope the poster above does not quit this venue.
He offers all of us...daily and frequently .... such an easy way to feel superior.

Merci, mon ami.
No one in the entire capitol was armed, dumbass.

From the Washington Post, May 13th:

"More than 2,000 criminal charges have been filed against 411 suspects, including hundreds of felonies such as assaulting officers and trespassing with a weapon."

I hope the poster above does not quit this venue.
He offers all of us...daily and frequently .... such an easy way to feel superior.

Merci, mon ami.
What "weapon," cable ties?

Fake news is not your friend.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

So you then admit that the mobs of violent leftists looting and burning cities last summer were at fault for the dozens of deaths that happened since you say protesters are at fault for any death for any reason, including when a cop shoots unarmed women.

What's that sound? Oh, you're standard flipping. You're a violent fascist and a racist
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Wrong, she could have been stopped with and outstretched arm. She was small and unarmed. The officer on the other side of the door would have leverage on his side. The officer should be charge with 1st degree murder and reckless endangerment
The officer didn't know she was unarmed and the police were grossly outnumbered. There was no other way to keep that mob out. He's a hero and won't be charged.

What do you suppose would have happened to this insurgent looking through the window had he started to climb through...


"The officer didn't know she was unarmed"

No one in the entire capitol was armed, dumbass.
Name the cop there who knew that at the time, fucking moron...
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Wrong, she could have been stopped with and outstretched arm. She was small and unarmed. The officer on the other side of the door would have leverage on his side. The officer should be charge with 1st degree murder and reckless endangerment
The officer didn't know she was unarmed and the police were grossly outnumbered. There was no other way to keep that mob out. He's a hero and won't be charged.

What do you suppose would have happened to this insurgent looking through the window had he started to climb through...


"The officer didn't know she was unarmed"

No one in the entire capitol was armed, dumbass.
Name the cop there who knew that at the time, fucking moron...
All of them. They have radios.
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Wrong, she could have been stopped with and outstretched arm. She was small and unarmed. The officer on the other side of the door would have leverage on his side. The officer should be charge with 1st degree murder and reckless endangerment
The officer didn't know she was unarmed and the police were grossly outnumbered. There was no other way to keep that mob out. He's a hero and won't be charged.

What do you suppose would have happened to this insurgent looking through the window had he started to climb through...

We know what happens when Democrats are running the show.

The same people who claim Kyle Rittenhouse was not entitled to use deadly force to protect himself from an armed mob are now saying that the police are able to shoot down unarmed people because they climbed through a window.
Wrong answer, fucking moron.

The right answer is that guy would have been shot before his feet touched the ground.
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Of course, you claim Kyle Rittenhouse was entitled to do the same.

Just admit that you're an enormous hypocrite.
Fucking moron, I didn't say Rittenhouse house didn't have a right to defend himself. I said his claim of self-defense evaporated when he shot Rosenbaum after neutralizing the threat.
Myths are not fact based rebuttal.
Neato! But 100s of violent hillbillies preparing to force their way through that door and window after injuring 140 police officers and chanting that they were going to kill elected officials is a fact. Despite your delusional cultism.

But you have to admit that since the 2 cops right outside these doors the Babbitt group were trying to smash through were not nervous at all and did not feel any urgency about Babbitt, that then the cop 2 barricades down should not have felt any additional urgency or need to shoot.
Those cops were being relieved for there own safety and to let the cops on the other side of the door handle it.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backups remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out.

Thanks, you just proved she was murdered. The two officers were evacuated by four heavily armed officers that could have protected anyone that "MAY" have been endangered by an "UNARMED" women.

The threat was the mob to lawmakers just feet away inside the House chamber. The mob was trying furiously to break in. She happened to be the first to attempt to gain entry. Had she not been stopped, the rest of that mob would have followed. And police had no way of knowing who was armed and who wasn't.

Justifiable shoot.

Play stupid games ... win stupid prizes.
Wrong, she could have been stopped with and outstretched arm. She was small and unarmed. The officer on the other side of the door would have leverage on his side. The officer should be charge with 1st degree murder and reckless endangerment
The officer didn't know she was unarmed and the police were grossly outnumbered. There was no other way to keep that mob out. He's a hero and won't be charged.

What do you suppose would have happened to this insurgent looking through the window had he started to climb through...


"The officer didn't know she was unarmed"

No one in the entire capitol was armed, dumbass.
Name the cop there who knew that at the time, fucking moron...
All of them. They have radios.
Great, then play the audio of one cop telling another no one has any weapons...

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