Capitol Policeman On Life Support was a violent mob. Cops were beaten and hospitalized. One may die.

Where's that right wing respect for law and order??

You should be condemning this violent attack on our very democracy AND YOU'RE NOT. You revel in it.
Blood on their hands. Heads will roll.

Yep, even if Dotard doesn’t get indicted on sedtition charges, wrongful death civil suits will be headed his way on very short order.
DC cops are the SS and I hope that pig dies
Way to let your freak flag fly Trumper
Let him die !! These pigs kill unarmed black everyday
Fuck off Trumper was a violent mob. Cops were beaten and hospitalized. One may die.

Where's that right wing respect for law and order??

You should be condemning this violent attack on our very democracy AND YOU'RE NOT. You revel in it.
Blood on their hands. Heads will roll.

Yep, even if Dotard doesn’t get indicted on sedtition charges, wrongful death civil suits will be headed his way on very short order.
DC cops are the SS and I hope that pig dies
Way to let your freak flag fly Trumper
Let him die !! These pigs kill unarmed black everyday
Fuck off Trumper
That is the vernacular of a reject who never went passed high school was a violent mob. Cops were beaten and hospitalized. One may die.

Where's that right wing respect for law and order??

You should be condemning this violent attack on our very democracy AND YOU'RE NOT. You revel in it.
The officer has died------------he suffered a stroke upon returning to the police station. There are reports that he had been hit earlier with a fire extinquisher.......... was a violent mob. Cops were beaten and hospitalized. One may die.

Where's that right wing respect for law and order??

You should be condemning this violent attack on our very democracy AND YOU'RE NOT. You revel in it.

Armed Capitol police died at the hands of unarmed Trump Supporters?

Tish Tosh, Lesh. We're not buying it. The Trump rally was PEACEFUL. They went down there to support Mike Pence and demand Congress listen to their demands for a free and open election. The rioting and violence was all started and perpetrated by leftwing infiltrators in the effort to blame Trump and try to ruin the MAGA movement and DESTROY him.

And to stop the Congress from blocking Biden's installment.
The department said Thursday that its officers had been attacked with metal pipes, chemical irritants and other weapons when a mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters violently stormed the Capitol.
He at most had been hit with a fire extinquisher....the CHEMICAL irritants are actually being reported used on the police by the police---they were attempting to hit the protestors but also got the cops on the front line. was a violent mob. Cops were beaten and hospitalized. One may die.

Where's that right wing respect for law and order??

You should be condemning this violent attack on our very democracy AND YOU'RE NOT. You revel in it.
Yet all of those dead cops the last few years meant nothing to you...cuz they didn't fit into your leftist agenda.
Well Trump has now publically condemn the riots. Publically admitting they were wrong but failed to take any blame for inciting the rioters. Its not my fault. He will be blaming ANTIFA in a few days as he reads the right wing media that are now suggesting it. Then he will blame China for being Chinese's.

if only there was a way to identify ANTIFA members other than as a way to shift blame.
Nobody in their right mind blames Trump for what happened.
Clearly you lying asshole Democrats aren't in your right mind. was a violent mob. Cops were beaten and hospitalized. One may die.

Where's that right wing respect for law and order??

You should be condemning this violent attack on our very democracy AND YOU'RE NOT. You revel in it.
Where was the left wing during all the summer riots? They certainly were not roundly condemning the violence. was a violent mob. Cops were beaten and hospitalized. One may die.

Where's that right wing respect for law and order??

You should be condemning this violent attack on our very democracy AND YOU'RE NOT. You revel in it.
Where was the left wing during all the summer riots? They certainly were not roundly condemning the violence.
Virtually everyone condemned that violence. Fuck you
I hope that DC cop dies

Fuck you.
So ICE is no good and they all deserve to die. Border Patrol cops are the bane of globalism and deserve to die. City cops are no good and they all deserve to die. However Capitol Police and associated are of untouchable and valiant to the end. ...p.s....there were Antifa mixed in also with the Deplorables. was a violent mob. Cops were beaten and hospitalized. One may die.

Where's that right wing respect for law and order??

You should be condemning this violent attack on our very democracy AND YOU'RE NOT. You revel in it.
Yeah, it was a mob, it was a riot, it was violence. It was also the inevitable next portion of the violence cycle. We saw it start before TRUMP! was inaugurated, with threats to resist him personally and to impeach him before he even took office. Then it escalated over the years, becoming more violent as the antis became ever more unhinged, complete with depictions of decapitation of the president (something that should have prompted a visit from the Secret Service, followed by the total destruction of a career). Following that was the summer of daily riots, property destruction and violent assaults in multiple cities across the nation. I said then that the cycle was only going to get more extreme because the right was getting fed up with the antics of the unhinged left, and now it has. Get ready for the next several years to be more violent than ever before, with democrats wondering what happened and pretending they had no hand in starting and maintaining it. The sleeping giant is awake and the violence will only get worse. I believe the left is in for a shock when they realize what they have stirred up. SMH

Yeah, I've been predicting it for years too. The left was always dismissive of the idea that regular Americans would ever fight back.

Even now, they are in denial.

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