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Capitol Violence Orchestrated Attempt By The Left?

There is a growing, substantiated, belief that the recent Capitol violence was not 'spontaneous' not fully caused by Trump supporters but was instead another event manufactured by the Trump-hating Deep State Left, or at least one taken advantage by them.

Over the last 4 years Democrats, our nation's enemies the former President colluded with, and the fake News media were proven to have collaborated and engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law - FISA Court crimes, illegal spying, etc... - to attempt failed political coup attempt after failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the President of the United States. The Democrats even affected the 1st admitted Political Partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses.

More recently Americans witnessed al election fraught with election fraud. Both the Democrats and the USSC publicly acknowledged the existence of election fraud. Democrats, who spent 4 years invested in ousting the President through coup attempt after coup attempt said there was election fraud...but not enough to alter the election results...'trust us'. Chief Justice Roberts acknowledged election fraud but declared the USSC wanted no part in 'fixing' this mess.

Democrats, meanwhile, reportedly created a 'Revenge Commission' whose purpose would be, after President Biden became President, to punish the President, his family members, and anyone who served on the Trump administration. Reports also exposed how some Democrats voiced the desire to round up and send Trump supporters to 're-education camps' (shades of the CCP).

Distrust in both the government - arguably valid after all the exposed crime / treason / corruption by the Democrats the last 4 years - and in our elections now - also arguably valid after what has played out regarding the election - has been sewn, and very little attempt to diffuse / eliminate that distrust has been made. Almost half of the country - millions of Americans, even Democrats, believe there was election fraud this past election, which, again, has already been acknowledged by even Democrats and the highest court in the nation.

Several days ago thousands f Americans gathered at the Capitol to voice their concern over election fraud and refusal by the left and fake news media to properly, transparently investigate. During this event violence broke out, and since President Trump has been vilified, Democrats have resumed their attempts to affect a coup by calling for the President to be removed via the 25th Amendment, and Trump supporters - millions of Americans - have been labeled by the left as 'Domestic Terrorists', 'Enemy #1', and a 'threat to our nation'.

This post is an attempt to analyze the events leading up to this violence, in part, the actions during the event, the rising claims (and evidence) that this event may have been staged to destroy the threat of both Trump and Trump supporters to Democrats / the left.

Capitol Violence Was A Set-Up / Sham Carried Out To Destroy Trump, His Ability To Come Back In 2024, & His Supporters or at lesast Democrats have used the violence to vilify Trump and Trump Supporters


Again, this is completely false, an overblown stretch, a claim from the left by the Left to claim President Trump said something he did not. The exact verbiage they claim proves he called for a treasonous rebellion does not exist. Any attempt to provide such consists of comments made that are altered, added to, by his attackers. President Trump voiced the belief of millions of Americans that the election was stolen, a belief no one has actually, officially, transparently attempted to investigate / debunk to those Americans. President Trump called on Americans to continue to 'stand up and fight', a generic phrase used an infinite number of times by countless number of people and politicians never meant as a call for insurrection. The claim that Trump did so is just more propaganda / exaggeration from the left to attempt to vilify the President.

Several reports filed claim that bricks and frozen water bottles were staged near the Capitol in sever allocations prior to the event / violence, a known 'tell-tale sign' / recorded practice by Antifa / BLM prior to violent protests.

Released videos show Capitol Police removing barricades for violent protestors and show Capitol police 'leading' intruders towards Congress.



Seriously, the mods need to muzzle bullshit like the OP.
Who Stood To Gain”?

Democrats Formed A ‘Revenge Commission’ intent on punishing Trump, his family, and everyone who worked for him. They voiced the desire to put all Trump Supporters in Re-Education Camps, to destroy Trump Supporters.

** This violent attack allowed the Left to able Trump Supporters as ‘Domestic Terrorists’, something they have refused to do to proven foreign-funded Domestic Terrorists Antifa & BLM, who caused a record amount of damage in mulytiple Democrat-run citiers all over the US, racking up BILLIONS of dollars in damage from looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, holding entire city blocks hostage, and even murdering.

The attempt to destroy Trump supporters has gone mainstream as the leftist fake news socialist media called for the ‘CLEANSING’ of America of Trump supporters’:


** The proven Deep State Criminal FBI, led by proven traitor / criminal Wray, quickly created and put out a ‘Trump Supporter Most Wanted List’…and reportedly considered adding President Trump to thsat List


The violence not only stopped the GOP’s organized effort to halt the election-fraud infested Election results certification, it not only resulted in all live coverage of the effort, but the GOP were duped and bullied into flipping and deciding NOT to go through with their plan.

Democrats and the Fake News media demanded President Trump call for an end to the violence, and when he did so the Fake News Media refused to cover / air it, Big Tech cut off all of their means of communication to him, preventing him from delivering the call for peace they demanded that he give. Call for peace, however, is exactly what he did, despite the continued Leftist lies to the Contrary.

The GOP and all lawyers involved dropped all Election challenges.

President Trump is undone.

He has been successfully vilified.

His closes allies have been duped and bullied into abandoning him.

Trump supporters have been branded by the Left as 'Domestic terrorists', as opposed to the proven foreign-funded domestic terrorists, Antifa and BLM, who they support, cheer on, and protect.

Trump's chances to return in 2024 were dashed by1 single event....

Not everyone buys it, and what has been posted is extremely plausible, partially substantiated by fact, and belief that the Democrats - who spent the last 4 years attempting failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt to remove the President - would orchestrate such an event to eliminate Trump and his supporters as a threat is far more than believable.

10 years, Trumptards! This is what's in store for you after your Orange God told you to go storm the Capitol! rofl





Yeah, the Gateway Pundit

The site that keep posting article after article over the past two months about how this or that would happen and Trump would still be President.

You might as well be reading the cartoon page of the newspaper for a more accurate assessment of events.

No. Stop deflecting. Take responsibility for that which you hath helped wrought.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

The Establishment used the Democrats for their purpose, because Trump was in office under the Republican banner. Trump, of course, is a populist, but there is no party that represents the people, so Trump ran as a Republican.

The leftwing, or the fraud that passes for one, thinks it is now in the money. This is a naive expectation. The Establishment is in charge, and there will be no leftist agendas unless they serve the Establishment. If Antifa and BLM cut up, their funding will be cut off, and the presstitutes will be sicced on them.

Biden and Kamala are mere figureheads put in office by a stolen election. Any agenda they think that they have is irrelevant. Here is the Establishment’s agenda:
Why would the Democrats and Fake News Media demand President Trump speak out against the violence and within minutes - almost simultaneously - the Leftist media refuse to cover / show what they just demanded the President do and Big Tech strip him of the means to do what they demanded him to do - call for peace and an end to the violence?

Evidently snowflakes have lost all ability to THINK for themselves.....
No. Stop deflecting. Take responsibility for that which you hath helped wrought.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

Someone point out in this statement by the President where he tells anyone to storm the Capitol and commit acts of violence.

we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them

'Cheer on' some but NOT cheer on' others was /is NOT a call for violence or a call to storm the Capitol!
From all the video of the events, several antifa and anti trump provocateurs were dressed up as trump supporters and interspersed within the crowd to create this illusion and chaos.
The Democrats did the same thing in the 2016 election.
They infiltrated Trump's rallies and shoved people and screamed in their faces and started fights.
Then the Democrat/Press Cult used it to smear Trump and his supporters.
The Democrats are more than just wrong, they are evil.
Crazy conspiracy theories from the gateway pundit. What a surprise. I don't know how many times you meds need to be told, but the gateway pundit is for entertainment purposes only.

Thank you for that emotional, highly opinionated rant which makes no attempt to actually debunk anything reported from not just the Gateway Pundit but SEVERAL different media, which makes no attempt to address any of the specific points / fact brought up.

Your usual 'NUH-UH' is duly noted, snowflake.
The Democrats did the same thing in the 2016 election.

They infiltrated Trump's rallies and shoved people and screamed in their faces and started fights. Then the Democrat/Press Cult used it to smear Trump and his supporters.
The Democrats are more than just wrong, they are evil.

This is an historically valid point, one proven to be true. This is a proven tactic by the Left.

Democrats count on their own supporters being stupid, as Jonathon Gruber repeatedly stated, they count on Americans having short memories.
sounds convincing, trumptard. as convincing as the massive voter fraud allegations. time for your nap.

You do know, right, that DEMOCRATS have admitted election fraud occurred, that the USSC acknowledged it, despite their unwillingness to intervene?! Every time one of you snowflakes say something like this it just makes you look stupid.
Crazy conspiracy theories from the gateway pundit. What a surprise. I don't know how many times you meds need to be told, but the gateway pundit is for entertainment purposes only.

Thank you for that emotional, highly opinionated rant which makes no attempt to actually debunk anything reported from not just the Gateway Pundit but SEVERAL different media, which makes no attempt to address any of the specific points / fact brought up.

Your usual 'NUH-UH' is duly noted, snowflake.

You guys were planning this for days. Stop trying to deflect the blame.
There is a growing, substantiated, belief that the recent Capitol violence was not 'spontaneous' not fully caused by Trump supporters but was instead another event manufactured by the Trump-hating Deep State Left, or at least one taken advantage by them.

Over the last 4 years Democrats, our nation's enemies the former President colluded with, and the fake News media were proven to have collaborated and engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law - FISA Court crimes, illegal spying, etc... - to attempt failed political coup attempt after failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the President of the United States. The Democrats even affected the 1st admitted Political Partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses.

More recently Americans witnessed al election fraught with election fraud. Both the Democrats and the USSC publicly acknowledged the existence of election fraud. Democrats, who spent 4 years invested in ousting the President through coup attempt after coup attempt said there was election fraud...but not enough to alter the election results...'trust us'. Chief Justice Roberts acknowledged election fraud but declared the USSC wanted no part in 'fixing' this mess.

Democrats, meanwhile, reportedly created a 'Revenge Commission' whose purpose would be, after President Biden became President, to punish the President, his family members, and anyone who served on the Trump administration. Reports also exposed how some Democrats voiced the desire to round up and send Trump supporters to 're-education camps' (shades of the CCP).

Distrust in both the government - arguably valid after all the exposed crime / treason / corruption by the Democrats the last 4 years - and in our elections now - also arguably valid after what has played out regarding the election - has been sewn, and very little attempt to diffuse / eliminate that distrust has been made. Almost half of the country - millions of Americans, even Democrats, believe there was election fraud this past election, which, again, has already been acknowledged by even Democrats and the highest court in the nation.

Several days ago thousands f Americans gathered at the Capitol to voice their concern over election fraud and refusal by the left and fake news media to properly, transparently investigate. During this event violence broke out, and since President Trump has been vilified, Democrats have resumed their attempts to affect a coup by calling for the President to be removed via the 25th Amendment, and Trump supporters - millions of Americans - have been labeled by the left as 'Domestic Terrorists', 'Enemy #1', and a 'threat to our nation'.

This post is an attempt to analyze the events leading up to this violence, in part, the actions during the event, the rising claims (and evidence) that this event may have been staged to destroy the threat of both Trump and Trump supporters to Democrats / the left.
Capitol Violence Was A Set-Up / Sham Carried Out To Destroy Trump, His Ability To Come Back In 2024, & His Supporters or at lesast Democrats have used the violence to vilify Trump and Trump Supporters
Again, this is completely false, an overblown stretch, a claim from the left by the Left to claim President Trump said something he did not. The exact verbiage they claim proves he called for a treasonous rebellion does not exist. Any attempt to provide such consists of comments made that are altered, added to, by his attackers. President Trump voiced the belief of millions of Americans that the election was stolen, a belief no one has actually, officially, transparently attempted to investigate / debunk to those Americans. President Trump called on Americans to continue to 'stand up and fight', a generic phrase used an infinite number of times by countless number of people and politicians never meant as a call for insurrection. The claim that Trump did so is just more propaganda / exaggeration from the left to attempt to vilify the President.
Several reports filed claim that bricks and frozen water bottles were staged near the Capitol in sever allocations prior to the event / violence, a known 'tell-tale sign' / recorded practice by Antifa / BLM prior to violent protests.
Released videos show Capitol Police removing barricades for violent protestors and show Capitol police 'leading' intruders towards Congress. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/video-capitol-police-removed-barriers-allowed-protesters-walk-right-capitol/
FAKE NEWS!!! Everyone with any sense knows Trump has blood on his hands. Even his VP doesn't want to have anything to do with him.
sounds convincing, trumptard. as convincing as the massive voter fraud allegations. time for your nap.

You do know, right, that DEMOCRATS have admitted election fraud occurred, that the USSC acknowledged it, despite their unwillingness to intervene?! Every time one of you snowflakes say something like this it just makes you look stupid.
ok, hero. that was very convincing as well. you are very special.
Yes, the now state-media claim that Trump ordered the violence is a lie. Gosh, the media lying... how shocking. That's why nobody believes them anymore besides those in the leftist echo chamber.

However, I don't think it was a bunch of actors. I think it was a few hundred immoral monsters who chose to commit horrible crimes, much like the tens to hundreds of thousands of BLM rioters over the past year.

We should denounce all of them, not just the "other guys" like the left and media is doing. We should continue to be morally superior to the left.
Repeating the lie that Trump ordered the violence is just increasing the fury.
There is a growing, substantiated, belief that the recent Capitol violence was not 'spontaneous' not fully caused by Trump supporters but was instead another event manufactured by the Trump-hating Deep State Left, or at least one taken advantage by them.

Over the last 4 years Democrats, our nation's enemies the former President colluded with, and the fake News media were proven to have collaborated and engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law - FISA Court crimes, illegal spying, etc... - to attempt failed political coup attempt after failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the President of the United States. The Democrats even affected the 1st admitted Political Partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses.

More recently Americans witnessed al election fraught with election fraud. Both the Democrats and the USSC publicly acknowledged the existence of election fraud. Democrats, who spent 4 years invested in ousting the President through coup attempt after coup attempt said there was election fraud...but not enough to alter the election results...'trust us'. Chief Justice Roberts acknowledged election fraud but declared the USSC wanted no part in 'fixing' this mess.

Democrats, meanwhile, reportedly created a 'Revenge Commission' whose purpose would be, after President Biden became President, to punish the President, his family members, and anyone who served on the Trump administration. Reports also exposed how some Democrats voiced the desire to round up and send Trump supporters to 're-education camps' (shades of the CCP).

Distrust in both the government - arguably valid after all the exposed crime / treason / corruption by the Democrats the last 4 years - and in our elections now - also arguably valid after what has played out regarding the election - has been sewn, and very little attempt to diffuse / eliminate that distrust has been made. Almost half of the country - millions of Americans, even Democrats, believe there was election fraud this past election, which, again, has already been acknowledged by even Democrats and the highest court in the nation.

Several days ago thousands f Americans gathered at the Capitol to voice their concern over election fraud and refusal by the left and fake news media to properly, transparently investigate. During this event violence broke out, and since President Trump has been vilified, Democrats have resumed their attempts to affect a coup by calling for the President to be removed via the 25th Amendment, and Trump supporters - millions of Americans - have been labeled by the left as 'Domestic Terrorists', 'Enemy #1', and a 'threat to our nation'.

This post is an attempt to analyze the events leading up to this violence, in part, the actions during the event, the rising claims (and evidence) that this event may have been staged to destroy the threat of both Trump and Trump supporters to Democrats / the left.

Capitol Violence Was A Set-Up / Sham Carried Out To Destroy Trump, His Ability To Come Back In 2024, & His Supporters or at lesast Democrats have used the violence to vilify Trump and Trump Supporters


Again, this is completely false, an overblown stretch, a claim from the left by the Left to claim President Trump said something he did not. The exact verbiage they claim proves he called for a treasonous rebellion does not exist. Any attempt to provide such consists of comments made that are altered, added to, by his attackers. President Trump voiced the belief of millions of Americans that the election was stolen, a belief no one has actually, officially, transparently attempted to investigate / debunk to those Americans. President Trump called on Americans to continue to 'stand up and fight', a generic phrase used an infinite number of times by countless number of people and politicians never meant as a call for insurrection. The claim that Trump did so is just more propaganda / exaggeration from the left to attempt to vilify the President.

Several reports filed claim that bricks and frozen water bottles were staged near the Capitol in sever allocations prior to the event / violence, a known 'tell-tale sign' / recorded practice by Antifa / BLM prior to violent protests.

Released videos show Capitol Police removing barricades for violent protestors and show Capitol police 'leading' intruders towards Congress.




Is this Matt Gaetz?

The only thing I have seen is the police removing the barrier's and letting them in.

I also read an article business insider that foreign intelligence officer's that work closely with U.S. intelligence said that the rioter's had help from someone within the federal government that is controlled by your lord god.
10 years, Trumptards! This is what's in store for you after your Orange God told you to go storm the Capitol! rofl





wow, all caps. so it must be true and very convincing. you are very special, and trump loves you.

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