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Capitol Violence Orchestrated Attempt By The Left?

So they want to impeach him again so he can not run in 2024.....
And the above has what to do with the insane claims in the OP?
If you had read my posts you would know the answer to that; however, you just proved you did not read what I wrote and have just been insulting because you are just being you - uneducated, ignorant, and insulting.

President Trump, although he lost the election, and his supporters remain a threat and had to be destroyed.
I have to admit, I stopped reading at the third or fourth lie. That was close to the begining of the second paragraph, IIRC.
The TRUTH is starting to come out:

Capitol rioter Richard Barnett who put feet up on Pelosi's ...


The latest lies by Trump bum kissers add cowardice to their resumé in a a putrid, terminal display of degenerate Trumpery.

Their "God Emperor" has indoctrinated them well: Blame whatever you are guilty of on someone else.

Their refusal to acknowledge their Loser's responsibility for inciting his goons to attack the U.S.Government is pathetic, but consistent..

Mainly pathetic.

The TRUTH is starting to come out:

Capitol rioter Richard Barnett who put feet up on Pelosi's ...'s ...



vos was pictured with jake angeli, not the trumptard sitting in pelosi's chair. that's another identified scumbag.

jake angeli is not antifa.

you are a malignant dumb liar.
Trump has brought ALL of this on himself and his supporters. ALL of this is on Trump's head for lying about the results of the election, and his false accusations that the election is rigged. While it is laughable and pathetic that Trump is throwing tantrums and attacking everyone for "disloyalty", people are getting killed, and hundreds of thousands more will die from covid as a result of the actions of this President.

His potential for even more "mischief" and access to the nuclear codes when he is clearly not competent to carry out his oath of office, is a continuing concern.

The left brought all of this on our country. For the last four years they have done nothing but try to overthrow the 2016 election and ignore the will of the people.

The last year we have watched the left destroy our economy, and thousands of businesses that will never return. And, now we have watched them steal an election. You can only push people so far and once they feel cornered, you get what we have now........ All created and orchestrated by the left.
The latest lies by Trump bum kissers add cowardice to their resumé in a a putrid, terminal display of degenerate Trumpery.

Their "God Emperor" has indoctrinated them well: Blame whatever you are guilty of on someone else.

Their refusal to acknowledge their Loser's responsibility for inciting his goons to attack the U.S.Government is pathetic, but consistent..

Mainly pathetic.

The fact that an Antifa member has just confessed to illegally being in the Capitol building completely destroys the credibility of both YOU and your 'FACT-CHECKER'.
Right On Cue:

Just as a violent Antifa / BLM member confessed to illegally being in the Capitol during the violence AND the intruder pictured sitting at Pelosi's desk with his feet up is reported by the AP to have been with Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law just before the violence began, USMB Mods quickly move this thread to 'Conspiracy Theories'
There is a growing, substantiated, belief that the recent Capitol violence was not 'spontaneous' not fully caused by Trump supporters but was instead another event manufactured by the Trump-hating Deep State Left, or at least one taken advantage by them.

Over the last 4 years Democrats, our nation's enemies the former President colluded with, and the fake News media were proven to have collaborated and engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law - FISA Court crimes, illegal spying, etc... - to attempt failed political coup attempt after failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the President of the United States. The Democrats even affected the 1st admitted Political Partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses.

More recently Americans witnessed al election fraught with election fraud. Both the Democrats and the USSC publicly acknowledged the existence of election fraud. Democrats, who spent 4 years invested in ousting the President through coup attempt after coup attempt said there was election fraud...but not enough to alter the election results...'trust us'. Chief Justice Roberts acknowledged election fraud but declared the USSC wanted no part in 'fixing' this mess.

Democrats, meanwhile, reportedly created a 'Revenge Commission' whose purpose would be, after President Biden became President, to punish the President, his family members, and anyone who served on the Trump administration. Reports also exposed how some Democrats voiced the desire to round up and send Trump supporters to 're-education camps' (shades of the CCP).

Distrust in both the government - arguably valid after all the exposed crime / treason / corruption by the Democrats the last 4 years - and in our elections now - also arguably valid after what has played out regarding the election - has been sewn, and very little attempt to diffuse / eliminate that distrust has been made. Almost half of the country - millions of Americans, even Democrats, believe there was election fraud this past election, which, again, has already been acknowledged by even Democrats and the highest court in the nation.

Several days ago thousands f Americans gathered at the Capitol to voice their concern over election fraud and refusal by the left and fake news media to properly, transparently investigate. During this event violence broke out, and since President Trump has been vilified, Democrats have resumed their attempts to affect a coup by calling for the President to be removed via the 25th Amendment, and Trump supporters - millions of Americans - have been labeled by the left as 'Domestic Terrorists', 'Enemy #1', and a 'threat to our nation'.

This post is an attempt to analyze the events leading up to this violence, in part, the actions during the event, the rising claims (and evidence) that this event may have been staged to destroy the threat of both Trump and Trump supporters to Democrats / the left.

Capitol Violence Was A Set-Up / Sham Carried Out To Destroy Trump, His Ability To Come Back In 2024, & His Supporters or at lesast Democrats have used the violence to vilify Trump and Trump Supporters


Again, this is completely false, an overblown stretch, a claim from the left by the Left to claim President Trump said something he did not. The exact verbiage they claim proves he called for a treasonous rebellion does not exist. Any attempt to provide such consists of comments made that are altered, added to, by his attackers. President Trump voiced the belief of millions of Americans that the election was stolen, a belief no one has actually, officially, transparently attempted to investigate / debunk to those Americans. President Trump called on Americans to continue to 'stand up and fight', a generic phrase used an infinite number of times by countless number of people and politicians never meant as a call for insurrection. The claim that Trump did so is just more propaganda / exaggeration from the left to attempt to vilify the President.

Several reports filed claim that bricks and frozen water bottles were staged near the Capitol in sever allocations prior to the event / violence, a known 'tell-tale sign' / recorded practice by Antifa / BLM prior to violent protests.

Released videos show Capitol Police removing barricades for violent protestors and show Capitol police 'leading' intruders towards Congress.



It's encouraging to see so many Republicans denouncing the Cry Baby Loser and resigning from his insipid regime that has befouled the nation.

If only they had been capable of finding their self-respect, patriotism, and testicles sooner.

Still, the Loser's precipitous decent into the maelstrom, his lame duck icarus swan song, makes the Hindenburg crash appear as an anorexic butterfly's touching down on a rose petal by comparison - an incumbent losing an election after only a single term by 7 million votes, losing dozens of frivolous court challenges, losing desperate pleas and threats against Republican office holders, losing two senate seats in a very red state, losing control of the upper house after having lost the lower in 2018, the loser finally inciting a degenerate mob to attack the U.S. government. (They lost.)

Screen Shot 2021-01-08 at 10.56.04 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 3.57.54 PM.png

“We’re going to win! We’re going to win so much!
We’re going to win at trade, we’re going to win at the border!
We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning,
you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t win anymore!’
You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. President, we beg you sir, we don’t want to win anymore!'
And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep

winning! winning! winning,!"


"Oh yeah!

Well he done builded that there
'big beautyful wall' and made
them Mexicans pay fer it!

So there!"
There is a growing, substantiated, belief that the recent Capitol violence was not 'spontaneous' not fully caused by Trump supporters but was instead another event manufactured by the Trump-hating Deep State Left, or at least one taken advantage by them.

Over the last 4 years Democrats, our nation's enemies the former President colluded with, and the fake News media were proven to have collaborated and engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law - FISA Court crimes, illegal spying, etc... - to attempt failed political coup attempt after failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the President of the United States. The Democrats even affected the 1st admitted Political Partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses.

More recently Americans witnessed al election fraught with election fraud. Both the Democrats and the USSC publicly acknowledged the existence of election fraud. Democrats, who spent 4 years invested in ousting the President through coup attempt after coup attempt said there was election fraud...but not enough to alter the election results...'trust us'. Chief Justice Roberts acknowledged election fraud but declared the USSC wanted no part in 'fixing' this mess.

Democrats, meanwhile, reportedly created a 'Revenge Commission' whose purpose would be, after President Biden became President, to punish the President, his family members, and anyone who served on the Trump administration. Reports also exposed how some Democrats voiced the desire to round up and send Trump supporters to 're-education camps' (shades of the CCP).

Distrust in both the government - arguably valid after all the exposed crime / treason / corruption by the Democrats the last 4 years - and in our elections now - also arguably valid after what has played out regarding the election - has been sewn, and very little attempt to diffuse / eliminate that distrust has been made. Almost half of the country - millions of Americans, even Democrats, believe there was election fraud this past election, which, again, has already been acknowledged by even Democrats and the highest court in the nation.

Several days ago thousands f Americans gathered at the Capitol to voice their concern over election fraud and refusal by the left and fake news media to properly, transparently investigate. During this event violence broke out, and since President Trump has been vilified, Democrats have resumed their attempts to affect a coup by calling for the President to be removed via the 25th Amendment, and Trump supporters - millions of Americans - have been labeled by the left as 'Domestic Terrorists', 'Enemy #1', and a 'threat to our nation'.

This post is an attempt to analyze the events leading up to this violence, in part, the actions during the event, the rising claims (and evidence) that this event may have been staged to destroy the threat of both Trump and Trump supporters to Democrats / the left.

Capitol Violence Was A Set-Up / Sham Carried Out To Destroy Trump, His Ability To Come Back In 2024, & His Supporters or at lesast Democrats have used the violence to vilify Trump and Trump Supporters


Again, this is completely false, an overblown stretch, a claim from the left by the Left to claim President Trump said something he did not. The exact verbiage they claim proves he called for a treasonous rebellion does not exist. Any attempt to provide such consists of comments made that are altered, added to, by his attackers. President Trump voiced the belief of millions of Americans that the election was stolen, a belief no one has actually, officially, transparently attempted to investigate / debunk to those Americans. President Trump called on Americans to continue to 'stand up and fight', a generic phrase used an infinite number of times by countless number of people and politicians never meant as a call for insurrection. The claim that Trump did so is just more propaganda / exaggeration from the left to attempt to vilify the President.

Several reports filed claim that bricks and frozen water bottles were staged near the Capitol in sever allocations prior to the event / violence, a known 'tell-tale sign' / recorded practice by Antifa / BLM prior to violent protests.

Released videos show Capitol Police removing barricades for violent protestors and show Capitol police 'leading' intruders towards Congress.



It's encouraging to see so many Republicans denouncing the Cry Baby Loser and resigning from his insipid regime that has befouled the nation.

If only they had been capable of finding their self-respect, patriotism, and testicles sooner.

Still, the Loser's precipitous decent into the maelstrom, his lame duck icarus swan song, makes the Hindenburg crash appear as an anorexic butterfly's touching down on a rose petal by comparison - an incumbent losing an election after only a single term by 7 million votes, losing dozens of frivolous court challenges, losing desperate pleas and threats against Republican office holders, losing two senate seats in a very red state, losing control of the upper house after having lost the lower in 2018, the loser finally inciting a degenerate mob to attack the U.S. government. (They lost.)

View attachment 439335
View attachment 439336
“We’re going to win! We’re going to win so much!
We’re going to win at trade, we’re going to win at the border!
We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning,
you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t win anymore!’
You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. President, we beg you sir, we don’t want to win anymore!'
And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep

winning! winning! winning,!"

View attachment 439364

"Oh yeah!

Well he done builded that there
'big beautyful wall' and made
them Mexicans pay fer it!

So there!"

That emotional, hypocritical rant is extremely amusing coming from Democrats and snowflakes who openly wept when Hillary lost, ran out into the streets and screamed at the sky, then spent the next 4 years committing FISA Court crimes, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, and attempting failed political coup attempt after failed political attempt...and who are trying to do so again just 12 1/2 days before the president leaves office...all because they never got over the loss in 2016 or their hatred.
The fact that an Antifa member has just confessed to illegally being in the Capitol building completely destroys the credibility of both YOU and your 'FACT-CHECKER'.
Antifa consists of anarchists with no allegiance to any political party.

It would not be surprising if there were some who joined with the Trump goons in attacking the U.S. government.
Antifa consists of anarchists with no allegiance to any political party. It would not be surprising if there were some who joined with the Trump goons in attacking the U.S. government.
Well, we do know that violent members of BLM were in the Capitol building, thanks to this idiot offering up his confession...
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Trump himself identified the mob as his own supporters in a video posted to Twitter where he told them, "We love you. You’re very special.”
Why don't you post the entire test of what he said? Probably because he was talking to the entire crowd of people who had come to the Capitol, not solely to violent protestors. Again, you snowflakes always have to bend, manipulate, shorten, etc... everything to bend what is fact to something other than fact to support your attempted posts /claims.
Where are the Democrats, Fake News Media, Pelosi's, Schumer's, and other Liberal Progressive Socialists' acknowledgment that Antifa had been bussed in, that members of the foreign-funded violent BLM group was involved in the violence and that they were in the Capitol?

Where is their declaration that these groups are 'Domestic terrorists' who need to be 'purged' after THEIR violent assault on the Capitol, our government?

Where is the call for removing these polit9icians via the 25th Amendment for being a threat?
Why don't you post the entire test of what he said?
Because Loser's acknowledging them as his goons is what is pertinent amidst the cowardly attempts to blame others.

Meanwhile, the maskless Trump goon are being easily identified from their recorded images, and if there were any deranged rotarians in their midst, we'll know it.

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