Capt Clueless Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits “One Of The Most Important Stimu


Nov 13, 2012
Captain Clueless Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits “One Of The Most Important Stimuli For The Economy”…​

Our $16.2 TRILLION deficit has a different opinion.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said unemployment insurance benefits act as a “safety net for our whole economy,” adding that they simultaneously constitute “probably the most important” stimulus for the economy.

During a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi why she has not brought unemployment benefits into the debate over the so-called fiscal cliff.

Pelosi said, “As far as the unemployment insurance is concerned, that is something that is really a safety net for our whole economy. It’s not just a safety net for individuals. It’s a safety net for our economy.”

“Our economy, our capitalist, free market economy is one that swings back and forth in terms of ups and downs,” Pelosi said. “And when it is down, people have paid into an unemployment insurance program and then they have those benefits, which probably are one of the most important stimuli for the economy.”

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits
It is a common mistake with these left wingers that things like welfare at 'stimulative'... they are indeed drains on society

Pelosi On House Floor: Stop Smirking At Me!

December 12, 2012


Read more: Pelosi On House Floor: Stop Smirking At Me! – Patriot Update
Captain Clueless Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits “One Of The Most Important Stimuli For The Economy”…​

Our $16.2 TRILLION deficit has a different opinion.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said unemployment insurance benefits act as a “safety net for our whole economy,” adding that they simultaneously constitute “probably the most important” stimulus for the economy.

During a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi why she has not brought unemployment benefits into the debate over the so-called fiscal cliff.

Pelosi said, “As far as the unemployment insurance is concerned, that is something that is really a safety net for our whole economy. It’s not just a safety net for individuals. It’s a safety net for our economy.”

“Our economy, our capitalist, free market economy is one that swings back and forth in terms of ups and downs,” Pelosi said. “And when it is down, people have paid into an unemployment insurance program and then they have those benefits, which probably are one of the most important stimuli for the economy.”

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits
Ms. Pelosi is right.
Is it any wonder the country is headed into the shitter with that kind of logic representing us?
I'm sorry you guys have such a problem with economics, but what Pelosi said is true. Every dollar spent on unemployment benefits generates $1.64 in economic activity.
Captain Clueless Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits “One Of The Most Important Stimuli For The Economy”…​

Our $16.2 TRILLION deficit has a different opinion.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said unemployment insurance benefits act as a “safety net for our whole economy,” adding that they simultaneously constitute “probably the most important” stimulus for the economy.

During a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi why she has not brought unemployment benefits into the debate over the so-called fiscal cliff.

Pelosi said, “As far as the unemployment insurance is concerned, that is something that is really a safety net for our whole economy. It’s not just a safety net for individuals. It’s a safety net for our economy.”

“Our economy, our capitalist, free market economy is one that swings back and forth in terms of ups and downs,” Pelosi said. “And when it is down, people have paid into an unemployment insurance program and then they have those benefits, which probably are one of the most important stimuli for the economy.”

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits

Of course Pelosi is right, it is one of the most important. Food stamps are a direct stimulus as well. Wouldn't it be great if the House had been working on the jobs situation all these past 4 years instead of their war on Obama but they haven't so stimulus is where we can find it.

Get rid of those idiots Boehner and Cantor and maybe we can get some real work done around there for a change.
Captain Clueless Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits “One Of The Most Important Stimuli For The Economy”…​

Our $16.2 TRILLION deficit has a different opinion.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said unemployment insurance benefits act as a “safety net for our whole economy,” adding that they simultaneously constitute “probably the most important” stimulus for the economy.

During a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi why she has not brought unemployment benefits into the debate over the so-called fiscal cliff.

Pelosi said, “As far as the unemployment insurance is concerned, that is something that is really a safety net for our whole economy. It’s not just a safety net for individuals. It’s a safety net for our economy.”

“Our economy, our capitalist, free market economy is one that swings back and forth in terms of ups and downs,” Pelosi said. “And when it is down, people have paid into an unemployment insurance program and then they have those benefits, which probably are one of the most important stimuli for the economy.”

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits

Of course Pelosi is right, it is one of the most important. Food stamps are a direct stimulus as well. Wouldn't it be great if the House had been working on the jobs situation all these past 4 years instead of their war on Obama but they haven't so stimulus is where we can find it.

Get rid of those idiots Boehner and Cantor and maybe we can get some real work done around there for a change.

Captain Clueless Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits “One Of The Most Important Stimuli For The Economy”…​

Our $16.2 TRILLION deficit has a different opinion.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said unemployment insurance benefits act as a “safety net for our whole economy,” adding that they simultaneously constitute “probably the most important” stimulus for the economy.

During a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi why she has not brought unemployment benefits into the debate over the so-called fiscal cliff.

Pelosi said, “As far as the unemployment insurance is concerned, that is something that is really a safety net for our whole economy. It’s not just a safety net for individuals. It’s a safety net for our economy.”

“Our economy, our capitalist, free market economy is one that swings back and forth in terms of ups and downs,” Pelosi said. “And when it is down, people have paid into an unemployment insurance program and then they have those benefits, which probably are one of the most important stimuli for the economy.”

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits

Of course Pelosi is right, it is one of the most important. Food stamps are a direct stimulus as well. Wouldn't it be great if the House had been working on the jobs situation all these past 4 years instead of their war on Obama but they haven't so stimulus is where we can find it.

Get rid of those idiots Boehner and Cantor and maybe we can get some real work done around there for a change.


No, true shit. Why do you ignore the proof?

Food stamps offer best stimulus - study

Yes, if only those "right wingers" would just frequent and the ever credible media matters they could learn a thing or two right? :rolleyes:

No way the right wingers will ever learn anything. They are stuck in the 1890's, politically and scientifically. Willfully ignorant and proudly stupid.
Captain Clueless Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits “One Of The Most Important Stimuli For The Economy”…​

Our $16.2 TRILLION deficit has a different opinion.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said unemployment insurance benefits act as a “safety net for our whole economy,” adding that they simultaneously constitute “probably the most important” stimulus for the economy.

During a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi why she has not brought unemployment benefits into the debate over the so-called fiscal cliff.

Pelosi said, “As far as the unemployment insurance is concerned, that is something that is really a safety net for our whole economy. It’s not just a safety net for individuals. It’s a safety net for our economy.”

“Our economy, our capitalist, free market economy is one that swings back and forth in terms of ups and downs,” Pelosi said. “And when it is down, people have paid into an unemployment insurance program and then they have those benefits, which probably are one of the most important stimuli for the economy.”

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits

Of course Pelosi is right, it is one of the most important. Food stamps are a direct stimulus as well. Wouldn't it be great if the House had been working on the jobs situation all these past 4 years instead of their war on Obama but they haven't so stimulus is where we can find it.

Get rid of those idiots Boehner and Cantor and maybe we can get some real work done around there for a change.

Add the lying Randian disciple Ryan to the list.
Captain Clueless Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits “One Of The Most Important Stimuli For The Economy”…​

Our $16.2 TRILLION deficit has a different opinion.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said unemployment insurance benefits act as a “safety net for our whole economy,” adding that they simultaneously constitute “probably the most important” stimulus for the economy.

During a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi why she has not brought unemployment benefits into the debate over the so-called fiscal cliff.

Pelosi said, “As far as the unemployment insurance is concerned, that is something that is really a safety net for our whole economy. It’s not just a safety net for individuals. It’s a safety net for our economy.”

“Our economy, our capitalist, free market economy is one that swings back and forth in terms of ups and downs,” Pelosi said. “And when it is down, people have paid into an unemployment insurance program and then they have those benefits, which probably are one of the most important stimuli for the economy.”

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits

Of course Pelosi is right, it is one of the most important. Food stamps are a direct stimulus as well. Wouldn't it be great if the House had been working on the jobs situation all these past 4 years instead of their war on Obama but they haven't so stimulus is where we can find it.

Get rid of those idiots Boehner and Cantor and maybe we can get some real work done around there for a change.

25 House-Passed Jobs Bills Stuck in the Democratic-Run Senate |
maybe it's time to get rid of Reid?

Yes, if only those "right wingers" would just frequent and the ever credible media matters they could learn a thing or two right? :rolleyes:

No way the right wingers will ever learn anything. They are stuck in the 1890's, politically and scientifically. Willfully ignorant and proudly stupid.

Yowzer you old codgers got us by 20 yrs, you old 60's utopian dreamers why don't you turn on tune in and drop the Fvck out...:D
zzzzzzzzzzzz Pub dupes...Thanks for ruining the nonrich, the Depression, and the stupidest wars ever- and our RW BS propaganda machine....see sig

Jobs Bills? They're bills to reduce red tape and taxes and make it easier for small companies. They're NOT job creation bills, they're just more Republican smoke and mirrors.

The US deficit has absolutely exploded under all of the Republican Presidents since Reagan. Only Clinton and Obama have done ANYTHING whatsoever to curb runaway government spending. Only a complete idiot suggests cutting social spending in the midst of a recession.

Of course the Republicans blame their prolifigate spending on the Democrats. Every time they have cut taxes for their rich pals, they've thrown the poor folk a bone or two by way of an unfunded social program. The national food stamp program ballooned under Reagan. By the end of his first term the ranks of those receiving food stamps swelling from 20 million to 28 million. That was double the number of participants when Richard Nixon signed the national program into law in 1973.

The policies of the Reagan and the Bushes have pushed more people into poverty than into wealth. For every billionaire, there are thousands upon thousand of poor. Republican policies lead to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed. That's because every social program created by the Republicans, has no funding mechanism. They've yet to figure out you need to collect the revenues before spending them.

The Republicans TALK about being fiscally responsible but like so many of their criticisms of the Democrats, they're lying. Again.
Captain Clueless Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits “One Of The Most Important Stimuli For The Economy”…​

Our $16.2 TRILLION deficit has a different opinion.

( – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said unemployment insurance benefits act as a “safety net for our whole economy,” adding that they simultaneously constitute “probably the most important” stimulus for the economy.

During a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi why she has not brought unemployment benefits into the debate over the so-called fiscal cliff.

Pelosi said, “As far as the unemployment insurance is concerned, that is something that is really a safety net for our whole economy. It’s not just a safety net for individuals. It’s a safety net for our economy.”

“Our economy, our capitalist, free market economy is one that swings back and forth in terms of ups and downs,” Pelosi said. “And when it is down, people have paid into an unemployment insurance program and then they have those benefits, which probably are one of the most important stimuli for the economy.”

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits

Of course Pelosi is right, it is one of the most important. Food stamps are a direct stimulus as well. Wouldn't it be great if the House had been working on the jobs situation all these past 4 years instead of their war on Obama but they haven't so stimulus is where we can find it.

Get rid of those idiots Boehner and Cantor and maybe we can get some real work done around there for a change.

Add the lying Randian disciple Ryan to the list.

Of course and a few others.

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