Carbon Offsets: The latest scam by John Kerry and the Climate Hucksters.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Have you heard of this? The New Woke Order has already poisoned every major institution in the free world wit DEI now they are pushing "Carbon Offsets". Just another extortion scheme by the Climate Hucksters like John Kerry. "Sure I flew my private jet to Davos, but I bought climate offsets from Trees R Us. So my flight was carbon neutral!" :auiqs.jpg:

And of course China will be exempt even though they produce more solid and airborne pollution than any other country in the world.

And they wonder why they get called religious cultists.....

Have you heard of this? The New Woke Order has already poisoned every major institution in the free world wit DEI now they are pushing "Carbon Offsets". Just another extortion scheme by the Climate Hucksters like John Kerry. "Sure I flew my private jet to Davos, but I bought climate offsets from Trees R Us. So my flight was carbon neutral!" :auiqs.jpg:

And of course China will be exempt even though they produce more solid and airborne pollution than any other country in the world.

I had a guy that was a forester come buy a dust collector from me,
he said he just got back from Vermont to check on a Forrest there for a company being built in california,,

not sure what vermont has to do with california but he made a lot of money doing the evaluation,,
Kerry is surely near the front of the queue for public execution .

I am amazed that people do not know every person that is partner/ member tied to the WEF , Counsel of Foreign Relations , Skull and Crossbones etc .
And everybody would then know their agenda and be aware that they probably lie deliberately every time they open their mouth .
Do you understand how carbon offsets work? They should be bread and butter to any dyed-in-the-wool capitalist
Yes...They work exactly like indulgences.

You warmers are a religious cult.
Only if indulgences were paid to people against whom you sinned. It appears you don't know how they work. Why don't you look that up.

Those in these positions of power want us to accept this insanity. More and more they push on us.....this Trans thing....same thing. If they can get us to accept THAT then they can get us to accept any stupid thing they say. Well. I'm not gonna do that.

Those in these positions of power want us to accept this insanity.
It's not insanity. It's a strategy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. And it's not being pushed on you. It's become available to industry. Carbon-offsets are something utilized by industry. Are you an industry?
More and more they push on us.
No one is pushing it on you. And an article from Moonbattery is not something you should be relying on for good info.
....this Trans thing....same thing.
Gender is not binary, it's a fucking spectrum. There have always been people who weren't comfortable with the gender they were assigned at birth. There are babies that obstetricians actually have difficulty making a gendcer determination. There is NO FUCKING REASON that such people should be forced to live with whatever the obstetrician decided. It doesn't hurt you in the slightest and depriving them of that possibility WILL HURT THEM.
If they can get us to accept THAT then they can get us to accept any stupid thing they say. Well. I'm not gonna do that.
Stop worrying about yourself. No one is trying to hurt you. No one is trying to steal from you. Stop hurting others for no good reason.
Not analogous.

Your "offsets" are nothing but indulgences....Yet another piece of evidence that you're involved with a pseudo-scientific religious cult.
INDULGENCES: (in the Roman Catholic Church) a grant by the Pope of remission of the temporal punishment in purgatory still due for sins after absolution. The unrestricted sale of indulgences by pardoners was a widespread abuse during the later Middle Ages.

A CARBON OFFSET broadly refers to a reduction in GHG emissions – or an increase in carbon storage (e.g., through land restoration or the planting of trees) – that is used to compensate for emissions that occur elsewhere.

Not the same.
Gore has claimed to “live a carbon neutral lifestyle” for about two decades. He doesn’t even plant trees, he donates money to climate alarmist groups that finance his travels in his private jets. Donating to the propogandists, who haven’t reduced carbon by one molecule, makes up for his multiple houses, gas stoves and SUVs.
INDULGENCES: (in the Roman Catholic Church) a grant by the Pope of remission of the temporal punishment in purgatory still due for sins after absolution. The unrestricted sale of indulgences by pardoners was a widespread abuse during the later Middle Ages.

A CARBON OFFSET broadly refers to a reduction in GHG emissions – or an increase in carbon storage (e.g., through land restoration or the planting of trees) – that is used to compensate for emissions that occur elsewhere.

Not the same.
Only different insofar as to which church you're paying.

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