Cardi B Loses It.

Must be because you're not very smart.

Oh, my avatar could be smarter. So stipulated.
And yes, he did falsely attribute this quote to you:

"these are the morons American’s like to make famous."

But the linkage to your reference to Trump was apt.
You didn't write that such folks are the morons America makes famous.
Nonetheless, the linkage still works just fine. Thank you very much.
Never heard tell of her.

you aren't missing anything from what little I know about her...

I know little but enough to despise... and this OP makes me despise even more...

rich, pampered morons...

so many of them in holly.. follywood
"I know little but enough to despise... and this OP makes me despise even more."


Despise someone that you do not know, in fact you confess you 'know little' about the woman?
Yet, the poster goes full-bore misogyny on her? Full bore..."despising".
What's up with that?

I get the impresseion from many of the TDS'rs on this venue that they are just angry, grievance-ridden old men (and women) who have been disappointed and embittered by the life they built for themselves and their families. Any opportunity to vent out their disapointments is siezed upon as if it is therapy.

And perhaps it is.
If so, maybe the rest of the sane and thinking world should be grateful for chatrooms such as this. It is a catharsis, a release for their bitterness and their life of disapointments.

It is possible that chatrooms save us from those grievance-burdened going 'postal' with their Remington double-barrel.

If so, it may be appropriate to celebrate USMB as a needed and welcome health measure for America.

Just sayin'. ✌️

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