Cardone Capital immediately ceases ALL UNDERWRITING ON REAL ESTATE in New York.

Why lender are pulling our i
Why lenders won't give him a bond? Are are you envisioning some weird lender embargo of well something else?

Who would give a bond in this instance and why? How would they get their money back?
Why lenders are pulling out? Probably not because they agree with the ruling nor can comply with what asswipe concocted to be the way to value things
This club?

When confronted with the 2002 deed18 in which he signed away, in perpetuity, the right to use or develop Mar-a-Lago as anything other than as a social club, in exchange for a conservation easement tax benefit, he offered that “when you say, ‘intend,’ intend doesn’t mean we will do it.” PX 1730; TT 3533-3535.Nonetheless, Donald Trump insisted that he believed Mar-a-Lago is worth “between a billion and a billion five” today, which would require not only valuing it as a private residence, which the deed prohibits,19 but as more than the most expensive private residence listed in the countryby approximately 400%.20 TT 3530.

Or this club?

When questioned about Aberdeen, and whether he was aware that the SFCs for 2014-2018 valued the property as if the Trump Organization could build 2500 year-round private residences (when in fact, they had received permission to build only 500), Donald Trump testified: “I don’t know, but it could very well be. It’s sort of like a painting. You could do pretty much what you want to do. The land is there. You could do what you want to do. So you could do either one of them, actually.” TT 3539-3547. When confronted with evidence that, in 2014, the Trump Organization had submitted a statement to UK regulators stating that the Trump Organization did not intend to develop the Aberdeen property any further because of Donald Trump’s opposition to wind farms, Trump testified: “At some point that will be developed into a magnificent job. I just don’t want to do it now.”

Page 36
The “Club” is repeatedly referenced as the sole appraisal entity in the property because it’s the income producer. Now you actually need to read and comprehend. There is much much much more to the total piece value then just that one improvement alone
The “Club” is repeatedly referenced as the sole appraisal entity in the property because it’s the income producer. Now you actually need to read and comprehend. There is much much much more to the total piece value then just that one improvement alone
If you can't improve something at all, because you stated in your deed you would conserve the property in exchange for paying less taxes on it. It doesn't really matter that you can improve the income a bit.
So typical of dimocrap scum. They will sell their own constituents, their own people 'down the river' just to make a point or a couple bucks. Such incredible scum only comes around every few hundred years.

What James, Engoron, et al have done is to make HALF the population of this Country hate them. And it's the half that controls 3/4 of the money. Smart. Real smart.

New York, the City, the State and ALL of its residents are going to take a fucking like has never been seen before.

If any of you live in that washed-up, corrupt, has-been, LOSER State, you better get the fuck out while you can. Because the dimocrap FILTH that control it aren't going to give up conttrol and, more importantly, they're not going to give up the money.

But...... The money is gonna dry up now. You can count on that. The people that pay taxes in New Yawk are going to leave. They don't need it. It's just a convenient place to do business with Europe, South America, etc. They're leaving. And with no new money coming in -- Guess where they're going to make up the lost Tax Revenue?

You. That's where? You. Your paychecks, your Property Taxes, Sales Tax -- IOW, you.

Tish James, Bragg, Hokum, Engoron.... They got money and I can gaurantee-goddamn-tee you --It's not in New Yawk. They're moving to Florida as soon as they can.

New Yawk is in Deep Shit. Just like Kaliphony who just discovered that -- SHOCK!! They're running a HUGE Deficit. Over 68 Billion. And their pension obligations haven't reached anywhere near their expected peak.

You people, you dimocraps are just so, SO fucking stupid.

No wonder you're always on the outside looking in.
You mean they won’t underwrite honest appraisals?
Right, because the honest appraisals could be turned on their heads by government actions against either the lenders or the owners of the property. Uncertainty is bad for business and NY just introduced serious uncertainty into the financial and real estate sectors.
Well that didn't take long. Investors, venture capitalists and developers will be voting with their money thanks to the political hit job that Letitia James and Judge Engeron executed on Donald Trump. More to follow, that is for certain.

His wife is the one that set up the Go Fund Me account for Trump to get you to put up the money Trump is libel for...the $355 million....

You'd think this billionaire friend of Trump's would just put up the bond for it..... especially since he thinks trump committed no fraud, and will likely get the money back when Trump wins his appeal :rolleyes:
it's gonna cause a real estate depression.

Affordable housing!!!!
I think NY is already having a real estate depression. I read recently that the commercial vacancy rate is over 25% which is unheard of in NY.
Right, because the honest appraisals could be turned on their heads by government actions against either the lenders or the owners of the property. Uncertainty is bad for business and NY just introduced serious uncertainty into the financial and real estate sectors.
New Yawk Shitty signed their own, and the State's, Death Warrant.

Nobody liked them before and now, Now they're gonna really hate them.

Every place dimocrap scum go, they leave behind a trail of broke bodies and death. Every place, every thing they touch, turns to shit.

While the South is growing, happy, looks forward to a bright future, dimocrap FILTH are destroying the once-great Northern Cities.

They destroyed what was once called, "The Arsenal of Democracy'' and every City associated with it -- Dee-Troit, Cleveland Buffalo, Filthydelphia, Chicago -- They're all shit. Complete and utter shitholes.

We thought maybe, just maybe New Yawk could escape it..... Hello, New Yawk? You're fucked. And, OBTW? You deserve it.

I look forward to selling my house in Florida for 6 to 7 times what I payed for it.
Right, because the honest appraisals could be turned on their heads by government actions against either the lenders or the owners of the property. Uncertainty is bad for business and NY just introduced serious uncertainty into the financial and real estate sectors.
All at the hands of a know nothing issuing bogus decrees.
What's not imaginary is that we f'ing HATE Democrats guts now. Our mission is to destroy that corrupt party and oppose them at every turn. Tissue?


Not just now.
Pretty much since they pulled a coup on JFK

Because this isn't about trump at all. This is about if the system doesn't like you then you will be punished.

If it were actually about legality then there would be thousands of businesses men in new York being sued right now because what trump did is common practice.

So other organizations are seeing if they don't tow the line and do what the establishment says then they will also be punished while the others get to keep on doing it.
They have been punishing Trump for months. Meanwhile, Retarded Biden and his crooked brother and son Hunter just laugh and face no consequences for anything. This is why TRUMP is going to be your next President. This is why! :p

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