Cardone Capital immediately ceases ALL UNDERWRITING ON REAL ESTATE in New York.

See when you in power dim bulbs make up your own new rules and definition and manner of assessment, there are repercussions and consequences
Of course none of that happened, and you don't know anything about the law, the cases, or the evidence. You're a squealing cultist throwing a hissy fit because your Orange Daddy is being held accountable for his crime sprees.

It's going to be fun when a judge listens to the testimony of a parade of Republicans and sentences Trump to federal prison.

Maybe not fun for you and your delusions.
Once there was no longer a need for a victim, prosecution rests with who got politically pissed off. If this is the reaction so far, if properties are actually seized, it would be a general, financial, collapse. Piss off the right petty bureaucrat and your house could be taken. Everything is on the Democrat plate.
Would Trump take such a hit knowing the devastation it would cause? We will see.
Of course none of that happened, and you don't know anything about the law, the cases, or the evidence. You're a squealing cultist throwing a hissy fit because your Orange Daddy is being held accountable for his crime sprees.

It's going to be fun when a judge listens to the testimony of a parade of Republicans and sentences Trump to federal prison.

Maybe not fun for you and your delusions.
Of everything that has been thrown at Trump, this one with the provision of expert testimony will be thrown out 109% guarsnteed
Appeals process not as emotionally wedded to wishes as you.
And hardcore Trumpster.


I used to love your posts, now I see you as a Leftist who is so afraid they are going down, they have to chirp!

I am going to start a thread MAC, where YOU are totally involved should you decide to participate.......that is IF the MODS will let me, lol.

What the deal is simple------> If you have 20,000 bucks, how much your money would have grown over the last 8 years. Does NOT make any difference if Trump, or Biden. What if they just invested in decent mutual funds at 10 or 12 %.

The point is------------>you have to acquire assets; stealing them gets you nowhere. People personally have to get assets. If they do not, they have already failed, and any suggestion that is someone else's fault, is ridiculous.

You portend to be an honest broker. Then TELL them!

As soon as you tell them the truth, the people who believed you, are going to throw you under the bus. The people who NEVER believed you.......well they are going to throw you under the bus too.

How confident are you?

Say you are, then tell us who to invest with! You want it YOUR way, we deserve to know who/whom you are, and point us towards investing with your IDEAS.

If you are NOT confident enough to sell yourself after proclaiming what you do, then you do not even believe what you attempt to sell!

P.S. If you are within a 100 yards of Fidelity, I am switching to Vanguard.
How stupid can they be?
Underwriting fees range from 2-7%
for a $10M property, not that high in NY, they're blowing off $700K in underwriting fees?

While I do encourage this kind of stupidity among MAGADUMIANS I doubt seriously this is anything but an attempt to blow smoke up America's ass.

No one with a room temperature IQ believes this.
When the risk of losing ten times that much exists, YES. Successful businesses regulate risk very carefully.
Yeah...Migrants just love those underwriting fees.

GAWOD you people are stupid.
Actually they love free food housing paychecks from the state for nothing and free phones from Biden.... and shopping errrr shoplifting... enjoy it New York.... sanctuary cities were a dumb idea.... but its fun to watch...
Of course none of that happened, and you don't know anything about the law, the cases, or the evidence. You're a squealing cultist throwing a hissy fit because your Orange Daddy is being held accountable for his crime sprees.

It's going to be fun when a judge listens to the testimony of a parade of Republicans and sentences Trump to federal prison.

Maybe not fun for you and your delusions.
All of this for trying to put America first. For not being blended into the new world order government. The stupidity of people thinking that putting 300 million people into a world of 8 billion people is going to make us all richer. We are going to be downsized. And in a huge way. In fact, they have a population reduction agenda at some point. The illegal immigrants are sent here on purpose. The Progressives are fast tracking that for votes and use the word Democracy to force us into something we will not come back from.
Why lenders won't give him a bond? Are are you envisioning some weird lender embargo of well something else?

Who would give a bond in this instance and why? How would they get their money back?
Do you understand how a bond works? The person seeking the bond pays for it up front. They bought it.

Trump doesn't have to get a bond. He can put the money in an escrow account himself.
Since their website mentions nothing in New York and a lot in Texas and Florida already, this is about as meaningful as me boycotting Sri Lankan sweaters.

Because this isn't about trump at all. This is about if the system doesn't like you then you will be punished.

If it were actually about legality then there would be thousands of businesses men in new York being sued right now because what trump did is common practice.

So other organizations are seeing if they don't tow the line and do what the establishment says then they will also be punished while the others get to keep on doing it.


The top 2 rules smart business people live by is:

1. Never lie to your banker; and

2. Never lie in court.

Smart business people abide by these rules. Trump isn't smart. If he was, he wouldn't have gone bankrupt more than once.

Speaking as someone with 40 years experience in banking and law - much of them spent in real estate development law, what Trump did is NOT in any way common practice anywhere. While the real estate development business is one of the most corrupt in the world, but Donald Trump is the only big developer to have declared bankruptcy on 7 different projects or to have been a party to over 3000 law suits.

In a business noted for its bribery and corruption, Trump was and continued the worst of the worst. I've been saying "How does he get away with this shit" since the 1990's and his casinos went bankrupt 4 times while Trump bragged about how much money he personally was making off the bankruptcies.
Do you understand how a bond works? The person seeking the bond pays for it up front. They bought it.

Trump doesn't have to get a bond. He can put the money in an escrow account himself.

If he HAD the money, but he doesn't. Trump needs a bond because he doesn't have half a billion in cash to put into escrow. Putting the money into escrow means he gives the money to the court, and if he loses the appeal, the plaintiff gets the escrow.

You basically have to pay the fine, in order to appeal the fine. And Trump will have problems getting a bond. Most banks big enough to have that much money to lend, are headquartered in New York State and they cannot do business with Trump.

Also, Trump cannot pledge his New York property to secure the bond. Oversight won't allow him to dilute his assets before the fines are paid.

Trump is FUCKED without the benefit of a kiss!!! Couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole.

It's all so delicious is must
If he HAD the money, but he doesn't. Trump needs a bond because he doesn't have half a billion in cash to put into escrow. Putting the money into escrow means he gives the money to the court, and if he loses the appeal, the plaintiff gets the escrow.

You basically have to pay the fine, in order to appeal the fine. And Trump will have problems getting a bond. Most banks big enough to have that much money to lend, are headquartered in New York State and they cannot do business with Trump.

Also, Trump cannot pledge his New York property to secure the bond. Oversight won't allow him to dilute his assets before the fines are paid.

Trump is FUCKED without the benefit of a kiss!!! Couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole.

It's all so delicious is must
Are you naturally stupid or is it brain damage? Trump just got a 4 BILLION dollar windfall.

Not to mention that most of Trump’s assets aren't in New York. california has a beautiful Trump resort.
Well that didn't take long. Investors, venture capitalists and developers will be voting with their money thanks to the political hit job that Letitia James and Judge Engeron executed on Donald Trump. More to follow, that is for certain.

Grant Cardone is a flea on an elephant's ass. His boycott is MEANINGLESS. He owns 13,000 apartments, worth about $1.5 billion. Big whoop.

Get back to me when BANKS start refusing to fund New York Real Estate, like what is happening in Florida. If you can't get flood insurance, you can't get a mortgage. But climate change can be ignored. Flooding is just a made up issue the lefts use to frighten people.
Grant Cardone is a flea on an elephant's ass. His boycott is MEANINGLESS. He owns 13,000 apartments, worth about $1.5 billion. Big whoop.

Get back to me when BANKS start refusing to fund New York Real Estate, like what is happening in Florida. If you can't get flood insurance, you can't get a mortgage. But climate change can be ignored. Flooding is just a made up issue the lefts use to frighten people.
Typical knee-jerk myopic thinking. He is the first, not the only. Some of the biggest names in business such as Kevin O-Leary excoriated this political hit job by the Democrats. New York shall inherit the wind.

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