Carlson On Twitter

Like him or not, Tucker will maintain a very large following. I support Free Speech and Right to Self Determination, a rare perspective for a Canadian (becoming more rare in the U.S too based on some of what I read on here). Thus, let the free market of ideas determine his popularity and support level. For what it is worth he is greatly disliked by Canadian media and politicians to the point there is a concerted push to have CRTC ban Fox News (there's that Canadian character of free speech again)... Even as CNN is on a low channel.
Like him or not, Tucker will maintain a very large following. I support Free Speech and Right to Self Determination, a rare perspective for a Canadian (becoming more rare in the U.S too based on some of what I read on here). Thus, let the free market of ideas determine his popularity and support level. For what it is worth he is greatly disliked by Canadian media and politicians to the point there is a concerted push to have CRTC ban Fox News (there's that Canadian character of free speech again)...
Carlson had the largest audience in his time slot at Fox. He mentioned on many occasions he was grateful for the leeway Fox gave him. His popularity, IMO, had less to do with Fox promoting him than Fox giving him the resources for investigative journalism and a platform. Seems with Twitter he'll have the platform but maybe not the resources. Canada doesn't like Tucker because he nails Trudeau all the time.
I was a couple of clicks away from re-joining Twitter until it was just announced that Musk hired a far leftist Karen to run the company. It's business as usual, I'm afraid. Musk got our hopes up, then pulled the rug.

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