Carly Fiorina and Other Republican Candidates

Joeb, you are truly a clown, you have no idea what I do, another Joeb lie.

I never got behind McCain, I am not like you that vote party, so I doubt I'll vote Bush. Wall St. Is into income equality? Man, you can't stop lying can you. You are just like Hillary, no wonder you are her bitch boy.

A lot of rich folks are starting to figure out that they don't want to be the equivlent to a French Powdered wig in 1790.

So, yeah, that's why they are getting behind Hillary. They know the republicans are clowns. Unfortunately, thanks to the abortion that is Citizen's United, the GOP can be kept afloat by a few sugar daddies.

But at the end of the day, you'll get behind Bush, because you are a tool.

Unless he changes some of his positions he will not get my vote.

Just because you are Hillary's bitch doesn't mean I'll back Bush. I have voted third party 3 of the last 5 presidential elections, I don't mind doing it again.
What about Rand Paul. Why don't Rs take him more seriously, he's won a couple of straw polls, Iowa and CPAC. I find him one of the better choices. The RNC would back him.
Not all were left homeless. 30,000 were laid off.
Not even some. It takes much more than a layoff to turn most people out onto the streets. I would guess that fewer than one-tenth of one percent.

People get laid off. It happens.

The real homeless crisis was caused by Frank-Dodd.....but that's not the topic of this thread so I'll leave it at that.

No 30k homeless because of Fiorina. That's all I wanted to know.
Now you're going too far. There were some left homeless, a job at HP is a career. People lose their jobs, they have trouble keeping their homes.

Now, Muddie said in a quote to that particular misstep of mine that Hillary killed people in Benghazi. Do you believe that as well?
No, I think some al quida splinter terrorists in Libya killed people in Benghazi. The question is what did Sec. Clinton and President Obama know of it real time, and what did they do about it. Clearly, their previous answers were lies. So, the question remains. What did she know and when did she know it? As important, what did she really do about it (if anything) when it was clear our diplomatic people were under fire.

However, that too is not part of this thread topic and a something that has been fought over ad nauseum on this forum.

The point is this.....we've discovered we can't trust Hillary or Obama. They are both practiced liars. Everything seems to be getting worse on their why in the Hell should we allow Hillary yet another chance to sell us evidenced by the revelation that she and her husband have been taking millions from foreigners. All of those bribes only assure that Hillary isn't loyal to American interests.
I don't know why your stating this to Me. I have no intention of supporting Clinton, and would not vote for her if she were Queen of America and demanded it of Me or forfeit my life.
Contrary to what you may think....sometimes USMB members talk to other members in full support of their posts for the edification of those they are arguing with. I was simply agreeing with what you said.
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Not all were left homeless. 30,000 were laid off.
Not even some. It takes much more than a layoff to turn most people out onto the streets. I would guess that fewer than one-tenth of one percent.

People get laid off. It happens.

The real homeless crisis was caused by Frank-Dodd.....but that's not the topic of this thread so I'll leave it at that.

No 30k homeless because of Fiorina. That's all I wanted to know.
Now you're going too far. There were some left homeless, a job at HP is a career. People lose their jobs, they have trouble keeping their homes.

Now, Muddie said in a quote to that particular misstep of mine that Hillary killed people in Benghazi. Do you believe that as well?
No, I think some al quida splinter terrorists in Libya killed people in Benghazi. The question is what did Sec. Clinton and President Obama know of it real time, and what did they do about it. Clearly, their previous answers were lies. So, the question remains. What did she know and when did she know it? As important, what did she really do about it (if anything) when it was clear our diplomatic people were under fire.

However, that too is not part of this thread topic and a something that has been fought over ad nauseum on this forum.

The point is this.....we've discovered we can't trust Hillary or Obama. They are both practiced liars. Everything seems to be getting worse on their why in the Hell should we allow Hillary yet another chance to sell us evidenced by the revelation that she and her husband have been taking millions from foreigners. All of those bribes only assure that Hillary isn't loyal to American interests.
I don't know why your stating this to Me. I have no intention of supporting Clinton, and would not vote for her if she were Queen of America and demanded it of Me or forfeit my life.
Ds aren't pandering to the wingnut vote.
Joeb, you are truly a clown, you have no idea what I do, another Joeb lie.

I never got behind McCain, I am not like you that vote party, so I doubt I'll vote Bush. Wall St. Is into income equality? Man, you can't stop lying can you. You are just like Hillary, no wonder you are her bitch boy.

A lot of rich folks are starting to figure out that they don't want to be the equivlent to a French Powdered wig in 1790.

So, yeah, that's why they are getting behind Hillary. They know the republicans are clowns. Unfortunately, thanks to the abortion that is Citizen's United, the GOP can be kept afloat by a few sugar daddies.

But at the end of the day, you'll get behind Bush, because you are a tool.

Unless he changes some of his positions he will not get my vote.

Just because you are Hillary's bitch doesn't mean I'll back Bush. I have voted third party 3 of the last 5 presidential elections, I don't mind doing it again.
What about Rand Paul. Why don't Rs take him more seriously, he's won a couple of straw polls, Iowa and CPAC. I find him one of the better choices. The RNC would back him.

I'm not opposed to Paul. I like Walker, Paul and Rubio, probably in that order. Not thrilled with any other candidates. It is early and I will consider all but Bush or Clinton will not get my vote, time to move off those families.
Joeb, you are truly a clown, you have no idea what I do, another Joeb lie.

I never got behind McCain, I am not like you that vote party, so I doubt I'll vote Bush. Wall St. Is into income equality? Man, you can't stop lying can you. You are just like Hillary, no wonder you are her bitch boy.

A lot of rich folks are starting to figure out that they don't want to be the equivlent to a French Powdered wig in 1790.

So, yeah, that's why they are getting behind Hillary. They know the republicans are clowns. Unfortunately, thanks to the abortion that is Citizen's United, the GOP can be kept afloat by a few sugar daddies.

But at the end of the day, you'll get behind Bush, because you are a tool.

Unless he changes some of his positions he will not get my vote.

Just because you are Hillary's bitch doesn't mean I'll back Bush. I have voted third party 3 of the last 5 presidential elections, I don't mind doing it again.
What about Rand Paul. Why don't Rs take him more seriously, he's won a couple of straw polls, Iowa and CPAC. I find him one of the better choices. The RNC would back him.

Because Rand Paul isn't a Republican. He's a Libertarian. He's out on the fringes. Some of his ideas are a bit his Dad's. That's why you like him I would guess.

Don't mess with an intelligent woman....heh

She was not kidding. Type into your browser and see what happens....LOL
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Not even some. It takes much more than a layoff to turn most people out onto the streets. I would guess that fewer than one-tenth of one percent.

People get laid off. It happens.

The real homeless crisis was caused by Frank-Dodd.....but that's not the topic of this thread so I'll leave it at that.

No 30k homeless because of Fiorina. That's all I wanted to know.
Now you're going too far. There were some left homeless, a job at HP is a career. People lose their jobs, they have trouble keeping their homes.

Now, Muddie said in a quote to that particular misstep of mine that Hillary killed people in Benghazi. Do you believe that as well?
No, I think some al quida splinter terrorists in Libya killed people in Benghazi. The question is what did Sec. Clinton and President Obama know of it real time, and what did they do about it. Clearly, their previous answers were lies. So, the question remains. What did she know and when did she know it? As important, what did she really do about it (if anything) when it was clear our diplomatic people were under fire.

However, that too is not part of this thread topic and a something that has been fought over ad nauseum on this forum.

The point is this.....we've discovered we can't trust Hillary or Obama. They are both practiced liars. Everything seems to be getting worse on their why in the Hell should we allow Hillary yet another chance to sell us evidenced by the revelation that she and her husband have been taking millions from foreigners. All of those bribes only assure that Hillary isn't loyal to American interests.
I don't know why your stating this to Me. I have no intention of supporting Clinton, and would not vote for her if she were Queen of America and demanded it of Me or forfeit my life.
Ds aren't pandering to the wingnut vote.

oh, but they are. they are pandering to you aren't they?
Joeb, you are truly a clown, you have no idea what I do, another Joeb lie.

I never got behind McCain, I am not like you that vote party, so I doubt I'll vote Bush. Wall St. Is into income equality? Man, you can't stop lying can you. You are just like Hillary, no wonder you are her bitch boy.

A lot of rich folks are starting to figure out that they don't want to be the equivlent to a French Powdered wig in 1790.

So, yeah, that's why they are getting behind Hillary. They know the republicans are clowns. Unfortunately, thanks to the abortion that is Citizen's United, the GOP can be kept afloat by a few sugar daddies.

But at the end of the day, you'll get behind Bush, because you are a tool.

Unless he changes some of his positions he will not get my vote.

Just because you are Hillary's bitch doesn't mean I'll back Bush. I have voted third party 3 of the last 5 presidential elections, I don't mind doing it again.
What about Rand Paul. Why don't Rs take him more seriously, he's won a couple of straw polls, Iowa and CPAC. I find him one of the better choices. The RNC would back him.

I'm not opposed to Paul. I like Walker, Paul and Rubio, probably in that order. Not thrilled with any other candidates. It is early and I will consider all but Bush or Clinton will not get my vote, time to move off those families.

the best GOP ticket would be Kasich/Rubio. That ticket would control the whitehouse for 16 years.
Joeb, you are truly a clown, you have no idea what I do, another Joeb lie.

I never got behind McCain, I am not like you that vote party, so I doubt I'll vote Bush. Wall St. Is into income equality? Man, you can't stop lying can you. You are just like Hillary, no wonder you are her bitch boy.

A lot of rich folks are starting to figure out that they don't want to be the equivlent to a French Powdered wig in 1790.

So, yeah, that's why they are getting behind Hillary. They know the republicans are clowns. Unfortunately, thanks to the abortion that is Citizen's United, the GOP can be kept afloat by a few sugar daddies.

But at the end of the day, you'll get behind Bush, because you are a tool.

Unless he changes some of his positions he will not get my vote.

Just because you are Hillary's bitch doesn't mean I'll back Bush. I have voted third party 3 of the last 5 presidential elections, I don't mind doing it again.
What about Rand Paul. Why don't Rs take him more seriously, he's won a couple of straw polls, Iowa and CPAC. I find him one of the better choices. The RNC would back him.

Because Rand Paul isn't a Republican. He's a Libertarian. He's out on the fringes. Some of his ideas are a bit his Dad's. That's why you like him I would guess.
I look for intelligence in the candidates. I would simply HATE having another GW Bush or Rick Perry in there. You guys don't care as long as there is an R behind their name.

Don't mess with an intelligent woman....heh

She was not kidding. Type into your browser and see what happens....LOL

Ha, Seth knows what an idiot she is.

Now you are making excuses for weak men? Seth got his clock cleaned.


He was trying to be nice to her but he got his questions in. Her comments about buying his .org were weird.

He was trying to be nice to her? He was trying a 'gotcha' that backfired...horribly. In all fairness, he is probably just doing what his producers tell him to do...which would be even more pathetic.

Don't mess with an intelligent woman....heh

She was not kidding. Type into your browser and see what happens....LOL

Ha, Seth knows what an idiot she is.

Now you are making excuses for weak men? Seth got his clock cleaned.


He was trying to be nice to her but he got his questions in. Her comments about buying his .org were weird.

He was trying to be nice to her? He was trying a 'gotcha' that backfired...horribly. In all fairness, he is probably just doing what his producers tell him to do...which would be even more pathetic.

He can get really sarcastic, he does it with a smile but nonetheless... She was being weird, comon now.

Don't mess with an intelligent woman....heh

She was not kidding. Type into your browser and see what happens....LOL

Ha, Seth knows what an idiot she is.

Now you are making excuses for weak men? Seth got his clock cleaned.


He was trying to be nice to her but he got his questions in. Her comments about buying his .org were weird.

He was trying to be nice to her? He was trying a 'gotcha' that backfired...horribly. In all fairness, he is probably just doing what his producers tell him to do...which would be even more pathetic.

He can get really sarcastic, he does it with a smile but nonetheless... She was being weird, comon now.


She is a politician running for president and is being interviewed for the job. Why should she not defend herself?
Ha, Seth knows what an idiot she is.

Now you are making excuses for weak men? Seth got his clock cleaned.

He was trying to be nice to her but he got his questions in. Her comments about buying his .org were weird.

He was trying to be nice to her? He was trying a 'gotcha' that backfired...horribly. In all fairness, he is probably just doing what his producers tell him to do...which would be even more pathetic.
He can get really sarcastic, he does it with a smile but nonetheless... She was being weird, comon now.


She is a politician running for president and is being interviewed for the job. Why should she not defend herself?
She looked mad and bitchy though, she usually looks like that. A politician needs a little bit of charisma now and then.
Now you are making excuses for weak men? Seth got his clock cleaned.

He was trying to be nice to her but he got his questions in. Her comments about buying his .org were weird.

He was trying to be nice to her? He was trying a 'gotcha' that backfired...horribly. In all fairness, he is probably just doing what his producers tell him to do...which would be even more pathetic.
He can get really sarcastic, he does it with a smile but nonetheless... She was being weird, comon now.


She is a politician running for president and is being interviewed for the job. Why should she not defend herself?
She looked mad and bitchy though, she usually looks like that. A politician needs a little bit of charisma now and then.

I would be mad and bitchy if I was being interviewed by a moron with an agenda. It would be automatic for me to have just called him an asshole instead of anticipating his assholeness ahead of time and then buying his name.

This is probably why I am not running for president.

Then what are you thoughts about bushie baby and dickie boy that sent so many thousands of military personnel to their deaths. Based on lies.

Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
He was trying to be nice to her but he got his questions in. Her comments about buying his .org were weird.

He was trying to be nice to her? He was trying a 'gotcha' that backfired...horribly. In all fairness, he is probably just doing what his producers tell him to do...which would be even more pathetic.
He can get really sarcastic, he does it with a smile but nonetheless... She was being weird, comon now.


She is a politician running for president and is being interviewed for the job. Why should she not defend herself?
She looked mad and bitchy though, she usually looks like that. A politician needs a little bit of charisma now and then.

I would be mad and bitchy if I was being interviewed by a moron with an agenda. It would be automatic for me to have just called him an asshole instead of anticipating his assholeness ahead of time and then buying his name.

This is probably why I am not running for president.

Uhm, he wasn't the moron in that scenario.
Unless he changes some of his positions he will not get my vote.

Just because you are Hillary's bitch doesn't mean I'll back Bush. I have voted third party 3 of the last 5 presidential elections, I don't mind doing it again.

Voting third party is just someone who doesn't want to make a real decision. That doesn't impress me. You might as well write in Mikey Mouse.

Like it or not, we have a two party system. You have to make a decision of which one of these two are least likely to fuck it up.

Bush vs. Clinton, that's an easy one. Bush Crime Family- Three wars, three recessions.

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