Carry on gun nuts... you are now free to go on a shooting rampage.

We really need to take guns away from potential mass gun shooters in public and now we get this...

Georgia 'guns everywhere' bill takes effect | MSNBC

Excellent bill! Lefty moans and groans, and in the meantime liberty triumphs and violent crime will plummet even further in Georgia. Fact.

Insane bill!

Mass gun shooters will now be able to walk freely and legally on to school property, a church, a bar, or a gov't building, with-out impediment to conduct a mass shooting courtesy of the State of Georgia!

The racist far left Obama drones will follow any propaganda in their programming without question or hesitation.

We really need to take guns away from potential mass gun shooters in public and now we get this...

Georgia 'guns everywhere' bill takes effect | MSNBC

Excellent bill! Lefty moans and groans, and in the meantime liberty triumphs and violent crime will plummet even further in Georgia. Fact.

Insane bill!

Mass gun shooters will now be able to walk freely and legally on to school property, a church, a bar, or a gov't building, with-out impediment to conduct a mass shooting courtesy of the State of Georgia!

And then get shot to death by a good guy with a gun. End of the idiot perp.

Good thinking President Obama!
What's your solution? Short of confiscating all guns owned by civilians and trashing the 2nd Amendment, what legislation do you propose?

Oh that's easy... mandatory registration of all gun-owners just like cars. Fingerprinted traceable bullets. 10 day waiting period. No sales of guns at swap-meets, gun shows or on penny-saver ads.

Want more gun-control suggestion?

I said "short of trashing the 2nd Amendment." Most of your suggestions do exactly that, and some are impossible. How do you make "fingerprinted traceable bullets?"

You just made it emphatically clear why no 2nd Amendment supporter can trust a libturd.

That's not trashing the 2nd amendment, that's saving lives and controlling the method to the madness. The 2nd amendment does not belong exclusively to gun-nuts only.
I'm afraid a rapist in Buttfuck, Indiana was motivated by looking at too much porn, and so we are going to have to take away everyone's porn.

But we will do this by increments. We will start by limiting the size of your porn magazines.

That's just the way it works in America, folks. Your rights are revoked when anyone, anywhere commits a crime.

That's right dirtwad... you are not free to do as you want. Always been that way, always be that way since the advent of a civilized civilization.
It's amazing. I've lived 55 years without EVER needing a gun. 'Course, I don't live in a shit hole either.
We really need to take guns away from potential mass gun shooters in public and now we get this...

Georgia 'guns everywhere' bill takes effect | MSNBC

Georgia residents can now carry guns into bars, nightclubs, school classrooms, and certain government buildings that lack security personnel or devices – with a license to carry, of course.

You're an idiot.. That takes place just about every day in different cities.. Where's all of the mass gun shootings on a daily basis? You fucking idiot gun-grabbers never have shown proof of a gun being responsible for all mass shootings.. I've asked and here it is again"

If guns are responsible for all mass shootings, how is it at a Gun Show anyone gets out alive?????
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Insane bill!

Mass gun shooters will now be able to walk freely and legally on to school property, a church, a bar, or a gov't building,

And we all know how careful mass murderers are about keeping their acts legal. :cuckoo:

(Can this person possibly be aware of how silly his pronouncements are?)
BTW, kr, you've apparently missed the question I asked you. So here it is again:

When the murderers ignore your new laws and only the law-abiding citizens (who never shoot anybody) obey them, how many fewer mass shootings do you calculate will result?

Show your math.
I'm afraid a rapist in Buttfuck, Indiana was motivated by looking at too much porn, and so we are going to have to take away everyone's porn.

But we will do this by increments. We will start by limiting the size of your porn magazines.

That's just the way it works in America, folks. Your rights are revoked when anyone, anywhere commits a crime.

How well did openly carrying their guns help those two cops in that pizza place? Or the private citizen who had already drawn his gun?

Open-carry marks the first targets.

And the NSA is still violating the US Constitution, so how much "freedom" do those guns really defend?

I agree. NO ONE should have guns. Not cops, not the military, not anyone.
It's amazing. I've lived 55 years without EVER needing a gun.
So..... what's your point?

I think people who are afraid of leaving the house without a gun are either paranoid or live in a place they should be working to leave behind.

I think people who are afraid of leaving the house because they fear other people exercising their civil right to carry a gun are either paranoid or live in a place they should be working to leave behind.

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