Carson attacks press for supporting Obama. Brings up birther issue

Carson realizes that his lie about West Point killed all chances of normal people supporting him, so he has to double up on things that stir up the crazies. They are all he has left.
Sure, that's why he's in second place and beats Hillary in the polls.

I Know.....I can't imagine why the right can support him and Trump so strongly. Fortunately, the GOP will dump both of them soon and tell you who to vote for. Someone a little closer to sane, and you will say that person is who you wanted all along.
You've been saying that for how long now? Oh yeah, since June.

Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it wont
Yeah, and you'll still be saying it right up to the Republican Convention.
We already have a smoking gun on O's kenyan birth. His own literary agency for years published a brochure saying O was born in Kenya. But the controlled media won't talk about it.

Actually, it was talked about.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Gee, no one could have seen THAT coming, huh? :lmao:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

I know what she said and it's preposterous. Why would she even think obozo was born in kenya unless he told her he was.? Does she think all black americans come from kenya? And how did this error go undetected for 16 years? THINK
Why don't you explain how Acton & Dystel got the idea that obama was born in kenya. Did they assume all black americans are born in kenya??? HAHAHA. Obozo MUST have told them he was. THINK
How? By having a meeting deciding how best to promote someone..if you didn't notice..They like to stretch the truth to sell books......

Are you saying Acton & Dystel are criminals? That's the crime of fraud you're talking about and companies don't do that. They must have checked the story out. Prolly contacted Harvard and they said he's listed as from kenya.
It's not a crime.. it's just a marketing ploy....
Carson realizes that his lie about West Point killed all chances of normal people supporting him, so he has to double up on things that stir up the crazies. They are all he has left.
Sure, that's why he's in second place and beats Hillary in the polls.

I Know.....I can't imagine why the right can support him and Trump so strongly. Fortunately, the GOP will dump both of them soon and tell you who to vote for. Someone a little closer to sane, and you will say that person is who you wanted all along.
You've been saying that for how long now? Oh yeah, since June.

Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it wont
Yeah, and you'll still be saying it right up to the Republican Convention.

I guess if that happens,I will be wrong. We still have more than a year, so I'm not really worried.
Are you saying Acton & Dystel are criminals? That's the crime of fraud you're talking about and companies don't do that. They must have checked the story out. Prolly contacted Harvard and they said he's listed as from kenya.

Or not. Publishing companies make mistakes all the time.

Here's the thing. Probably nobody cared about Obama's book until he became a Senator. Not enough to do more than cursorary research.

Conversely, no one has paid any attention to the stuff Carson claimed in his book until he became a serious candidate representing the Religious Crazies.
Sure, that's why he's in second place and beats Hillary in the polls.

I Know.....I can't imagine why the right can support him and Trump so strongly. Fortunately, the GOP will dump both of them soon and tell you who to vote for. Someone a little closer to sane, and you will say that person is who you wanted all along.
You've been saying that for how long now? Oh yeah, since June.

Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it wont
Yeah, and you'll still be saying it right up to the Republican Convention.

I guess if that happens,I will be wrong. We still have more than a year, so I'm not really worried.
Oh, you're worried, alright. You're worried about Trump, Carson, and Cruz. And you should be.
I Know.....I can't imagine why the right can support him and Trump so strongly. Fortunately, the GOP will dump both of them soon and tell you who to vote for. Someone a little closer to sane, and you will say that person is who you wanted all along.
You've been saying that for how long now? Oh yeah, since June.

Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it wont
Yeah, and you'll still be saying it right up to the Republican Convention.

I guess if that happens,I will be wrong. We still have more than a year, so I'm not really worried.
Oh, you're worried, alright. You're worried about Trump, Carson, and Cruz. And you should be.

If you say so........
I know what she said and it's preposterous. Why would she even think obozo was born in kenya unless he told her he was.? Does she think all black americans come from kenya? And how did this error go undetected for 16 years? THINK

Why would she think that? Maybe because someone tossed the galley of book on her desk and asked her to write a brochure about it by tomorrow for publishers that no one but publishers were going to read, and she maybe flipped through a couple pages and got "Keyna' out of it.

Why did this error go undetected? Because- again- this was a brochure for publishers who might be interested in publishing a book by a relatively obscure person. Once the book was published, probably no one read this brochure again.

You do realize that tens of thousands of books are published, most with very small production runs.
We already have a smoking gun on O's kenyan birth. His own literary agency for years published a brochure saying O was born in Kenya. But the controlled media won't talk about it.

Ben Carson Lashes Out at West Point Coverage

nov 6 2015 “I do not remember this level of scrutiny for one President Barack Obama when he was running. In fact, I remember just the opposite,” Carson said. “I remember people saying, ‘Oh, we won’t talk about that.’”

He ticked through a series of figures that conservatives see as Obama liabilities that he felt traditional reporters ignored. Frank Marshall Davis, a friend of Obama’s grandfather who was a Communist; Obama critics say Davis was his political mentor, a claim repeated debunked. He also invoked Weather Underground figures Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn; during the 2008 campaign, Republican VP pick Sarah Palin said Obama was “palling around with terrorists.” Numerous fact-checkers said no.

Carson invoked Obama’s one-time pastor. “All the things that Jeremiah Wright was saying? ‘Ah, not a big problem,’” Carson said. (Reports on Wright’s sermons forced Obama to condemn his one-time pastor during the 2008 campaign.)

Then Carson shifted to Obama’s time in college. “He goes to Occidental College, doesn’t do all that well and somehow ends up at Columbia University,” Carson said. “His records are sealed. Why are you guys not interested in why his records are sealed?” Some believe Obama’s transcripts are sealed because they might indicate that he applied as a Kenyan. Obama was born in Hawaii. “Will someone tell me, please, why you have not investigated that?”
LOL. Bet you subscribe to Frankies hollow moon, also. You guys are such a hoot. Your logic truly sucks, but it is very humorous.
If he's doesn't like being challenged on this one point of his story, he should just drop out now.

Take your dead-eye, marble mouth and go home you Freak.
Hey, Carson's getting to be almost as good at this shit as is Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky!

The lying part, that is.

Gotta remember, same old woman was the original "birther"!
Here's the lie straight from his book:


"Full scholarship" to west point show's Dr. Whisper doesn't know fuck all about the Military Academy.

No one pays to go there--you owe the Military several years of service after graduation.

He's ignorant as fuck on many issues.
LOL. Bet you subscribe to Frankies hollow moon, also. You guys are such a hoot. Your logic truly sucks, but it is very humorous.

the board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting us conservatives are right.
We already have a smoking gun on O's kenyan birth. His own literary agency for years published a brochure saying O was born in Kenya. But the controlled media won't talk about it.

Ben Carson Lashes Out at West Point Coverage

nov 6 2015 “I do not remember this level of scrutiny for one President Barack Obama when he was running. In fact, I remember just the opposite,” Carson said. “I remember people saying, ‘Oh, we won’t talk about that.’”

He ticked through a series of figures that conservatives see as Obama liabilities that he felt traditional reporters ignored. Frank Marshall Davis, a friend of Obama’s grandfather who was a Communist; Obama critics say Davis was his political mentor, a claim repeated debunked. He also invoked Weather Underground figures Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn; during the 2008 campaign, Republican VP pick Sarah Palin said Obama was “palling around with terrorists.” Numerous fact-checkers said no.

Carson invoked Obama’s one-time pastor. “All the things that Jeremiah Wright was saying? ‘Ah, not a big problem,’” Carson said. (Reports on Wright’s sermons forced Obama to condemn his one-time pastor during the 2008 campaign.)

Then Carson shifted to Obama’s time in college. “He goes to Occidental College, doesn’t do all that well and somehow ends up at Columbia University,” Carson said. “His records are sealed. Why are you guys not interested in why his records are sealed?” Some believe Obama’s transcripts are sealed because they might indicate that he applied as a Kenyan. Obama was born in Hawaii. “Will someone tell me, please, why you have not investigated that?”

Carson did not implicate himself as some birfer idiot, like Trump.

Carson said Obama was born in Hawaii.

He implied that Obama may have mislead where he was born when he applied to college.

There's a difference.

One that's not hard to understand.
"Full scholarship" to west point show's Dr. Whisper doesn't know fuck all about the Military Academy.
No one pays to go there--you owe the Military several years of service after graduation.
He's ignorant as fuck on many issues.

Hey bigtalk. How much brain surgery you done?

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