Carson attacks press for supporting Obama. Brings up birther issue

He's black, you criticized him, you're a racist. Standard set by the left in 2008.
That "standard" was fabricated by your MessiahRushie who can hardly pass for a Leftist.
He's black, you criticized him, you're a racist. Standard set by the left in 2008.
That "standard" was fabricated by your MessiahRushie who can hardly pass for a Leftist.
Bullshit! That standard was set by YOU fuckers in 2008 when anyone who criticized Obama was a racist, according to you, MF. Deal with it and LIVE with it.
Carson is right. The media needs to investigate that boy in the White House, especially why his college admissions are sealed. Why he released a 100% forged birth certificate in 2011 instead of the 54 year old original with the state raised seal. They need to investigate why his selective service registration is forged as well as why in hell he has a Connecticut social security number. That boy in the white house needs to show his papers.
Carson is right. The media needs to investigate that boy in the White House, especially why his college admissions are sealed. Why he released a 100% forged birth certificate in 2011 instead of the 54 year old original with the state raised seal. They need to investigate why his selective service registration is forged as well as why in hell he has a Connecticut social security number. That boy in the white house needs to show his papers.
The media won't do shit. They're on his side all the way. They'll do whatever he tells them to do, including compromising their integrity and reputations. When he falls, so will they.
He's black, you criticized him, you're a racist. Standard set by the left in 2008.
That "standard" was fabricated by your MessiahRushie who can hardly pass for a Leftist.
Bullshit! That standard was set by YOU fuckers in 2008 when anyone who criticized Obama was a racist, according to you, MF. Deal with it and LIVE with it.
That's a lie you were told to parrot by your MessiahRushie. Racists like Porky were called racists when they made dehumanizing/racist statements about Obama claiming that they were making statements about Obama's policies and not attacking him personally. Only his fellow racists defend him.

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.

October 15, 2008
RUSH: What sharply personal attacks? All they are is people telling the truth about the little squirrel. What personal attacks? "Well, see, Rush, there you go, that's a personal attack right there." No, no, no, no. Not a personal attack
He's black, you criticized him, you're a racist. Standard set by the left in 2008.
That "standard" was fabricated by your MessiahRushie who can hardly pass for a Leftist.
Bullshit! That standard was set by YOU fuckers in 2008 when anyone who criticized Obama was a racist, according to you, MF. Deal with it and LIVE with it.
That's a lie you were told to parrot by your MessiahRushie. Racists like Porky were called racists when they made dehumanizing/racist statements about Obama claiming that they were making statements about Obama's policies and not attacking him personally. Only his fellow racists defend him.

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.

October 15, 2008
RUSH: What sharply personal attacks? All they are is people telling the truth about the little squirrel. What personal attacks? "Well, see, Rush, there you go, that's a personal attack right there." No, no, no, no. Not a personal attack
Diversion alert. When you can't defend your OWN standards, attack Rush Limbaugh.
He's black, you criticized him, you're a racist. Standard set by the left in 2008.
I changed the caption on this poster from Obama 12 to Carson 16. Now this is racist.
View attachment 54091
Well MINE was about a trashy white man, so its not racist. You are just showing your true colors so to speak.

You never fail to bring the ignorance. How's that IQ doing?

Exactly how is that racist?
He's black, you criticized him, you're a racist. Standard set by the left in 2008.
I changed the caption on this poster from Obama 12 to Carson 16. Now this is racist.
View attachment 54091
Well MINE was about a trashy white man, so its not racist. You are just showing your true colors so to speak.

You never fail to bring the ignorance. How's that IQ doing?
When did a liberal EVER call an attack on a white person racist?
He's black, you criticized him, you're a racist. Standard set by the left in 2008.
That "standard" was fabricated by your MessiahRushie who can hardly pass for a Leftist.
Bullshit! That standard was set by YOU fuckers in 2008 when anyone who criticized Obama was a racist, according to you, MF. Deal with it and LIVE with it.
That's a lie you were told to parrot by your MessiahRushie. Racists like Porky were called racists when they made dehumanizing/racist statements about Obama claiming that they were making statements about Obama's policies and not attacking him personally. Only his fellow racists defend him.

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.

October 15, 2008
RUSH: What sharply personal attacks? All they are is people telling the truth about the little squirrel. What personal attacks? "Well, see, Rush, there you go, that's a personal attack right there." No, no, no, no. Not a personal attack
Diversion alert. When you can't defend your OWN standards, attack Rush Limbaugh.
Your MessiahRushie's despicable standards are not mine, Yours obviously, but not mine.

Please explain how the racist attack of calling Obama a rat has anything to do with policies.
Remember the Nazis called the Jews rats also!
So let's look at the big "AHA!" revelation that the Liberal media came up with. Carson wrote that he was offered a "scholarship" to attend West Point. It is common knowledge that the Academies do not offer "scholarships". If they recruit you which they certainly did Dr Carson, they verbally promise admission which means free tuition and a commitment to a few years of service. So is that a "LIE" to say you were offered a scholarship? This just illustrates how hard the Liberals are looking for mud to throw at Carson. Here is an example of a real "LIE". When your President looks straight into a TV camera talking to millions of Americans telling them they will definitely be able to keep their doctor knowing full well that they won't THAT IS A LIE.

No, that's really kind of on the doctors and the insurance companies, isn't it? I'm not sure why you are blaming Obama for what the insurance companies do on a regular basis.

My own opinion is that Carson told this story to a ghostwriter and the ghostwriter who has no idea how the military academies work, just got it wrong. (You don't get a scholarship to a military academy, you have to be recommended by a Congressman or Senator.)

So let's talk about what the real problem is here. The real problem is that Carson's appeal is that he has never run for office. But that's his downfall as well. Running for office means a lot of this initial vetting gets done, and we find out if these guys have any skeletons in their closets.

I think there are a lot better reasons to reject Carson other than he embellished his time in JROTC.

On the top of the list should be "He doesn't understand what a debt ceiling is".

or "He ignores science and worships superstition."

or "He endorses products from companies that have been sued for fraud by REPUBLICANS."
I think there are a lot better reasons to reject Carson other than he embellished his time in JROTC.

On the top of the list should be "He doesn't understand what a debt ceiling is".

or "He ignores science and worships superstition."

or "He endorses products from companies that have been sued for fraud by REPUBLICANS."

No - the big reason to reject ben is because he's a racist white-hating rino. He supports affirmative action and illegals.

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