Carson defends Trump: He didn't have time to think about abortion question


Murdering a human being in the womb, is still murder. And last I checked, murder has always been considered wrong.

Depends the level you're talking about. Wrong to a Christian and you should take responsibility as a Christian to spread the word and offer women counseling and choices and assistance to not have them? Works for me. Sending government in with guns to force a woman to use her body according to your morality? Nope, that's what Democrats do. So much easier than doing it yourself

Murder IS murder. The unborn child is murdered in an abortion. That is harm being committed on a human being. It is immoral to commit murder....has nothing to do with my morality.

Sure it does. You're deeming the fetus to be more important than the woman carrying it. Whether that is accurate or not, it's clearly a morality choice
You are worse than Butthead.

How does condemning abortion as murder lead you to believe I consider the fetus more important than the mother? That is really dumb.

I do think murdering the unborn for convenience, is immoral and heinous. You think the mother's convenience is more important the the life of the unborn children. CRAZY!!!

Strawman, I said it's the choice of the mother. I didn't say any of the crap you put in my mouth. If you want to discuss why women get abortions and my opinion of that, I'll discuss it, but not by rebutting your putting words in my mouth I didn't say, didn't mean and don't think.

And another fallacy you commit is that if I think something should be legal, that means I think people should do it. The words of an authoritarian, only that you think people should do should be allowed. Do you support giving kids ice cream for dinner? Or should we make it illegal? According to you, those are the only choices
My conclusions from your posts were most logical. You stated I think a fetus is more important then the does that mean? One could conclude you think carrying a baby to term is an imposition and as such, the mother should be allowed to kill it for convenience sake. could conclude you think the life of the baby is not as important as the life of the abort if you so chose.

Why should a woman have the right to kill her unborn baby because it is her body? She got pregnant right? Preventing pregnancy is just about the easiest thing a human can do. To murder the unborn for convenience sake, is immoral, unjustified, and horrific.

The principle of non-aggression is at play here. The physical force used to murder the unborn is violent and inherently illegitimate. Sadly the unborn have no voice, so they are easily silenced in a immoral society.
Chuz is in denial, thinking his opinion is reality.

He has me on ignore, he says, but he doesn't have the manhood to ignore what I write.

And he can't refute me if he does.

He is screwed either way.
Depends the level you're talking about. Wrong to a Christian and you should take responsibility as a Christian to spread the word and offer women counseling and choices and assistance to not have them? Works for me. Sending government in with guns to force a woman to use her body according to your morality? Nope, that's what Democrats do. So much easier than doing it yourself

Murder IS murder. The unborn child is murdered in an abortion. That is harm being committed on a human being. It is immoral to commit murder....has nothing to do with my morality.

Sure it does. You're deeming the fetus to be more important than the woman carrying it. Whether that is accurate or not, it's clearly a morality choice
You are worse than Butthead.

How does condemning abortion as murder lead you to believe I consider the fetus more important than the mother? That is really dumb.

I do think murdering the unborn for convenience, is immoral and heinous. You think the mother's convenience is more important the the life of the unborn children. CRAZY!!!

Strawman, I said it's the choice of the mother. I didn't say any of the crap you put in my mouth. If you want to discuss why women get abortions and my opinion of that, I'll discuss it, but not by rebutting your putting words in my mouth I didn't say, didn't mean and don't think.

And another fallacy you commit is that if I think something should be legal, that means I think people should do it. The words of an authoritarian, only that you think people should do should be allowed. Do you support giving kids ice cream for dinner? Or should we make it illegal? According to you, those are the only choices
My conclusions from your posts were most logical. You stated I think a fetus is more important then the does that mean? One could conclude you think carrying a baby to term is an imposition and as such, the mother should be allowed to kill it for convenience sake. could conclude you think the life of the baby is not as important as the life of the abort if you so chose.

Why should a woman have the right to kill her unborn baby because it is her body? She got pregnant right? Preventing pregnancy is just about the easiest thing a human can do. To murder the unborn for convenience sake, is immoral, unjustified, and horrific.

The principle of non-aggression is at play here. The physical force used to murder the unborn is violent and inherently illegitimate. Sadly the unborn have no voice, so they are easily silenced in a immoral society.

They are only logical if as I said you believe everything that you don't think people should do you think the government should make illegal. You said that since I don't think abortion should be illegal, that means I want people to get abortions. You also said women get them for "convenience," which is true in some cases, but not in others. To lump them all as that is ridiculous. I don't think women should get abortions for convenience, but it's up to her, not you, me or the government to say.

I also don't think children should eat ice cream for dinner, but that doesn't mean I want to make it illegal. Also, government enforced morality is ineffective, just like government enforced charity. A conservative should realize that. If you want effective abortion solutions, get off your ass and convince women that there are better choices instead of turning it over to Obama and the government to do it for you

Murder IS murder. The unborn child is murdered in an abortion. That is harm being committed on a human being. It is immoral to commit murder....has nothing to do with my morality.

Sure it does. You're deeming the fetus to be more important than the woman carrying it. Whether that is accurate or not, it's clearly a morality choice
You are worse than Butthead.

How does condemning abortion as murder lead you to believe I consider the fetus more important than the mother? That is really dumb.

I do think murdering the unborn for convenience, is immoral and heinous. You think the mother's convenience is more important the the life of the unborn children. CRAZY!!!

Strawman, I said it's the choice of the mother. I didn't say any of the crap you put in my mouth. If you want to discuss why women get abortions and my opinion of that, I'll discuss it, but not by rebutting your putting words in my mouth I didn't say, didn't mean and don't think.

And another fallacy you commit is that if I think something should be legal, that means I think people should do it. The words of an authoritarian, only that you think people should do should be allowed. Do you support giving kids ice cream for dinner? Or should we make it illegal? According to you, those are the only choices
My conclusions from your posts were most logical. You stated I think a fetus is more important then the does that mean? One could conclude you think carrying a baby to term is an imposition and as such, the mother should be allowed to kill it for convenience sake. could conclude you think the life of the baby is not as important as the life of the abort if you so chose.

Why should a woman have the right to kill her unborn baby because it is her body? She got pregnant right? Preventing pregnancy is just about the easiest thing a human can do. To murder the unborn for convenience sake, is immoral, unjustified, and horrific.

The principle of non-aggression is at play here. The physical force used to murder the unborn is violent and inherently illegitimate. Sadly the unborn have no voice, so they are easily silenced in a immoral society.

They are only logical if as I said you believe everything that you don't think people should do you think the government should make illegal. You said that since I don't think abortion should be illegal, that means I want people to get abortions. You also said women get them for "convenience," which is true in some cases, but not in others. To lump them all as that is ridiculous. I don't think women should get abortions for convenience, but it's up to her, not you, me or the government to say.

I also don't think children should eat ice cream for dinner, but that doesn't mean I want to make it illegal. Also, government enforced morality is ineffective, just like government enforced charity. A conservative should realize that. If you want effective abortion solutions, get off your ass and convince women that there are better choices instead of turning it over to Obama and the government to do it for you
Good Lord...that makes no sense at all.
Eat shit and die, Jake the fake...I know more than you...don't ever forget that.
Your feeding instructions are printed in reverse on your forehead so you can remind yourself every time how to do it by looking in the mirror. Do not think ever that you have cred on this Board.Now have a nice day.
"Cred"? WOW! you are so "ghetto and hip"....(snicker)
I have all the "cred" I need...there are mules that you can lead to water but they will not drink just because they are stubborn...let them suffer from thirst until they are ready. You make no coherent are just a flaming douche and like most Fabian socialists, they suffer from an over-inflated sense of self. It's a symptom of something far's called "arrested development". Here's hoping that you get over it. Hope this helps!
You are nothing but a silly from la la land who believes he is a sovereign citizen, while living in the basement. You are for grins and giggle, nothing more. "Fabian socialists." :) (chuckle)
I claimed my pre -14th amendment rights...sovereign movement is totally different. I got out from under the UCC and I don't "contract" with USA.INC because under this system, it's all about contracts. What I have learned and studied are things that would make your tiny programmed brain explode. I kicked some leftard's ass yesterday because he said that there was no such thing as USA.INC so I pulled up the Dun and Bradstreet website and proved it. The Supreme Court is incorporated, the FBI is incorporated. The IRS is incorporated in Puerto I am sure that you don't have a clue as to the significance of that but I don't expect much from you anyway.

If ignorance goes to $50 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your head?
Abortion is not a violation of a child, because a fetus is not a child.

Chuz, words have meanings and you stretch the meanings beyond common terms.
Abortion is legalized murder...only a fool would think otherwise...and someone like Jake who makes fools look smart.
Only a fool thinks abortion is a legalized murder. I make people like you look like monkeys. :lol:
Oh poor Jake...a monkey has more sense in it's little finger than you.

Anyone who does not know abortion is legalized murder, is a fool...but then we knew long along you are a fool.

If the elites told you the sky is pink, you would believe it. You are the poster child for 'who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?'

A woman has a right to her body. You don't have a right to her body. It's that simple

Murdering a human being in the womb, is still murder. And last I checked, murder has always been considered wrong.
No, this is dumb - and wrong.

Murder is a legal term, concerning criminal law, and as a fact of law abortion is not "murder," it's ignorant idiocy to maintain otherwise.
Abortion is legalized murder...only a fool would think otherwise...and someone like Jake who makes fools look smart.
Only a fool thinks abortion is a legalized murder. I make people like you look like monkeys. :lol:
Oh poor Jake...a monkey has more sense in it's little finger than you.

Anyone who does not know abortion is legalized murder, is a fool...but then we knew long along you are a fool.

If the elites told you the sky is pink, you would believe it. You are the poster child for 'who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?'

A woman has a right to her body. You don't have a right to her body. It's that simple

Murdering a human being in the womb, is still murder. And last I checked, murder has always been considered wrong.
No, this is dumb - and wrong.

Murder is a legal term, concerning criminal law, and as a fact of law abortion is not "murder," it's ignorant idiocy to maintain otherwise.
The last defines gipper and chuz.
Trump also said that the man should not be punished, but the woman should

70% of women have an unfavorable view of he trying to make it unanimous?

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