Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Can't help but notice a lack of a quote or context.

And wasn't Jefferson involves with the discussions through his letter writing and key in authoring the Bill of Rights?

Seems pretty extreme to argue he had no part in it

Lynching Carson is just what the leftists do. You're not expecting anything LEGITIMATE from the frothing at the mouth racists democrats on this board, are you?
Carson lyched himself ,your idea of legitimacy and the reality of it, have nothing in common.
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Great. If history is any guide we'll get a thread of conservatives trying to argue that Jefferson wrote the constitution.
Jefferson is recognized, along with John Adams as influential framers of the Constitution. You're on another wild goose chase.

Jefferson wasn't a delegate at the constitutional convention for any State. He didn't attend a single session of the convention. Jefferson wasn't even in the country when the Constitution was written.

Dear god, you hapless souls will polish ANY turd that comes slopping from the lips of your candidates.
Jefferson is recognized, along with John Adams as influential framers of the Constitution. You're on another wild goose chase.

Jefferson wasn't a delegate at the constitutional convention for any State. He didn't attend a single session of the convention. Jefferson wasn't even in the country when the Constitution was written.

Dear god, you hapless souls will polish ANY turd that comes slopping from the lips of your candidates.
They are attempting to turd polish and put lipstick on a pig.
Desperation mayhap?
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Great. If history is any guide we'll get a thread of conservatives trying to argue that Jefferson wrote the constitution.
No ted cruz , he thinks he's Jesus Christ so anything is possible.

Nope. Trump claimed 'thousands and thousands' in Jersey City....which he watched on Television.

Your source cites 13 folks. With 3 of them accused of 'celebrating'. None of those 3 being Muslim. There is no television footage of thousand and thousands of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City. There's no pictures of it. There's no reports of it.

Making Trump's lie stupid. As its laughably implausible. And verifiably bullshit.

And yet you're eager, even desperate to drop into the verbal deuce left by Trump and polish his turds. And its that desperation that I find so remarkable.
Dem Thinks Thomas Jefferson Wrote Bill of Rights

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., NY) credited Thomas Jefferson for writing the Bill of Rights during a debate over the First Amendment and campaign finance Tuesday.

While Schumer’s gratitude towards the Founding Father is endearing, it is also unprecedented: Thomas Jefferson is considered to be the principle author of the Declaration of Independence, not the Bill of Rights.

“I think if Thomas Jefferson were looking down, the author of the Bill of Rights on what’s being proposed here, he’d agree with it. He would agree that the First Amendment cannot be absolute,” Schumer said.

Schumer is not alone in his historical gaffe. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Tex.) incorrectly said that the United States Constitution is 400 years old.
Dem Thinks Thomas Jefferson Wrote Bill of Rights

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., NY) credited Thomas Jefferson for writing the Bill of Rights during a debate over the First Amendment and campaign finance Tuesday.

While Schumer’s gratitude towards the Founding Father is endearing, it is also unprecedented: Thomas Jefferson is considered to be the principle author of the Declaration of Independence, not the Bill of Rights.

“I think if Thomas Jefferson were looking down, the author of the Bill of Rights on what’s being proposed here, he’d agree with it. He would agree that the First Amendment cannot be absolute,” Schumer said.

Schumer is not alone in his historical gaffe. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Tex.) incorrectly said that the United States Constitution is 400 years old.

Well I'm definitely not voting for Schumer for President.

Or Carson for that matter.
I seem to remember someone saying there were wmd's in Iraq.
He also said strategery instead strategy.
There was also a guy that said, when questioned about the Iran contra scandal "I don't remember"
Oh yeah then there was a president's father who was also president who lost his lunch on the lap of the Japanese prime minister.
Compared to those Obama's slip of the tongue doesn't even register on the fuck up scale.
obama's slip of the tongue? When HASN'T he lied to America? Now the asshole is blaming his intel community for not giving him an accurate picture of ISIS. He does nothing but lie and blame others for anything going wrong.

You also overlook Hillary's struggle with accuracy and truth. She lied all day long at the Benghazi hearings, which to liberals is a badge of honor.

Thanks for showing us how idiots see the world.
Why are you thanking me? your answer just proves my point.
You gave us a step by step walk through of how a retard tries to cobble together a coherent thought. I thanked you for the entertainment factor.
I seem to remember someone saying there were wmd's in Iraq.
He also said strategery instead strategy.
There was also a guy that said, when questioned about the Iran contra scandal "I don't remember"
Oh yeah then there was a president's father who was also president who lost his lunch on the lap of the Japanese prime minister.
Compared to those Obama's slip of the tongue doesn't even register on the fuck up scale.
obama's slip of the tongue? When HASN'T he lied to America? Now the asshole is blaming his intel community for not giving him an accurate picture of ISIS. He does nothing but lie and blame others for anything going wrong.

You also overlook Hillary's struggle with accuracy and truth. She lied all day long at the Benghazi hearings, which to liberals is a badge of honor.

Thanks for showing us how idiots see the world.
Why are you thanking me? your answer just proves my point.
You gave us a step by step walk through of how a retard tries to cobble together a coherent thought. I thanked you for the entertainment factor.
The irony in that response is matched only by its absolute falsehood and it's hilarity.
Odd that you didn't try to debunk it .
Instead you went for the hackneyed you're a retard ploy.
Oh the desperation.
I seem to remember someone saying there were wmd's in Iraq.
He also said strategery instead strategy.
There was also a guy that said, when questioned about the Iran contra scandal "I don't remember"
Oh yeah then there was a president's father who was also president who lost his lunch on the lap of the Japanese prime minister.
Compared to those Obama's slip of the tongue doesn't even register on the fuck up scale.
obama's slip of the tongue? When HASN'T he lied to America? Now the asshole is blaming his intel community for not giving him an accurate picture of ISIS. He does nothing but lie and blame others for anything going wrong.

You also overlook Hillary's struggle with accuracy and truth. She lied all day long at the Benghazi hearings, which to liberals is a badge of honor.

Thanks for showing us how idiots see the world.
Why are you thanking me? your answer just proves my point.
You gave us a step by step walk through of how a retard tries to cobble together a coherent thought. I thanked you for the entertainment factor.
The irony in that response is matched only by its absolute falsehood and it's hilarity.
Odd that you didn't try to debunk it .
Instead you went for the hackneyed you're a retard ploy.
Oh the desperation.
I made fun of you for your idiotic comments that you have yet to support. It doesn't work that way, you don't throw out quick mindless garbage and I don't spend hours refuting it. Moron.
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Carson and Palin both know there are 50 States, not 57, Holmes. True ignorance, is what you voted for. Twice. At least...
You realize that Jefferson ACTUALLY DID help write the Constitution right?


I didn't "realize" that, because it's not true.

Thomas Jefferson was in Europe while the U.S. Constitution was being revised by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton.

Thomas Jefferson's signature doesn't appear on the U.S. Constitution.

Do you realize what a fool you are?


You think writing the Constitution means being the one to physically write it on paper. And you're calling anyone stupid.

A mirror would change your life, my friend. That's classic

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