Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

I don't think modern day Republicans know as much about Jefferson as they think they do.

He favored progressive taxation and exempting a certain portion of the population from taxes.

Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise. Whenever there is in any country, uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right.

He believed wealth inequality to be a bad thing:

I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable. But the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind.
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Did he mention we had 57 states?
Jefferson didn't even consider his part in the Constitution to be worthy of mention on his marker:


I'm sure he had a lot to do with what was written after his death.
Jefferson's friend Thomas Paine, whose Common Sense pamphlet provided much of the basis of Jefferson's Declaration of Independence, believed in a social safety net for all Americans.

If you ever read Paine's Agrarian Justice, you'd swear he was a communist.

Here is some of Paine's social security and welfare program:
Having thus in a few words, opened the merits of the case, I shall now proceed to the plan I have to propose, which is,

To create a national fund, out of which there shall be paid to every person, when arrived at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen pounds sterling, as a compensation in part, for the loss of his or her natural inheritance, by the introduction of the system of landed property:

And also, the sum of ten pounds per annum, during life, to every person now living, of the age of fifty years, and to all others as they shall arrive at that age.

Paine believed owning property was not a right, and thus could be confiscated at will by the government:

There could be no such thing as landed property originally. Man did not make the earth, and, though he had a natural right to occupy it, he had no right to locate as his property in perpetuity any part of it; neither did the Creator of the earth open a land-office, from whence the first title-deeds should issue.

When you consider Jefferson and his friends supported the French revolutionaries, who were definitely communist, you begin to get a picture of Jefferson of which modern day Republicans seem completely unaware.

These guys were way more radical than you know.
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Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.
Ya I remember something about 57 States from some one.
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.
Ya I remember something about 57 States from some one.
Now, who could that ever be? <giggle>
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Making jokes like "it's not brain surgery" suddenly aren't as funny as they used to be.
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.
Making jokes like "it's not brain surgery" suddenly aren't as funny as they used to be.
You realize that Jefferson ACTUALLY DID help write the Constitution right?
You realize that Jefferson ACTUALLY DID help write the Constitution right?


I didn't "realize" that, because it's not true.

Thomas Jefferson was in Europe while the U.S. Constitution was being revised by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton.

Thomas Jefferson's signature doesn't appear on the U.S. Constitution.

Do you realize what a fool you are?
I seem to remember someone saying there were wmd's in Iraq.
He also said strategery instead strategy.
There was also a guy that said, when questioned about the Iran contra scandal "I don't remember"
Oh yeah then there was a president's father who was also president who lost his lunch on the lap of the Japanese prime minister.
Compared to those Obama's slip of the tongue doesn't even register on the fuck up scale.
Too bad a left wing former KKK member appointed to the supreme court by FDR used correspondence alleged to Thomas Jefferson to create the modern version of "separation of church and state" that has been used to subjugate Christian beliefs since 1948. Didn't Justice Hugo Black believe that Jefferson was a Constitutional Founding Father?
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.
Give him a break....all you white people look the same...
You realize that Jefferson ACTUALLY DID help write the Constitution right?


I didn't "realize" that, because it's not true.

Thomas Jefferson was in Europe while the U.S. Constitution was being revised by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton.

Thomas Jefferson's signature doesn't appear on the U.S. Constitution.

Do you realize what a fool you are?
You obviously did not read the links provided, I suggest you do so before you look even dumber then we know you are.
The modern version of "separation of church and state" is based not on the Constitution but the opinion of a former KKK member appointed to the supreme court based on correspondence alleged to Thomas Jefferson. If justice Hugo Black relied on Jefferson's writings for a judgement allegedly based on Constitutional law, who is Trump to dispute it?
I saw a pollster interviewing Ben Carson fans about they see in the candidate. Their answers were pretty shallow and along the lines "calm" and "thoughtful"...
I saw a pollster interviewing Ben Carson fans about they see in the candidate. Their answers were pretty shallow and along the lines "calm" and "thoughtful"...
Couldn't be any more shallow than Obama supporters.
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.
Give him a break....all you white people look the same...
Yes, they do.
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.
Every corpse man in all 57 states who take the intercontinental railroad agree a President must never misspeak.

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