Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

I have noticed that every time a Republican starts to gain popularity, there are a number of the usual suspects who really, really, can't stand it and try to destroy that person. Heck, they'll even make up a bunch of unimportant crap, hoping people will believe it.

If that Republican is black, they really lose their shit. Black people bess know dey place, according to ClosedCaption and the other racist fucks of the DNC....
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

the great "constitutional scholar" obama thinks the constitution was written 2000 years ago..and notice the "wise latina" sotomayor just grins and nods...

he doesn't even know how many states there it 57 or 58, barry?

..and of course THIS silly negro who thinks guam will "tip over"....and like soetoro, he got re doubt in a gerrymandered "black" district...negroes will vote for ANYone over a white candidate...They don't care.


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