Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Couldn't honestly tell ya who wrote it either. But then, I'm not running for President. :)
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Couldn't honestly tell ya who wrote it either. But then, I'm not running for President. :)

I'm guessing this isn't a standard you're concerned over for Democrats. OK, I'm not guessing. You're in agreement with ever Democrat loonie attacking Carson on that...

Personally, I want candidates who are going to minimize government's role in our lives. I don't give a shit what their SAT score would be
I seem to remember someone saying there were wmd's in Iraq.
He also said strategery instead strategy.
There was also a guy that said, when questioned about the Iran contra scandal "I don't remember"
Oh yeah then there was a president's father who was also president who lost his lunch on the lap of the Japanese prime minister.
Compared to those Obama's slip of the tongue doesn't even register on the fuck up scale.
obama's slip of the tongue? When HASN'T he lied to America? Now the asshole is blaming his intel community for not giving him an accurate picture of ISIS. He does nothing but lie and blame others for anything going wrong.

You also overlook Hillary's struggle with accuracy and truth. She lied all day long at the Benghazi hearings, which to liberals is a badge of honor.

Thanks for showing us how idiots see the world.
Why are you thanking me? your answer just proves my point.
You gave us a step by step walk through of how a retard tries to cobble together a coherent thought. I thanked you for the entertainment factor.
The irony in that response is matched only by its absolute falsehood and it's hilarity.
Odd that you didn't try to debunk it .
Instead you went for the hackneyed you're a retard ploy.
Oh the desperation.
I made fun of you for your idiotic comments that you have yet to support. It doesn't work that way, you don't throw out quick mindless garbage and I don't spend hours refuting it. Moron.
they need no support ...if that was your concern then why didn't you debunk them?
and yes it does work that way.
if you question the validity of any given subject the onus is on the questioner (yourself) to disprove it .
that 's how it works.
In its pathetic fumble for politically correct candidates the GOP has gone from Michelle Bachmann to Ben Carson. What is astounding is how the party has managed to jump from a white woman idiot to a black man idiot. Michelle, you may remember, thought that the Shot Heard 'Round the World was fired in Concord, NH not Concord MA. Carson has confused the Constitution with the Declaration. Very odd. Very odd indeed.
obama's slip of the tongue? When HASN'T he lied to America? Now the asshole is blaming his intel community for not giving him an accurate picture of ISIS. He does nothing but lie and blame others for anything going wrong.

You also overlook Hillary's struggle with accuracy and truth. She lied all day long at the Benghazi hearings, which to liberals is a badge of honor.

Thanks for showing us how idiots see the world.
Why are you thanking me? your answer just proves my point.
You gave us a step by step walk through of how a retard tries to cobble together a coherent thought. I thanked you for the entertainment factor.
The irony in that response is matched only by its absolute falsehood and it's hilarity.
Odd that you didn't try to debunk it .
Instead you went for the hackneyed you're a retard ploy.
Oh the desperation.
I made fun of you for your idiotic comments that you have yet to support. It doesn't work that way, you don't throw out quick mindless garbage and I don't spend hours refuting it. Moron.
they need no support ...if that was your concern then why didn't you debunk them?
and yes it does work that way.
if you question the validity of any given subject the onus is on the questioner (yourself) to disprove it .
that 's how it works.
I said why, MORON. Get your head out of your anus, MORON. You make a claim and can't back it up, that's YOUR problem. What is it with you libs? You think all the burden is on everyone else.

If your claims are true they'd be on a million websites, post the content instead of and few second search of a movies, that you likely can't understand.
You mean to say he didn't write it?

Hell, I thought ol' Tom penned those half-dozen lines right after Ben Franklin published the Dredd Scott decision !

Which came right before the Articles of Confederation...

Well waddyaknow... ya learns sumfin' new ebery dey...

Still... t'aint as bad as O'Booger prattling-on about all 57 states...

Must've been channeling his white Heinz ancestors...
Why are you thanking me? your answer just proves my point.
You gave us a step by step walk through of how a retard tries to cobble together a coherent thought. I thanked you for the entertainment factor.
The irony in that response is matched only by its absolute falsehood and it's hilarity.
Odd that you didn't try to debunk it .
Instead you went for the hackneyed you're a retard ploy.
Oh the desperation.
I made fun of you for your idiotic comments that you have yet to support. It doesn't work that way, you don't throw out quick mindless garbage and I don't spend hours refuting it. Moron.
they need no support ...if that was your concern then why didn't you debunk them?
and yes it does work that way.
if you question the validity of any given subject the onus is on the questioner (yourself) to disprove it .
that 's how it works.
I said why, MORON. Get your head out of your anus, MORON. You make a claim and can't back it up, that's YOUR problem. What is it with you libs? You think all the burden is on everyone else.

If your claims are true they'd be on a million websites, post the content instead of and few second search of a movies, that you likely can't understand.
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Just curious: When Obama said there were 57 states, did you accuse him of being dumb? When Obama signed the wrong date on the guest book at Westminster Abbey and wrote 2008 instead of 2011, did you accuse him of being dumb? When Obama referred to the "Austrian language" while visiting Austria (they speak German, not "Austrian"), did you call him dumb?

Obviously, Carson simply misspoke and was thinking of the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. Jumping on this meaningless misstatement to accuse him of being dumb is the height of juvenile dishonesty and dirty politics.
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Just curious: When Obama said there were 57 states, did you accuse him of being dumb? When Obama signed the wrong date on the guest book at Westminster Abbey and wrote 2008 instead of 2011, did you accuse him of being dumb? When Obama referred to the "Austrian language" while visiting Austria (they speak German, not "Austrian"), did you call him dumb?

Obviously, Carson simply misspoke and was thinking of the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. Jumping on this meaningless misstatement to accuse him of being dumb is the height of juvenile dishonesty and dirty politics.
no one had to accuse Carson of being dumb . he showcased it with statements like :
Dr. Ben Carson is now a Republican candidate for the presidency. With that, comes the media scrutiny that includes reviewing his past remarks and making him answer for them. As a neurosurgeon, Carson is no doubt brilliant. But his various statements during his foray into the world of politics demonstrate that he doesn’t have the brain necessary to run the country as president.

1. “There comes a time when people with values simply have to stand up. Think about Nazi Germany. Most of those people did not believe in what Hitler was doing. But did they speak up? Did they stand up for what they believe in? They did not, and you saw what happened.”
~Ben Carson, comparing Democrats to Nazis, January 2014.

2. “I mean, [America is] very much like Nazi Germany. And I know you’re not supposed to say ‘Nazi Germany,’ but I don’t care about political correctness. You know, you had a government using its tools to intimidate the population. We now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe.”
~Ben Carson, telling Breitbart News how America is like Nazi Germany because of liberals, March 2014.

3. “ObamaCare is the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. In a way, it is slavery, because it is making all of us subservient to the government.”
~Ben Carson, comparing healthcare to slavery during the Values Voter Summit, October 2013.

4. “Because 9/11 is an isolated incident. Things that are isolated issues as opposed to things that fundamentally change the United Sates of America and shift power from the people to the government. That is a huge shift. You have to take a long-term look at something that fundamentally changes the power structure of America.”
~Ben Carson, claiming ObamaCare is worse than the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed 3,000 Americans, June 2014.

5. “I think what’s happening with the veterans is a gift from God to show us what happens when you take layers and layers of bureaucracy and place them between the patients and the health care provider. And if we can’t get it right, with the relatively small number of veterans, how in the world are you going to do it with the entire population?”
~Ben Carson, thanking God for dead soldiers in an attack on ObamaCare amid the Veteran’s Affairs military healthcare scandal in which veterans died waiting for medical care, Memorial Day Weekend 2014.

6. “My thoughts are that marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established, fundamental pillar of society, and no group — be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality — it doesn’t matter what they are — they don’t get to change the definition.”
~Ben Carson, comparing same-sex marriage to bestiality and pedophilia, April 2013.

7. “Certainly there’s the potential because you have to recognize that we have a rapidly increasing national debt, a very unstable financial foundation, and you have all these things going on like the ISIS crisis that could very rapidly change things that are going on in our nation. And unless we begin to deal with these things in a comprehensive way and in a logical way there is no telling what could happen in just a couple of years.”
~Ben Carson, telling Fox News that President Obama might declare martial law and cancel the 2016 Election so he can continue being president, September 2014.

8. “I think most people when they finish that course, they’d be ready to go sign up for ISIS.”
~Ben Carson, claiming the AP History curriculum will cause students who learn about civil disobedience in this country to join a violent terrorist group, September 2014.

9. “Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked.”
~Ben Carson, advocating for stripping non-citizens of their no-existant American citizenship if they are caught voting, November 2014. NOTE: quote was later removed from Carson’s WND column.

10. “So if there were a container of contaminated urine, and somehow it managed to find its way to someplace a lot of damage could be done. Someone comes up to a lab worker. He knows he’s got the urine. ‘How would you like to have a million dollars?’ … Such things have been known to happen.”
~Ben Carson, fearmongering over Ebola by saying it could be used a biological weapon even though infectious disease experts disagree, August 2014.

If I needed brain surgery, Dr. Ben Carson is the guy I would want performing the operation because his experience in the field of neurosurgery is nearly unmatched. But I would not want him as President of the United States. The fact is, he has zero experience in government. At least President Obama had prior governing experience prior to winning his first term in office. He served as a state senator in Illinois for seven years and as a United States senator for three years, yet conservatives constantly gripe that Obama didn’t have enough experience to be president. By supporting Carson’s candidacy, conservatives would be committing hypocrisy.

Carson has no idea what it means to govern, and his consistent extremist rhetoric should disqualify him from ever being considered for a job as demanding and stressful as Commander-in-Chief. You can’t bring up the Nazi card to describe political opponents, compare gay people to pedophiles, thank God for dead soldiers, and fearmonger about a virus in an effort to cause panic in the nation and think that makes you perfectly qualified to lead and unite the whole population of the United States. Ben Carson is a fine neurosurgeon, but he would be a disastrous chief executive. These were just ten of his political quotes. Just imagine how many more we’ll be able to add to the list as Carson campaigns over the next two years.

Top 10 Quotes That Prove Neurosurgeon Ben Carson Doesn’t Have The Brain To Be President
Carson Inaccurately Credits Thomas Jefferson With Writing Constitution

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that aired Sunday that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution. But in reality, the founding father was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence.

It's not the first time Carson has gotten United States history wrong. As The Wall Street Journal previously flagged, Carson erroneously said the founding fathers had "no elected office experience."

Carson credited the nation's third President with writing the Constitution when he was asked who of the founding fathers stood out in an interview with C-SPAN as part of its "Road to the White House" series.

"I’m impressed by a lot of them, but particularly impressed with Thomas Jefferson, who seemed to have very deep insight into the way that people would react,” Carson said. “And he tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control people’s natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.”

Yikes, he really is dumber than Sarah Palin on history and policy issues.

Picking on the black guy again.... Why?
Jefferson is recognized, along with John Adams as influential framers of the Constitution. You're on another wild goose chase

No he isn't.

You should have stuck it out through third grade, PooPooDooDoo

{Although Thomas Jefferson was in France serving as United States minister when the Federal Constitution was written in 1787, he was able to influence the development of the federal government through his correspondence. Later his actions as the first secretary of state, vice president, leader of the first political opposition party, and third president of the United States were crucial in shaping the look of the nation's capital and defining the powers of the Constitution and the nature of the emerging republic.}

Establishing A Federal Republic - Thomas Jefferson | Exhibitions - Library of Congress
I have noticed that every time a Republican starts to gain popularity, there are a number of the usual suspects who really, really, can't stand it and try to destroy that person. Heck, they'll even make up a bunch of unimportant crap, hoping people will believe it.

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