Carson Overtakes Trump in Iowa

I'm not sure who I'll support yet .... either way, when the election rolls around and the country realizes there's an IDIOT with one hand on the red phone and the other on his ego, they'll send them packing as fast as they did Palin.

POOF, another Democratic POTUS elected by RW stupidity.
Blacks will vote for Carson over Hillary.

if carson was elected wouldn't he be breaking the Hippocratic Oath?

I mean how do you send soldiers off to die if you taken an oath to save lives ?

They will have protective gear made in China.
I'm not sure who I'll support yet .... either way, when the election rolls around and the country realizes there's an IDIOT with one hand on the red phone and the other on his ego, they'll send them packing as fast as they did Palin.

POOF, another Democratic POTUS elected by RW stupidity.
Blacks will vote for Carson over Hillary.
You think they are racist or something? Its not like they have always overwhelmingly supported democrat or something.
I think they will support Carson over Hillary because he's black yes. And that is evident by their overwhelming support of Obama.

if you think that, you're more stupid than I thought.
It shocks ANYONE that Caucus Party ass-lickers are polling in favor of a Free Trade candidate?
Hah! Poll the average person, not the Establishment gophers.

The average person is showing their support by their donations.
It shocks ANYONE that Caucus Party ass-lickers are polling in favor of a Free Trade candidate?
Hah! Poll the average person, not the Establishment gophers.

The average person is showing their support by their donations.

That is true.
Caucus Goers are scared they'll lose their Civil Service jobs if they don't push the candidate's the MNCs want.
And yes, there are a shitload of Republican Civil Service workers across the US.
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I'm not sure who I'll support yet .... either way, when the election rolls around and the country realizes there's an IDIOT with one hand on the red phone and the other on his ego, they'll send them packing as fast as they did Palin.

POOF, another Democratic POTUS elected by RW stupidity.
Blacks will vote for Carson over Hillary.
You think they are racist or something? Its not like they have always overwhelmingly supported democrat or something.
I think they will support Carson over Hillary because he's black yes. And that is evident by their overwhelming support of Obama.

Obama was a black Democrat. Name me one black Republican who has run for office at any level and received a majority of the black vote.
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  • #28
I'm not sure who I'll support yet .... either way, when the election rolls around and the country realizes there's an IDIOT with one hand on the red phone and the other on his ego, they'll send them packing as fast as they did Palin.

POOF, another Democratic POTUS elected by RW stupidity.
Blacks will vote for Carson over Hillary.
You think they are racist or something? Its not like they have always overwhelmingly supported democrat or something.
I think they will support Carson over Hillary because he's black yes. And that is evident by their overwhelming support of Obama.

Obama was a black Democrat. Name me one black Republican who has run for office at any level and received a majority of the black vote.

Blacks used to be republicans and democrats are scared to death they will go back. If blacks really studied history they would know that democrats are the ones who held them down. Voted against everything from civil rights to education to freedom from slavery.
Blacks will vote for Carson over Hillary.

LOL. No they won't.
He gaining popularity with blacks and women.

He may do better with blacks than the typical Republican candidate, but he still won't get anywhere close to a majority.
"Hillary enjoyed widespread support among African American Democrats and was supposed to be the inevitable Democratic presidential nominee in 2008, then came Barack Obama and Hillary's attacks on him. That changed everything in terms of how blacks saw her and could carry over to 2016."

Hillary Is Not Top 2016 Choice For Many African-American Democrats; Here's Why
I'm not sure who I'll support yet .... either way, when the election rolls around and the country realizes there's an IDIOT with one hand on the red phone and the other on his ego, they'll send them packing as fast as they did Palin.

POOF, another Democratic POTUS elected by RW stupidity.
Blacks will vote for Carson over Hillary.
You think they are racist or something? Its not like they have always overwhelmingly supported democrat or something.
I think they will support Carson over Hillary because he's black yes. And that is evident by their overwhelming support of Obama.

if you think that, you're more stupid than I thought.
Hillary pissed off blacks by saying this;

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right?" Clinton said. "We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California."

"I, along with probably 95 percent of other blacks, responded to that infamous quote by thinking a collective: "Oh no she didn't! This woman is so desperate she's mentioning assassination in the same sentence with the name of a black presidential candidate?!"

Hillary Is Not Top 2016 Choice For Many African-American Democrats; Here's Why
We may finally be seeing the beginning of the end for Mr. Trump.

With a big boost from women, Dr. Ben Carson leads Donald Trump 28 - 20 percent among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants, with 13 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

This compares to the results of a September 11 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University showing Trump at 27 percent with Carson at 21 percent.

Today, Sen. Rand Paul is at 6 percent, with Carly Fiorina and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 5 percent each. No other candidate tops 3 percent, with 3 percent undecided.

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that would be amusing.... he'll implode, too... because carson isn't smart enough or sane enough to sustain a long campaign. if I had to put my money on someone right now, i'd say that Rubio is creeping up little by little and a year from now may well be your nominee.
Carson IS smart. It is dumb to say he isn't. How many retards are neuro surgeons? lol
The fact is, he isn't presidential material. He has SOME terrible policies and beliefs. Plus, the fact that he is a bible thumper isn't going to help him. No one wants a theocracy.

You might have to turn in your nutter card.
I'm not sure who I'll support yet .... either way, when the election rolls around and the country realizes there's an IDIOT with one hand on the red phone and the other on his ego, they'll send them packing as fast as they did Palin.

POOF, another Democratic POTUS elected by RW stupidity.
Blacks will vote for Carson over Hillary.
You think they are racist or something? Its not like they have always overwhelmingly supported democrat or something.
I think they will support Carson over Hillary because he's black yes. And that is evident by their overwhelming support of Obama.

You are way nutty.
We may finally be seeing the beginning of the end for Mr. Trump.

With a big boost from women, Dr. Ben Carson leads Donald Trump 28 - 20 percent among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants, with 13 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

This compares to the results of a September 11 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University showing Trump at 27 percent with Carson at 21 percent.

Today, Sen. Rand Paul is at 6 percent, with Carly Fiorina and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 5 percent each. No other candidate tops 3 percent, with 3 percent undecided.

Release Detail

that would be amusing.... he'll implode, too... because carson isn't smart enough or sane enough to sustain a long campaign. if I had to put my money on someone right now, i'd say that Rubio is creeping up little by little and a year from now may well be your nominee.
Carson IS smart. It is dumb to say he isn't. How many retards are neuro surgeons? lol
The fact is, he isn't presidential material. He has SOME terrible policies and beliefs. Plus, the fact that he is a bible thumper isn't going to help him. No one wants a theocracy.

You might have to turn in your nutter card.
nutter card?
We may finally be seeing the beginning of the end for Mr. Trump.

With a big boost from women, Dr. Ben Carson leads Donald Trump 28 - 20 percent among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants, with 13 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

This compares to the results of a September 11 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University showing Trump at 27 percent with Carson at 21 percent.

Today, Sen. Rand Paul is at 6 percent, with Carly Fiorina and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 5 percent each. No other candidate tops 3 percent, with 3 percent undecided.

Release Detail

that would be amusing.... he'll implode, too... because carson isn't smart enough or sane enough to sustain a long campaign. if I had to put my money on someone right now, i'd say that Rubio is creeping up little by little and a year from now may well be your nominee.
Carson IS smart. It is dumb to say he isn't. How many retards are neuro surgeons? lol
The fact is, he isn't presidential material. He has SOME terrible policies and beliefs. Plus, the fact that he is a bible thumper isn't going to help him. No one wants a theocracy.

You might have to turn in your nutter card.
nutter card?

Yes. Your nutter card. You just made a couple of lucid observations not normally associated with USMB conservatives......otherwise known as nutters.

Of mistakenly said "nobody" wants a theocracy. I'd say about 10% of likely republican voters want exactly that. And they are loud.
We may finally be seeing the beginning of the end for Mr. Trump.

With a big boost from women, Dr. Ben Carson leads Donald Trump 28 - 20 percent among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants, with 13 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

This compares to the results of a September 11 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University showing Trump at 27 percent with Carson at 21 percent.

Today, Sen. Rand Paul is at 6 percent, with Carly Fiorina and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 5 percent each. No other candidate tops 3 percent, with 3 percent undecided.

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That's great news!!, looks like that fat Orangutan with the cheap looking rug is a tired act, it going to be funny when that narcissistic fuck , finally bows out , he ain't gonna make it another year, If he's already starting to tank..

That sleazy Cruz will probably try to recruit all of the rugs fanboys..
We may finally be seeing the beginning of the end for Mr. Trump.

With a big boost from women, Dr. Ben Carson leads Donald Trump 28 - 20 percent among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants, with 13 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

This compares to the results of a September 11 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University showing Trump at 27 percent with Carson at 21 percent.

Today, Sen. Rand Paul is at 6 percent, with Carly Fiorina and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 5 percent each. No other candidate tops 3 percent, with 3 percent undecided.

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Ha ha ha! Ben carson? You ever took him seriously?

Each week Ben stays in the race he is the closest a black man will ever come to getting the nomination. Even though he never had a chance. Not in the gop

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