Carter Page Accusations Came From Obama's State Department

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
That's right folks. As stated right in the FISA application the lies about Carter Page came from Obama's State Department and Obama is up to his ass in this frame job on Page.

Carter Page is not in jail because it was all a bunch of lies and there is no proof which in turn makes the swearing by the Supervisory Special Agent who signed off on the Warrant a committed crime of perjury. The agent signed the warrant which already claimed falsely Page was an agent of a foreign agent.

Since the libtardos want to ban straws they can suck on this instead.

Mr. Steele visited the State Department, briefing officials on the dossier in October 2016.”

Nuland, who in June 2016 had authorized the FBI to meet with Steele in London, denied attending the October 2016 meeting with Steele. She also “said in previous interviews that she and other State Department officials referred the dossier to the FBI,” but as The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross noted, “Burr’s revelations suggest the agency maintained interest in Steele and his report much longer than previously known.”

Saturday’s release of the FISA applications now exposes a new troubling detail: The DOJ sought the FISA surveillance order based on the information provided “by the U.S. Department of State” “in or about October 2016.” When considered in light of last month’s revelation that Steele had met with State Department officials in October, it now appears that the Obama administration’s State Department bore equal responsibility for presenting the FISA court unverified hearsay to justify spying on the Trump campaign.


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