Carville to GOP: A Disaster on your hands!

Where the hell has Jimmy Carville been? The dirty little secret is that Carville can't defend Barry Hussein so he does what he does best, attack the GOP.
That article had nothing of importance.

Nothing on:

The economy


After Katrina

Foreign policy

The Justice Department


All things Republicans touched and turned into disasters.

hey imbecile, holder runs the doj, jesus christ you're fucking deluded, seriously.

Republicans fired qualified lawyers in the DOJ and replaced them with Bible School Graduates.

Scientists fled the Bush administration when they were ordered to rewrite their data to match administration policy.

There was no department in the Government that Republicans didn't fuck up. None.

None of this is a secret. He put a judge for horse shows in charge of FEMA for Christsakes.

Wanted to make his secretary a "Supreme Court Judge".

Stop denying.

Aren't you guys ever honest? Ever?
Disney should create another Character based on Carville, he does look like on of those retarted characters from the bugs bunny series,,Even maybe add him to Snow Whites Dwarfs.....maybe call him "Baldy"?

I love Jimmy to death. His wife is one lucky woman. Carville is one of the last great real true soul commentators out there.

Yeah, I love him to death. He's honest. He may be a democrat, and even that is a lost soul category, but he's a real deal democrat and not a left wing nutbar.

Here's to you Sir Carville!! I love you Jimmy.
I hope he doesnt take a ship back to Mars, we need him here, he should quit and work for Fox,,and fire Alan Gerbil Butt Colmes !!! god he's so annoying.
You gotta wonder if there is any sanity left in the democrat party when they think Carville's advice to the GOP is serious news?
That and the fact no democrats are going to vote for Gingrich, even weak ‘Reagan democrats.’ Here in the real world, outside of the bizarre rightist universe where Gingrich is beloved, Gingrich is polarizing and divisive, correctly seen as radical, extreme, and consequently unqualified to be president.

The fact is, the very same description could be applied to Obama and it also would be true.

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