James Carville: Democrats have a 'Preachy Female' problem...

Is Michelle Obama a woman or a man, Marty?????

Woman. Please try to find any post I've made to the contrary.

Now, this person, woman or man?

Comment: Democrats are hemorrhaging men. Black men, Hispanic men, White men, young men.

And this is what James Carville has to say about it...

James Carville nails the "shame on you culture" that I've been calling out on this board.

He knows it: we are entering a cultural sea change
And that's a problem because?????? There are 8 million MORE women voters than male voters.

Republicans have too many toxic males and incels. Banning abortion, and acting like Trump is God.

Oh look an angry white liberal woman
Nobody likes women that are preachy, pretentious, smug, arrogant and know it alls. That's why those modern women complain about dating all the time. No one likes them and the less attention they are paid the louder they screech.

I mean conservatives have some loud ass ballsy women as well, but at least they aren't total tears like democrats have in large numbers.

They will continue to gain more and more of them as well because they thrive in the liberal, progressive, "nothing is our fault", left side. They couldn't make it in a Republican party.

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