CA's "Babies For Sale!" Are Private Surrogacy Contracts The Same As Child-Trafficking?

If there's no guardian ad litem, are private baby contracts actually child-trafficking?

  • Yes, there must always be a state-employed guardian overseeing the custody exchange.

  • No, the infant is the right of the birth parents to handle who they want to place it with.

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That's not quite what I've heard Skylar.

Not a single source you've posted backs your claims. So by 'heard', I'm assuming you are talking about those voices that told you how the Obergefell ruling was gonna go down?
America, welcome to your brave new world...

4 page article:
More Gay Men Choose Surrogacy to Have Children - ABC News

$150,000 a Year for 'Journey'
Today, men with the financial means — surrogate births run up to $150,000 a year for a two-year process — can access new technologies that allow them to have babies...."It's incredible to go through the process of our own pregnancy," said Stuart. "It has been so special to have a relationship with the surrogate and to be there to hold her legs and to be joyous at the birth."....The surrogate was a 23-year-old lesbian who had a 2-year-old son....Surrogate agencies around the country now provide "one-stop" services where gay men can find an egg donor and a woman to carry the child...
America, welcome to your brave new world...

4 page article:
More Gay Men Choose Surrogacy to Have Children - ABC News

$150,000 a Year for 'Journey'
Today, men with the financial means — surrogate births run up to $150,000 a year for a two-year process — can access new technologies that allow them to have babies...."It's incredible to go through the process of our own pregnancy," said Stuart. "It has been so special to have a relationship with the surrogate and to be there to hold her legs and to be joyous at the birth."....The surrogate was a 23-year-old lesbian who had a 2-year-old son....Surrogate agencies around the country now provide "one-stop" services where gay men can find an egg donor and a woman to carry the child...

Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol
Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

Interesting you find child-trafficking funny. Is it your position that if enough time has elapsed since California made child-trafficking "legal", that it is now acceptable?

If there is no guardian ad litem, this is child trafficking. Babies are not to be bought and sold under the radar of the public's custodial watchful eye. That is a dangerous cocktail for child abuse to flourish under.
Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

Interesting you find child-trafficking funny. Is it your position that if enough time has elapsed since California made child-trafficking "legal", that it is now acceptable?

If there is no guardian ad litem, this is child trafficking. Babies are not to be bought and sold under the radar of the public's custodial watchful eye. That is a dangerous cocktail for child abuse to flourish under.

What I find funny is your continuous crusade to smear queers. The only person that is calling this 'child trafficking' is you and as always you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
What I find funny is your continuous crusade to smear queers. The only person that is calling this 'child trafficking' is you and as always you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Do you believe that a gaurdian ad litem should be appointed for each surrogacy? Yes or no?
What I find funny is your continuous crusade to smear queers. The only person that is calling this 'child trafficking' is you and as always you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Do you believe that a gaurdian ad litem should be appointed for each surrogacy? Yes or no?

No, I don't believe it is necessary and neither does the state. Let's be honest, I know that is asking quite a lot from you, but I don't think you really care either way, this is just another line of attack in your endless anti-gay narrative.
Do you think the New York Times was in error calling it an "industry"?[/QUOTE
Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

Interesting you find child-trafficking funny. .

He is not the one using the very real tragedy of child trafficking to attack surrogacy.

That would be you.
Women in India get a few grand for carrying other people's babies as surrogates. Big industry evidently.

As with marriage, who wants to make a baby is none of my business.

My interest and concern with these kinds of things begins and ends with one question, "Is it legal?" If it is therein ends my concern. If it isn't, then I may depeneding on issue ask followups, should it beillegal? How important is it it become illegal? etc.

Should the essential sale of human beings be legal? .

The actual sale of human beings is not legal in the United States.
America, welcome to your brave new world...

4 page article:
More Gay Men Choose Surrogacy to Have Children - ABC News

$150,000 a Year for 'Journey'
Today, men with the financial means — surrogate births run up to $150,000 a year for a two-year process — can access new technologies that allow them to have babies...."It's incredible to go through the process of our own pregnancy," said Stuart. "It has been so special to have a relationship with the surrogate and to be there to hold her legs and to be joyous at the birth."....The surrogate was a 23-year-old lesbian who had a 2-year-old son....Surrogate agencies around the country now provide "one-stop" services where gay men can find an egg donor and a woman to carry the child...

Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

So a ruling in 2015 caused gays to choose surrogacy in 2008?

Wow. I wasn't aware justice Kennedy could get his Delorean up to 88 miles per hour.
Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

Interesting you find child-trafficking funny.

Who says its child trafficking? You do. Citing yourself as a legal authority.

And as your complete and total miss on the Obergefell ruling demonstrated, you don't know what you're talking about regarding the law.
I believe you.
That's nice.

Do you think the New York Times was in error calling it an "industry"?
I think it is an industry,
I also think it is perfectly acceptable for two married people to seek help in having a baby when situations keep them from having their own.
I also think that it is better than sitting some child in a state run facility until they are 18 years old.
America, welcome to your brave new world...

4 page article:
More Gay Men Choose Surrogacy to Have Children - ABC News

$150,000 a Year for 'Journey'
Today, men with the financial means — surrogate births run up to $150,000 a year for a two-year process — can access new technologies that allow them to have babies...."It's incredible to go through the process of our own pregnancy," said Stuart. "It has been so special to have a relationship with the surrogate and to be there to hold her legs and to be joyous at the birth."....The surrogate was a 23-year-old lesbian who had a 2-year-old son....Surrogate agencies around the country now provide "one-stop" services where gay men can find an egg donor and a woman to carry the child...

Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

So a ruling in 2015 caused gays to choose surrogacy in 2008?

Wow. I wasn't aware justice Kennedy could get his Delorean up to 88 miles per hour.

Where we're going, we don't need roads.
America, welcome to your brave new world...

4 page article:
More Gay Men Choose Surrogacy to Have Children - ABC News

$150,000 a Year for 'Journey'
Today, men with the financial means — surrogate births run up to $150,000 a year for a two-year process — can access new technologies that allow them to have babies...."It's incredible to go through the process of our own pregnancy," said Stuart. "It has been so special to have a relationship with the surrogate and to be there to hold her legs and to be joyous at the birth."....The surrogate was a 23-year-old lesbian who had a 2-year-old son....Surrogate agencies around the country now provide "one-stop" services where gay men can find an egg donor and a woman to carry the child...

Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

So a ruling in 2015 caused gays to choose surrogacy in 2008?

Wow. I wasn't aware justice Kennedy could get his Delorean up to 88 miles per hour.
He installed a new flux capacitor, he can now actually exceed 88, problem is that every time he tries, he ends up in another time zone. Very annoying if you are trying to actually get somewhere specific.
America, welcome to your brave new world...

4 page article:
More Gay Men Choose Surrogacy to Have Children - ABC News

$150,000 a Year for 'Journey'
Today, men with the financial means — surrogate births run up to $150,000 a year for a two-year process — can access new technologies that allow them to have babies...."It's incredible to go through the process of our own pregnancy," said Stuart. "It has been so special to have a relationship with the surrogate and to be there to hold her legs and to be joyous at the birth."....The surrogate was a 23-year-old lesbian who had a 2-year-old son....Surrogate agencies around the country now provide "one-stop" services where gay men can find an egg donor and a woman to carry the child...

Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

Do you think that an infant in surrogacy should have a guardian ad litem for all stages of the adoption/transfer of custody? Yes or no?
Last edited:
America, welcome to your brave new world...

4 page article:
More Gay Men Choose Surrogacy to Have Children - ABC News

$150,000 a Year for 'Journey'
Today, men with the financial means — surrogate births run up to $150,000 a year for a two-year process — can access new technologies that allow them to have babies...."It's incredible to go through the process of our own pregnancy," said Stuart. "It has been so special to have a relationship with the surrogate and to be there to hold her legs and to be joyous at the birth."....The surrogate was a 23-year-old lesbian who had a 2-year-old son....Surrogate agencies around the country now provide "one-stop" services where gay men can find an egg donor and a woman to carry the child...

Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

Do you think that an infant in surrogacy should have a guardian ad litem for all stages of the adoption/transfer of custody? Yes or no?

I already answered your question. Try reading instead of spamming.
I already answered your question. Try reading instead of spamming.

My bad. Here's what you said last page in a slew of posts you typically make that are usually ad homimens exclusively or predominantly. So, hence the skimming..

No, I don't believe it is necessary and neither does the state. Let's be honest, I know that is asking quite a lot from you, but I don't think you really care either way, this is just another line of attack in your endless anti-gay narrative.

So, you don't think anything could go wrong at all with what the New York Times called "an industry"...more to the point a "BOOMING industry" that is self-regulating which deals in the transfer of human life from a mother to other people? So as far as you're concerned, out with adoption agencies and screening at orphanages too? Are children protected with guardians ad litem or not? Which makes one child more protected than another?
I already answered your question. Try reading instead of spamming.

My bad. Here's what you said last page in a slew of posts you typically make that are usually ad homimens exclusively or predominantly. So, hence the skimming..

No, I don't believe it is necessary and neither does the state. Let's be honest, I know that is asking quite a lot from you, but I don't think you really care either way, this is just another line of attack in your endless anti-gay narrative.

So, you don't think anything could go wrong at all with what the New York Times called "an industry"...more to the point a "BOOMING industry" that is self-regulating which deals in the transfer of human life from a mother to other people? So as far as you're concerned, out with adoption agencies and screening at orphanages too? Are children protected with guardians ad litem or not? Which makes one child more protected than another?

That isn't what I saying about adoptions, that is what you're assigning to me. Who said children are not protected with guardians ad litems from time to time? That would be you and you alone. The court doesn't feel the need to appoint one in every single instance. If you feel that these children are in danger then you better make your case that the courts should appoint one in every instance. You haven't made your case. All you have done is stomp your feet and claim this is human trafficking. You wouldn't give two shit about this if gays were not using surrogates. This is just another horse for you to ride in your anti-gay narrative.
I already answered your question. Try reading instead of spamming.

My bad. Here's what you said last page in a slew of posts you typically make that are usually ad homimens exclusively or predominantly. So, hence the skimming..

No, I don't believe it is necessary and neither does the state. Let's be honest, I know that is asking quite a lot from you, but I don't think you really care either way, this is just another line of attack in your endless anti-gay narrative.

So, you don't think anything could go wrong at all with what the New York Times called "an industry"...more to the point a "BOOMING industry" that is self-regulating which deals in the transfer of human life from a mother to other people? So as far as you're concerned, out with adoption agencies and screening at orphanages too? Are children protected with guardians ad litem or not? Which makes one child more protected than another?

That isn't what I saying about adoptions, that is what you're assigning to me. Who said children are not protected with guardians ad litems from time to time? That would be you and you alone. The court doesn't feel the need to appoint one in every single instance. If you feel that these children are in danger then you better make your case that the courts should appoint one in every instance. You haven't made your case. All you have done is stomp your feet and claim this is human trafficking. You wouldn't give two shit about this if gays were not using surrogates. This is just another horse for you to ride in your anti-gay narrative.

So point me in the direction if you would, of any adoption agency or orphanage that doesn't (as a requirement of law) appoint a custodian in charge of screening carefully who the prospective parents might be of the poor unfortunate child?
America, welcome to your brave new world...

4 page article:
More Gay Men Choose Surrogacy to Have Children - ABC News

$150,000 a Year for 'Journey'
Today, men with the financial means — surrogate births run up to $150,000 a year for a two-year process — can access new technologies that allow them to have babies...."It's incredible to go through the process of our own pregnancy," said Stuart. "It has been so special to have a relationship with the surrogate and to be there to hold her legs and to be joyous at the birth."....The surrogate was a 23-year-old lesbian who had a 2-year-old son....Surrogate agencies around the country now provide "one-stop" services where gay men can find an egg donor and a woman to carry the child...

Gays have been using surrogate donors for decades now but whatever. This isn't anything new and your story is 7 years old. lol

Do you think that an infant in surrogacy should have a guardian ad litem for all stages of the adoption/transfer of custody? Yes or no?

And no where does it say that surrogacy is 'child trafficking'.

You do. And you're clueless.

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