Case closed: The Rosenbergs were stalinist terrorists - saboteurs


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
why USA was so soft on the dirty Stalinist commies ?
"Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed 55 years ago, on June 19, 1953. But last week, they were back in the headlines when Morton Sobell, the co-defendant in their famous espionage trial, finally admitted that he and his friend, Julius, had both been Soviet agents.
It was a stunning admission; Sobell, now 91 years old, had adamantly maintained his innocence for more than half a century. After his comments were published, even the Rosenbergs’ children, Robert and Michael Meeropol, were left with little hope to hang on to -- and this week, in comments unlike any they’ve made previously, the brothers acknowledged having reached the difficult conclusion that their father was, indeed, a spy. “I don’t have any reason to doubt Morty,” Michael Meeropol told Sam Roberts of the New York Times.

With these latest events, the end has arrived for the legions of the American left wing that have argued relentlessly for more than half a century that the Rosenbergs were victims, framed by a hostile, fear-mongering U.S. government. Since the couple’s trial, the left has portrayed them as martyrs for civil liberties, righteous dissenters whose chief crime was to express their constitutionally protected political beliefs"

Case closed: The Rosenbergs were Soviet spies
Did the Rosenbergs steal the atomic secrets? No
Did they actually hand them to the Russians? No

They were at best, middlemen. Ethel was hardly involved at all.

Yet, they were the only ones executed.
Did the Rosenbergs steal the atomic secrets? No
Did they actually hand them to the Russians? No

They were at best, middlemen. Ethel was hardly involved at all.

Yet, they were the only ones executed.
hung the traitors
Every cognizant person knows libturds are drones, and the democrook party is a criminal syndicate with a political aim to establish a global collectivist state.

For decades the intention was to make Moscow the world's capital. After communism shit the bed in the USSR, which it always will do, the new agenda is to use the UN HQ in NYC as the global capital.

As far as I'm concerned every democrook political whore with an IQ above 99 is a devoted traitor to the republic, and most democrook voters are deliberately ignorant parasites. These are people who would not exist if there were not GFI Protected plugs near bathtubs, safety lids on every chemical, barriers at rail road crossings, and warnings on everything that should not be eaten. People like these are SUPPOSED TO be allowed to walk into machinery, electrocute themselves in the bathtub, or just be eaten by wild animals. We have reversed natural selection and protect the imbeciles so that now for the last 60 years they have reproduced to a point that HITLARY was nearly elected president, and an incompetent meat puppet faggot was elected just so pieces of genetic garbage could feel like America isn't a racist country.

It is documented fact that the DNC was completely infiltrated by marxist sociopaths as far back as the Wilson administration.

FDR made everything worse and should be removed from the dime only to be replaced with Coolidge.

Did the Rosenbergs steal the atomic secrets? No
Did they actually hand them to the Russians? No

They were at best, middlemen. Ethel was hardly involved at all.

Yet, they were the only ones executed.
A lot more commies should have been.

Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia
German–Soviet Credit Agreement (1939) - Wikipedia
German–Soviet Commercial Agreement (1940) - Wikipedia
German–Soviet Border and Commercial Agreement - Wikipedia
German–Soviet Axis talks - Wikipedia


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