Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Evidently Zim had been to a class on self defense law.

You are an expert on human behavior or just a guy on a message board pretending to be an expert?

I think had Zimmerman been smart, he would have waited for the police, that said, if Martin attacked him, then Zimmerman had a right to defend himself.

I don't know the character of either Martin or Zimmerman. I have what I have read, which is extremely biased for each side. So to gather truth from either side is ridiculous.

It is a wait for the justice system to prevail.

? when I said "Evidently Zim had been to a class on self defense law." I meant to say the prosecution just said in their opening statements that Zim had been to a class on self defense law. I did not mean to indicate that I was making a subjective or expert opinion.

Am I an expert on human behavior? Define expert. I'm your typical 50year old guy who's has been analyzing human behavior his whole life. If all you want to do is wait... what are you here for if not to discuss. Are you really here to tell everyone to wait? I'm pretending I'm on the jury taking notes.. :)

So you aren't an expert. Thank you.
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

That's just plain stupid. If it was Zimmerman screaming for help, do you suppose he would have continued being afraid for his life after shooting Martin?

Do you suppose he would be screaming for help while he was pulling out the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger? That wouldn't make sense. He'd be totally focused on getting the gun out, pointing it and firing, no screaming at the same time. Try it with your own gun. See how it works. Screaming for help all the while pulling out, pointing and firing your gun. Doesn't make sense.
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

That's just plain stupid. If it was Zimmerman screaming for help, do you suppose he would have continued being afraid for his life after shooting Martin?

I think the point is that it's really odd to be screaming for help as you are drawing and firing a weapon. Just as odd to be screaming while someone is wailing on you ... the screaming would at least be intermittent. It just does not make sense.
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

Once the gun fired, could Zimmerman have stopped screaming? All we have is supposition. The case has yet to be proven, unless you have already predetermined guilt or innocence, in that case you are bias and not a good judge in the issue at this point.

No, we have the 911 tape. The gunshot, screaming stopped immediately. Give it a listen, prove it to yourself. Zimmerman wasn't the one screaming.

Martin's own father said that it was not Treyvon screaming for help.

THAT is good enough for me.
I love how people just assume that Trayvon attacked first, when there is nothing to suggest that. Just because Zimmerman has a few scratches doesn't mean he was attacked!

We don't just assume. We know that Zimmerman knows police are on their way. Why would he attack Martin and risk arrest?
We don't just assume. We have a time line and physical evidence that support Zimmerman's account. There is no reason to think that at some point Zimmerman goes from giving an accurate account of the events to lying.

We DO assume that Jorge Zimmerman is innocent. That is the way the system works here. I'm truly sorry that, in Australia, the presumption is of guilt.

Zimmerman has already demonstrated he has no respect for authority. He didn't give an accurate account of what happened and the evidence does not support Zimmerman's story.
It's a little early to be smoking dope, isn't it?
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

That's just plain stupid. If it was Zimmerman screaming for help, do you suppose he would have continued being afraid for his life after shooting Martin?

Do you suppose he would be screaming for help while he was pulling out the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger? That wouldn't make sense. He'd be totally focused on getting the gun out, pointing it and firing, no screaming at the same time. Try it with your own gun. See how it works. Screaming for help all the while pulling out, pointing and firing your gun. Doesn't make sense.

Makes sense if one is a pathologically smart freak who is creating an alibi as he kills his victim. May have thought it out going down the walk.

That is as good as anything else present here on the hearsay board.

Let the prosecution and defense get in their statements, folks.
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

That's just plain stupid. If it was Zimmerman screaming for help, do you suppose he would have continued being afraid for his life after shooting Martin?

Do you suppose he would be screaming for help while he was pulling out the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger? That wouldn't make sense. He'd be totally focused on getting the gun out, pointing it and firing, no screaming at the same time. Try it with your own gun. See how it works. Screaming for help all the while pulling out, pointing and firing your gun. Doesn't make sense.

Pay attention to the case. Zimmerman says that Martin saw the gun and tried to get it, they were struggling over it and the gun went off. He didn't pull out his gun and shoot Martin so therefore was not focused on pulling out the gun. It went off during the struggle. From the forensic evidence that has come out, the gun was fired very close to Martin's body, suggesting that it did go off during a struggle over possession of the gun and not pulled, pointed or fired from any appreciable distance.
Once the gun fired, could Zimmerman have stopped screaming? All we have is supposition. The case has yet to be proven, unless you have already predetermined guilt or innocence, in that case you are bias and not a good judge in the issue at this point.

No, we have the 911 tape. The gunshot, screaming stopped immediately. Give it a listen, prove it to yourself. Zimmerman wasn't the one screaming.

Martin's own father said that it was not Treyvon screaming for help.

THAT is good enough for me.

Do you believe that if Zimmerman shot in self defense, there would have been blood on Travon's hands and if he had tried to grab the gun, Travon's dna would be on it? Or maybe after he was killed, Travon got up and wiped both his hands and the gun?

None of you wingnuts are making much sense here.
That's just plain stupid. If it was Zimmerman screaming for help, do you suppose he would have continued being afraid for his life after shooting Martin?

Do you suppose he would be screaming for help while he was pulling out the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger? That wouldn't make sense. He'd be totally focused on getting the gun out, pointing it and firing, no screaming at the same time. Try it with your own gun. See how it works. Screaming for help all the while pulling out, pointing and firing your gun. Doesn't make sense.

Pay attention to the case. Zimmerman says that Martin saw the gun and tried to get it, they were struggling over it and the gun went off. He didn't pull out his gun and shoot Martin so therefore was not focused on pulling out the gun. It went off during the struggle. From the forensic evidence that has come out, the gun was fired very close to Martin's body, suggesting that it did go off during a struggle over possession of the gun and not pulled, pointed or fired from any appreciable distance.

If that is the case, GZ's goose is cooked.
That's just plain stupid. If it was Zimmerman screaming for help, do you suppose he would have continued being afraid for his life after shooting Martin?

Do you suppose he would be screaming for help while he was pulling out the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger? That wouldn't make sense. He'd be totally focused on getting the gun out, pointing it and firing, no screaming at the same time. Try it with your own gun. See how it works. Screaming for help all the while pulling out, pointing and firing your gun. Doesn't make sense.

Pay attention to the case. Zimmerman says that Martin saw the gun and tried to get it, they were struggling over it and the gun went off. He didn't pull out his gun and shoot Martin so therefore was not focused on pulling out the gun. It went off during the struggle. From the forensic evidence that has come out, the gun was fired very close to Martin's body, suggesting that it did go off during a struggle over possession of the gun and not pulled, pointed or fired from any appreciable distance.

Travon's dna was not on the gun. Zimmerman's blood was not on Travon.
And send a message to all the nutters out there just panting for a chance to blow someone away with their precious weapon. Afterall, what's the fun of having a weapon year in and year out if you never get a chance to use it and feel like a tough guy hero?

That's more the mentality of the ghetto gang banger who has no regard for life.
We law abiding gun owners carry for the opposite reason. I am armed precisely because I have great regard for life.

The mentality I described is that which I read on here over and over and over again by right wing, pro-gun people. THEY have no respect for human life.

I have the utmost respect for human life. I am also realistic enough to know that at some point, people put themselves in a position where a life is going to end. If we believe the evidence we have so far, Zimmerman acted in the only manner Martin left available.
Am I glad Treyvon Martin is dead? Of course not! But I am glad Jorge Zimmerman is alive.
Once the gun fired, could Zimmerman have stopped screaming? All we have is supposition. The case has yet to be proven, unless you have already predetermined guilt or innocence, in that case you are bias and not a good judge in the issue at this point.

No, we have the 911 tape. The gunshot, screaming stopped immediately. Give it a listen, prove it to yourself. Zimmerman wasn't the one screaming.

Martin's own father said that it was not Treyvon screaming for help.

THAT is good enough for me.

Well he changed that after Crump/Al/Jesse got him. DOH!! Wait!! That's not what I meant - that is my son, those were his last words <sniff>
Do you suppose he would be screaming for help while he was pulling out the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger? That wouldn't make sense. He'd be totally focused on getting the gun out, pointing it and firing, no screaming at the same time. Try it with your own gun. See how it works. Screaming for help all the while pulling out, pointing and firing your gun. Doesn't make sense.

Pay attention to the case. Zimmerman says that Martin saw the gun and tried to get it, they were struggling over it and the gun went off. He didn't pull out his gun and shoot Martin so therefore was not focused on pulling out the gun. It went off during the struggle. From the forensic evidence that has come out, the gun was fired very close to Martin's body, suggesting that it did go off during a struggle over possession of the gun and not pulled, pointed or fired from any appreciable distance.

Travon's dna was not on the gun. Zimmerman's blood was not on Travon.

Think I heard the Prosecution say Zim's blood was on Tray's sleeve. Can't wait to find out where on the sleeve.
why in the f*** would he still scream after he shot him? that's one of the f****** dumbest things I've ever seen posted

Welcome to my nightmare
Why would Zim be screaming for help as he was pulling the trigger?

If there was a fight and Zimmerman was getting the worst of it, then he might be screaming...

Witnesses indicated Martin was on top of Zimmerman at one point.

Again, anything we think or say is pure speculation. The prosecution has to line their case out as will the defense. At this point all we are getting is what one side believes.

No there is witnesses who say Zimmerman was on top. The only one who say Martin on top was witness 6 and he changed his story.
Pay attention to the case. Zimmerman says that Martin saw the gun and tried to get it, they were struggling over it and the gun went off. He didn't pull out his gun and shoot Martin so therefore was not focused on pulling out the gun. It went off during the struggle. From the forensic evidence that has come out, the gun was fired very close to Martin's body, suggesting that it did go off during a struggle over possession of the gun and not pulled, pointed or fired from any appreciable distance.

Travon's dna was not on the gun. Zimmerman's blood was not on Travon.

Think I heard the Prosecution say Zim's blood was on Tray's sleeve. Can't wait to find out where on the sleeve.

Zimmerman claimed that Travon covered up his nose and mouth. With that "broken nose" he would have had blood all over him.
Pay attention to the case. Zimmerman says that Martin saw the gun and tried to get it, they were struggling over it and the gun went off. He didn't pull out his gun and shoot Martin so therefore was not focused on pulling out the gun. It went off during the struggle. From the forensic evidence that has come out, the gun was fired very close to Martin's body, suggesting that it did go off during a struggle over possession of the gun and not pulled, pointed or fired from any appreciable distance.

Travon's dna was not on the gun. Zimmerman's blood was not on Travon.

Think I heard the Prosecution say Zim's blood was on Tray's sleeve. Can't wait to find out where on the sleeve.

Exhibit ME 12 Hoodie represented as being from Trayvon Martin
Stain A:
Partial DNA profile consistent with originating from a male individual and matches the DNA profile from Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3).”

Stain B: (cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Right cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from right cuff/lower sleeve

Left cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from left cuff/lower sleeve

ME 12 (stain B and general rubbing from cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Stain C:
No DNA results were obtained.

Daily Kos: DNA Report does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries
If we believe the evidence we have so far, Zimmerman acted in the only manner Martin left available.

How do you slam someones head on the ground again and again, and break his nose without getting any DNA on your hands? Was Martin wearing gloves?
That's more the mentality of the ghetto gang banger who has no regard for life.
We law abiding gun owners carry for the opposite reason. I am armed precisely because I have great regard for life.

The mentality I described is that which I read on here over and over and over again by right wing, pro-gun people. THEY have no respect for human life.

I have the utmost respect for human life. I am also realistic enough to know that at some point, people put themselves in a position where a life is going to end. If we believe the evidence we have so far, Zimmerman acted in the only manner Martin left available.
Am I glad Treyvon Martin is dead? Of course not! But I am glad Jorge Zimmerman is alive.

The prosecution will dispute your "realism", Ernie S. If the provocation's was GZ and the jury finds as such, GZ will be convicted.
Travon's dna was not on the gun. Zimmerman's blood was not on Travon.

Think I heard the Prosecution say Zim's blood was on Tray's sleeve. Can't wait to find out where on the sleeve.

Exhibit ME 12 Hoodie represented as being from Trayvon Martin
Stain A:
Partial DNA profile consistent with originating from a male individual and matches the DNA profile from Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3).”

Stain B: (cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Right cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from right cuff/lower sleeve

Left cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from left cuff/lower sleeve

ME 12 (stain B and general rubbing from cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Stain C:
No DNA results were obtained.

Daily Kos: DNA Report does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries

Thx for the link.. ok Prosecution was just heading off:

ME 8 Shirt represented as being from Trayvon Martin
Left cuff/lower sleeve:
The mixed DNA profile obtained from Exhibit ME-8 left cuff/lower sleeve demonstrated the presence of at least two individuals. Assuming Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3) is a contributor to the mixture, foreign DNA results were obtained. Due to the limited nature of these results, this data is insufficient for inclusion purposes.

No determination can be made regarding the possible contribution of George Michael Zimmerman (JR-2) to the mixed DNA profile obtained from Exhibit ME-8 left cuff/lower sleeve.”
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