Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

Oh, how sad.

Oh how wrong. The screaming stopped before the gun went off. Anyone could hear that. You people are very prone to lying.

Yes, the screaming stopped immediately before the gun was fired.

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Ok, if you all just want to sit around an lie to yourselves for justification of this kid getting shot dead for no reason, go on ahead.

You may be surprised at the outcome in any event.
why in the f*** would he still scream after he shot him? that's one of the f****** dumbest things I've ever seen posted

Welcome to my nightmare
Why would Zim be screaming for help as he was pulling the trigger?

If there was a fight and Zimmerman was getting the worst of it, then he might be screaming...

Witnesses indicated Martin was on top of Zimmerman at one point.

Again, anything we think or say is pure speculation. The prosecution has to line their case out as will the defense. At this point all we are getting is what one side believes.

Ayup... painted by the prosecution.. Trayvon was on top of Zim to defend himself from Zim's attack. It's an interesting perspective. If Trayvon was "wailing" on Zim why did the witness not see that? He was just on top of Zim.. no "wailing" ... where's the DNA evidence Tray caused Zim's injuries? It's an interesting point.

Touchdown to the prosecution.

Defense will be starting at the 1.
Something else that bothers me. Zimmerman said to witnesses I shot him in self defense...who says that? I would think if he thought his life was in danger his first words would be I thought I was going to die. That would be my first words. Self Defense is a legal term. Sounds like he already was already planning his court hearing.

So, someone doesn't say or act the way you think, they are guilty? I shot him in self defense is what many would say, I would think. That alone implies he felt his life could have been in danger.

Again, it is all speculation on your part as to why he would or would not react the way you would.
Time will tell whether:

1. Zimmerman was attacked without reason, or even attacked at all, and
2, Zimmerman's "right" to defend himself with deadly force was as all-inclusive as you think.

If you get a "no" to either, "Herr" Zimmerman might become "Inmate" Zimmerman. Who knows, if Zimmerman did what his detractors think he did, the world might be better off with him permanently out of circulation.

And send a message to all the nutters out there just panting for a chance to blow someone away with their precious weapon. Afterall, what's the fun of having a weapon year in and year out if you never get a chance to use it and feel like a tough guy hero?

That's more the mentality of the ghetto gang banger who has no regard for life.
We law abiding gun owners carry for the opposite reason. I am armed precisely because I have great regard for life.

The mentality I described is that which I read on here over and over and over again by right wing, pro-gun people. THEY have no respect for human life.
Time will tell whether:

1. Zimmerman was attacked without reason, or even attacked at all, and
2, Zimmerman's "right" to defend himself with deadly force was as all-inclusive as you think.

If you get a "no" to either, "Herr" Zimmerman might become "Inmate" Zimmerman. Who knows, if Zimmerman did what his detractors think he did, the world might be better off with him permanently out of circulation.

And send a message to all the nutters out there just panting for a chance to blow someone away with their precious weapon. Afterall, what's the fun of having a weapon year in and year out if you never get a chance to use it and feel like a tough guy hero?

That's more the mentality of the ghetto gang banger who has no regard for life.
We law abiding gun owners carry for the opposite reason. I am armed precisely because I have great regard for life.

...and you weigh 145 lbs ;)

As to the OP, hope justice is served but since the trial is in Sanford, Florida, I have my misgivings.
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Ok, if you all just want to sit around an lie to yourselves for justification of this kid getting shot dead for no reason, go on ahead.

You may be surprised at the outcome in any event.

I'm not going to justify anything, nor do I need to. I want to hear the facts, not your. Interpretation or anyone else's. I trust the legal will work and justice will be served, no matter what the verdict is.
Something else that bothers me. Zimmerman said to witnesses I shot him in self defense...who says that? I would think if he thought his life was in danger his first words would be I thought I was going to die. That would be my first words. Self Defense is a legal term. Sounds like he already was already planning his court hearing.

So, someone doesn't say or act the way you think, they are guilty? I shot him in self defense is what many would say, I would think. That alone implies he felt his life could have been in danger.

Again, it is all speculation on your part as to why he would or would not react the way you would.

Evidently Zim had been to a class on self defense law.
Defense is rambling, prosecution wins objection to personalizing...

Defense seems to be trying to get the jury to see zimmerman is someone's little boy don't put him in jail.
After the defense opening statement everyone says "WOW there's no way the prosecution can over come that". After the prosecution's opening statement everyone says "WOW there's no way the defense has a case left.
Something else that bothers me. Zimmerman said to witnesses I shot him in self defense...who says that? I would think if he thought his life was in danger his first words would be I thought I was going to die. That would be my first words. Self Defense is a legal term. Sounds like he already was already planning his court hearing.

So, someone doesn't say or act the way you think, they are guilty? I shot him in self defense is what many would say, I would think. That alone implies he felt his life could have been in danger.

Again, it is all speculation on your part as to why he would or would not react the way you would.

Evidently Zim had been to a class on self defense law.

You are an expert on human behavior or just a guy on a message board pretending to be an expert?

I think had Zimmerman been smart, he would have waited for the police, that said, if Martin attacked him, then Zimmerman had a right to defend himself.

I don't know the character of either Martin or Zimmerman. I have what I have read, which is extremely biased for each side. So to gather truth from either side is ridiculous.

It is a wait for the justice system to prevail.
Defense is rambling, prosecution wins objection to personalizing...

Defense seems to be trying to get the jury to see zimmerman is someone's little boy don't put him in jail.

Armchair attorney's got to love them.

I wonder why court TV hasn't snatched you up!
So, someone doesn't say or act the way you think, they are guilty? I shot him in self defense is what many would say, I would think. That alone implies he felt his life could have been in danger.

Again, it is all speculation on your part as to why he would or would not react the way you would.

Evidently Zim had been to a class on self defense law.

You are an expert on human behavior or just a guy on a message board pretending to be an expert?

I think had Zimmerman been smart, he would have waited for the police, that said, if Martin attacked him, then Zimmerman had a right to defend himself.

I don't know the character of either Martin or Zimmerman. I have what I have read, which is extremely biased for each side. So to gather truth from either side is ridiculous.

It is a wait for the justice system to prevail.

The prosecution provided a lot of factual evidence, not certain what you have been reading or listening to.
So, someone doesn't say or act the way you think, they are guilty? I shot him in self defense is what many would say, I would think. That alone implies he felt his life could have been in danger.

Again, it is all speculation on your part as to why he would or would not react the way you would.

Evidently Zim had been to a class on self defense law.

You are an expert on human behavior or just a guy on a message board pretending to be an expert?

I think had Zimmerman been smart, he would have waited for the police, that said, if Martin attacked him, then Zimmerman had a right to defend himself.

I don't know the character of either Martin or Zimmerman. I have what I have read, which is extremely biased for each side. So to gather truth from either side is ridiculous.

It is a wait for the justice system to prevail.

? when I said "Evidently Zim had been to a class on self defense law." I meant to say the prosecution just said in their opening statements that Zim had been to a class on self defense law. I did not mean to indicate that I was making a subjective or expert opinion.

Am I an expert on human behavior? Define expert. I'm your typical 50year old guy who's has been analyzing human behavior his whole life. If all you want to do is wait... what are you here for if not to discuss. Are you really here to tell everyone to wait? I'm pretending I'm on the jury taking notes.. :)
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Evidently Zim had been to a class on self defense law.

You are an expert on human behavior or just a guy on a message board pretending to be an expert?

I think had Zimmerman been smart, he would have waited for the police, that said, if Martin attacked him, then Zimmerman had a right to defend himself.

I don't know the character of either Martin or Zimmerman. I have what I have read, which is extremely biased for each side. So to gather truth from either side is ridiculous.

It is a wait for the justice system to prevail.

The prosecution provided a lot of factual evidence, not certain what you have been reading or listening to.

The prosecution is putting forth what they think happened based on their interpretation of the facts, the defense will also present what they think happened based on their interpretation of the facts.

Sorry but I don't see prosecutions as squeaky clean.
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

That's just plain stupid. If it was Zimmerman screaming for help, do you suppose he would have continued being afraid for his life after shooting Martin?

Sure, Ernie. He wasn't afraid for his life, he profiled and killed that kid. I guess I don't get why the guy with the gun was yelling for help. Now THAT is what is stupid, Ernie.
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