Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Time will tell whether:

1. Zimmerman was attacked without reason, or even attacked at all, and
2, Zimmerman's "right" to defend himself with deadly force was as all-inclusive as you think.

If you get a "no" to either, "Herr" Zimmerman might become "Inmate" Zimmerman. Who knows, if Zimmerman did what his detractors think he did, the world might be better off with him permanently out of circulation.

And send a message to all the nutters out there just panting for a chance to blow someone away with their precious weapon. Afterall, what's the fun of having a weapon year in and year out if you never get a chance to use it and feel like a tough guy hero?

Its that Mighty Mouse attitude we're seeing with the gun nutters who are just hoping for a way they can play the role of the hero that saves the day.

If Trayvon's mother had not hassled the cops, her son would not have gotten his day in court because the police had already decided on his guilt and let his killer go.

it's funny because usually the ones to commit murder with guns are pansy liberals. the so-called gun nutter is the one that will use the gun legally the liberal thug is the one that uses it illegally

Welcome to my nightmare


That is exactly why you have no argument. A doctor is a doctor, this one is most likely a Facial/Plastic surgeon with years of experience to your zero. Stop running your mouth.

I do have an argument, you might not agree but that is my position.

You do? Where's your PhD? I don't agree with speculation. Back up your argument or stfu, your choice.

Prosecution just said it was a Physician Assistant who examined Zimmerman. He needed a note to go back to work?
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Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.
And send a message to all the nutters out there just panting for a chance to blow someone away with their precious weapon. Afterall, what's the fun of having a weapon year in and year out if you never get a chance to use it and feel like a tough guy hero?

Its that Mighty Mouse attitude we're seeing with the gun nutters who are just hoping for a way they can play the role of the hero that saves the day.

If Trayvon's mother had not hassled the cops, her son would not have gotten his day in court because the police had already decided on his guilt and let his killer go.

Yes and it's looking like the presecution has decided to work very hard for Travon. The openening statements are intense.

Yeah they are painting Zim as a pathological liar... will play well with the lies trayvon did about the money afterwards... Tons of discrepancies between Zim's tale and the evidence according to the prosecution. No blood or Zimmerman DNA on Trayvon's hands was huge.
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Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

why in the f*** would he still scream after he shot him? that's one of the f****** dumbest things I've ever seen posted

Welcome to my nightmare

You gun nuts are trying to claim it was Zimmerman yelling for help. Glad you agree it was Travon.

Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

Once the gun fired, could Zimmerman have stopped screaming? All we have is supposition. The case has yet to be proven, unless you have already predetermined guilt or innocence, in that case you are bias and not a good judge in the issue at this point.
Its that Mighty Mouse attitude we're seeing with the gun nutters who are just hoping for a way they can play the role of the hero that saves the day.

If Trayvon's mother had not hassled the cops, her son would not have gotten his day in court because the police had already decided on his guilt and let his killer go.

Yes and it's looking like the presecution has decided to work very hard for Travon. The openening statements are intense.

Yeah they are painting Zim as a pathological liar... will play well with the lies trayvon did about the money afterwards... Tons of discrepancies between Zim's tale and the evidence according to the prosecution. No blood or Zimmerman DNA on Trayvon's hands was huge.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. So many stories out there, the truth is there but where.
Something else that bothers me. Zimmerman said to witnesses I shot him in self defense...who says that? I would think if he thought his life was in danger his first words would be I thought I was going to die. That would be my first words. Self Defense is a legal term. Sounds like he already was already planning his court hearing.
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Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

Once the gun fired, could Zimmerman have stopped screaming? All we have is supposition. The case has yet to be proven, unless you have already predetermined guilt or innocence, in that case you are bias and not a good judge in the issue at this point.

No, we have the 911 tape. The gunshot, screaming stopped immediately. Give it a listen, prove it to yourself. Zimmerman wasn't the one screaming.
I love how people just assume that Trayvon attacked first, when there is nothing to suggest that. Just because Zimmerman has a few scratches doesn't mean he was attacked!

It is my understanding the the police didn't call for medical help for him and he didn't seek medical attention. Was there evidence of injuries at the time of the skuffle? Or later when he went to the police department?

Wouldn't surprise me if he caused those injuries himself.

You must be kidding me with that statement. Absolutely kidding me. Why? Explain to us what motive he would have to break his own nose and bash the backside of his head repeatedly on the concrete? Are you insane?
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

Once the gun fired, could Zimmerman have stopped screaming? All we have is supposition. The case has yet to be proven, unless you have already predetermined guilt or innocence, in that case you are bias and not a good judge in the issue at this point.

If you listen to the recording, it stops right before. We're getting states emotional adjective loaded story, no evidence yet.


It doesn't matter what the cops told him, the bottom line is that Travon attacked him and he has the right to defend himself.

Time will tell whether:

1. Zimmerman was attacked without reason, or even attacked at all, and
2, Zimmerman's "right" to defend himself with deadly force was as all-inclusive as you think.

If you get a "no" to either, "Herr" Zimmerman might become "Inmate" Zimmerman. Who knows, if Zimmerman did what his detractors think he did, the world might be better off with him permanently out of circulation.

I love how people just assume that Trayvon attacked first, when there is nothing to suggest that. Just because Zimmerman has a few scratches doesn't mean he was attacked!

We don't just assume. We know that Zimmerman knows police are on their way. Why would he attack Martin and risk arrest?
We don't just assume. We have a time line and physical evidence that support Zimmerman's account. There is no reason to think that at some point Zimmerman goes from giving an accurate account of the events to lying.

We DO assume that Jorge Zimmerman is innocent. That is the way the system works here. I'm truly sorry that, in Australia, the presumption is of guilt.
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

Once the gun fired, could Zimmerman have stopped screaming? All we have is supposition. The case has yet to be proven, unless you have already predetermined guilt or innocence, in that case you are bias and not a good judge in the issue at this point.

No, we have the 911 tape. The gunshot, screaming stopped immediately. Give it a listen, prove it to yourself. Zimmerman wasn't the one screaming.

We know you're an expert and all..but the witnesses say different.

Including the one who approached them, then left and went back into his house.

Are they a part of the conspiracy, too?
I do have an argument, you might not agree but that is my position.

You do? Where's your PhD? I don't agree with speculation. Back up your argument or stfu, your choice.

Prosecution just said it was a Physician Assistant who examined Zimmerman. He needed a note to go back to work?

Still a Physician's Assistant has more medical experience than you. Keep quiet. You have no knowledge of medicine.
It doesn't matter what the cops told him, the bottom line is that Travon attacked him and he has the right to defend himself.

Time will tell whether:

1. Zimmerman was attacked without reason, or even attacked at all, and
2, Zimmerman's "right" to defend himself with deadly force was as all-inclusive as you think.

If you get a "no" to either, "Herr" Zimmerman might become "Inmate" Zimmerman. Who knows, if Zimmerman did what his detractors think he did, the world might be better off with him permanently out of circulation.

And send a message to all the nutters out there just panting for a chance to blow someone away with their precious weapon. Afterall, what's the fun of having a weapon year in and year out if you never get a chance to use it and feel like a tough guy hero?

That's more the mentality of the ghetto gang banger who has no regard for life.
We law abiding gun owners carry for the opposite reason. I am armed precisely because I have great regard for life.
Time will tell whether:

1. Zimmerman was attacked without reason, or even attacked at all, and
2, Zimmerman's "right" to defend himself with deadly force was as all-inclusive as you think.

If you get a "no" to either, "Herr" Zimmerman might become "Inmate" Zimmerman. Who knows, if Zimmerman did what his detractors think he did, the world might be better off with him permanently out of circulation.

I love how people just assume that Trayvon attacked first, when there is nothing to suggest that. Just because Zimmerman has a few scratches doesn't mean he was attacked!

We don't just assume. We know that Zimmerman knows police are on their way. Why would he attack Martin and risk arrest?
We don't just assume. We have a time line and physical evidence that support Zimmerman's account. There is no reason to think that at some point Zimmerman goes from giving an accurate account of the events to lying.

We DO assume that Jorge Zimmerman is innocent. That is the way the system works here. I'm truly sorry that, in Australia, the presumption is of guilt.

Zimmerman has already demonstrated he has no respect for authority. He didn't give an accurate account of what happened and the evidence does not support Zimmerman's story.
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

why in the f*** would he still scream after he shot him? that's one of the f****** dumbest things I've ever seen posted

Welcome to my nightmare
Why would Zim be screaming for help as he was pulling the trigger?

If there was a fight and Zimmerman was getting the worst of it, then he might be screaming...

Witnesses indicated Martin was on top of Zimmerman at one point.

Again, anything we think or say is pure speculation. The prosecution has to line their case out as will the defense. At this point all we are getting is what one side believes.
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