Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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I'm watching the stream, you dumbass. How am I making things up?

The vigilante should not have been following him. The police told him to stop it but he continued anyway. You are attempting to blame the victim and it isn't working.

You go on despite hearing the call, Zimmerman did break off his pursuit. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman to be on the lookout to see if Martin did anything else suspicious, during the call he asked George if he was following him, he replied that he was; to which the dispatcher told him "we don't need you to do that."

If you listen closely to the audio, you can hear Zimmerman's breathing slow down after being told to break off the pursuit. That proves he broke off the pursuit.You can sit there and make your own shit up, Sarah but I'm actually watching the stream, you are sitting there spouting invectives. You have no argument.

He stopped following but yet he caught up with him. I am watching the trial on TV off and on. This defense is not connecting and frankly neither are you. Travon didn't circle back, Zimmerman hunted him down and killed him.
Screaming stopped immediately when the gun went off. It was Travon screaming for help.

That's just plain stupid. If it was Zimmerman screaming for help, do you suppose he would have continued being afraid for his life after shooting Martin?

Do you suppose he would be screaming for help while he was pulling out the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger? That wouldn't make sense. He'd be totally focused on getting the gun out, pointing it and firing, no screaming at the same time. Try it with your own gun. See how it works. Screaming for help all the while pulling out, pointing and firing your gun. Doesn't make sense.

Makes total sense. GZ didnt want to shoot TM or he would have had his weapon out from the get go.
TM commenced to beating the shit out of GZ,which is why GZ is screaming for help.
When GZ thinks TM is going for his gun GZ pulls the pistol and shoots TM.

The witness said TM was on top. GZ's injuries reflect that.
While I'm sure other evidence will come out that doesn't make it look like a slam dunk for the defense,it sure looks like one now.
No, he didn't catch up to him. He lost him, and the little shit circled back and attacked him.
I wonder how the leftist weirdos reconcile the fact that the attack took place next to the car, if the *vigilante* hunted the kid down, after losing him?
That's just plain stupid. If it was Zimmerman screaming for help, do you suppose he would have continued being afraid for his life after shooting Martin?

Do you suppose he would be screaming for help while he was pulling out the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger? That wouldn't make sense. He'd be totally focused on getting the gun out, pointing it and firing, no screaming at the same time. Try it with your own gun. See how it works. Screaming for help all the while pulling out, pointing and firing your gun. Doesn't make sense.

Makes total sense. GZ didnt want to shoot TM or he would have had his weapon out from the get go.
TM commenced to beating the shit out of GZ,which is why GZ is screaming for help.
When GZ thinks TM is going for his gun GZ pulls the pistol and shoots TM.

The witness said TM was on top. GZ's injuries reflect that.
While I'm sure other evidence will come out that doesn't make it look like a slam dunk for the defense,it sure looks like one now.

If he didn't want to shoot him, why would he follow him? I think he felt he had to shoot Travon once he started screaming. If the story got out, he would be shown for the vigilante he is and would do jail time.

I'll bet Zimmerman felt like he was home free when the cops allowed him to go after questioning.
Do you suppose he would be screaming for help while he was pulling out the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger? That wouldn't make sense. He'd be totally focused on getting the gun out, pointing it and firing, no screaming at the same time. Try it with your own gun. See how it works. Screaming for help all the while pulling out, pointing and firing your gun. Doesn't make sense.

Makes total sense. GZ didnt want to shoot TM or he would have had his weapon out from the get go.
TM commenced to beating the shit out of GZ,which is why GZ is screaming for help.
When GZ thinks TM is going for his gun GZ pulls the pistol and shoots TM.

The witness said TM was on top. GZ's injuries reflect that.
While I'm sure other evidence will come out that doesn't make it look like a slam dunk for the defense,it sure looks like one now.

If he didn't want to shoot him, why would he follow him? I think he felt he had to shoot Travon once he started screaming. If the story got out, he would be shown for the vigilante he is and would do jail time.

I'll bet Zimmerman felt like he was home free when the cops allowed him to go after questioning.

What part of "a rash of burglaries,break ins and assaults" did you not get?
And you also forgot that GZ was the neighborhood watch.
What the hell is he supposed to do...not watch?
He didn't run, his girlfriend told him to run but he said he wasn't going to do that.

As with all of your posts you make things up as you go.

I'm watching the stream, you dumbass. How am I making things up?
theres something about vigilantes that just doesn't seem right.; Taking the law into their own hands AND, this time, the victim was innocent of any wrong doing. rw'ers :(
The vigilante should not have been following him. The police told him to stop it but he continued anyway. You are attempting to blame the victim and it isn't working.

I wonder how the leftist weirdos reconcile the fact that the attack took place next to the car, if the *vigilante* hunted the kid down, after losing him?

is there a name for whats wrong w/ you, you partisan hack?
GZ is guilty as sin

Defendant shot Trayvon Martin 'because he wanted to,' prosecution says - U.S. News
The prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial laid out its case for the jury on Monday, saying the evidence will show the neighborhood watch volunteer did not kill unarmed teen Trayvon Martin in self-defense.

“George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to. He shot him for the worst of all reasons – because he wanted to,” prosecutor John Guy said in opening statements.

“These a------- always get away,” Guy quoted Zimmerman as saying.
Makes total sense. GZ didnt want to shoot TM or he would have had his weapon out from the get go.
TM commenced to beating the shit out of GZ,which is why GZ is screaming for help.
When GZ thinks TM is going for his gun GZ pulls the pistol and shoots TM.

The witness said TM was on top. GZ's injuries reflect that.
While I'm sure other evidence will come out that doesn't make it look like a slam dunk for the defense,it sure looks like one now.

If he didn't want to shoot him, why would he follow him? I think he felt he had to shoot Travon once he started screaming. If the story got out, he would be shown for the vigilante he is and would do jail time.

I'll bet Zimmerman felt like he was home free when the cops allowed him to go after questioning.

What part of "a rash of burglaries,break ins and assaults" did you not get?
And you also forgot that GZ was the neighborhood watch.
What the hell is he supposed to do...not watch?

In a community that has 'neighborhood watch' everyone in the community is 'on' all the time whether or not it is your turn.
GZ is guilty as sin

Defendant shot Trayvon Martin 'because he wanted to,' prosecution says - U.S. News
The prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial laid out its case for the jury on Monday, saying the evidence will show the neighborhood watch volunteer did not kill unarmed teen Trayvon Martin in self-defense.

“George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to. He shot him for the worst of all reasons – because he wanted to,” prosecutor John Guy said in opening statements.

“These a------- always get away,” Guy quoted Zimmerman as saying.

He looks like he is about to just confess. Ok I did it!!! Please stop my stupid attorney from embarrassing himself and me anymore!
The vigilante should not have been following him. The police told him to stop it but he continued anyway. You are attempting to blame the victim and it isn't working.

You go on despite hearing the call, Zimmerman did break off his pursuit. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman to be on the lookout to see if Martin did anything else suspicious, during the call he asked George if he was following him, he replied that he was; to which the dispatcher told him "we don't need you to do that."

If you listen closely to the audio, you can hear Zimmerman's breathing slow down after being told to break off the pursuit. That proves he broke off the pursuit.You can sit there and make your own shit up, Sarah but I'm actually watching the stream, you are sitting there spouting invectives. You have no argument.

He stopped following but yet he caught up with him. I am watching the trial on TV off and on. This defense is not connecting and frankly neither are you. Travon didn't circle back, Zimmerman hunted him down and killed him.

Is the defense not connecting because of your extreme bias in the case?
Makes total sense. GZ didnt want to shoot TM or he would have had his weapon out from the get go.
TM commenced to beating the shit out of GZ,which is why GZ is screaming for help.
When GZ thinks TM is going for his gun GZ pulls the pistol and shoots TM.

The witness said TM was on top. GZ's injuries reflect that.
While I'm sure other evidence will come out that doesn't make it look like a slam dunk for the defense,it sure looks like one now.

If he didn't want to shoot him, why would he follow him? I think he felt he had to shoot Travon once he started screaming. If the story got out, he would be shown for the vigilante he is and would do jail time.

I'll bet Zimmerman felt like he was home free when the cops allowed him to go after questioning.

What part of "a rash of burglaries,break ins and assaults" did you not get?
And you also forgot that GZ was the neighborhood watch.
What the hell is he supposed to do...not watch?
Watch? Yes.

Follow? No. He should not have placed himself in danger.
GZ is guilty as sin

Defendant shot Trayvon Martin 'because he wanted to,' prosecution says - U.S. News
The prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial laid out its case for the jury on Monday, saying the evidence will show the neighborhood watch volunteer did not kill unarmed teen Trayvon Martin in self-defense.

“George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to. He shot him for the worst of all reasons – because he wanted to,” prosecutor John Guy said in opening statements.

“These a------- always get away,” Guy quoted Zimmerman as saying.

He looks like he is about to just confess. Ok I did it!!! Please stop my stupid attorney from embarrassing himself and me anymore!

The Righties confirmation bias is funny isn't it :p :lol:
The defense just successfully proved that Trayvon Martin did not go home after running from Zimmerman. He hid in the darkness. The dispatcher asks Zimmerman what his home address is, and he almost gives it before stopping himself, and saying "Oh, crap, I don't know where this kid is." The call between Martin and Chantelle (sp?) had been going on right as Martin fled. He made it clear that Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose to confront Zimmerman. This is convincing for those of us who choose to remain objective in the matter.

He didn't run, his girlfriend told him to run but he said he wasn't going to do that.

As with all of your posts you make things up as you go.

I'm watching the stream, you dumbass. How am I making things up?

I can rest easy knowing you're over here with the voice of reason and logic ;-)
The defense just successfully proved that Trayvon Martin did not go home after running from Zimmerman. He hid in the darkness. The dispatcher asks Zimmerman what his home address is, and he almost gives it before stopping himself, and saying "Oh, crap, I don't know where this kid is." The call between Martin and Chantelle (sp?) had been going on right as Martin fled. He made it clear that Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose to confront Zimmerman. This is convincing for those of us who choose to remain objective in the matter.

The point of the defense opening isn't stage theatrics, emotion and drama like the state's because that's all the state has got. The defense does not have to present a defense, that's all on the state, it is smart to a) lay out the evidence here and b) let those facts take some of the sting out of the emotional show the prosecution is going to introduce directly after the defense's opening.

Notice the state hasn't objected. Can't object to facts. The defense has the goods, when they back up the witness statements West is talking about with their actual testimony, self defense is going to be the only option - especially on John Good. West says Z looked him in the face and said help me and he did the sketch of Z on bottom TM on top. This witness is going to nail it. And that's only one of the witnesses he referred to this morning.


I'm agreeing with you here. lol
The vigilante should not have been following him. The police told him to stop it but he continued anyway. You are attempting to blame the victim and it isn't working.

You go on despite hearing the call, Zimmerman did break off his pursuit. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman to be on the lookout to see if Martin did anything else suspicious, during the call he asked George if he was following him, he replied that he was; to which the dispatcher told him "we don't need you to do that."

If you listen closely to the audio, you can hear Zimmerman's breathing slow down after being told to break off the pursuit. That proves he broke off the pursuit.You can sit there and make your own shit up, Sarah but I'm actually watching the stream, you are sitting there spouting invectives. You have no argument.

He stopped following but yet he caught up with him. I am watching the trial on TV off and on. This defense is not connecting and frankly neither are you. Travon didn't circle back, Zimmerman hunted him down and killed him.

That's bullshit. There's a difference between watching the opening statements in their entirety, and "watching the trial on TV off and on." The defense isn't connecting because of your inherent bias for Martin. Don't lie through your teeth.
The defense just successfully proved that Trayvon Martin did not go home after running from Zimmerman. He hid in the darkness. The dispatcher asks Zimmerman what his home address is, and he almost gives it before stopping himself, and saying "Oh, crap, I don't know where this kid is." The call between Martin and Chantelle (sp?) had been going on right as Martin fled. He made it clear that Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose to confront Zimmerman. This is convincing for those of us who choose to remain objective in the matter.

The point of the defense opening isn't stage theatrics, emotion and drama like the state's because that's all the state has got. The defense does not have to present a defense, that's all on the state, it is smart to a) lay out the evidence here and b) let those facts take some of the sting out of the emotional show the prosecution is going to introduce directly after the defense's opening.

Notice the state hasn't objected. Can't object to facts. The defense has the goods, when they back up the witness statements West is talking about with their actual testimony, self defense is going to be the only option - especially on John Good. West says Z looked him in the face and said help me and he did the sketch of Z on bottom TM on top. This witness is going to nail it. And that's only one of the witnesses he referred to this morning.

Exactly! The prosecution tried to dramatize the incident without making a factual case. Give the guy an Emmy. Lol. There is a stark contrast between the two. And keep your pants on, testarosa, the defense is getting to the juicy part. Sarah G will shit bricks.
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