Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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The defense just successfully proved that Trayvon Martin did not go home after running from Zimmerman. He hid in the darkness. The dispatcher asks Zimmerman what his home address is, and he almost gives it before stopping himself, and saying "Oh, crap, I don't know where this kid is." The call between Martin and Chantelle (sp?) had been going on right as Martin fled. He made it clear that Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose to confront Zimmerman. This is convincing for those of us who choose to remain objective in the matter.

The point of the defense opening isn't stage theatrics, emotion and drama like the state's because that's all the state has got. The defense does not have to present a defense, that's all on the state, it is smart to a) lay out the evidence here and b) let those facts take some of the sting out of the emotional show the prosecution is going to introduce directly after the defense's opening.

Notice the state hasn't objected. Can't object to facts. The defense has the goods, when they back up the witness statements West is talking about with their actual testimony, self defense is going to be the only option - especially on John Good. West says Z looked him in the face and said help me and he did the sketch of Z on bottom TM on top. This witness is going to nail it. And that's only one of the witnesses he referred to this morning.

Exactly! The prosecution tried to dramatize the incident without making a factual case. Give the guy an Emmy. Lol. There is a stark contrast between the two. And keep your pants on, testarosa, the defense is getting to the juicy part. Sarah G will shit bricks.

It is free, or is she charging admission?
The defense just successfully proved that Trayvon Martin did not go home after running from Zimmerman. He hid in the darkness. The dispatcher asks Zimmerman what his home address is, and he almost gives it before stopping himself, and saying "Oh, crap, I don't know where this kid is." The call between Martin and Chantelle (sp?) had been going on right as Martin fled. He made it clear that Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose to confront Zimmerman. This is convincing for those of us who choose to remain objective in the matter.

The point of the defense opening isn't stage theatrics, emotion and drama like the state's because that's all the state has got. The defense does not have to present a defense, that's all on the state, it is smart to a) lay out the evidence here and b) let those facts take some of the sting out of the emotional show the prosecution is going to introduce directly after the defense's opening.

Notice the state hasn't objected. Can't object to facts. The defense has the goods, when they back up the witness statements West is talking about with their actual testimony, self defense is going to be the only option - especially on John Good. West says Z looked him in the face and said help me and he did the sketch of Z on bottom TM on top. This witness is going to nail it. And that's only one of the witnesses he referred to this morning.

Exactly! The prosecution tried to dramatize the incident without making a factual case. Give the guy an Emmy. Lol. There is a stark contrast between the two. And keep your pants on, testarosa, the defense is getting the juicy part. Sarah G will shit bricks.

West usually tries federal cases in front of federal judges, who don't care because they don't get elected, that's a much tougher crowd. He's listed as one of the super lawyers of the area. He didn't get that rep for being a slacker. He's not trying to "connect with the jury", he is emotionlessly laying out the evidence which is in direct contrast to the state, because all the state has is fancy adjectives and emotional storytelling, they don't have the evidence. His strategy is starting to show through.
If he didn't want to shoot him, why would he follow him? I think he felt he had to shoot Travon once he started screaming. If the story got out, he would be shown for the vigilante he is and would do jail time.

I'll bet Zimmerman felt like he was home free when the cops allowed him to go after questioning.

What part of "a rash of burglaries,break ins and assaults" did you not get?
And you also forgot that GZ was the neighborhood watch.
What the hell is he supposed to do...not watch?

In a community that has 'neighborhood watch' everyone in the community is 'on' all the time whether or not it is your turn.

Not sure what point you're trying to make,but GZ was the watch captain.
And yeah I would like to think everyone would participate.
West said the GF is going to take the stand and apparently, he's calling her.

Wonder which of her stories she's going to tell.
The point of the defense opening isn't stage theatrics, emotion and drama like the state's because that's all the state has got. The defense does not have to present a defense, that's all on the state, it is smart to a) lay out the evidence here and b) let those facts take some of the sting out of the emotional show the prosecution is going to introduce directly after the defense's opening.

Notice the state hasn't objected. Can't object to facts. The defense has the goods, when they back up the witness statements West is talking about with their actual testimony, self defense is going to be the only option - especially on John Good. West says Z looked him in the face and said help me and he did the sketch of Z on bottom TM on top. This witness is going to nail it. And that's only one of the witnesses he referred to this morning.

Exactly! The prosecution tried to dramatize the incident without making a factual case. Give the guy an Emmy. Lol. There is a stark contrast between the two. And keep your pants on, testarosa, the defense is getting to the juicy part. Sarah G will shit bricks.

It is free, or is she charging admission?

Given the idiot she's making herself, the exposition is free. Sit back, relax and enjoy the implosion!


This is evidence or twist on it hadn't even thought of and didn't know was there.
You go on despite hearing the call, Zimmerman did break off his pursuit. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman to be on the lookout to see if Martin did anything else suspicious, during the call he asked George if he was following him, he replied that he was; to which the dispatcher told him "we don't need you to do that."

If you listen closely to the audio, you can hear Zimmerman's breathing slow down after being told to break off the pursuit. That proves he broke off the pursuit.You can sit there and make your own shit up, Sarah but I'm actually watching the stream, you are sitting there spouting invectives. You have no argument.

He stopped following but yet he caught up with him. I am watching the trial on TV off and on. This defense is not connecting and frankly neither are you. Travon didn't circle back, Zimmerman hunted him down and killed him.

That's bullshit. There's a difference between watching the opening statements in their entirety, and "watching the trial on TV off and on." The defense isn't connecting because of your inherent bias for Martin. Don't lie through your teeth.

This attorney is taking a lot of time explaining everything away. The prosecution was very compelling and he did connect. Zimmerman really does look suicidal with this mess.
Gunshot forensics support TM was on top in addition to witness account(s).

We are totally getting somewhere now.
Sounds familiar.......

Makes total sense. GZ didnt want to shoot TM or he would have had his weapon out from the get go.
TM commenced to beating the shit out of GZ,which is why GZ is screaming for help.
When GZ thinks TM is going for his gun GZ pulls the pistol and shoots TM.

The witness said TM was on top. GZ's injuries reflect that.
While I'm sure other evidence will come out that doesn't make it look like a slam dunk for the defense,it sure looks like one now.

Just add the drink.
defense is droning-on about the who had the upper hand in the struggle. what he is avoiding is what brought the struggle about- a guy following an innocent teenager around w/ a loaded gun who didn't identify himself as a neighborhood watch.

He stopped following but yet he caught up with him. I am watching the trial on TV off and on. This defense is not connecting and frankly neither are you. Travon didn't circle back, Zimmerman hunted him down and killed him.

That's bullshit. There's a difference between watching the opening statements in their entirety, and "watching the trial on TV off and on." The defense isn't connecting because of your inherent bias for Martin. Don't lie through your teeth.

This attorney is taking a lot of time explaining everything away. The prosecution was very compelling and he did connect. Zimmerman really does look suicidal with this mess.

I agree. I can't see how he has done anything to help Zimmerman at this point. He is very tiresome; he's presenting the whole case in detail and not with any panache at all. He's boring, verbose, and tiresome.
You go on despite hearing the call, Zimmerman did break off his pursuit. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman to be on the lookout to see if Martin did anything else suspicious, during the call he asked George if he was following him, he replied that he was; to which the dispatcher told him "we don't need you to do that."

If you listen closely to the audio, you can hear Zimmerman's breathing slow down after being told to break off the pursuit. That proves he broke off the pursuit.You can sit there and make your own shit up, Sarah but I'm actually watching the stream, you are sitting there spouting invectives. You have no argument.

He stopped following but yet he caught up with him. I am watching the trial on TV off and on. This defense is not connecting and frankly neither are you. Travon didn't circle back, Zimmerman hunted him down and killed him.

That's bullshit. There's a difference between watching the opening statements in their entirety, and "watching the trial on TV off and on." The defense isn't connecting because of your inherent bias for Martin. Don't lie through your teeth.

The one thing all progressives have in common...

They're liars. Do they know they're lying? Probably not. They seem to be functionally incapable of distinguishing reality from fantasy. Every single one of them has a deep-seated committment to subjective reality and personal *truth* that flies in the face of actual reality and fact-based discussion.
Some of you must be watching a different trial.
It's being explained in the same manner that a lot of us here have been saying all along.

Some were saying there was no DNA swap,turns out there was.

I feel sorry for the tax payers of Florida. What a scam!!
He stopped following but yet he caught up with him. I am watching the trial on TV off and on. This defense is not connecting and frankly neither are you. Travon didn't circle back, Zimmerman hunted him down and killed him.

That's bullshit. There's a difference between watching the opening statements in their entirety, and "watching the trial on TV off and on." The defense isn't connecting because of your inherent bias for Martin. Don't lie through your teeth.

The one thing all progressives have in common...

They're liars. Do they know they're lying? Probably not. They seem to be functionally incapable of distinguishing reality from fantasy. Every single one of them has a deep-seated committment to subjective reality and personal *truth* that flies in the face of actual reality and fact-based discussion.

good broad generalization Tubby :thup:
Some of you must be watching a different trial.
It's being explained in the same manner that a lot of us here have been saying all along.

Some were saying there was no DNA swap,turns out there was.

I feel sorry for the tax payers of Florida. What a scam!!

We got to pay 70,000 for the state's Reich software selling idiot to dick around with the 911 tape for 700 hours and then not be allowed to testify.

WOOT! Just add it to the tab.
defense is droning-on about the who had the upper hand in the struggle. what he is avoiding is what brought the struggle about- a guy following an innocent teenager around w/ a loaded gun who didn't identify himself as a neighborhood watch.

That's bullshit. There's a difference between watching the opening statements in their entirety, and "watching the trial on TV off and on." The defense isn't connecting because of your inherent bias for Martin. Don't lie through your teeth.

This attorney is taking a lot of time explaining everything away. The prosecution was very compelling and he did connect. Zimmerman really does look suicidal with this mess.

I agree. I can't see how he has done anything to help Zimmerman at this point. He is very tiresome; he's presenting the whole case in detail and not with any panache at all. He's boring, verbose, and tiresome.

Oh my god, His partner probably just told him to wrap it up.
Some of you must be watching a different trial.
It's being explained in the same manner that a lot of us here have been saying all along.

Some were saying there was no DNA swap,turns out there was.

I feel sorry for the tax payers of Florida. What a scam!!

We got to pay 70,000 for the state's Reich software selling idiot to dick around with the 911 tape for 700 hours and then not be allowed to testify.

WOOT! Just add it to the tab.

Insult to injury eh?
Some of you must be watching a different trial.
It's being explained in the same manner that a lot of us here have been saying all along.

Some were saying there was no DNA swap,turns out there was.

I feel sorry for the tax payers of Florida. What a scam!!

We got to pay 70,000 for the state's Reich software selling idiot to dick around with the 911 tape for 700 hours and then not be allowed to testify.

WOOT! Just add it to the tab.

Insult to injury eh?

Yeah no sh!t. lol If you're going to spend 70k, let us pick the expert.
Key statement:

Defense claims that the Investigator played back the scream tape to Martin's Father and asked "Is that your son?"

Mr. Martin replied while lowering his head, "No, that's not my son."

It was also made clear that Mr. Martin and his lawyer did not ask to hear the recording again.
He's laying out a lot of evidence I didn't know about and I've been paying pretty close attention. No idea on gunshot forensics. Good one.
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