Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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The defense just successfully proved that Trayvon Martin did not go home after running from Zimmerman. He hid in the darkness. The dispatcher asks Zimmerman what his home address is, and he almost gives it before stopping himself, and saying "Oh, crap, I don't know where this kid is." The call between Martin and Chantelle (sp?) had been going on right as Martin fled. He made it clear that Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose to confront Zimmerman. This is convincing for those of us who choose to remain objective in the matter.

TK will argue one has the right in public to confront someone who is a threat to him.

Templar is suggesting that TM did not, however, have the right to confront GZ if he felt threatened?

Templar, think your logic through, huh.

TM can confront anyone he wants to..or use to be able to anyway.
He learned the hard way you dont confront someone with your fist.
The other guy just might have an ace up his sleeve.

That's a fact. But if the guy with the gun provoked the confrontation, then killed someone, he is going to jail for a long time.
Means he's doing his job.
GZ is going to walk.

it means GZ's counsel broke the rules for closing arguments 4X in less than 5 minutes. IOW- he's grasping.

Nope. They always try and get one by. It you're not? You're not trying hard enough.

get "one" by? Stop being disingenuous assipe. 4+ times he tried to break the closing argument rules and the judge stopped him after the victim's counsel objected.
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Depends on what the meaning of self defense is.

Why didn't Zimmerman use physical force instead of deadly force?:confused:

Tell you about you let someone break your nose,bash your head into the concrete repeatedly and then ask yourself my life in danger?
His head was not bashed into concrete repeatedly. He had some scrapes. No concussion, not even a mild concussion. His nose was not broken. He did not have the legal right to use deadly force because his life was not on the line. It was a scuffle, a school yard fist fight.

A forensic pathologist gave a deposition for the defense stating that there were lumps all over the back of his head, consistent with it being slammed into a hard surface. I mean, how technical can we get here?

School yard fist fight? Are you out of your mind?
it means GZ's counsel broke the rules for closing arguments 4X in less than 5 minutes. IOW- he's grasping.

Nope. They always try and get one by. It you're not? You're not trying hard enough.

get "one" by? Stop being disingenuous assipe. 4+ times he tried to break the closing argument rules and the judge stopped him.

But this in no way affects the case, or the argument. You are looking for any mistake you can, to convince yourself of that. Stop being dishonest, asswipe.
it means GZ's counsel broke the rules for closing arguments 4X in less than 5 minutes. IOW- he's grasping.

Nope. They always try and get one by. It you're not? You're not trying hard enough.

get "one" by? Stop being disingenuous assipe. 4+ times he tried to break the closing argument rules and the judge stopped him after the victim's counsel objected.

It is already to closing argument? Damn! That was fast!
TK will argue one has the right in public to confront someone who is a threat to him.

Templar is suggesting that TM did not, however, have the right to confront GZ if he felt threatened?

Templar, think your logic through, huh.

TM can confront anyone he wants to..or use to be able to anyway.
He learned the hard way you dont confront someone with your fist.
The other guy just might have an ace up his sleeve.

That's a fact. But if the guy with the gun provoked the confrontation, then killed someone, he is going to jail for a long time.

There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.
TM can confront anyone he wants to..or use to be able to anyway.
He learned the hard way you dont confront someone with your fist.
The other guy just might have an ace up his sleeve.

That's a fact. But if the guy with the gun provoked the confrontation, then killed someone, he is going to jail for a long time.

There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

That's your opinion only. The judge will rule on law and the jury will find fact. GZ is going to have to do more than "I was minding my business and that bully 3/4 my size attacked me."

The bumps on GZ's noggin mean nothing if the jury determines GZ was the aggressor.
That's a fact. But if the guy with the gun provoked the confrontation, then killed someone, he is going to jail for a long time.

There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

That's your opinion only. The judge will rule on law and the jury will find fact. GZ is going to have to do more than "I was minding my business and that bully 3/4 my size attacked me."

The bumps on GZ's noggin mean nothing if the jury determines GZ was the aggressor.

NOTHING points to that.
There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

That's your opinion only. The judge will rule on law and the jury will find fact. GZ is going to have to do more than "I was minding my business and that bully 3/4 my size attacked me."

The bumps on GZ's noggin mean nothing if the jury determines GZ was the aggressor.

NOTHING points to that.

Your opinion only. Offer it as evidence. :lol:
TM can confront anyone he wants to..or use to be able to anyway.
He learned the hard way you dont confront someone with your fist.
The other guy just might have an ace up his sleeve.

That's a fact. But if the guy with the gun provoked the confrontation, then killed someone, he is going to jail for a long time.

There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

So glad you know all the evidence just by reading talking points about this case on wingnut websites but I think we'll just hear it from the witnesses and forensics. Btw, these objections are being sustained for a reason. The defense doesn't know what he is talking about.

He's talking too long too.
That's a fact. But if the guy with the gun provoked the confrontation, then killed someone, he is going to jail for a long time.

There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

So glad you know all the evidence just by reading talking points about this case on wingnut websites but I think we'll just hear it from the witnesses and forensics. Btw, these objections are being sustained for a reason. The defense doesn't know what he is talking about.

He's talking too long too.

Apparently you aren't watching.
There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

So glad you know all the evidence just by reading talking points about this case on wingnut websites but I think we'll just hear it from the witnesses and forensics. Btw, these objections are being sustained for a reason. The defense doesn't know what he is talking about.

He's talking too long too.

Apparently you aren't watching.

Apparently you aren't seeing and comprehending at the same time.
There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

So glad you know all the evidence just by reading talking points about this case on wingnut websites but I think we'll just hear it from the witnesses and forensics. Btw, these objections are being sustained for a reason. The defense doesn't know what he is talking about.

He's talking too long too.

Apparently you aren't watching.

Um yeah, I just ran in to check and the step bro and prosecution is up to bat.

The defense just successfully proved that Trayvon Martin did not go home after running from Zimmerman. He hid in the darkness. The dispatcher asks Zimmerman what his home address is, and he almost gives it before stopping himself, and saying "Oh, crap, I don't know where this kid is." The call between Martin and Chantelle (sp?) had been going on right as Martin fled. He made it clear that Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose to confront Zimmerman. This is convincing for those of us who choose to remain objective in the matter.

Proved? Was there a photo? GPS data from Tray's phone?

I suggest you stop asking people to coddle you and watch the stream yourself. The call between Martin and Chantelle was going on while Zimmerman was following him. That means Martin never went home. The defense attorney made that crystal clear.

Zimmerman Trial LIVE: Trayvon Martin Murder Case Live-stream

You said proved he didn't go home... he hid in the darkness. Typically if one wants to say something is a fact and another thing is a supposition, then that person separates the facts from fiction by more than a period. For example, you could have said proved he didn't go home (which we already knew dumb ass). I think he hid in the darkness waiting to pounce. But no, instead you decided to mix truth and fiction with no qualification for the parts being made up. Thus my question to you was how did he prove these "things" you claim.

Then you go over of some kind of tangent about coddling me? A basic question of facts is not a request for coddling. That you did not understand the basic question is not my fault. That you require someone to coddle you and explain English is really pretty sad.
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What the hell good are the last two witness's ??
They bring nothing to the table with the questions they are being asked.
And I dont see what questions you could ask them that would be relevant except maybe timeline. But thats already been established.
GZ panicked, pure and simple, and took a man's life because he made the wrong decision to follow TM.

Fakey, following someone is not a crime and it's not a justification for assault. Anyone who blames Zimmerman for being assaulted is a fucking moron, pure and simple.

Treyvon made the wrong decision by assaulting Zimmerman. He got what he deserved.
That's a fact. But if the guy with the gun provoked the confrontation, then killed someone, he is going to jail for a long time.

There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

The bumps on GZ's noggin mean nothing if the jury determines GZ was the aggressor.

And that is your opinion, hard to figure out what the jury will decide.
What the hell good are the last two witness's ??
They bring nothing to the table with the questions they are being asked.
And I dont see what questions you could ask them that would be relevant except maybe timeline. But thats already been established.

It's cause the state doesn't have squat. They're leading with their best ;)
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