Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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So glad you know all the evidence just by reading talking points about this case on wingnut websites but I think we'll just hear it from the witnesses and forensics. Btw, these objections are being sustained for a reason. The defense doesn't know what he is talking about.

He's talking too long too.

Apparently you aren't watching.

Um yeah, I just ran in to check and the step bro and prosecution is up to bat.


Sock, I told you I am not watching all the time. You don't have to run and check, you're just sitting on your ass watching.
That's a fact. But if the guy with the gun provoked the confrontation, then killed someone, he is going to jail for a long time.

There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

That's your opinion only. The judge will rule on law and the jury will find fact. GZ is going to have to do more than "I was minding my business and that bully 3/4 my size attacked me."

The bumps on GZ's noggin mean nothing if the jury determines GZ was the aggressor.
They also mean nothing if the prosecution proves there is no evidence that Tray injured the man.
What the hell good are the last two witness's ??
They bring nothing to the table with the questions they are being asked.
And I dont see what questions you could ask them that would be relevant except maybe timeline. But thats already been established.

It's cause the state doesn't have squat. They're leading with their best ;)

This shit is a farce! I would be embarrassed to be that prosecutor.
I wonder who they'll drag up next with no relevance ....local dog catcher?
There is zero evidence to support that theory.
All the evidence points to the exact opposite of that.
How you see it any other way is beyond me.

That's your opinion only. The judge will rule on law and the jury will find fact. GZ is going to have to do more than "I was minding my business and that bully 3/4 my size attacked me."

The bumps on GZ's noggin mean nothing if the jury determines GZ was the aggressor.
They also mean nothing if the prosecution proves there is no evidence that Tray injured the man.

Plenty of evidence TM caused the injuries. Cut knuckles,eyewitness,ballistics GZs face and the back of his head.
What the hell good are the last two witness's ??
They bring nothing to the table with the questions they are being asked.
And I dont see what questions you could ask them that would be relevant except maybe timeline. But thats already been established.

It's cause the state doesn't have squat. They're leading with their best ;)

This shit is a farce! I would be embarrassed to be that prosecutor.
I wonder who they'll drag up next with no relevance ....local dog catcher?

They have to put on this show for everyone who wants to persecute and get a piece of Z
That's your opinion only. The judge will rule on law and the jury will find fact. GZ is going to have to do more than "I was minding my business and that bully 3/4 my size attacked me."

The bumps on GZ's noggin mean nothing if the jury determines GZ was the aggressor.
They also mean nothing if the prosecution proves there is no evidence that Tray injured the man.

Plenty of evidence TM caused the injuries. Cut knuckles,eyewitness,ballistics GZs face and the back of his head.

How did TM cause those injuries, how did TM cut his knuckles? You assume GZ's story is correct? I believe you that GZ shot the boy in the chest with his pistol. The evidence will show that. What I have not seen is proof that TM was beating GZ to death. I would have expected some of GZ's DNA to be on TM's hands, no?
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What the hell good are the last two witness's ??
They bring nothing to the table with the questions they are being asked.
And I dont see what questions you could ask them that would be relevant except maybe timeline. But thats already been established.

It's cause the state doesn't have squat. They're leading with their best ;)

If you really believe that, you wouldn't be this upset. :lol:
Depends on what the meaning of self defense is.

Why didn't Zimmerman use physical force instead of deadly force?:confused:

Tell you about you let someone break your nose,bash your head into the concrete repeatedly and then ask yourself my life in danger?
His head was not bashed into concrete repeatedly. He had some scrapes. No concussion, not even a mild concussion. His nose was not broken. He did not have the legal right to use deadly force because his life was not on the line. It was a scuffle, a school yard fist fight.

The evidence suggests otherwise.
They also mean nothing if the prosecution proves there is no evidence that Tray injured the man.

Plenty of evidence TM caused the injuries. Cut knuckles,eyewitness,ballistics GZs face and the back of his head.

How did TM cause those injuries, how did TM cut his knuckles? You assume GZ's story is correct? I believe you that GZ shot the boy in the chest with his pistol. The evidence will show that. What I have not seen is proof that TM was beating GZ to death. I would have expected some of GZ's DNA to be on TM's hands, no?

They didnt bag his hands and it was raining.
What the hell good are the last two witness's ??
They bring nothing to the table with the questions they are being asked.
And I dont see what questions you could ask them that would be relevant except maybe timeline. But thats already been established.

It's cause the state doesn't have squat. They're leading with their best ;)

If you really believe that, you wouldn't be this upset. :lol:

This isn't upset, this is watching the trial.


See the difference?

Plenty of evidence TM caused the injuries. Cut knuckles,eyewitness,ballistics GZs face and the back of his head.

How did TM cause those injuries, how did TM cut his knuckles? You assume GZ's story is correct? I believe you that GZ shot the boy in the chest with his pistol. The evidence will show that. What I have not seen is proof that TM was beating GZ to death. I would have expected some of GZ's DNA to be on TM's hands, no?

They didnt bag his hands and it was raining.

Takes a lot of rain to wash blood completely off hands and skin out of finger nails, what was it Niagara falls? The rain didn't seem to clean off ZM.
GZ panicked, pure and simple, and took a man's life because he made the wrong decision to follow TM.

Fakey, following someone is not a crime and it's not a justification for assault. Anyone who blames Zimmerman for being assaulted is a fucking moron, pure and simple.

Treyvon made the wrong decision by assaulting Zimmerman. He got what he deserved.
He brought skittles to a gun fight.
GZ panicked, pure and simple, and took a man's life because he made the wrong decision to follow TM.

IT WAS HIS JOB to observe an unfamiliar person. He was well within his rights to follow. Martin was not acting within his rights when he assaulted Mr Zimmerman.

Paint it however you wish, Faky. You are wrong and Zimmerman will walk.
they're playing the part where GZ disobeys Dispatch & starts pursuing the teenage victim

Are you watching HLN? They just got done showing the friend of GZ saying Mr. Martin cursed at him when all he was doing was holding the door for Martin and his wife..

Sure, A-Hole..
They also mean nothing if the prosecution proves there is no evidence that Tray injured the man.

Plenty of evidence TM caused the injuries. Cut knuckles,eyewitness,ballistics GZs face and the back of his head.

How did TM cause those injuries, how did TM cut his knuckles? You assume GZ's story is correct? I believe you that GZ shot the boy in the chest with his pistol. The evidence will show that. What I have not seen is proof that TM was beating GZ to death. I would have expected some of GZ's DNA to be on TM's hands, no?

They also screwed up TMs shirt when they placed it in a bag while it was still wet and it got all moldy.
It should have gone into a paper bag.

And they did find that both of them had each others DNA on them.
If you've been watching you'd know that.
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