Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Boy it would suck to be on a jury and have to listen to two weeks of testimony when you already know the outcome.
What a colossal waste of time. I think I would have to come back from lunch and talk about all the people I talked to about the case,and the great discussion board I found talking about it as well.
Dont ask me. Thats what was said. And the prosecution didnt argue. Sooooo....
Come on! I know if you try really hard you can connect the dots.
FYI the opening arguments are what must be proven, they are not facts. Though I get that there was rain.. will be interesting to see what the experts say about DNA evidence being washed away.

And despite whats been reported there was a transfer of DNA between the two.

Okay, people. Either prove all of the claims you are making on this thread or put a sock in it. As far as I'm concerned, if you do not substantiate your claims than you are just fabricating them.
FYI the opening arguments are what must be proven, they are not facts. Though I get that there was rain.. will be interesting to see what the experts say about DNA evidence being washed away.

And despite whats been reported there was a transfer of DNA between the two.


Holy fuck I'm sick of saying this!!!!
Are you watching the proceedings? I'm sure you can find a replay if you missed it.
Yeah, my experience is that women aren't all that sympathetic to big, aggressive, bad mannered, foul mouthed thugs...regardless of their age.

His own mother was kicking him out of the house. I don't think the jury is going to be inclined to feel warm and fuzzy towards him. Men are more likely to sympathize with a young guy who is out of control than women are.

Either prove that everything you are saying is true or STFU!! Damn, but you're more ignorant than ever.

You're wasting your breath, the only reason she's in here is because nobody wants to talk to her about abortion anymore.. :cuckoo:
Sarhag thinks the amount of speech allotted to any one person (except The O) must be carefully controlled.

Amount.... maybe. She gets bored by facts, but she can listen to Liberal platitudes all day.

So it is boiling down to Repubs vs Dems once again. Don't you ever get tired of it? Try and focus on the case, Ernie not your partisan hackery.

I'm focused on facts that have been made public. Martin's age and complexion do not affect my opinion, yet it is me who is engaged in partisan hackery???????
Come now, Sarah. You're better than that.
TK will argue one has the right in public to confront someone who is a threat to him.

Templar is suggesting that TM did not, however, have the right to confront GZ if he felt threatened?

Templar, think your logic through, huh.

TM can confront anyone he wants to..or use to be able to anyway.
He learned the hard way you dont confront someone with your fist.
The other guy just might have an ace up his sleeve.

That's a fact. But if the guy with the gun provoked the confrontation, then killed someone, he is going to jail for a long time.

The only kind of "provocation" that would justify Treyvon bashing his skull in would be if Zimmerman actually started pounding him. Following him or looking at him the wrong way doesn't qualify. That's the mentality of ghetto thugs.
Amount.... maybe. She gets bored by facts, but she can listen to Liberal platitudes all day.

So it is boiling down to Repubs vs Dems once again. Don't you ever get tired of it? Try and focus on the case, Ernie not your partisan hackery.

I'm focused on facts that have been made public. Martin's age and complexion do not affect my opinion, yet it is me who is engaged in partisan hackery???????
Come now, Sarah. You're better than that.

The reason for my comment is in bold. I am not bored by facts, I'm bored by the defense version of the facts.
Okay, people. Either prove all of the claims you are making on this thread or put a sock in it. As far as I'm concerned, if you do not substantiate your claims than you are just fabricating them.

The only thing I'm repeating is whats been said in the proceedings.
If you're not watching I dont see how you can comment.

typically when merely repeating someone the convention is to cite them.

For example, GJ's lawyer just said they will prove ""

If the thing you are stating is a generally known fact you don't need to cite.

If you are repeating something that someone else says that is new news with no evidence you will get a ton of questions for proof.
Okay, people. Either prove all of the claims you are making on this thread or put a sock in it. As far as I'm concerned, if you do not substantiate your claims than you are just fabricating them.

The only thing I'm repeating is whats been said in the proceedings.
If you're not watching I dont see how you can comment.

typically when merely repeating someone the convention is to cite them.

For example, GJ's lawyer just said they will prove ""

If the thing you are stating is a generally known fact you don't need to cite.

If you are repeating something that someone else says that is new news with no evidence you will get a ton of questions for proof.

Have you been watching? The prosecution looked very weak. Not sure why you would bring in the guy from the 7-eleven or his step brother. They brought nothing to the table.
The only thing the defense pushed was GZs state of mind. Pretty weak. Especially when you listen to GZ on 911. He doesnt sound pissed.
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Establishing a timeline. Point is Tray was playing games, left his friend to go get him some skittles and a drink. GJ by contrast says Tray was up to no good. Goes to profiling. Was Tray getting a snack or casing the joint for a crime.
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Do you think you're slick?? You are saying that he will be found guilty because the jury will be afraid to acquit him. Nice try.

Not nice try... See my rant tizzy fit above so I don't have to repeat myself.

My comment was a response to a post by dilloduck, above. I don't see any "rant" from you.

Hole E. Crap that was a while ago. I have a lot of rants I can't remember them all ;)
Fakey, you are never right. You are just a liar.

By the way, when ARE you going to admit that you have always been a venal, petty, lowlife, motherfucking, cocksucking, liberal Democratic?

You must realize by now that nobody with a brain buys your bullshit about how you are a "Republican."


Fakey remains a void. Fakey, you truly are worthless. Fact.

Considering the source, Jake, that might even be a backhanded compliment! :D

Fakey knows already that he is dishonest about who and what he is.

He doesn't need your assistance.


Are you one of the utter imbeciles who actually credit that obvious far left liberal's fake posturing?


All of those who are to the extreme far right of Atilla the Hun see everyone to the left of Ghengis Khan as an "obvious far left liberal".
After watching the entire questioning phase, the 911 dispatcher's testimony stood out the most. The defense asked Knoffke (sp?) if Zimmerman was acting as if he had any malice, ill will or spite towards Martin, to which he replied that he didn't, and he further testified that Zimmerman did not seem to be profiling him. The comments "these assholes" or "these punks" did not suggest anything according to the questions by the defense. The prosecution was called for speculation and the Judge sustained, at least three separate instances.

Mrs. Rumph took the stand, and was asked some technical questions, during the questioning, the Prosecutor played a call from August 2011 placed by Zimmerman in regards to a burglary that day. He described the assailant as black. They tried to establish prior intentions based on that August 2011 call in regards to the call on February 26, 2012, to which the Defense called the Prosecution on relevance. The Prosecutor contends that he is trying to establish prior bad acts. The prosecution is trying to call the character of Zimmerman into question, as well as contend that he profiled Martin, and by my count, failed. The only time you call the defendant's character and beliefs into question is if your original argument is debunked or countered effectively.

The prosecution just had one of it's main contentions blown out of the water on day one.
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Upon reflection, I have concluded that it would be a "bad" thing to have one's head pounded repeatedly onto the pavement.

It would also be a "bad" thing to be shot.

And upon still deeper reflection, one can ALMOST make out a hint of a glimmer of a correlation between the two events.
Considering the source, Jake, that might even be a backhanded compliment! :D

Fakey knows already that he is dishonest about who and what he is.

He doesn't need your assistance.


Are you one of the utter imbeciles who actually credit that obvious far left liberal's fake posturing?


All of those who are to the extreme far right of Atilla the Hun see everyone to the left of Ghengis Khan as an "obvious far left liberal".

No. But honest folks with working brains recognize that Fakey is quite fully dishonest about his political views.
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