Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Prosecutor's objections sustained 4-times in a row. GZ lawyer making mistakes, trying to go around the rules.

Oldest legal trick in the book.

When you don't have the facts on your side argue procedural issues instead.

Only problem is that it is a poor substitute for an actual defense case.

Mmmmmm. Actually, he had the goods re witnesses, sketches, photos immediately after the incident, gun forensics supporting that TM was on top as well as witness corroboration on that. The objections were regarding him trying to get evidence into opening. And then he wanted the jury instructed on the state's burden and self defense instruction.

He was doing his job.
He did not attack Zimmerman. The Prosecutor said there was no blood on Trevon's hands, none of Zimmerman's blood was on Trevon, Trevon's blood was on Zimmerman though.

He killed that kid in cold blood.

It is simple enough to punch someone in the face, bust his nose and not come away with any of his blood on your hands. Similarly, it is easy to crack a guy's head repeatedly onto the pavement, opening up bleeding wounds on the back of the guy's head and NOT get any blood on your hands or anywhere on your person.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman shot the kid in cold blood. There is significant evidence that it was quite the opposite.

It's also possible that the blood on Zimmerman came from him trying to run after he shot the kid. He may have fallen, the blood was minimal for a broken nose and the scratches on his head were 2 centimeters long. The worst wound was that long.

It wasn't quite the opposite. The prosecution made some very compelling arguments. The defense screwed theirs up. West acted like he was drunk or senile and he droned on and on forever.

Let's see how the rest of the case goes.

Wrong. The busted nose was a busted nose. YOU might want to quantify it as a minor busted nose, but that's plainly absurd.

They fucking hurt. A lot.

The amount of bleeding on the back of the head is not the telling part, either. The fact that the wounds (that's plural by the way) existed at all is what's important. It kind of tells a story. The story it tells amounts to corroboration of Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon was pounding his head onto the pavement.

What I said was QUITE THE OPPOSITE was simply a denial of your utterly unsupported sophistry that Zimmerman shot the kid in cold blood. It appears much more reasonable to believe that he shot in reaction to what was being inflicted ON him.

And that has NOTHING to do with a cold blooded shooting.

The prosecution's case is quickly eroding.
Rank amateurs count the number of sustained objections as a measure of how the trial is progressing.

Laughable, but revealing.

Derideo and fall for such nonsense time after time.

Who would ever have guessed that there were "PROFESSIONAL" trial commentators like Ilya posting on the USMB?

Did you get your law degree from Liberty?

Mocking your laughable commentary doesn't make me a trial commentator.

It's more like a commentator on the idiot commentators.

Anyway, I'd stack my law degree up against yours any day, and my experience even more so, chuckles.

But thanks for playing.

Now hurry back with another brilliant insight. :lmao:

Did you get those big muscles from pumping your ego?
After watching the entire questioning phase, the 911 dispatcher's testimony stood out the most. The defense asked Knoffke (sp?) if Zimmerman was acting as if he had any malice, ill will or spite towards Martin, to which he replied that he didn't, and he further testified that Zimmerman did not seem to be profiling him. The comments "these assholes" or "these punks" did not suggest anything according to the questions by the defense. The prosecution was called for speculation and the Judge sustained, at least three separate instances.

Mrs. Rumph took the stand, and was asked some technical questions, during the questioning, the Prosecutor played a call from August 2011 placed by Zimmerman in regards to a burglary that day. He described the assailant as black. They tried to establish prior intentions based on that August 2011 call in regards to the call on February 26, 2012, to which the Defense called the Prosecution on relevance. The Prosecutor contends that he is trying to establish prior bad acts. The prosecution is trying to call the character of Zimmerman into question, as well as contend that he profiled Martin, and by my count, failed. The only time you call the defendant's character and beliefs into question is if your original argument is debunked or countered effectively.

The prosecution just had one of it main contentions blown out of the water on day one.
The dispatcher is a young white guy talking to another young white guy about "this" punk. I'm also white and I hear anger, I hear profiling of this punk. So what if some of the people in their area like this dispatcher are good with killing "these" punks, does that doesn't make vigilantism ok, or does it? Hell look at GJ and the dispatcher they are getting mad just listening to the tape again. If it was a white girl in a sun dress they would not be talking about her this way.

What does that say?
Who would ever have guessed that there were "PROFESSIONAL" trial commentators like Ilya posting on the USMB?

Did you get your law degree from Liberty?

Mocking your laughable commentary doesn't make me a trial commentator.

It's more like a commentator on the idiot commentators.

Anyway, I'd stack my law degree up against yours any day, and my experience even more so, chuckles.

But thanks for playing.

Now hurry back with another brilliant insight. :lmao:

Did you get those big muscles from pumping your ego?

They just seem massive compared to your sadly tiny intellect.

Prosecutor's objections sustained 4-times in a row. GZ lawyer making mistakes, trying to go around the rules.

Oldest legal trick in the book.

When you don't have the facts on your side argue procedural issues instead.

Only problem is that it is a poor substitute for an actual defense case.

Rank amateurs count the number of sustained objections as a measure of how the trial is progressing.

Laughable, but revealing.

Derideo and fall for such nonsense time after time.

I see a certain advantage to having objections made and sustained. At least the information is out there. The judge can tell the jury to disregard all he wants, but you can't unring a bell.
Oldest legal trick in the book.

When you don't have the facts on your side argue procedural issues instead.

Only problem is that it is a poor substitute for an actual defense case.

Rank amateurs count the number of sustained objections as a measure of how the trial is progressing.

Laughable, but revealing.

Derideo and fall for such nonsense time after time.

I see a certain advantage to having objections made and sustained. At least the information is out there. The judge can tell the jury to disregard all he wants, but you can't unring a bell.

Exactly what we were taught in law school, you can't unring the bell. However, if the information is prejudicial and/ or egregious enough the judge CAN declare a mistrial and start over from scratch. Somehow I doubt that will occur in the case currently at bar.
Oldest legal trick in the book.

When you don't have the facts on your side argue procedural issues instead.

Only problem is that it is a poor substitute for an actual defense case.

Rank amateurs count the number of sustained objections as a measure of how the trial is progressing.

Laughable, but revealing.

Derideo and fall for such nonsense time after time.

I see a certain advantage to having objections made and sustained. At least the information is out there. The judge can tell the jury to disregard all he wants, but you can't unring a bell.

The objections have only just begun.

Regarding these objections every one is so up in arms about - he was trying to get evidence into opening and he wanted the jury clear on state burden and self defense.

So what. That's his job.

An objection isn't some time out thing. There's going to be 'jections! like crazy. This scenario with the ones this morning weren't anything other than him doing his job and on points he wanted to push that were important.

I can't believe out of all the opening statements and the testimony today the thing latched onto are objections on opening.



Sorry! I was agreeing with you here and expanded on your post. lol
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The reason for my comment is in bold. I am not bored by facts, I'm bored by the defense version of the facts.

You have some evidence that contradicts Defense's opening argument?

Trevon Martin does not get to attack a guy that is following him because he is black. For too many, being black is an excuse for antisocial behavior. It's a piss poor excuse!

He did not attack Zimmerman. The Prosecutor said there was no blood on Trevon's hands, none of Zimmerman's blood was on Trevon, Trevon's blood was on Zimmerman though.

He killed that kid in cold blood.

The prosecutor was not there. He can say about what he wants in his opening statement. It is up to him to prove it with evidence during the trial.
If, there really was none of Zimmerman's blood on Martin, it doesn't mean that Martin didn't punch Zimmerman in the nose or drive his head into the pavement repeatedly. It only means that Zimmerman's nose didn't splatter blood on Zimmerman and that since Zimmerman's scalp lacerations were on the back of his head, Martin's hands didn't contact the blood. After all, if you were bashing someone's head into the sidewalk, even you would try to keep your fingers from between the concrete and your victim's head.
It is simple enough to punch someone in the face, bust his nose and not come away with any of his blood on your hands. Similarly, it is easy to crack a guy's head repeatedly onto the pavement, opening up bleeding wounds on the back of the guy's head and NOT get any blood on your hands or anywhere on your person.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman shot the kid in cold blood. There is significant evidence that it was quite the opposite.

It's also possible that the blood on Zimmerman came from him trying to run after he shot the kid. He may have fallen, the blood was minimal for a broken nose and the scratches on his head were 2 centimeters long. The worst wound was that long.

It wasn't quite the opposite. The prosecution made some very compelling arguments. The defense screwed theirs up. West acted like he was drunk or senile and he droned on and on forever.

Let's see how the rest of the case goes.

Wrong. The busted nose was a busted nose. YOU might want to quantify it as a minor busted nose, but that's plainly absurd.

They fucking hurt. A lot.

The amount of bleeding on the back of the head is not the telling part, either. The fact that the wounds (that's plural by the way) existed at all is what's important. It kind of tells a story. The story it tells amounts to corroboration of Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon was pounding his head onto the pavement.

What I said was QUITE THE OPPOSITE was simply a denial of your utterly unsupported sophistry that Zimmerman shot the kid in cold blood. It appears much more reasonable to believe that he shot in reaction to what was being inflicted ON him.

And that has NOTHING to do with a cold blooded shooting.

The prosecution's case is quickly eroding.

Already? I know I was listening intently as likely were the women on that jury. John Guy is an effective communicator.
Mocking your laughable commentary doesn't make me a trial commentator.

It's more like a commentator on the idiot commentators.

Anyway, I'd stack my law degree up against yours any day, and my experience even more so, chuckles.

But thanks for playing.

Now hurry back with another brilliant insight. :lmao:

Did you get those big muscles from pumping your ego?

They just seem massive compared to your sadly tiny intellect.


Rank amateurs count the number of sustained objections as a measure of how the trial is progressing.

Laughable, but revealing.

Derideo and fall for such nonsense time after time.

I see a certain advantage to having objections made and sustained. At least the information is out there. The judge can tell the jury to disregard all he wants, but you can't unring a bell.

Exactly what we were taught in law school, you can't unring the bell. However, if the information is prejudicial and/ or egregious enough the judge CAN declare a mistrial and start over from scratch. Somehow I doubt that will occur in the case currently at bar.

Which law school was that?
It's also possible that the blood on Zimmerman came from him trying to run after he shot the kid. He may have fallen, the blood was minimal for a broken nose and the scratches on his head were 2 centimeters long. The worst wound was that long.

It wasn't quite the opposite. The prosecution made some very compelling arguments. The defense screwed theirs up. West acted like he was drunk or senile and he droned on and on forever.

Let's see how the rest of the case goes.

Wrong. The busted nose was a busted nose. YOU might want to quantify it as a minor busted nose, but that's plainly absurd.

They fucking hurt. A lot.

The amount of bleeding on the back of the head is not the telling part, either. The fact that the wounds (that's plural by the way) existed at all is what's important. It kind of tells a story. The story it tells amounts to corroboration of Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon was pounding his head onto the pavement.

What I said was QUITE THE OPPOSITE was simply a denial of your utterly unsupported sophistry that Zimmerman shot the kid in cold blood. It appears much more reasonable to believe that he shot in reaction to what was being inflicted ON him.

And that has NOTHING to do with a cold blooded shooting.

The prosecution's case is quickly eroding.

Already? I know I was listening intently as likely were the women on that jury. John Guy is an effective communicator.

You're back to the opening adjective story again. One opening emotional performance does not a trial make.

The witnesses they called did not provide any evidence, the first 2, I missed the point on other than the state was filling up time. The dispatcher got to say that Z didn't sound angry, thanks M O'M - good job.
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He did not attack Zimmerman. The Prosecutor said there was no blood on Trevon's hands, none of Zimmerman's blood was on Trevon, Trevon's blood was on Zimmerman though.

He killed that kid in cold blood.

It is simple enough to punch someone in the face, bust his nose and not come away with any of his blood on your hands. Similarly, it is easy to crack a guy's head repeatedly onto the pavement, opening up bleeding wounds on the back of the guy's head and NOT get any blood on your hands or anywhere on your person.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman shot the kid in cold blood. There is significant evidence that it was quite the opposite.

It's also possible that the blood on Zimmerman came from him trying to run after he shot the kid. He may have fallen, the blood was minimal for a broken nose and the scratches on his head were 2 centimeters long. The worst wound was that long.

It wasn't quite the opposite. The prosecution made some very compelling arguments. The defense screwed theirs up. West acted like he was drunk or senile and he droned on and on forever.

Let's see how the rest of the case goes.

You got bored from hearing information that didn't fit your preconceived notion. We get that.
It's also possible that the blood on Zimmerman came from him trying to run after he shot the kid. He may have fallen, the blood was minimal for a broken nose and the scratches on his head were 2 centimeters long. The worst wound was that long.

It wasn't quite the opposite. The prosecution made some very compelling arguments. The defense screwed theirs up. West acted like he was drunk or senile and he droned on and on forever.

Let's see how the rest of the case goes.

Wrong. The busted nose was a busted nose. YOU might want to quantify it as a minor busted nose, but that's plainly absurd.

They fucking hurt. A lot.

The amount of bleeding on the back of the head is not the telling part, either. The fact that the wounds (that's plural by the way) existed at all is what's important. It kind of tells a story. The story it tells amounts to corroboration of Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon was pounding his head onto the pavement.

What I said was QUITE THE OPPOSITE was simply a denial of your utterly unsupported sophistry that Zimmerman shot the kid in cold blood. It appears much more reasonable to believe that he shot in reaction to what was being inflicted ON him.

And that has NOTHING to do with a cold blooded shooting.

The prosecution's case is quickly eroding.

Already? I know I was listening intently as likely were the women on that jury. John Guy is an effective communicator.

Yes. Already.

That's what happens when you proceed on the basis of faulty thinking.

It tends to fall apart quite fast.
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After watching the entire questioning phase, the 911 dispatcher's testimony stood out the most. The defense asked Knoffke (sp?) if Zimmerman was acting as if he had any malice, ill will or spite towards Martin, to which he replied that he didn't, and he further testified that Zimmerman did not seem to be profiling him. The comments "these assholes" or "these punks" did not suggest anything according to the questions by the defense. The prosecution was called for speculation and the Judge sustained, at least three separate instances.

Mrs. Rumph took the stand, and was asked some technical questions, during the questioning, the Prosecutor played a call from August 2011 placed by Zimmerman in regards to a burglary that day. He described the assailant as black. They tried to establish prior intentions based on that August 2011 call in regards to the call on February 26, 2012, to which the Defense called the Prosecution on relevance. The Prosecutor contends that he is trying to establish prior bad acts. The prosecution is trying to call the character of Zimmerman into question, as well as contend that he profiled Martin, and by my count, failed. The only time you call the defendant's character and beliefs into question is if your original argument is debunked or countered effectively.

The prosecution just had one of it main contentions blown out of the water on day one.
The dispatcher is a young white guy talking to another young white guy about "this" punk. I'm also white and I hear anger, I hear profiling of this punk. So what if some of the people in their area like this dispatcher are good with killing "these" punks, does that doesn't make vigilantism ok, or does it? Hell look at GJ and the dispatcher they are getting mad just listening to the tape again. If it was a white girl in a sun dress they would not be talking about her this way.

What does that say?

The respondent has no other recourse but to attack the character of the witness as a means to prove his point. He has no argument.
After watching the entire questioning phase, the 911 dispatcher's testimony stood out the most. The defense asked Knoffke (sp?) if Zimmerman was acting as if he had any malice, ill will or spite towards Martin, to which he replied that he didn't, and he further testified that Zimmerman did not seem to be profiling him. The comments "these assholes" or "these punks" did not suggest anything according to the questions by the defense. The prosecution was called for speculation and the Judge sustained, at least three separate instances.

Mrs. Rumph took the stand, and was asked some technical questions, during the questioning, the Prosecutor played a call from August 2011 placed by Zimmerman in regards to a burglary that day. He described the assailant as black. They tried to establish prior intentions based on that August 2011 call in regards to the call on February 26, 2012, to which the Defense called the Prosecution on relevance. The Prosecutor contends that he is trying to establish prior bad acts. The prosecution is trying to call the character of Zimmerman into question, as well as contend that he profiled Martin, and by my count, failed. The only time you call the defendant's character and beliefs into question is if your original argument is debunked or countered effectively.

The prosecution just had one of it main contentions blown out of the water on day one.
The dispatcher is a young white guy talking to another young white guy about "this" punk. I'm also white and I hear anger, I hear profiling of this punk. So what if some of the people in their area like this dispatcher are good with killing "these" punks, does that doesn't make vigilantism ok, or does it? Hell look at GJ and the dispatcher they are getting mad just listening to the tape again. If it was a white girl in a sun dress they would not be talking about her this way.

What does that say?
To me? It says we should not profile people based on wardrobe, height, gender, or the color of skin. It says if you are not a punk you might want to avoid hoodies in that area in Florida. It suggests that racism is alive and well and that maybe race and gender played a factor in profiling this teenager.
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